The Desolate Era Chapter 1: Solesky and Ji Ning

The tens of thousands of lingering pupae appearing at high altitude of Waveshift World began to dissipate at the same time.

“Go to Crimsonwave Temple.”


“The spirit of the world has said that we must reach the peak Dao Lord to enter Crimsonwave Temple to be able to live out. We have to be a bit weaker. I am afraid that we will die.”

“Don’t go and see, I’m not am not willing! And everything is leaves liveliness, maybe we still have a chance.”

“Even if you don’t go in, you may have a chance to squat outside Crimsonwave Temple.”

Although the lingering pupu said clearly, there are still many multiple Dao princes going to Crimsonwave Temple.

Of course, the peak Dao Lord did not hesitate.

“May I go to Crimsonwave Temple together?” Winesage said.

“Let ’s go. It ’s a long way from here to Crimsonwave Temple. There are also many troubles along the way, and it is faster to join forces.” Dawnstar palace master agrees.

“I’m fine, Badlands, how about you?” Ji Ning smiled at Dao Lord Badlands and Dao Lord Badlands: “I’ll be One Dharma Body too. I’ve been prepared to die. In this case, of course, I have to go to Crimsonwave Temple to see.” >

“Go.” Winesage smiled.

He naturally also heard the name of Dao Lord Badlands early, and having Dao Lord Badlands One Dharma Body counterparts is also helpful.

Hoo! call! call!

Winesage, Dawnstar palace master are all flying directly, Ji Ning is flying the boat, because he has something to talk to Emperor Solesky, there are Ji Ning, Badlands and Emperor Solesky in the boat.

In the flying boat.

Badlands has been standing a long way from the side of the ship and looking ahead, Ji Ning and Emperor Solesky are standing in another corner.

Big Brother Solesky.” Ji Ning said. “In the beginning, you had a great chance and got Voidsea Jadeseal. We said it well at the beginning. Ninedust and I will do our best to help you resist, but if you ca n’t resist, you must immediately surrender Voidsea Jadeseal. This can also avoid a disaster . “

“Um.” There was also a hint of shame on the old face of Emperor Solesky.

“But in the end, when Ninedust and I were facing desperation, you were retreating, and restrictive spell was closed without being disturbed.” Ji Ning looked at Emperor Solesky, “Tell me. Why?”

Although Solesky has become Eternal Emperor, in Ji Ning, they are still brothers.

All he needs is an explanation.


Emperor Solesky nodded, “It’s my fault, it’s all my fault! At that time, we had an agreement. You and Ninedust Sectlord ran away all the time to resist the attacks. And I. I hid in your immortal residence! To be honest, Looking at this Voidsea Jadeseal, I do have a strong desire and greed. Any Dao Lord on the edge of Daomerge can’t turn a blind eye to Voidsea Jadeseal. “

Ji Ning Listen, he acknowledges that. Otherwise, not so many heaven defying Dao Lords will be killed, and even King Gorsch, Sui Meng Cult Master, Ugly King will all be killed for fighting.

“I made a decision then.”

“Immediately use Voidsea Jadeseal.” Emperor Solesky murmured, “I thought so at the time, I started using Voidsea Jadeseal to try to simulate Daomerge once! In this process, I just simulated the deduction. It is not the real Daomerge. So it can be Disturbed. I haven’t closed it! “

“I planned at the time, as long as I used Voidsea Jadeseal. I can notify you immediately. This way I can send out Lifeblood Oath, saying that Voidsea Jadeseal has been used up.” Emperor Solesky said, “I believe those Dao Lord who hunted down, really determined Voidsea Jadeseal Already used, although it will be very am not willing, but it will not continue to hunt. “

Ji Ning nodded: “You’re right.”

If it’s really used up.

In the face of Dao Lord Shaka, Joyous Snow Dao Lord, when they were entangled, Ji Ning, Ninedust, Badlands, Solesky all issued Lifeblood Oath and said it was used, then others also gave up naturally, after all Voidsea Jadeseal is gone.

“After I made up my mind, I started using Voidsea Jadeseal in Time immortal residence.” Emperor Solesky said, “About one month, Voidsea Jadeseal has been used up.”

“Almost a month?” Ji Ning‘s face changed. “You used Voidsea Jadeseal, why didn’t you tell me and Ninedust?”

At that time, myself and Ninedust were not in despair!

If the public Voidsea Jadeseal has been used at that time, there will be no subsequent killing.

