The Desolate Era Chapter 5: Fantasy text

green road.

Ji Ning They are driving the black flying boat to escape, and the power of mystery and world projection also brute force wiped out many weak alien beasts, and the alien beast leader opened his eyes at space between the eyebrows angrily and opened in him At that moment, that eye seemed to be the Hegemon of this space.

A strange word emerged from that eye. The word was composed of Dao (together) Taoism, and 72 words constituted that text.

“What text is this?” Ji Ning took a look, “I’ve never seen it before.”

Although I saw this text for the first time.

But Ji Ning felt the endless mystery and powerful energy contained in this text. Of all the **** pattern symbol markings that I have contacted, it seems that only Azureflower Mark formed by Nine Chaos Seals can compare with it.

“Boom ~~~~”

The vast green road radiates a magnificent dazzling blue-green light, shining brightly, shining everywhere.

The nine mysteries, the ripples of water, and the world projection of Ji Ning were all suppressed by these blue-green rays. At the same time, the blue-green rays were shrouded in a black flying boat. Even the black flying boat originally fled at a hundred times the speed of light. Reduced to only 62 times the speed of light.

“This strange beast leader desperately used the Eye of Phantom Dust.” Ninedust Sectlord was shocked. “Darknorth, the Eye of Phantom Dust also has the power of terrible illusions. You ca n’t hold it and tell me immediately.”

“It can hold it.” Ji Ning clench one’s teeth, Heartforce is playing, Heartforce pervades the circle, trying to resist the invisible attack.

Ji Ning, while resisting, also carefully observed the word that appeared on the one-eyes of the alien leader space between the eyebrows.

He feels …

That text has a terrible powerful energy on ‘Illusion’.

Note that Heartforce Cultivator is extremely strong in resisting illusions, and it is much better than many Eternal Emperors! But Ji Ning is so strenuous in resisting the “Eye of Phantom Dust …” If you change to a Dao Lord, even if they are Dawnstar palace master, the direct resistance is also simply, and you must use some Qibao power to hope for escape.

Eternal Emperor, accidentally die here!

Fortunately Ji Ning is Heartforce Cultivator before dare firmly resist. It is conceivable how terrible the illusion of this ‘Eye of Phantom Dust’ is.

“I can feel that that strange text contains endless illusions.” Ji Ning dark secretly thought, “If I can understand it thoroughly, I will reach a higher level in illusion.” /

Dao Lord Featherdress‘s three strongest secrets.

Ji Ning only achieved a high achievement with “Heartforce Extinction”. Compared with Heartforce Cultivator at the same level, he is weaker in illusion.


The leader of the alien beast opens the eyes of Phantom Dust and kills them as flowing light at the same time.


The speed has soared to a hundred times the speed of light, and the speed of their black flying boat is only sixty-two times that of Ji Ning.

“It’s coming.” Ninedust Sectlord was startled.

“It’s okay, just one of them.” Among the azure armor beasts, the chief can reach a hundred times the speed of light. The nine-foot-tall azure armor alien can only reach fifty times the speed of light.

Ji Ning stood at the head of the boat, holding Northbow Swords, immediately stabbed with a sword, his right arm skyrocketed millions of miles, and traversed the void, Northbow Swords skyrocketed to nearly ten million miles, and stabbed with the mighty powerful energy Killed alien beast leader. Ji Ning‘s sword is very weird, seemingly mighty, but it also contains some mysteries of Shadowless style. Makes it difficult for the enemy to determine the exact trajectory.


The other beast leader growled and waved his claws, and the claws caught directly on the edge of the blade of Northbow Swords.

A terrible impact passed immediately along Northbow Swords. Although the Sword Technique mystery of Ji Ning immediately removed part of powerful energy, the rest still numb his right hand. Can’t help but retreat took three steps.

“How is it?” Ninedust Sectlord worried.

“It’s too strong. He is Close range fight better than us.” Ji Ning shook his head. If it wasn’t Hegemon Armor, he was afraid that he would vomit blood and hurt it. “It looks like I need to use a baby.”

Speaking of a golden token in the right hand of Ji Ning, there are a few life-saving babies left after Dao Lord Kongsa‘s death, but now there are only two left. This ‘Golden Token’ is also made by an unknown Eternal Emperor Supreme Being. if is crushed and exhibited, and a golden mountain phantom will be suppressed on the enemy. Ji Ning estimates that it should be able to sharply reduce the speed of the alien beast leader. Can’t catch up with them.

“Don’t rush to use Dao-seal.” Ninedust Sectlord say in succession, “Dao-seal is very precious, you can use it as much as possible.”

