Technological Supremacy Chapter 36: Mobile wars escalate!

South Korea, Seoul.

Samsung Group Headquarters.

Gao Dongzhen tremblingly came to Prince Li Zayong’s office.

As the veteran of the group, Gao Dongzhen has had a hard time recently. The four giants of Huaxia were all killed from the sea of ​​corpses and blood, with cruel and cunning methods.

The recent running speed ranking list has made Samsung very passive. It is already the Internet age, and Internet public opinion has a tendency to surpass traditional media. Punch hard.

The former number one in the global market share fell to the fourth place in the sales list in a very short period of time, causing Samsung’s stock price to plummet by 13% in just one week. It’s bad enough, the nose is bruised and the face is swollen.

Li Jae-yong wore gold-rimmed glasses, with a gentle appearance, but his face was expressionless, looking at the peaceful night sky in the distance.

“Do you know how the Americans killed ZTE?” Lee Jae-yong asked.

Gao Dongzhen frowned, “Export ban?”

Li Zaiyong nodded, “Yes, Huaxia’s company understands marketing, and its employees can work hard. It has a tenacious wolf-like spirit, which is indeed difficult to defeat.”

“But their weakness lies in the incomplete supply chain. Many important parts and components cannot be manufactured by Huaxia, so they have to purchase them from overseas.”

“Once the procurement chain is cut off, they will be paralyzed, which is their greatest weakness.”

Gao Dongzhen was shocked at first, and then felt his blood surge.

“The president is wise! Are we finally going to start with the supply chain and strangle them completely?”

“Currently, we are the biggest players in mobile phone components, display and memory. No company in the world can compete with us in these two fields, as long as we cut off the supply of display and memory , within a week, the four giants of China’s mobile phones will kneel down and beg us to supply them!”

“At that time, we can handle them however we want!” Gao Dongzhen said angrily.

As the president of Samsung’s mobile phone and communication division, he was really anxious. Now he not only wants to take revenge, but also wants to let all his opponents die to enjoy himself.

It’s fine to be beaten and disabled in China, after all, it’s the opponent’s home field.

Now, even Samsung’s global sales have dropped to fourth, which is simply killing Samsung.

“Stupid.” Lee Jae-yong said coldly, “Display screens and storage devices are widely involved. Once we cut off supply, not only Chinese mobile phone manufacturers will be furious, but even computer-related companies will become hostile to us.”

“After all, Huaxia’s computer-related output is the highest in the world. There is no one. We don’t want to offend our colleagues in the computer field unless we have to.”

“The component I’m talking about has no impact on the computer industry, but it has a huge impact on the mobile phone field. Every mobile phone needs to be used, and there is only one strongest manufacturer in the world. As long as we cut off the power of this factory Supplying them is enough to kill them.”

Gao Dong is really confused. There is only one major supplier in the world for the most important parts of mobile phones?

What is it?

Communication baseband?

No, among the four major players in the global communication baseband, Huawei and Qualcomm are the strongest, followed by Samsung and Intel.

At this time, Li Zayong suddenly stood up from his chair and clapped his hands.

Afterwards, the door of the office was pushed open, and more than a hundred people in suits and leather shoes walked in. They were not only neatly dressed, but each of them dragged their suitcases, as if they were about to go on a long trip, with serious eyes .

Lee Jae-yong said angrily, “These are lawyers from Plaza, Pacific, Sejong, Jiping Zongcheng, Yulchon, Continental Asia, Zhongzheng Law Firm, as well as negotiating experts hired at high prices.”

Looking at these valiant lawyers in amazement, Gao Dong felt a turmoil in his heart. Almost all of the top ten law firms in Korea have arrived. The president is going to make a big move!

“In addition, the three largest law firms in Neon Country, Asahi, Ohno, and Mori, are also ready.”

“Let’s go to the neon country with them now, as a representative of our group’s mobile phone business department.”

“We didn’t notify you in advance of this operation because of the need for confidentiality. We want to complete the contract in the shortest possible time. Before Huaxia Company can respond, we will take this unique supplier in the world into consideration in one fell swoop. To our Samsung Group.”

“In addition, the nine major banks in the Republic of Korea have prepared unlimited financial guarantees for us. This acquisition must be completed at any cost!”


Absolutely generous!

Gao Dong was so excited that he was on the point of exploding, but he still hasn’t figured out which company the crown prince decided to acquire?

“Among the mobile phones in the world, who has the best camera?” Lee Jae-yong asked suddenly.

“It’s Huawei. Their mobile phones use the unique Sony IMX600 type, 40 million pixel super lens, and they are far ahead in the DXO photo quality rankings. Neither we nor Apple are rivals.” Gao Dongzhen answered subconsciously Said, “In addition, they also have a very powerful super night scene function, even taking pictures at night is very clear.”

With a gloomy face, Lee Jae-yong sneered, “Huh, what we are going to acquire this time is Sony’s camera department.”

“Go, I will see the results within a week. I will erase all Chinese manufacturers from the DXO photo quality list! Let them have mobile phones and no cameras to use!”


The chartered flight of the Samsung Group departs from Incheon International Airport, carrying a powerful team of more than 300 top elites to carry out this terrifying and crazy plan.

As the only super player in the field of mobile phone cameras, if Samsung really succeeds in acquiring Sony’s camera department, it will cause all Chinese mobile phone manufacturers to completely lose supply, and countless production lines will stop production in an instant.

While the economic loss is extremely heavy, the layout of the domestic four giants in mid-range and high-end phones will also be completely broken.

There is no doubt that this unprecedented super melee in the mobile phone industry has escalated to a tragic and **** level.

Life or death will be decided in a few months.

“This smells like Jia put down her phone and muttered to herself.

According to gossip in the technology circle, Google is secretly investigating several companies around the world, and it is very likely that they will acquire an internationally renowned mobile phone manufacturer in the near future.

At that time, Google will launch its own products, instead of handing over PIXEL phones to other manufacturers as it is now.

With both Android and its own mobile phone factory, if this plan is really successful, Google will undoubtedly become a nightmare for all mobile phone manufacturers in the world.

So far, LG and HTC are the most likely to be acquired. These two former giants are struggling under the siege of the four domestic giants and Apple and Samsung, and their market share keeps hitting new lows.

As for smaller manufacturers such as Nokia and Alcatel, due to production constraints, even if Google acquires them, it will not be able to satisfy its huge ambitions.

“We need to manufacture high-precision robotic arms as soon as possible. With the powerful productivity tool of robotic arms, we can officially enter the field of technology industry.” Luo Jia thought.

Looking back at the workshop, it was a busy scene at the moment.

The robots are holding various electric tools and assembling the robotic arm production line, and now Luo Jia is finally at ease, and can discuss the details of the high-precision robotic arm with An Ran.

At present, the general blueprint has been designed. Luo Jia leads An Ran consciously or unconsciously, and designs the robotic arm as he wants.

At that time, the design award will be given to An Ran. Luo Jia doesn’t need any reputation, but only benefits and safety.

Probably later tomorrow, the parents will drive to Wuxi.

And the day after tomorrow is the day when the first mechanical arm officially goes offline.

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