Technological Supremacy Chapter 3: Borrow money

Lenin said, don’t be a giant in thinking, but a dwarf in action.

Luo Jia already has an idea to make money, the only problem is how to put the idea into practice.

Not long after, Jiang Lei and Wang Tianwen came back from playing basketball. The four of them went to the cafeteria for dinner and returned to the dormitory.

Luo Jia used the excuse of listening to the novel, lying on the bed with earphones on, meditating with his eyes closed, and revisited his thoughts this afternoon, taking the trouble to perfect the structure and details.

The sound of ticking in his ears continued. Luo Jia’s brain was like a hard disk, constantly receiving new data. As the transmission progressed, the knowledge stored in his mind gradually improved.

After closing his eyes, Luo Jia seemed to have walked into the library of the mysterious alien civilization. He selected from memory, tried to turn the knowledge into a program that could be written, and thought through the things to be done before doing it. , is a habit that Luo Jia has developed since childhood.

As the night darkened, the roommates climbed onto the bed one after another and fell asleep.

Luo Jia, like a nocturnal god, suddenly opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, opened the laptop, and tapped his fingers on the keyboard quickly.

As the fingers waved quickly, lines of code appeared on the top of the screen, more and more, like groups of tadpoles.

Luo Jia’s eyes followed the movement of the cursor, and gradually entered a state of ecstasy.

When a person works selflessly, his efficiency is astonishing. By the time he notices the surrounding environment, it will be almost dawn.

Luo Jia used programming software to make statistics, and in just one night, he actually wrote more than 2,000 lines of code.

You must know that even the Windows 10 operating system is nothing more than a program consisting of 70 million lines of code.

In just one night, Luo Jia wrote a code equivalent to 1/35,000 of the Windows 10 system. This efficiency can definitely be classified as a horror level.

According to Luo Jia’s calculations, the first version of the program is all written, and the total number of lines of code should be around 40,000 lines. There is still a long way to go.

Luo Jia closed the notebook, plugged it in to charge it, then pulled the quilt over and fell asleep, almost as if his head had just touched the pillow, and immediately fell into a dream.

Woke up again at close to eight o’clock in the morning. Although he had only slept for three hours, Luo Jia felt energetic, and it seemed that he had perfected the procedure again while he was dreaming. This situation had never happened to him before. Pass.

The roommates have finished washing and are going to the cafeteria to buy a few steamed buns. While eating, they go to the classroom. They had a great time playing games last night, and they got up late.

“I won’t go today, remember to roll the roll for me.” Luo Jia said lying in bed.

“Got it, you slacker.” Jiang Lei muttered and closed the door.

After they left, Luo Jia jumped up holding a fully charged notebook.

In the school’s quadruple room, the top bunk is a bed, and the bottom bunk is a desk and chair. He turned on the computer on the desk and felt that it would take too much time to go to the cafeteria to eat, so he just took a pack of instant noodles and drank a cup of coffee after eating. .

In one morning, Luo Jia wrote another 2,000 lines of code, and felt that his speed seemed to be getting faster and faster, which may be related to his proficiency in knowledge.

After a crazy week, the first version of the program was actually completed by Luo Jia single-handedly. A total of 42,367 lines of code were run through once. In the hard drive of a broken laptop.

Completion of the program is only the first step, domain name and server are also needed.

There is nothing wrong with the domain name, as long as it is not a popular domain name, it can be obtained very cheaply. The key is that the server is very expensive.

Luo Jia needs at least four servers, one for website display, one for data capture, and one for navy work. , he also needs a high-performance server to filter the captured data.

Cloud server is a good solution. At present, Wangsu, Ali, and Huawei’s cloud services are doing quite well, enough to compete with international first-tier suppliers.

After some calculations, Luo Jia determined that he needed 6,000 yuan of start-up capital, of which 5,600 yuan was used to rent the server, and the 5,600 yuan was only enough to rent the server for one month. Regardless of whether Luo Jia’s website is profitable or not, he needs to pay another 5,600 yuan.

Luo Jia’s monthly living expenses are 2,000 yuan, and when each semester starts, the family will give him about 8,000 yuan in one lump sum.

It’s almost April now, and there is less than 5,000 left in Luo Jia’s Alipay. In addition to renting the server, he also needs to maintain his life. This amount is definitely not enough.

“Boss, money is a little tight lately ~ ~ lend me some money.” Looking for an opportunity, Luo Jia said to Jiang Lei cheekily.

The windy Inner Mongolian man cast a glance at Luo Jia, “How much do you want?”

“It’s not too much, two or three thousand yuan should be enough.”

“Then three thousand, wechat is transferred to you, let’s talk about it if it’s not enough.”

Luo Jia was stunned. This was the first time he had borrowed money from others since the beginning of school. He did not expect Jiang Lei to agree so happily.

“Lend it to me? Don’t ask me what I borrowed the money for, when will I pay you back?”

“We Inner Mongolians don’t like that set of fake things. As long as the relationship is good, we can borrow everything except our wife.” Jiang Lei said carelessly.

Luo Jia curled her lips, “Even if you lend me Lu Qiu, I still have the courage to ask for it. My good guy, I can drink a catty and a half. At the last party, my sister-in-law single-handedly brought down the three of us. It’s still churning.”

Lu Qiu is Jiang Lei’s girlfriend. She is also from Inner Mongolia. She is tall and burly.

Lu Qiu lives next door to Shanghai University of Foreign Studies, referred to as SISU. That place is famous for its abundance of beauties, with a male to female ratio of 1:9.

According to Lu Qiu’s words, in their school, the probability of meeting a boy is lower than meeting a wild giant panda. There are only two criteria for a girl to find a boyfriend, first, a boy, and second, a live one.

It happened that Jiang Lei was both a man and a living person, so she took him in.

Jiang Lei laughed out loud after hearing Luo Jia’s words. Not only did he not mind his girlfriend drinking well, but he was very proud of it.

“In our Inner Mongolia, it’s not a big deal for girls to drink alcohol. Lu Qiu not only holds a good amount of alcohol, but also rides horses better.” Jiang Lei said, “May is Lu Qiu’s birthday. When the time comes, the four of us will call the next one.” The four beauties in Lu Qiu’s dormitory, drink it well.”

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