“My plan is immediately public.” Emperor Solesky revealed shame, “But when I use Voidsea Jadeseal to simulate Daomerge once, it feels the same as the real Daomerge. I am simulating Daomerge … for me The Dao (together) insights of the endless years study and understand is getting deeper and deeper, and in the end it even entered a special epiphany.

“I didn’t want to stop then.”

“Because if stopped, the epiphany was broken.” Emperor Solesky said, “So I immediately cut off the six consciousness, without any interference from the outside world, began the real Daomerge, the entire Daomerge process, I entered In the realm of epiphany, finally, in one go, Daomerge succeeded and achieved eternity.

Ji Ning is silent.

Ji Ning, this is indeed my fault.” Emperor Solesky said shamefully, “I plan to listen to your orders at any time, if, if you ask me to surrender, I will surrender immediately. Even after planning to use Voidsea Jadeseal, Open immediately. But you know, how rare is the epiphany? I already felt the hope of Daomerge success at the time! I felt that you could sustain it for a month, and it should be able to last another month … “

“After all that, I was jealous and saw the hope of Daomerge, so I went to Daomerge desperately.” Emperor Solesky said ashamed.

Ji Ning turns his head to look outside, Winesage, Dawnstar palace master in the front are not open.

Ji Ning is complicated.

Are you angry?

Can’t get angry.

Voidsea Jadeseal was originally obtained by Big Brother Solesky, and it is understandable for other uses! Before the simulation of Daomerge, it can be disturbed. At that time, Solesky did not close the six consciousness. Ji Ning as long as he heard the sound, he would listen to orders at any time! Only then did he enter the ‘state of epiphany’. How rare is the state of epiphany? Especially in the case of Daomerge, I am afraid that no one wants to stop when they enter the ‘state of epiphany’.

As soon as you stop, who knows when you will be able to enter Epiphany next time?

Ji Ning.” Solesky looked at Ji Ning.

“Everyone will have a hint of selfishness.” Ji Ning whispered, “Daomerge is the ultimate robbery that makes all Samsara Dao Lord endless years … You enter the realm of epiphany when you simulate Daomerge, and you don’t want to stop!”

“After all, I didn’t keep the promise.” Emperor Solesky was full of guilt, “to put you and Ninedust in trouble.”

“You don’t owe me.” Ji Ning shook his head. “You owe Ninedust. He hit the red venom of Sui Meng Cult Master.”

“Red 潵?”

These words puzzle Emperor Solesky.

“It was specially used to deal with the horrible venom of Eternal Emperor, which made him dying Ninedust. He even made me kill him painfully.” Ji Ning said slowly.

The face of “What.Emperor Solesky has changed, making a pinnacle Dao Lord painful to kill him? What pain is it?

“You were in the state of epiphany at that time. Don’t stop, take advantage of Daomerge, there is nothing wrong.” Ji Ning looked at Solesky, “but Big Brother, you owe him.”

“I owe him, I owe you,” said Emperor Solesky, “I will not forget.”

“I was blessed with misfortune, and broke through in desperation.” Ji Ning said, “without sacrificing What.

Ji Ning said lightly, in fact, he sacrifices are not small.

After all, he was forced to use the last Hegemon Jian Dao Dao-seal, and so on Dao-seal, even Sui Meng Cult Master, Dao Lord Shaka, Joyous Snow Dao Lord they did not have! These violent attacks of Hegemon Dao-seal are much more difficult to refine than the more stable defensive Hegemon Dao-seal.

Even without this calamity, Ji Ning has already reached the threshold of breakthrough, and it won’t be long before he will break through. After all, two to three steps is not difficult.

“Okay, I know that too.” Ji Ning nodded, “Jie Ling Pu Yi won’t keep you here, you should go.”

“Um.” Emperor Solesky nodded, he doesn’t know what else to say now.

“By the way, Big Brother, I haven’t congratulated you yet.” Ji Ning laughed, “Congratulations on the success of your Daomerge! In such cataclysms, countless Dao Lord went forward and succeeded, it is difficult to create a powerful Emperor, Big Brother in your time It ’s enough to really get away. “

Solesky also showed a smile.

In fact, he was very excited, just because he felt guilty about Ji Ning, so he never got excited.

“Then I’ll leave. I’ll wait for you outside Waveshift World.” Emperor Solesky said.

“Hmm.” Ji Ning nodded.


Emperor Solesky then flew out of the flying boat and flew outwards, and soon a colored light channel appeared above. Obviously, it was a channel deliberately created by Jie Lingpu. Emperor Solesky immediately flew out of Waveshift World along that colored light channel.


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