The Desolate Era Chapter 6: Stand alone

Primordial Chaos in the dark.

A grey majestic temple is suspended. Inside the temple, there is a mighty group of cultivator.

At the highest part of the hall, there is a Silver Gown man wearing a silver mask. He is the famous ‘Ninedust Sectlord‘ of many territorys around him. Countless creatures need to breathe on his breath to survive. His evil power is endless. In the years, many surrounding territory have been scared.

There are three figures standing under his sides, exactly three Vice Cult Master.

Cult Master.” The three Dao Lord Ya Fus in Vice Cult Master said, “The ten-year period has expired, so the Dong Qi faction has not migrated. What should we do now?”

“It’s useless? Of course it’s an attack! Destroy the Dong Qi faction!” roared ‘Dao Lord Xiong Huo‘ with the rock body, “Without Dong Qi Dao Lord, where is the Dong Qi faction qualified to fight with us Ninedust Sect?”


The pretty Vice Cult MasterLing Dong Dao Lord‘ on the side is frowning, “Xiong Huo, Dong Qi Patriarch is extraordinary in strength, and there must be many terrible formation prohibition in his nest. Before we went to intimidate the Dong Qi faction. As for the assault? Well, Cult Master is a bit sure. The three of us who are going to assault are in danger of death. “

The three Vice Cult Masters are Fourth Step Dao Lord, Ling Dong Dao Lord ranks first, and Dao Lord Ya Fu and Dao Lord Xiong Huo are weaker.


The Ninedust Sectlord voice above is cold, “Since they haven’t migrated, attack them.”

The three Vice Cult Master below, especially Ling Dong Dao Lord, Dao Lord Ya Fu, were all shocked. Ling Dong Dao Lord even shouted, “You wait before you leave.”

“Yes.” Although the Dao Lord and World Level in the teaching below were puzzled, they retreated.

Cult Master.” Ling Dong Dao Lord looked up at Ninedust Sectlord, “Is Cult Master too concerned about the Dong Qi faction? At first, it was intercepted, and then the temple was moved to this Dong Qi Everworld, and the entire Dong Qi Everworld was monitored … Now it is mandatory Attack! Today’s Dong Qi faction is already very weak, just need to be trapped, not to fight … unless they never come out to experience adventure. Otherwise, they have been trapped, time passes, no adventure experience, their naturally will continue to weaken, to In a few chaos cycle, they’re done. Why bother to take a risk? “

“Yes, Cult Master. Are we too anxious?” Dao Lord Ya Fu also said.

They all feel too anxious.

They can occupy the entire Eastern Divergent Domain first. As for the siege of Dong Qi! But Cult Master is trying to attack.

“Why, the old Cult Master is dead! I feel that this new Cult Master is soft-hearted, can I stop listening?” Ninedust Sectlord above said coldly.

“Dare.” All three of them Vice Cult Master even respectfully.

“If you don’t dare, listen to my order and set off. Go to Dong Qi Pie.” Ninedust Sectlord shouted.


Three Vice Cult Masters can only respect their orders.

“Get off and go to the Dong Qi faction.” Soon, the order was passed on, and the grey shrine of majestic flew towards Dong Qi Everworld.


“Boom ~~~~”

The grey majestic shrine, like a huge mountain suspended above the wall of the world membrane of Dong Qi Everworld, flew at a high altitude of Dong Qi Everworld and sent directly to Dong Qi. simply has no intention of concealing it.

“It is the temple of Ninedust.”

Ninedust Temple of Ninedust Sect.”

A lot of cultivator in Dong Qi Everworld looked up and were shocked.

They all understand that something big is about to happen!

“Hurry up, set off quickly.”

“Let ’s go to the Dong Qi faction. See from a distance. The battle between the Ninedust Sect and Dong Qi factions is a rare battle between many territorys. Don’t miss it.”

“I am afraid that the Dong Qi faction will be overthrown. This battle cannot be missed. With the endless years of Dong Qi faction, it should not be so easy to destroy. I guess Ninedust Sect may have died one or two. Dao Lord. “

The cultivators talked to each other, and at the same time quietly rushed over to Dong Qi, ready to watch the war.

I missed these events. But it’s a pity.

“Come here.”

Ninedust Sect is here.”

Ninedust Sect headquarters ‘Ninedust Shrine’ flew in.” The news quickly spread to Dong Qi faction, Dong Qi faction was in an uproar, many disciple were all panic, although this day had been expected. Even though there was a guy named ‘Dao Lord Darknorth’ who helped resist, but when that day really came, they were still scared in their hearts.

Because, Ninedust Sect is too deep! It’s powerful and has spread to many surrounding territorys.

Fellow Daoist Darknorth, Fellow Daoist Darknorth.” Dao Lord Thunderheat headed for the space corridor and invited Ji Ning out.

