The Desolate Era Chapter 20: Taking Tiandi naturally as a teacher

Master, the one named Immortal Qi Yu, I find it very unpleasant to see.” Su Youji looked at Ji Ning.

Ji Ning shook his head slightly: “Not in a hurry.”

Ji Ning‘s eyes fell on Fengxiao young master in the distance, and he directly watched the fate of Fengxiao young master. In the future, the fate of Skywind young master will be difficult to watch. After all, he is an Elder God, and will soon step into World Level. His future is very difficult. But it’s easier to spy on the ‘past’.

The future has not happened, and everything is possible.

The past has already happened.

City Lord Feng Mo is a very long-lived World Level, very overbearing, with countless beautiful woman, although World Level is difficult to have children, but he also has nine children over the years, of which Skywind young master is the youngest, Skywind young master mother died prematurely When he was a child, he was relatively lonely. Later, when he grew up, he met a beautiful woman ‘Fairy Purple Lotus‘.

Fairy Purple Lotus treated him tenderly and thoughtfully, which made him truly feel the warmth of the world. Skywind young master immediately recognized that this was his Dao companion, a lifetime Dao companion.

Who wants to just when he thinks he is the happiest in his life, a nightmare comes, and the woman shows her powerful strength to abolish his cultivation, torture him, and put him in hell. Although torture is painful, for Skywind young master, the pain of the soul is the real nightmare. The only love he believed in turned out to be a conspiracy, and Fairy Purple Lotus approached him in order to torture him in return for City Lord Feng Mo.

City Lord Feng Mo later found his son, rescued him, repaired his son’s body, and let his son set foot on road of cultivation again.

From here …

Skywind young master has this pain in her heart, and even decided that in this life she will never be emotional to any woman.

So, he plays landscape and walks the world.

City Lord Feng Mo didn’t have any expectations for this youngest son. After all, the ninth-ranked youngest child was lonely and cultivation was slow. Who wants Skywind young master to fall in love with Sword Technique when playing games. Since then, she completely fell in love with the sword, and took the world naturally as a teacher, and realized that the more and more terrible Sword Technique was strengthened. The road of cultivation soared into the sky. In just over 100,000 years, it has entered the Elder God level, in the Elder God level. It is almost invincible.

“What?” Ji Ning showed shock.

“What’s wrong?” Both Su Youji and Ninedust Sectlord looked at Ji Ning in confusion.

“No What.Ji Ning is still hard to hide.

This Skywind young master has never worshiped the teacher, and it is based on heaven and earth as the teacher, so far as cultivation?

Previously Ninedust Sectlord said that Skywind young master Sword Technique was poor. That’s compared to today’s Ji Ning. In fact, it is extremely rare in the Elder God level!

“His Sword Technique talent is so high?” Ji Ning looked at the Skywind young master in the distance, nodded slightly, “and has a good heart.”

Ji Ning accepts the apprentice, the first focus, the second is talent.

“Let’s go.” Immortal Qi Yu carried Fairy Purple Lotus and walked into the pavilion on the back of the bird.

Fairy Purple Lotus glanced at Skywind young master and sneered: “You can’t turn over.”

Skywind young master just watched silently.

Although he is sad, he doesn’t hate Fairy Purple Lotus. Hateful people also have pity … The reason why Fairy Purple Lotus targets him so much is because Fairy Purple Lotus and City Lord Feng Mo have a hatred.


The birds spread their wings and left.

Lord Long Yichen shook his head and sighed. Road: “Skywind, then Immortal Qi Yu must be broken from it. He is a lover of Sword Lord Eastern Illusion, and he ruined it. You think it would be impossible under pay respects to join Sword Lord Eastern Illusion.”

“No What.Skywind young master said, “Just my father knows, he will be disappointed.”

Skywind.” Dao (together) suddenly sounded in the ear of Skywind.

Skywind young master for a while.

“Come on,” Ji Ning‘s voice ordered.

Skywind young master did not dare to hesitate, even rushing to Ji Ning‘s residence.

Ji Ning, Su Youji, Ninedust Sectlord are all sitting there eating and drinking.

Skywind young master is here. Immediately saluting: “I’ve seen you seniors.”

Skywind.” Ji Ning said.

“Senior.” Skywind young master said.

Ji Ning looked at him and laughed: “Don’t you always want to worship me as a teacher?”

Skywind froze, then Da Xilian knelt down and scratched his head: “Only see the master.”

Darknorth. You …” Ninedust Sectlord was surprised, and Su Youji was also surprised. They all know what level of strength Ji Ning is. If Supreme Being like Ji Ning is publicly accepted in Endless Territory, I do n’t know how many World Level geniuses will fight. Fate comes to worship, even Samsara Dao Lord will come to worship.

