Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2545: Four Arms


The shrill shouts of killing came from a distance, Lu Yang was a little surprised, he quickly got into the clouds in the sky, hid in a dark cloud, and as the clouds slowly flew forward, he activated his perception ability to see to the ground area.

Now his perception ability has a range of three kilometers, and the height from the air to the ground is only more than 500 meters. When he can easily move, a surprised look appeared on his face.

“What kind of race is this? Why is it so weird?” Lu Yang said with a frown. The race on the left side of the battlefield is a group of creatures about 30 meters tall and wearing silver-black armor. It is separated from the arms, and every attack of the arms seems to be full of strength, and the legs drive the body to move at high speed without being connected.

The other group of green-skinned monsters who fought with them looked like big toads, but their faces were like toads, their mouths were full of fangs like a shark’s mouth, and they had more than a hundred eyes, growing in circles. It has no limbs, but more than a hundred tentacles.

The Blazing Demon God said: “The former are called the Spirit Arm Clan, and the latter you can call them the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog. These two are the most common races in the Dark Moon Star area.

One of our missions this time is to come to the Dark Moon Star area to find the tears of compassion who saved Zhou Tianming, which happens to be a treasure of the Spirit Arm Clan. “

Lu Yang has also stayed in another world for more than a month. He is completely unclear about the situation at home. How strong is it?”

The Blazing Demon God said: “Don’t worry, the Spirit Arm race is different from the races you have seen in the past. They can’t speak, and they communicate with consciousness. There is a master brain as the source of consciousness. You can grab any A spirit arm tribe will be known by this series of spirit arm tribe powerhouses.”

“The race of the evil sect.” Lu Yang shook his head. If the middle **** was the mastermind, even if Lu Yang captured the monarch-level fighters of the Spirit Arm Clan, it would be no different from courting death.

“Although they are evil, you are also relatively evil now, and you are not suitable for any form of sneak attack.” Blazing Demon God said with a smile.

“I feel it too, as if there is something on me, like a curse.” Lu Yang said with a frown, since he killed these hundreds of quasi-god-level fire dragons, he has been feeling something It was haunting him, but he couldn’t see it, couldn’t touch it, even if he used his soul and consciousness to perceive it, he couldn’t find it, but this feeling really existed.

The Blazing Demon God said: “It is not easy for you to sense this kind of thing. If you are not the body of a demon god, if you have not learned the perception spell I gave you, if you have a small half of the divine power to help you Can’t feel them.”

“What is this?” Lu Yang was curious.

The Blazing Demon God said: “You can think of him as a curse, a curse from the origin of another world.”

“Curse of origin?” Lu Yang couldn’t understand, he had never heard of this term.

The Blazing Demon God was a little emotional, and said: “This may be the land of this different world. I have pity for every powerful creature. You can understand it this way. Every creature cultivates from no-level to ninth-level, and becomes a human being. Quasi-gods have absorbed the original energy of this world.

The more this kind of energy is absorbed, the more original breath will be condensed. After a long time, it will be integrated with the soul. Quasi-god is the minimum standard for this integration.

These giant dragons have stayed at the quasi-god level for at least thousands or even tens of thousands of years. When you kill them, although you use ghost heads to annihilate their souls, you cannot annihilate the origin of the fusion with the soul , Moreover, these sources will absorb all the resentment in the soul before the soul is annihilated, and attach to the last creature they locked. “

Lu Yang said: “The giant dragons are fighting with me, and I must be the last one to lock on. If I co-author, I will be cursed by them.”

The Blazing Demon God said: “This curse will follow you all your life. From now on, any lower **** will discover your existence with a little induction.”

Lu Yang smiled and said: “From what you say, there must be a solution, right?”

“Smart.” The Blazing Demon God was very excited, and said, “I will teach you one of my secrets, which is definitely not inferior to the ancient gods’ spells. The strongest move of the second level is called the original battle body!”

“Original combat body?” Lu Yang was a little surprised, and asked, “Tell me quickly?”