“Do you have a way?” Ji Ning looked at him.

These Dao-seal are hard to get, it is the endless accumulation of Dao Lord Kongsa.

The remaining two pieces of Kong Sa, Dao-seal of Hegemon Jian Dao, and Spacetime of Brightshore Kingdom Hegemon, these four are the only ones of Ji Ning.

“Well, you should be sure.” Ninedust Sectlord stared into the distance, “I’ll do it when it gets closer to us.”

“Oh?” Ji Ning looked aside.

Nine mysteries around the black flying boat, the ripples of water, and the power of the world’s projection are struggling to weaken the suppression of the outside world as much as possible.

The Beastmaster at the back is approaching at a hundred times the speed of light.


“All of you will die.” The alien beast growled and approached.

It’s really a terrible life. Illusions are scary. Ji Ning Of the nine mysteries to be a whole higher level, Close range fight And very strong. It is very difficult to live through the magic dust road on your own strength, usually with some help from Qibao Dao-seal of.

Whoo ~~~

The distance between the two sides kept shrinking.

“It’s now!” Ninedust Sectlord‘s eyes lighted up, his right hand extended, and the palm of his hand showed the strange Array Diagram.


The palm of the hand Array Diagram immediately flew out, and at the same time, fast became larger, as if shrouded in the sky to the leader of the alien beast. The beast leader just issued an angry roar, but it was completely covered by the huge Array Diagram. Huge Array Diagram, inside and outside, layers of strange formations, there are thousands of layers of formations constantly superimposed.

Trapped in Array Diagram, the leader of the alien beast uttered an angry roar, and at the same time it was attacking wildly, leaving the entire Array Diagram to tremble, sometimes with layers of formations shattered, which can continue to be generated following these formationss.

“It can’t be broken.” Ninedust Sectlord exults, “I want to smash Array Diagram by brute force, unless 3500 layers of formations are destroyed in one go! Otherwise, formations can be continuously regenerated, only the content included The moment powerful energy runs out, it can come out of it. “

“How long can Array Diagram last?” Ji Ning asked further.

“Should be able to persist for a while.” Ninedust Sectlord hesitated, “I am also the first time.”

Ji Ning immediately fled in a black flying boat as soon as he heard it.

The beast leader trapped inside Array Diagram keeps roaring, Ji Ning they keep running away, gradually getting farther and farther away.

“Should be thrown away.” After flying for an hour, Ji Ning was slightly relieved.

Now they can fly at a hundred times the speed of light all the time, the other party should not be able to catch up.

Ninedust, you said that you were the first to use that Array Diagram?” Ji Ning asked, “Don’t let me use Dao-seal, isn’t your Array Diagram Dao-seal powerful energy?”

“No, it ’s a special Array Diagram talisman.” Ninedust Sectlord smiled and stretched out his hand, and the palm inside the outer circle was immediately suspended above the palm. The brand had numerous layers of formations, “This piece of Array Diagram talisman, It was given by my ancestors. As long as it costs 10 million cubic meters of chaos gem, Array Diagram talisman powerful energy can be fully accumulated, and then it can be performed once. Even Eternal Emperor has to be trapped for a long time.

Ji Ning‘s eyes light up: “Oh baby, you can show it again and again.”

It takes 10 million square meters of chaos gem to perform once?

10 million squares sounds a lot, but the Array Diagram exhibited by talisman can trap Eternal Emperor.

“If it is Hegemon, it can be excited with its own Immortal energy.” Ninedust Sectlord said, “My Immortal energy is not pure enough and can only be replenished slowly by chaos gem. The 10 million square Primordial Chaos quiet room also takes two or three days to replenish. Enough. At the time of the Primordial battlefield, this talisman was only average. “

Ji Ning secretly sighed.

The battle of Primordial was really terrible, and an talisman outflow was so magical, like ‘Magic Dust Road’ is just a very insignificant relic in the Primordial battlefield. The strange beasts, especially the strange beasts, were born. The singular words in the leader’s one eye made Ji Ning feel shocked and obsessed. No wonder the previous generations of heaven defying Dao Lord ventured in to find opportunities, and even Eternal Emperor came in and explored time and time again.

“That text …” Ji Ning had already completely written down the magic dust text in the one-eyed eye, and began to study the mystery of it.

Hoo ~~~~

The black flying boat continued to fly at a high speed, and after another three days, the flying boat finally flew out of the magic dust path.


Tomato is very difficult to write in the adjustment state, but the plot is still satisfactory. The more you look, the better. ~~~

****** (To be continued …)

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