Reverend Insanity: Section 222: Zhenyun Tiangong


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On top of the vast sea of ​​clouds, a figure stopped and hovered, watching Yun Cun Yun Shu, the vast earth, silent.

This man is dressed in blue and gold with a beard hanging down to his chest. He is a burly man with an old face.

“Medicine emperor sees the Southern Wasteland Envoy!” A figure showed up, it was the elder of the medicine house, the eighth emperor emperor medicine emperor.

Nanhuang Xianren turned to his side, smiling and smiling: “You and I are eight turns, just call the fairy friends, you don’t need to be so polite.”

Yaohuang gave a respectful respectful gift: “On cultivation, Nannan adults are several times higher than myself. In terms of seniority, it is the grandchildren of Nanhuang adults. How can they be rude?”

Nanhuang Xianren nodded and sighed, “You are very good, but unfortunately, I’m waiting for the golden blood to wither and fade away. The big Beiyuan, a long-lived world, has only one eight-turned Zhuxian, a member of my golden family!”

Although Prince Fengxian is also a palace person, in the eyes of the southern wasteland fairy, it is not a bloodline, but still an outsider.

“Think of my generation, there are four eight turns in the golden family, and one of them, known as the Tiger God, has the power of the world, is the seed that is favored in the world and can sprint the Nine Turns realm. Unfortunately, he fell into the dark sky. Among them, the years are like shuttles, and the golden blood is indeed one generation worse than the next. “

In the eyes of Nanhuang Xianren, there is a deep disappointment.

Yaohuang is speechless.

This kind of discourse that criticizes the whole golden bloodline is that the medicine emperor is not qualified, that is, Nanhuangxian talents are qualified to comment.

In fact, what Nanxian Xianren said is also true.

Yaohuang cannot refute.

This is indeed the case. The golden families in Beiyuan have gradually decayed and their talents are declining. Instead, new stars have emerged in the field of scatter repair and demon roads, which are endless. Such as Baizu Tianjun, Chu Du, and that Liu Guanyi and so on.

“However, the ancestors of the giant Sun Yang in this situation had already expected it.” The Nanhuang Xianren suddenly turned around and said something that surprised the Emperor Yao.

“Oh? Juyang’s ancestors rose in the Middle Ages. Can he predict the situation at this time?”

“Although the ancestors practiced fortune. But the wisdom of Taoism is definitely not weak. Furthermore, the so-called ‘yun’ is essentially a variable. The ancestors created the fortune and naturally changed overnight through the world. He was creating the eighty-eight corners of the true sun. Behind the building, I once said that this building will fall in the future. Once it collapses, it will be the beginning of the great era and the signal of the change of the heavens and the earth. “Nanxian Xianren said again.

Yaohuang was surprised: “What is it?”

What is the big age?

An era of immortal and magic respects. This is the recognized era.

Nanhuang Xianren long sighed: “The ancestors of Juyang painstakingly and arbitrarily laid out all kinds of means to want their descendants to retain their strength. (‘) Let his descendants and grandchildren face the wind and waves in this great era, Become a tidal person reads ;. No matter how bad it is, you must also protect yourself and save the bloodline seeds. “

Yaohuang hesitated: “Our golden blood is no longer unbearable, and we will not even be able to maintain it, right? Kitahara is still under our control, even if we are in trouble. There is a long life. “

Nanhuang Xianren shook his head: “Everyday, no matter how strong the sky is, it is only the ancestors’ ancestors. But in that court, there were three celestial beings who left the celestial sphere, and all members of the heavenly courts have donated their own caves. . How can the background of Changshengtian be compared with the court? Like this time, Nakasu took the initiative to commit three direct-turned magpies and three magpies. Does our golden blood have such strength? ”

Yaohuang’s tongue: “What? Zhongzhou is committing a crime?!”

Nanhuang Xianxian didn’t explain any more, just said: “Follow me.”

Not finished. He flew into the sky.

Yaohuang followed immediately.

The two immortals run through the air wall of heaven and enter the dark sky.

Under the leadership of Nanhuang Xianren, Yaohuang headed southeast.

Flying for a period of time, Yaohuang ’s heart shook: “In the dark. Crisis is everywhere. Although I often explore and search for eight-turned immortals, it has never been smoother than it is today, and there is no obstacle. . Master Nannan has a black sky map? “

But in fact, things like roadmaps don’t apply to Swire’s nine days.

The clouds in Gein’s nine days are constantly changing. There are fixed places, but they are very rare.

Zhongzhou and his party have been considered very smooth, but they still encounter troubles such as the discouraged flying pig herd and the venomous herd. Nanxian Xianren and Yaohuang are harmless and safe, as if they are strolling in their own back garden.

“Okay, here it is.” Nanxian Xianren stopped.

Yaohuang also slowed to his side and stood still.

He felt a little strange. There was no air around him. Why did the Southern Wasteland immortal stay here?

The next moment, the Nanxian Xianren answered with action.

He burst into the golden light of the sky, like a sun shard, which forced Yaohuang to close his eyes.

Yaohuang’s heart jumped.

Dark and dark in the dark sky, this kind of act of emitting strong light is undoubtedly a self-inflicted beast attack.

But he was alert for a long time and did not see any herds coming.

“Is it still dark?” Yaohuang wondered.

A few moments later, the immortal killing tricks of the immortals in the south are finally urged to complete. A dark golden palace emerges from the void, revealing the majestic shore of the palace.

