Technological Supremacy Chapter 54: The smoke fills the air!

The two press conferences of the Big Six were finally over. Luo Jia lit a cigarette, stood up, and stretched his joints.

In the town outside the factory, firecrackers were faintly roaring. Perhaps the people there were also rejoicing at the progress made in domestic mobile phones tonight.

Luo Jia turned his head and looked at those robots. The Internet addicted teenagers are not only playing games, but also learning to watch serials.

There are two TVs in the basement, one is used by Luo Jia to watch the live broadcast, and the other is used by them to watch A Song of Ice and Fire.

The robots moved a row of small benches and squatted on them, a magical light red light appeared in the electronic eyes.

When the giant dragon was born, they exclaimed in unison, and then began to applaud enthusiastically. This scene reminded Luo Jia of the time when the whole school watched movies together in elementary school.

“Okay, okay.” Luo Jia made a voice, “We still have important tasks tonight. Turn off the TV and come back to watch, and clean up the hygiene. I’ll go out and drive.”

Robot: (°ο°)~@

Luo Jia walked out of the factory and prepared to drive the Isuzu truck into the workshop.

Thinking that the truck would be used frequently in the future, Luo Jia simply asked his father to buy it and sent it to the refitting factory for some maintenance and improvement.

There may have been some problems with the steering motor before, and it was very laborious to turn the steering wheel. Now it has been replaced with a brand new imported one, and it is much more comfortable to drive.

Tonight’s task is to go to Gusu, where there is an electrical factory that Luo Jia just bought. It is necessary to install advanced precision mechanical arms in the new factory to increase production accuracy and efficiency.

Comrade Luo Ning came out of the small villa. He also watched the live broadcast and was very excited at the moment.

But at the same time, he had some doubts about his domestic mobile phone. In the completely black state, the screen of the mobile phone seemed to be a little green.

Luo Jia took his father’s mobile phone, fiddled with it for a while, then shrugged, “I can’t help it, this time the Huawei MATE series uses two kinds of screens, one is from BOE, and the other is from LG, dad , You have won the lottery.”

Comrade Luo Ning frowned, “Because of the domestic screen?”

Luo Jia shook his head, “On the contrary, this time BOE has made the screen very well, there is no problem at all, and the performance is almost equal to that of Samsung. On the contrary, LG, which has always claimed to be a big manufacturer, exposed its underwear. Yes, their screens are not technically perfect, and some batches will be greenish on a black screen.”

Comrade Luo Ning was very angry, “What are you doing? Since domestic screens are better, why not use all domestic screens and give money to those Koreans?”

Luo Jia said helplessly, “The problem is not as simple as you think. Although BOE’s screens are good, but the output is not enough. To make this kind of screens, TOKKI’s top-level evaporation machine is used, but that kind of machine is not available in China. If you want to buy one, no one will sell it, and it will be covered by Samsung.”

“Do you think Huawei is stupid, and use LG instead of better ones? Last time the Xiaomi NOTE series used LG screens, but the quality was so poor that it was almost not killed.”

“There is no way to do this. Don’t think that the screen is just a screen. In fact, the entire high-tech industry chain is behind it. How many engineers are struggling to solve technical problems? Our country started late, and technology suffers. There is too much work to do until the blockade.”

Comrade Luo Ning muttered, “What a good phone, it’s just this screen, and it was cheated by the Koreans again.”

Raising his head, Comrade Luo Ning said proudly to Luo Jia, “Son, even though you don’t go to school now, you really know a lot.”

Luo Jia smiled, opened the truck door, and climbed up.

“Go to school? Only now do I realize how relaxed and happy it is to go to school. Now I am much more miserable than when I was in school.” Luo Jia complained to his father.

What he said is also true. Since starting his business, Luo Jia has only slept for three hours a day. The technology of extraterrestrial civilizations needs to be absorbed and integrated, the company needs to be managed, and the global industrial structure and technical characteristics need to be understood. There is no way to compare.

Luo Jia felt that if he was given a woman, stripped naked, and lay on the bed, he might not have time to do something with her, and he was as busy as a rabbit all day long.