“Are you here?” Ji Ning, PIllsaint, Su Youji, Naya all came out.

“That Ninedust Sect headquarters ‘Ninedust shrine’ is flying in a mighty manner.” Dao Lord Thunderheat swallowed his throat and was a little flustered, say in succession. “I did n’t rush to shuttle in the void, so I flew up so brightly. I am afraid that many cultivator have been found, Ninedust Sect is too confident and sure. “

Ji Ning nodded: “Don’t panic, from now on, listen to my orders.”

“OK.” Dao Lord Thunderheat nodded.

“I’m outside the martial arts and greet the Ninedust Sect.” Ji Ning laughed.

“Send to Dong Qi?” Dao Lord Thunderheat was surprised, say in succession, “No, outside the sect, there will be no formation prohibition asylum.”

“If I lose, I will retreat to formation prohibition of Dong Qi faction.” Ji Ning laughed, “Rest assured, I am sure.”

Dao Lord Thunderheat can’t persuade, but can only answer: “Fellow Daoist Darknorth, everything must be careful.”

“The formation prohibition of the Dong Qi faction will depend on Dao Lord. In this battle, the formation prohibition of the faction is also the key.” Ji Ning said.

“Relax,” Dao Lord Thunderheat responded.

Ji Ning turned to look at the Naya, PIllsaint, Su Youji next to him, and laughed: “You don’t need to participate in this battle. Do you want to enter my heavenly dwelling or watch the battle?”

“Of course it’s watching.” Su Youji say in succession.

“How can I miss this battle?” PIllsaint shook his head even more.

Dao Lord Na Ya did not speak, but stood beside Su Youji and looked at Ji Ning.

Ji Ning laughed: “Okay, but when the situation is critical, you have to enter my heavenly dwelling, after all, your strength is too weak, really fight to the end, then Ninedust Sectlord I am afraid you can destroy you with one move It’s over. “

After all, they are weaker, Ji Ning has Hegemon Armor, the body Divine Ability is good, and it has nine secret techniques, so dare to fight with Kong Sa, Ninedust Sectlord their level, like Naya them, one face to face It’s over. After all, the gap is too big.

“We will listen to the Master command when the situation is critical.” Su Youji even promised.

“Then I’m out.” Ji Ning nodded and walked outwards.

Dao Lord Thunderheat, Su Youji, and Dong Qi disciple all watched Ji Ning go out, all their hearts were hanging.

“I was afraid that this Dao Lord Darknorth would be beheaded by Ninedust Sect in an instant, then my Dong Qi pie would be finished.”

“There is no other way but to trust this Dao Lord Darknorth.” Those Dong Qi Sect disciple have no other choice.

Ji Ning walked out of the Dong Qi faction, looked around, and immediately saw a small mountain peak in the distance. After a short walk, it crossed hundreds of miles and landed on top of that mountain.

“This battle is finally coming.”

Ji Ning sits on the top of the mountain, leaning on a boulder, looking at the distant sky, but there is a trace of flame in his eyes.

That’s the flame of war.

“My current Omega Sword Dao, the five strongest ways have been broken, but to combine into a higher-level Omega Sword Dao, it always fails.” Ji Ning frowned, the space corridor was not a small help to him, coming to Dong Qi Before, Ji Ning broke through the two strongest ways, one is Blood Drop sword intent, and the other is Yin and Yang sword intent.

Yin and Yang sword intent broke through naturally on the way to the Dong Qi faction after the war with Dao Lord Kongsa.

The other three strongest paths were broken through the years of space corridors.

But the five strongest ways. To form a higher level of Omega Sword Dao, it takes an instant insight.

“It ’s difficult to climb to the top after all.”

“In this battle, maybe I can take this opportunity to let Omega Sword Dao break through and realize the second layer of Omega Sword Dao and step into Second Step Dao Lord.” Ji Ning is looking forward, his strength is slightly stronger than when playing against Kong Sa However, there is no qualitative transformation, and he urgently needs an opportunity to make a breakthrough.

“Boom ~~~” The grey temple of majestic finally appeared in the sky, and flew to Dong Qi.

“Come here.”

Ninedust Sect is here.”

“They’re here.” Many of the cultivators who had already arrived early through the shuttle void were hiding far away and watching from a distance.

The grey temple of majestic suddenly stopped high.

The Ninedust Sect and Dao Lord and cultivator in the temple are all looking away, especially the Ninedust Sectlord sitting on the main hall. The glance under the mask just swept away and fell on a small mountain peak in front of the main entrance of the Dong Qi school. There is a young boy in white with a black Divine Sword standing on the small mountain peak, looking at this.

“A Second Step Dao Lord?” Ninedust Sectlord whispered softly, “Small Second Step Dao Lord stands in front of the Dong Qi faction front door, trying to block my Ninedust Sect?”


Make up for Tuesday’s update.


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