I Can Rewind Chapter 394: Palpitations

The latest website: “What’s the situation?” Zhang Xiaomo sat in the driving seat, pressed the window and looked at Ku Zai’s funny face.

“Hi, Sister Xiaomo!” Ku Zai, wearing a panda blindfold, listened to the voice and argued, but he was obviously not very good at this, and he was greeting the back seat of the SUV at the moment.

“I’m here.” Zhang Xiaomo shook her hand in front of Ku Zai to confirm that he couldn’t see her, then gestured to Yan Junze with her eyes to ask him to explain.

“With Kuzai’s physique, this guy was attracted by the powerful possessed spirit, and he might want to get there to be a husband of the village, so the phone will automatically turn on when he gets close to him, and look for the possessed spirit on the Internet. Video, and then played it in front of him, and he couldn’t even turn it off.” Yan Junze explained.

Zhang Xiaomo took out her mobile phone and looked at it: “No, there is nothing wrong with the mobile phone, huh? But it seems that there is no signal.”

Yan Junze smiled and raised the signal jammer in his hand: “The jammer is on, otherwise Kuzai can’t come out.”

“Well, I can’t make phone calls when I’m with him.” Zhang Xiaomo shrugged.

“You can fight, just stay away from him.” Yan Junze said.

“I’m sorry to cause you inconvenience.” Ku Zai groped and climbed into the back seat of the SUV, apologetic.

“Don’t talk about that, I may need your help these two days.” Yan Junze returned to the passenger seat and sat down.

At this time, Xiang’er went to the rental house to get some thicker clothes for Ku Zai, and brought the necessary daily necessities before returning to the car.

“Where shall we go first?” Zhang Xiaomo asked Yan Junze.

Yan Junze unfolded the map of Tianmeng City, and said: “If you search in the suburbs, the place is too big and some roads are not easy to walk. Let’s search in the city.”

Then he pointed to one of the thirteen areas that he had drawn near the University of Science and Technology, “We will start here after we enter the city. That is, the trajectory of the car is like drawing a bullseye in a circle.”

Because of the large area, Yan Junze estimates that this area may need to use 5 time-space crack detections to fully cover it.

The speed of returning to the city was relatively fast, and soon entered the first area. According to Yan Junze’s instructions, Zhang Xiaomo drove the SUV in a cross shape in this circular area.

Sure enough, as expected, Yan Junze used 5 detections to cover this place, but no space-time cracks were found.

Then the car drove to the second area.

No one in the car was chatting along the way, and Ku Zai was half lying on the back seat wearing a panda blindfold, and seemed to be asleep.

No way, every time Xiang’er and Yan Junze are by his side, it is the moment when Ku Zai feels most at ease.

In addition, Zhang Xiaomo, a three-star or even quasi-four-star spirit remover, was there today, Ku Zai felt that he was the safest at the moment, so he relaxed his body and mind, and soon fell asleep.

Yan Junze used 4 detections in the second area, but still found nothing.

For Xianger and Kuzai, this is the second time they have been with Yan Junze like this, but they have a tacit understanding, except that Kuzai fell asleep and didn’t think about anything else, although Xianger was also very puzzled, but she Also don’t talk too much.

When we reached the third area, it was still close to the edge of the city. Yan Junze’s plan was to walk through the periphery of the city first, and then go deeper into the city, so as not to miss any places.

Here again he used 4 probes and got nothing.

There are only 11200 points of extra-dimensional energy left. For Yan Junze, the ordinary retracement does not consume much energy, unless the retracement takes a long time span.

The most energy-consuming thing now is to look for space-time cracks. This thing is simply a bottomless pit, and no amount of energy is consumed in it.

A total of thirteen areas were divided by Yan Junze in the Tianmeng city area, seven of which were located on the outskirts of the city, and the remaining six were inside the city.

Although due to the crisis of possessed spirits, the outer areas were not completely blocked, only some blocks in the city were temporarily blocked, and ordinary people could not pass through.

But the car driven by Zhang Xiaomo is still unimpeded.