“This trick can absorb all the original breath attached to your body, turning them into your body protection source, transforming into a four-armed magic image. The more there are, the stronger the condensed dharma will be. In theory, at the quasi-god level, you can reach the three-headed and eight-armed dharma, and you can face it head-on with your own mana and the laws of heaven and earth released by the lower god.” Blazing Demon God said.

Looking at the Blazing Demon God flying out of his body in surprise, Lu Yang said, “You are not a **** king in vain, you actually researched such a powerful spell.”

“It’s just a small spell that I researched when I was bored.” The Blazing Demon God was very proud, and drove a divine thought into Lu Yang’s mind.

Lu Yang quickly flew to a nearby mountain that was not affected by the war, and calmed down to practice. He didn’t dare to open Bandalsberg in this state, and three or four hundred quasi-god-level dragons were killed. It’s too deep. If Lu Yang dares to open the space, the space nodes of Bandalsberg may be discovered by the nearby gods. If a middle **** flies in curiously, he will die. Therefore, Lu Yang would rather Practice here slowly.

It is not difficult to cultivate the original combat body skills. The real difficulty is to kill more quasi-god-level powerhouses. Lu Yang has already done it, and the rest is how to dissolve these original breaths.

The resolving method taught by the Blazing Demon God is very easy. It is similar to a deception method. Using the Demon God’s body as a medium, Lu Yang gathered these original breaths together to form a new sea of ​​souls, which in turn condensed into soul cores , Soul.

This is a long-term process, it cannot be completed in a few days, and requires a lot of patience. Lu Yang checked the pick with the holy light that Malthus gave him, and there was still no change. Practice with peace of mind.


The high mountain where Lu Yang hid to practice suddenly exploded a huge hole, a 30-meter-tall flame demon with four arms and an angry look walked out of the mountain. come out.

The violent flames melted the surrounding rocks into magma, two arms held the double-headed bird warhammer, and the other two arms held the Tyrannosaurus Scepter and the chains formed by the Chaos Demon Flame.

Lu Yang can clearly feel how much stronger his strength is now than before in this state. Judging from the single flame temperature, the quasi-god’s initial stage is only 100,000 degrees high, but he can release it now. The temperature is as high as 300,000 degrees, which is already the boundary of the next god.

The only difference from the lower gods is that the lower gods rely on the laws of heaven and earth to release a high temperature of 300,000 degrees. Lu Yang still has a small half of his spiritual power that has turned into divine power.

If it is compared with the demigod of the jackal-headed orc tribe that he met before, Lu Yang can kill him head-on.

The Blazing Demon God said with satisfaction: “This is your current strongest state. If you want to go further, you need the help of the Thunderfire Seed.”

Lu Yang asked: “Can I be stronger in this state?”

The Blazing Demon God said excitedly: “Thunderfire seeds will allow you to explode several times the instant combat power and increase your limit. The combination of combat body and thunderfire seeds is the strongest quasi-god-level form I have researched. , but the four-armed form is already your current limit, if you use the thunder fire seed rashly, you may explode and die, so don’t worry.”

“Don’t worry, this state is already very strong.” Lu Yang realized his own terrifying strength, and continued to practice while sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The Blazing Demon God is very satisfied when he sees Lu Yang’s appearance. This is where he recognizes Lu Yang. Every time his strength improves, Lu Yang will not release his emotions at will, but calm down rationally and continue. practice.

“Huh?” Blazing Demon God frowned, flew back into Lu Yang’s body, and said, “There are two lower gods flying over, you have to be careful.”

Lu Yang also noticed it, but at this moment, the two lower gods bumped into his halfway up the mountain at the same time at an extremely fast speed.

This is a mountain peak in a different world, the rock is extremely hard, but the impact of the two lower gods is even more terrifying, and they even flattened a mountain in the middle of the mountain.

“Damn brainless idiots, I’ve caught your central control brain, croak~!” A toad-like cry resounded through the mountains.

Lu Yang was at the back of the mountain. He looked at the front of the mountain through his perception. A hundred-meter-high hundred-eyed magic frog was riding on the body of a strong man of the Spirit Arm Clan. There were more than a hundred frogs around him. More than 80 eyes have been blinded, and only 20 of the more than 100 tentacles are left.