The big truck roared, Luo Jia drove the car into the workshop, summoned the robot to get on the car, thinking about what his father said.

The screen is indeed a big problem. Samsung’s mobile phone screen has been directly pulled to the 4,000 level this time, and the challenge it poses to domestic screen manufacturers is even more severe.

The robots lined up and got on the truck. Luo Jia said to them, “Remember, if you encounter the police checking the car, don’t wait for me to call you, and dismantle yourself first, and disassemble it into a pile of parts. Wait until you come back and assemble it.”

Robot: (⊙o⊙)

This is Luo Jia’s idea to deal with the inspection recently. The robot is highly intelligent and can repair and disassemble itself.

If someone checks, let them dismantle themselves, and then tell the police that what they pulled was a truckload of parts.

Luo Jia glanced inside the carriage. The robots each held a quick-release wrench, ready to dismantle themselves at any time. They looked nervous and cute.

The truck turned on its headlights, roared, and was driving towards Gusu City, driven by Luo Jia, an undocumented officer.

Although the energy wave wireless charging device has been launched, so far, the factory has not been put into production, and consumers will not be able to see mobile phones with wireless charging devices until August at the earliest. all year long.

Although the issue of futures may not sound so authentic, this is the essence of war, cruel, and every second counts.

Samsung and Apple’s 4,000 screens and folding mobile phones are also just engineering samples from the laboratory, and they can’t wait to release them.

By next month, domestic mobile phones with under-display cameras, second-generation mobile assistants, and wireless charging devices.

In the global market, it will officially compete with Samsung and Apple mobile phones with IOS hybrid operating system, 4,000 screens, and a new foldable form.

Who will win the deer still needs to pass the cruel test of the market.

Also in this scorching July, Star Technology expanded rapidly.

In just one month, the search engine department, electrical department, semiconductor design department, patent management department, star research institute, and five major business clusters were added.

The number of people in the company’s headquarters exceeded 500 for the first time, and the proportion of senior talents with a master’s degree or above reached an insane 63%.

At the same time, the company’s Wuxi Factory of Xingchen Optics and Gusu Factory of Xingchen Electric operate 24 hours a day, providing cameras and wireless charging modules for domestic mobile phone manufacturers.

On July 20th, located in Zhangjiang, Shanghai, the domestic semiconductor foundry giant SMIC reached a strategic cooperation with Xingchen Technology.

They specially opened a 22NM production line for Xingchen to fully produce the ISP image processing chips, wireless power management chips, and energy wave receiving chips required by Xingchen Technology.

Also in July, Xingchen Technology won the Baoshan District of Shanghai, the former Baosteel Heavy Forging Factory No. 2, and the land used by Baosteel E-commerce Company. Undergo a massive remodel.

Three months later, this place will become the headquarters of Xingchen Technology, as well as the location of Xingchen Research Institute and Xingchen Experimental Center.

Still in this July, Samsung betrayed Android and teamed up with Apple, and Xingchen Technology secretly promoted the search engine plan. These two big moves completely angered another giant in the IT industry, Google.

For Google, the Android system and the search engine are their unshakable foundations, the reverse scales that no one can touch.

All of a sudden, there were rumors about Google’s imminent charge for the Android system, and the world’s major mobile phone manufacturers panicked.

According to sources, Google’s negotiating team appeared in Taipei, Seoul, and Helsinki, the capital of Finland.

South Korea’s LG, HTC in Wanwan Province, and Finland’s HMD Group, which holds the license for Nokia mobile phones, are all rumored to be acquired by Google.

The co-founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, mentioned their disappointment with the cooperation between Samsung and Apple in public speeches more than once, and that the four Chinese giants assisted Star Technology to promote Sky Strong dissatisfaction with the eye intelligent search engine.

The two founders claimed that the mobile operating system with the most users in the world was invented and created by Google, and that Google is the only and eternal owner of Android.

Such a strong statement made the global technology media deeply doubt that Google, one of the most powerful technology groups in the world, is likely to make a big move!

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