The fourth area cost 5000 points and was detected 5 times, but there was no result.

The fifth area cost 4000 points and was detected 4 times, but there was also no result.

The remaining energy is only 2200 points. Looking at the map of the sixth area, Yan Junze asked Zhang Xiaomo to drive to the suburbs first.

Arrived in the suburbs, wake up Kuzai who is sleeping.

At this time, it was almost dusk, but the sky was a bit gloomy, and the setting sun could not be seen.

When Ku Zai woke up, he didn’t dare to take off his panda blindfold, turned his head blankly, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Get out of the car and attract some monsters.” Yan Junze said.

There is a reason for choosing to do this in the suburbs. Nowadays, there are many possessed spirits appearing, and they are concentrated in the urban area. If Ku Zai spreads out his special physique, I am afraid that other weirdnesses will not attract a few of them. There is no need for all possessed spirits.

Because they are all avatars of the powerful possessed spirit of Megali Dadu, the strength of these possessed spirits varies. species, or even more powerful ones.

Then this time, the plan to use Ku Zai to attract weirdness has turned into shooting yourself in the foot.

Ku Zai already has experience in this kind of strange attraction.

Besides, there was no Internet or video anywhere in the wilderness. He took off his blindfold, and came to the bottom of a small hill by himself, and stood there quietly.

Zhang Xiaomo and Xiang’er obeyed Yan Junze’s arrangement and didn’t get out of the car. They just lay on the inside of the car window and looked at Yan Junze and Kuzai.

Yan Junze is about 20 meters away from Kuzai.

After Ku Zai’s special physique came out, four weirdos came in about half an hour.

After waiting for a while, after no weirdness appeared, Yan Junze walked towards Ku Zai.

The guys around Ku Zai noticed it immediately, and turned their heads one after another, grinning their teeth with ferocious faces, and issued a warning to Yan Junze.

Yan Junze ignored it and continued to approach.

After standing beside Ku Zai, one of them stretched out its hand weirdly and grabbed his neck.

But at the same moment, a black umbrella opened, covering Yan Junze and Kuzai together with the limited space around them.

The weird ones lying on Ku Zai’s body were taken aback for a moment, and they all wailed, and some wanted to escape, but in an instant, the four weirdos turned into black smoke and dissipated.

The dot inside the umbrella flickered, and part of the energy was absorbed.

At this time, Xiang’er, who was lying on the car window, said to herself: “I don’t know, what would happen if I stood under that black umbrella.”

“It’s best not to try.” Zhang Xiaomo reminded.

Subsequently, several people changed places and received two waves of weird energy.

It was not until Yan Junze filled the space-time atlas with the energy of different dimensions, reaching 31200 points, that he returned to the urban area again.

The sixth area was completed and detected 5 times, followed by the seventh area, which was detected 4 times.

After spending 9000 energy points, I still found nothing.

According to Zhang Xiaomo’s suggestion, they drove to explore the remaining six areas in the two areas that were not in the blockade area. They explored a total of 8 times, but there was still no result.

31200 points of energy, 14200 points left again.

In the remaining four areas of the city, each area has an area that has been blocked due to the crisis of possessed spirits, and this area is not very safe.

At this time, it was already past midnight, and there were no pedestrians on the street, only the patrol team from the Security Bureau and the Exorcist.

The group found a hotel, parked the car, and planned to rest for the night before continuing the next morning.

The remaining 14,200 points of energy, Yan Junze guessed, should be enough to search the three areas. He didn’t believe that his idea would be so mediocre, and he had to search the last fourth area to find the space-time crack.

Or, in this huge city of Tianmeng, there is not even a crack in time and space to be found.

Two standard rooms were opened, one for Yan Junze and Ku Zai, one for Xiang’er and Zhang Xiaomo.

Xiang’er radiated her weird coercion from the next door, covering the room where Yan Junze was, so that Ku Zai would not be attacked by other weirdness.

There is no Internet in the hotel. According to the regulations of the Security Bureau, the Internet has been completely disconnected here, and even the TV cannot be seen. When the TV is turned on, there is only a snowflake left.