Ji Ning glanced at the Ninedust Sectlord and Su Youji beside him, and smiled: “If you want to accept an apprentice, you will accept it.”

Ji Ning apprentice, everything is free.

When I saw Second ApprenticeGreen BambooYang Quding in Otherverse, I decided to accept the apprentice.

I just saw the past fate of Third ApprenticeSkywind ’. Ji Ning resonated a little, Skywind was hurt because of love, Ji Ning was because of guilty wife Yu Wei. Skywind is also very talented on Dao of the Sword. All his thoughts are on Dao of the Sword. Ji Ning suddenly felt that he could give him a chance.

“From today, you are my Third Apprentice.” Ji Ning said, “Under my door, you must keep my door rules.”

“Yes.” Skywind young master answered with excitement.


Ji Ning nodded, and then stretched out a finger, one finger gently.

Fingertips land directly at space between the eyebrows of Skywind young master.

Suddenly a lot of information came in.

Method of cultivation! Dao of the Sword! Teach it all!

The five major Sword Techniques taught by Ji Ning are Blood Drop Sword Technique, Shadowless Sword Technique, Heart Sword Technique, Yin and Yang Sword Technique, and Heavenbreaker Sword Technique. These five Sword Techniques can all be used to achieve Dao Lord. At the same time Ji Ning also left two sword intent, Dao (together) is sword intent of ‘Omega Sword Dao first floor’, Dao (together) is sword intent of ’Omega Sword Dao second floor’.

“Five Sword Technique, all of them are one, only my Dao of the Sword.”

“These two sword intents, you need to experience study and understand often. How much you can realize depends on your talent.” Ji Ning said.

If cultivator is to be Dao Lord, it is necessary to get out of own path. It is not very helpful to leave sword move alone. Ji Ning simply left two sword intents for Skywind young master to experience. Maybe we can understand the Dao of the Sword that is best for Skywind young master.

“Dangerous times, these two sword intents, you can also guide the release.”

“No. Dao (together) sword intent, it is quite safe to kill Third Step Dao Lord. The second sword intent can kill ordinary Fourth Step Dao Lord.”

sword intent, this is for comprehend the dao, you can’t release it until the moment of life and death.”

“Remember … Divine Ability secret techniques are all external forces. You can learn them later, but you can’t waste Dao of the Sword. Tao is simply.” Ji Ning preached.

He did not teach the Divine Ability secret technique. This star is quite extraordinary. If you want to learn it, let the apprentice do it yourself.

Ji Ning has nothing to do with Divine Ability‘s mystery, like the dead Hegemon Jian Dao was given to Ji Ning Divine Ability, but Ji Ning is forbidden to pass on accidentally!

And ‘Tao’ is simply, and Ji Ning is not wrong.

The higher the Realm of the Tao, the Divine Ability, Mysticism, and Divine Power are all false.

Like Ninedust Sectlord relying on Divine Ability, divine power broke out a thousand times, but the increase in strength is only a few percent! It is because at this moment the powerful energy of the Tao is dominant. If Ji Ning can become Fourth Step Dao Lord, I am afraid that with one look, it will destroy the world. Now he only leaves the second layer of sword intent of Omega Sword Dao, which is stronger than Novessence Water and can easily kill Fourth Step Dao Lord.

Skywind young master has vowed not to violate the rules set by Ji Ning.

The Ji Ning was fully taught and a Kangzhuang Grand Dao was right in front of him.

The two sword intents of Omega Sword Dao … are the lighthouses on road of cultivation, guiding his way.

“Master Xie.” Skywind young master was excited.

The two ultimate sword intents are too far away for him.

Five Sword Techniques such as “Blood Drop Sword Technique” can be developed step by step. From Elder God to the achievement of Dao Lord, First Form is very clear. It is also a process of Ji Ning comprehend the dao. It is a great help to Skywind young master.

“I will not intervene in some of your grievances, you handle it yourself.” Ji Ning said.

“Yes.” Skywind young master said.

He does have some things he wants to do, but he was not strong enough in the past.

“Also, you will be with me during this time.” Ji Ning said, “If there is any doubt, I can also point you.”

After all, I want to leave here, and Ji Ning won’t take my apprentice to leave, he will go his own way. Ji Ning is just like this to the disciples. For Second Apprentice, he directly taught the Tao and left. After all, Second Apprentice is living in a weaker Mortal Realm, and the stars of Third Apprentice are more powerful. The sword intent that he left behind is enough to ensure that he can survive in weak hours.

As for the way forward? Life or death depends on him.

…… (To be continued …)

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