In such a tragic situation, it seemed as if he would die at any time, but the strong man of the Spirit Arm Race on the other side was even more miserable. At this time, his two arms and eight legs were tied to his silver-black chest and abdomen by the tentacles of the Hundred-eyed Demon Frog , No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t break free.

“No, don’t try to kill me, I can’t die.” The strong man of the Spirit Arm Clan was extremely angry, and a terrifying silver-black light burst out from his body, but the Hundred-eyed Demon Frog also burst out a gray-green light, hard Bearing the attack of the powerful spirit arm tribe.

“My people come to save me, I can’t die, if I die, tens of thousands of people will be slaughtered, who can save me, I would like to swear in the name of the moon god, and give him the most generous reward .” The strong man of the Spirit Arm Clan roared crazily.

Lu Yang’s heart is moved. The treasure to save Zhou Tianming is called the Tears of Compassion. It is in the hands of the Spirit Arm Clan. If he can save the lower **** of the Spirit Arm Clan and exchange for the Tears of Compassion, he will save the trouble Trouble in the forbidden land of the Spirit Arm Clan.

The Blazing Demon God said: “You can go and fight this big toad. You can’t win but you can save the strong man of the Spirit Arm Clan.”

Lu Yang was a little speechless, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog was already so weak, and he still couldn’t win, which showed how terrifying the middle-aged lower **** in this different world was.

“Your clansmen are all entangled by my subordinates, and your middle **** is also entangled by our middle god. Who will save you? You have no chance.” The hundred-eyed magic frog continued to croak big laugh.

“That’s not necessarily the case.” Lu Yang descended from the sky with a ray of fire, and the four-armed amulet with a temperature of 300,000 degrees slammed into the body of the Hundred-eyed Demon Frog.


After a loud noise, Lu Yang flew upside down a hundred meters away, and stood in front of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog. Two eyes of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog were knocked out again. Nineteen eyes fixed on Lu Yang.

“Where did the quasi-god come from? If you want to die, I will help you.” The hundred-eyed magic frog instantly sensed Lu Yang’s strength, and its two huge gills made strange calls. The eyes also emitted a strange light at the same time.

This is a spiritual magic The lower **** relies on the strength of the soul, and can instantly use illusion to make the strong below the **** level fall into a dream, but this trick is ineffective against Lu Yang.

Lu Yang’s major is illusion, and there are thirty-three heavens, even if it is a middle god, it is useless for him to release illusion, but he pretends to be in the illusion, and walks step by step towards the hundred-eyed magic frog past.

“Damn it, wake up, you are going to die.” The strong man of the Spirit Arm Clan struggled desperately and shouted to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang still acted as if he hadn’t heard it. This made the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog extremely excited. He croaked and said, “A quasi-god dares to overestimate himself. Don’t you Spirit Arm Clan have no helpers? Where can you find them?” waste.”

While talking, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog pulled out a tentacle, the tip turned into a sharp dagger, and stabbed straight at Lu Yang’s head.

The distance between Lu Yang and the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog was less than 50 meters at this time. In an instant, the tentacles flew in front of Lu Yang’s head, but at this moment, Lu Yang’s arm holding the Chaos Demon Flame slammed towards Lu Yang. With the first catch, the tentacles of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog were stopped in the air, and the Chaos Demon Flame in his hand turned into a chain and flew along the tentacles, controlling the tentacles of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog.

“Die~~!” Lu Yang roared, and stepped forward in front of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog. He swung his arm holding the Double-headed Bird Hammer crazily, sending flesh and blood flying from the head of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog.

“Ah~!” The Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog retracted all its tentacles in pain, not daring to fight Lu Yang, and turned around to flee to the distance.

How could Lu Yang let the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog run away? With a flick of his fourth arm, the Tyrannosaurus Scepter in his hand flew into the air, forming a purple-gray barrier, controlling the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog Inside an enchantment within a radius of two kilometers.

“Thank you for your help, wait for me here.” The strong man of the Spirit Arm Clan broke free from the shackles, left behind a sentence and rushed towards the Hundred-Eyed Demon Frog.

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