Because it was already very late, except for Xiang’er, the other three of the four fell on the bed and there was no movement.

Ku Zai actually didn’t fall asleep, he slept in the car for a long time, now lying on the bed, he didn’t feel sleepy for a while, but his heart was pounding, and he felt a feeling of palpitations all the time.

He didn’t know why, but he just couldn’t calm down.

Perhaps, through some means, the powerful possessed spirit once again stared at him. Perhaps, this time, something unexpected will happen.

Ku Zai is very upset, he prefers the latter.

I wanted to tell Yan Junze several times, but I didn’t know what I was going to say.

Finally, it was almost dawn, and finally fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Xiang’er, who never sleeps, acted as an alarm clock and woke everyone up.

After Ku Zai went to the bathroom to wash, Xiang’er leaned up to Yan Junze and whispered, “I can feel that Ku Zai didn’t seem to fall asleep last night and kept turning over.”

Yan Junze was a little surprised.

When Xiang’er returned to his room, he asked Ku Zai, “Is there something on your mind?”

Ku Zai was taken aback, then shook his head.

Yan Junze said: “Ku Zai, I have regarded you as my family during this period of time. No matter what thoughts you have or any problems you encounter, you must tell us. I can’t solve it. You Xianger, Xianger It can’t be solved, and there is Xiaomo, behind us is the entire team of spirit removers. Say what you have to say, there is nothing to worry about.”

Ku Zai just washed his hair, wiped his hair with a dry towel, and sat on the bed with disheveled hair, without saying a word.

Yan Junze poured him a cup of hot water, Ku Zai took it, his mouth seemed a little dry, and he drank it all in one go.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaomo and Xiang’er came over, ready to urge them to start searching.

Seeing that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere in the room, neither of them spoke, but silently put away the things in their hands and stood aside.

Ku Zai didn’t raise his head, and said softly: “Brother Yan, I know you are very kind to me. Meeting you has changed my whole life. These changes were brought to me by you, and I am grateful from the bottom of my heart You.”

Yan Junze nodded with a smile, but did not speak.

“You all know that I have a very special physique, and I have a strong reaction to weirdness and even special situations.” Ku Zai continued: “Since last night, after about eleven o’clock, I suddenly Starting to feel very uneasy…”

“Is it because that powerful possessed spirit is following you?” Yan Junze asked with a frown.

“No.” Ku Zai shook his head, “Even if it stares at me, it won’t make me feel palpitations all the time. This is a feeling that I’m about to run into bad luck.”

After a pause, Ku Zai shook his head again: “I don’t know how to say it.”

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and looked at Yan Junze: “Brother Yan, I don’t care what you want to do this time. But I want to tell you, you must be careful and be safe.”

“What do you feel, is it me who is in danger, or everyone else?” Yan Junze was puzzled.

“Both.” Ku Zai replied.

“Then all of you should pay attention, not just me.” Yan Junze said.

Ku Zai nodded, turned to look at Zhang Xiaomo and Xiang’er.

The faces of the two women were a little pale, but their expressions were calm.

Xiao Mo turned pale because she heard the conversation between the two, but it was natural for Xiang’er to turn pale because she was originally a female corpse.

“I’m now…” Ku Zai raised his hand and pressed his heart, “My heart is still beating very fast, and the palpitations haven’t stopped since last night.”

“Since Ku Zai doesn’t feel right…” Zhang Xiaomo said to Yan Junze, “Why don’t we carry out your current plan for now.”

Yan Junze shook his head, remained silent for a while, walked to the front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the room, and waved to Xiang’er and Zhang Xiaomo.

Two women came up to him one after the other and stood still.

Yan Junze turned his eyes to the distance outside the window, and asked Xiang’er: “Xiang’er, were you still looking at the night scene outside the window last night?”

“I’m watching.” Xiang’er replied.

“Is the night scene you saw beautiful?” Yan Junze continued to ask expressionlessly.

Xiang’er hesitated for a moment, but didn’t speak.