Yaohuang never expected that there was a fairy house hidden here.

He quickly discerned the origin of the palace, and he was so excited that he whispered, “Isn’t this the town of heaven?”

The Jieyun Altar, the 88-point Zhenyang Tower, and the Zhenyun Tiangong are the three fairy houses owned by Juyang Xianzun during his lifetime.

The eighty-eight corner Zhenyang Tower was placed by Wang Yangxian Zun in the land of Wang Tingfu. , Invisible for countless years!

“The ancestor of Juyang placed this town Yuntian Temple here must have a deep meaning. Just what is his intention?”

The medicine emperor’s heart is constantly speculating, and the Nanxian Xianren has looked back at him and said, “Follow up.”

The medicine emperor entered the Zhenyun Tiangong together with the Nanhuang Xianren.

“You are here.” There were people in the hall.

He sat on the futon, not condensing his will. At this moment, he opened his eyes, his eyes were like electricity, and his eyes were shining.

Yaohuang shook her body when she saw this person, and she was so horrified that she made a terrible wave: “giant, giant sun ancestor?!”


The wolves roared, chasing the three fairy houses.

The wolves are slender. Be fit. They have black wolf pupils and minions, all exuding cruel fierce mansions. The most strange thing is that they are all hairless, but leather. The black light is bright and very solid.

This is a pack of night wolves. The scale is huge, with tens of thousands of night wolf.

Each night wolf is a beast. The wolf king is an ancient beast, and there is also a wolf emperor. Has eight rounds of combat power!

“Can’t escape, it’s surrounded.”

“I can’t think of a wolf emperor, but there are hidden eight-turn wild fairy owls!”

“Wolf packs of this size are not common in the dark, but they were hit by us.”

Three eight-turn magpies communicate quickly.

Lingwei Yang yelled, “Break northwest!”

Jiao Lianying leads the battle, the momentum rises suddenly, Xianyuan consumes madly, and condenses into towering horns.

Where the giant horns go, they pierce through the pack of wolves, and they pierce a big hole in one click. Hundreds of wild beasts died tragically.

Xianyingwujiao rushed into the wolves, followed by Lanque Pavilion and Fengmanlou.

A thrilling battle.

During the time, the Emperor Wolf shot his own hands. The huge wolf claws hit the hills and shot the fairy house directly.

Fortunately, there is an eight-turn Zhuanxian sitting in the Xianxianwu, and three Xianxianwu each show their powers, killing wolves all over the wild.

The hunting tactics of the wolves have reached the level of ingenuity, and the three fairy houses rush to the left and right. Ren couldn’t rush around.

Finally, the Wolf Emperor whistled and took the initiative to retreat with the wolves, so that the killing was over.

It turned out that the wolves lost too much, and the wolf emperor was unwilling to excessively lose his own power. Only took the initiative to retreat.

The three fairy magpie houses are all broken and a lot of maggots are lost, including two or three magpie reads ;. The three eight-turn Zhuanxian were all sweaty and embarrassed.

The loss of cents is even more huge.

“Why the closer you are to Kitahara, the harder it is?”

“We have encountered five packs of night wolves. Not only that, but also dragon crocodiles, ghost foxes … it seems that there are countless beasts, all of which hunt us.”

“These herds are just fine. The key is not to encounter the black and white upside down clouds again. At that time, my wind-filled building almost couldn’t return.”

“Take a break first, mainly repair the fairy house.” Welling asked.

Three fairytale houses just stopped, thousands of miles around, and countless lights were lit.

It looks like thousands of flowers are in full bloom, the light red flame is very delicate, like layers of petals layered in the fire, but there is a deep black spot in the flame.

“No, this is a unique celestial phenomenon in the dark sky-the black lamp, which is bred with blind fire, don’t look at it!” Bi Chentian screamed, and closed his eyes quickly.

But it’s too late. Many magpies just glanced and lost their light.

Among the three fairy houses, the sounds of surprise and screams resounded and rang.

Zhao Yunyun is very lucky. At this moment, she is facing away from the window and talking with Yu Yiye.

Yu Yiye’s eyes were blinded by some black lights. Immediately, he felt his vision diminished, his vision quickly blurred, and he closed his eyes quickly.

He knows the opportunity early, and many of them are not so lucky.

Some Xun Xian were lying around the window watching, all of a sudden they saw at least tens of thousands of blind fires, and suddenly their vision was dark, and they could no longer look at things.

The three fairy houses hurried away from the danger.

Fortunately, the weather of the black light is not like the wind and rain, which brought a substantial blow. The fairy house rushed out smoothly, and soon left the sky full of black lights behind.

The three eight-turn Zhuanxian counted and found that at least three of them lost their light completely, and the existing methods could not be remedied. There are seven people whose vision has deteriorated very miserably, which has severely affected the combat effectiveness and can be remedied, but it is costly. Some treatments for centipede have to be transferred from Baohuangtian.

“Just after leaving the wolves and wanting to rest, I just encountered the black light weather, and it is still in the most central position! This is too embarrassing.”

“Wait, what’s that?”

A large ant colony is migrating.

Every ant is a tapeworm.

Shy Ants!

“The evil ants start, the next must be the army of soul beasts, one hundred million. Hurry up, hurry up!”

As soon as the three fairy houses stopped, they had to keep running.

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