Technological Supremacy Chapter 46: The last battle

Any high-tech company has a strict confidentiality system. It would be too childish to casually disclose the projects under development.

Although Huawei is currently Luo Jia’s largest customer, it is best not to set this precedent.

But Luo Jia changed his mind and thought again. Gong Xiangdong came to visit urgently and tried his best to help him find a new office address. All of them revealed Huawei’s current anxiety. It’s better to listen to what they have to say first.

So, Luo Jia smiled, “Dean Gong, how is your 2012 laboratory doing?”


Gong Xiangdong sighed deeply, “How could it be possible? This mobile phone war has far exceeded everyone’s expectations.”

“Let me tell you this, Apple had a cash reserve of as much as 300 billion U.S. dollars three months ago, but now, there are only 270 billion U.S. dollars left.”

Luo Jia was taken aback suddenly, “The news is reliable?”

Gong Xiangdong nodded, “We have accurate sources inside Apple.”

Luo Jia didn’t say anything. It’s a tacit practice for giant companies to mix sand with each other and send commercial spies.

However, this news still surprised Luo Jia. In the past three months, Apple has consumed as much as 30 billion US dollars in cash flow. It is impossible to spend all of this money on marketing.

There is only one truth, they are secretly preparing a nuclear bomb, and they are going all out to speed up the development at all costs.

Next, Gong Xiangdong’s words also confirmed Luo Jia’s guess.

“According to our information, Apple and Samsung are preparing for a big project. In the past month, the number of chartered flights from Seoul to Los Angeles has increased thirty-fold. The other party’s company.”

“Not only us, but all domestic counterparts are very anxious now. Although thanks to your star technology, we have temporarily taken the lead in terms of market share, but what cannot be ignored is that Samsung and Apple are the world’s most valuable Giant companies, the resources and connections they have are not comparable to ours.”

“This is an unequal war. Behind Samsung is the whole of South Korea, and Apple is related to the glory of Silicon Valley’s high-tech king. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, these giants are all in the clear. Helping Apple secretly.”

Sha Zhan interjected, “You should know about the recent news that Minnan Jinhua was banned by the United States, right?”

Luo Jia nodded, feeling a little heavy.

Minnan Jinhua, Tsinghua Ziguang, Yangtze River Storage, Anhui Gaoguanxin, these are the four important chess pieces that my country has laid in the field of memory.

Memory refers to memory chips and flash memory chips. This thing has a high technical content, how high is it?

So far, the four major storage manufacturers in my country have invested hundreds of billions of dollars and hired thousands of engineers and R&D personnel from South Korea, Bay Bay, Neon, and the United States, but so far, they have not yet received Produce any kind of convincing product.

Occasionally seeing DDR3 memory with a purple cursor on the market, as well as a small number of flash memory chips, is the result of years of hard work by the four major manufacturers in the storage industry in my country.

It’s really sad to say that, countless money has been burned, but it’s like a bottomless pit, and I still don’t know when I will be able to feel proud.

A layman will never know what life is like for the engineers who engage in storage.

There is no technical information. Semiconductor raw materials are monopolized by Neon, semiconductor design tools are monopolized by the United States, and semiconductor manufacturing equipment is monopolized by Neon, Europe, and the United States. It is completely self-made.

The good news finally came recently that the four major storage manufacturers in my country may launch mass-produced products within the next two years.

However, at this time, Jinhua in southern Fujian was banned. I don’t know what kind of mood Jinhua’s engineers are in now.

Luo Jia scratched his head, “The road to break the blockade and hegemony is like climbing a mountain. It is relatively easy to climb from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, but the most difficult thing is to climb to the top. Once you climb to the mountainside, what is the wind and snow? All these moths came out.”

“The United States banned Jinhua, but it shows that Jinhua has done a good job and made the opponent feel scared.”

Gong Xiangdong agreed with Luo Jia’s judgment, “I heard from people in the industry that the four major storage factories are staying up late and working overtime every day. Jian Jinhua was completely banned, and I really feel sorry for them.”

After a pause, Gong Xiangdong continued, “According to the gossip from Samsung, they may hold a joint press conference with Apple in July.”

“What time?”

“July 16.”


After listening to Gong Xiangdong’s words, Luo Jia jumped up from the chair!

I set the start time of the May storm on May 16th, and then on June 16th, I launched the epoch-making super camera.

Now, Samsung and Apple are going to hold a press conference on July 16?

The fool also understands that this is a provocation, and they want revenge!

“Do you know what product they are going to launch?” Luo Jia asked.

“This time they have done a good job of keeping secrets. We don’t know their actions yet, but according to speculation, they should be related to the screen and storage, these two core components, but it is not ruled out that they will be in other fields. Fight us again.” Gong Xiangdong said.

Luo Jia frowned and paced back and forth in the office.

After all, it is Samsung and Apple. Apple has almost the strongest design capabilities in the world, and Samsung has successfully surpassed Intel to become the world’s number one high-tech manufacturing giant. One of them is good at software, and the other is good at hardware. , are super giants, and can naturally complement each other.

The situation that was finally opened, is it going to be pulled back by the opponent again?

Luo Jia will never be At this time, no matter what, he must help the Big Four to withstand the joint attack of Samsung and Apple.

At this time, another sentence from Gong Xiangdong made Luo Jia finally make up his mind.

“Yesterday, Opal Company quietly announced that all employees will cut their salaries by 20%.”

Luo Jia stopped in her tracks and asked puzzledly, “Salary cut? The war has just reached the middle game, and the salary cut at this time hurts morale.”

Gong Xiangdong shrugged, “There is no other way if we don’t surrender. This mobile phone war is really costly. Every morning when we wake up, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent. , the gray hair is half more, because I can’t sleep at night because of worry.”

“Samsung and Apple both have hundreds of billions of dollars in reserves, backed by the support of the nine major banks in South Korea and Wall Street, and we are fighting them with the old background that we have saved over the years. .”

“If Samsung loses, there are still huge Samsung Electronics, Samsung Real Estate, Samsung Insurance, Samsung Motors, Samsung Heavy Industries, Samsung Chemicals, Samsung Hotels, and Samsung Aibao Amusement Park.”

“Samsung Tyco is even engaged in military industry, even making **** armed helicopters and self-propelled artillery.”

Gong Xiangdong paused, “And if we lose, we will really lose our underpants. Salary cuts are nothing. Once we lose this mobile phone war, millions of employees will lose their jobs, and the impact will be irrelevant. Countless ordinary families.”

Luo Jia nodded. This is indeed a war that cannot be lost, a last stand to break the hegemony of foreign mobile phone manufacturers.

“Come with me.” Luo Jia said suddenly, and a subtle light flashed across his eyes.

“Where are you going?”

“Lab, let me show you a little thing I’m working on.” Luo Jia said.

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