“Is it beautiful?” Yan Junze asked repeatedly.

Xiang’er shook her head, and squeezed out two words: “No…beautiful.”

Yan Junze stretched out his index finger and pointed to a very conspicuous building outside the window. There was thick smoke coming out of it, and it could be seen that many of the glass on the outer wall had been broken and damaged.

In a cross block not far from the building, there are few people at the moment, and the traffic lights are broken. To rush to deal with more important things and leave.

“If I don’t continue with this plan, this city… will always remain as you see it now. Moreover, not only here, but all cities in the world, and even cities around the world will be like this.” Yan Junze said slowly .

Zhang Xiaomo was a little surprised. She remembered that Yan Junze only said that he could change the status quo of the Tianmeng, but he didn’t expect that this kid’s ambition was to change the current situation of the whole world.

“So, I have to change it!” Yan Junze added.

Zhang Xiaomo’s expression slowly recovered, looking at everything outside the building, she didn’t speak, but suddenly stretched out her hand to wrap Yan Junze’s shoulder.

After Yan Junze felt it, he turned his head and glanced at her, reached out and pressed the back of her hand on his shoulder, rubbing it lightly.

Seeing this scene, Xiang’er involuntarily took a step back, and then looked out of the window again.

“I am sure to change everything now.” Yan Junze said again, “And what I rely on is very strong. You will not understand this for the time being.”

“You don’t need to understand.” Zhang Xiaomo took the words and said softly, “I just need to understand you.”

“Now… shall we continue?” Ku Zai asked while still sitting on the bed.

“Continue, must continue.” Yan Junze turned around.

Paused, he seemed to have made a decision, and said to Zhang Xiaomo: “Now I want to release all the spirits I raised. This time, I don’t plan to take them to carry out the plan, otherwise if there is any accident, it may Their safety cannot be guaranteed.”

Yan Junze is very clear that if he really dies, these weirdnesses locked in the time-space map may be permanently locked in it, which may be more miserable than the real disappearance.

After saying that, he immediately released the back-body girl, Ke’er, Long Tongue Zhenzhen, and the reptile.

Zhang Xiaomo was taken aback, she didn’t expect Yan Junze to raise so many spirits.

Others have seen it. After Yan Junze introduced them, he made it clear why they were all released this time.

Knowing that Yan Junze did this because he was afraid of endangering everyone, Ke’er crawled down from her mother’s arms and climbed to Yan Junze’s feet with all her hands and feet.

Yan Junze picked her up and let the girl’s little face rub against his own.

“You can follow us later, or you can move freely. I don’t impose any restrictions. But there are possessed spirits outside. After seeing you, they may choose to have a weird body. Be careful.” Yan Junze warned .

“I will help them.” Xiang’er said.

Looking at this, Ke’er will be inseparable from him for a while, Yan Junze hugged Ke’er, and the group left the hotel.

After leaving the hotel, all the other monsters got into the SUV. Although they were weightless and would not cause congestion, Yan Junze didn’t expect that none of them would leave immediately.

“Let’s go for a while~IndoMTL.com~ After a while, you can find a place to get off first, and you can walk around, I still have important things to do.” Yan Junze said.

The neck suddenly tightened again, and Ke’er hugged her tightly. Obviously, the little girl couldn’t bear to leave.

Yan Junze, who was sitting in the co-pilot, could only hug her intimately and keep kissing|kissing Ke’er on the forehead.

Zhang Xiaomo in the driving seat glanced sideways, bit her lower lip, smiled for no reason, started the SUV and drove away slowly.

At this time, Xiang’er, who was sitting in the second row, suddenly said softly: “I think that although there are many ugliness in this world, the real ‘beauty’ is unique and cannot be ignored.”

“For example?” Yan Junze asked.

“For example, it is in this car now.” Xiang’er replied.

Yan Junze smiled knowingly, turned his head slightly, and saw the third row of the seven-seater car through the rearview mirror on the right: “Hey, that guy who combs the side part, just lick your hair with your tongue , don’t lick the car windows, and make the car full of suspension.”

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