The Desolate Era Chapter 28: The reason

Otherverse is more similar to our Endless Territory.” Ji Ning also realized, “It is logical to say that among a thousand World Level, it is difficult to have a peak that surpasses the peak of World Level! But there are so many World Level in this one hundred World Level Pinnacle, and three or four that surpassed the pinnacle of World Level. Where did it come out? “

Ji Ning The five of them swept directly. Those World Levels died without much resistance. Ji Ning can only infer the approximate strength from the opponent’s resistance.

“Let me see.” Skyfire Brightshore immediately rose to the sky, flew to the sky, and then looked at the entire chaos star, with flames burning in his eyes.

“Look at the other side of this chaos star.”

chaos star is spherical.

On the other side, Ji Ning, they did find a large group of immortal residence.

“They should have been here before.” by Solewind overlook, “and formation prohibition is set around, Divine Will simply cannot be detected.”

“We killed a hundred and twenty-six World Levels, but there are nearly a hundred fifty seats in immortal residence here.” Ji Ning frowned. “Is there any other World Level?”

“Even if there is, escape.” Prince Greatjoy said.

It did escape.

In a void of Primordial Chaos, the nineteen World Levels are ugly and look at each other with panic and gladness in their eyes.

“Fortunately, thankfully we stay behind.”

“It’s terrible.”

“So many lives, almost all of shattered in the blink of an eye, one is left.”

They were frightened when they saw the scene of a large number of fatal shattered.

Their group of World Levels also saved some lives, so that they can be sure of life and death! Just when they stayed in the old nest just now, they were shocked to find that 126 lives Jane successively shattered, even if they were in awe of the past, the existence beyond the peak of World Level, the same life Jane soon shattered.

It’s just slaughter!

Although they did not see the battle scene with their own eyes, they could be destroyed through the large-scale life, and they also guessed what happened. They were so scared that they abandoned the old nest immediately and fled shuttle.

“Some of them have Divine Ability, which is very powerful. It stands to reason that even if they encounter Dao Lord, they can only capture and receive some of the talisman and slowly kill them. But so many lives just now, but It was all broken in a very short time. “

“They met What. in the end”

“The five World Levels, is there an Supreme Being lurking in secret?”

These survivors were secretly guessing, but they were just guessing, they simply dare not go back.

Since then, this prestigious force has disappeared.

Ji Ning They felt that the World Level they killed was relatively strong, and they met five of them. After all, they belong to the evils of the evils. Otherwise, the normal World Levels are difficult to deal with.

Afraid of what was involved, Ji Ning temporarily evaded into a void, and Prince Greatjoy also quietly probed: “It is difficult to find me by my means, even Dao Lord. Unless it is stronger than me on Dao of Spacetime.” Shanlun The achievements of Dao of Spacetime and Prince Greatjoy are better than many Second Step Dao Lords who are proficient in Dao of Spacetime.

As for those who are not proficient in Dao of Spacetime, even Fourth Step Dao Lord, it is difficult to find Prince Greatjoy.

This is horrible for Dao of Spacetime.

“No movement.”

“Nothing happened.”

“It seems to be just a more common robbery.”

Robbery is more common. There are robbers in Brightshore Kingdom. Even in Endless Territory, there are some World Level who like robberies. After all, robbery is a very fast way to earn a baby, much faster than entering the ruins of Dao Lord. A prepared robbery is much safer than an adventure.

Time passes.

Ji Ning They continue to moving forward, and they are more cautious and continue to march territory.

But they encountered robbery again.

Under extreme caution, I encountered two robberies in succession. Of course, the result is self-explanatory. The robberies on Ji Ning were almost dead.

“Boom ~~~”

Three World Gods were swept down by endless water waves and fell to the ground fiercely.

The quake shattered. The three World Gods stood up and looked at the five World Levels who landed slowly in midair.

“Too strong, terrible.”

“They, they are too strong.”

World Level, can it be so strong?”

The eyes of these three World God were full of panic, and they could not forget the scene that happened before, that terrible finger art, each finger was a World Level falling. That terrible water wave directly killed most of World Level, and even those who wanted to escape were directly killed by lightning. Only the three of them survived because the other party had to stay alive.

This time, they only realized that World Level can do this first step.

“You can live.” Prince Greatjoy said coldly, “must do as I say.”

Yes yes yes.” The three World God nodded.

“Issuing Lifeblood Oath, everything that happened today must not be leaked to the outside world. And if I ask you anything, you will answer What.Prince Greatjoy asked coldly.


These three World God simply did not have any idea of ​​resistance, all of them obediently set up Lifeblood Oath, they are all gray Armor, the usual color Armor is the nightmare of other cultivator … But at the moment they are very respectful, the gray Armor is gathered, Those who shrank their heads were afraid to annoy the three in front of them.

“Why did you rob me and wait?” Prince Greatjoy asked, Ji Ning and a few of them were watching.

“Your altogether has only five World Level. The number is small, so you can deal with it.” One of the lean bearded companies replied.

“No other reason, just kill us because we are good at it?” Prince Greatjoy was puzzled, and his eyes scanned the other two.


“That’s it.”

All three of them nodded.

Ji Ning The five of them looked at each other. This is the third assault that they encountered in the past month. It is important to know that they are going from the cosmic passage all the way to Archaeus Region. It is estimated that it will take more than a thousand years. It is normal to have a robbery every ten years. But three times in a month, it is very abnormal, but now it looks like it is just normal robbery.

“We encountered three robberies this month.” Prince Greatjoy frowned. “Do you know the reason?”

“Don’t you know?” the thin-bearded World God asked.

“Say.” Prince Greatjoy‘s eyes lighted. Ji Ning They all lighted up.

“It’s because of Nine God Star.” He even said, “Nine God Star has publicized the rules for recruiting disciple this time.”

Ji Ning they look at each other, Nine God Star, is a very large sect.

“To recruit disciple, only World Level.”

“At the same time, only by killing a thousand World Levels in person can they be eligible to become disciple of Nine God Star.” The long-bearded man said, “As soon as the news came out, it was not only the eighteen territory directly led by Nine God Star. Hundreds of territorys have caused a sensation. Many very powerful World Levels have begun to chase other World Levels in a frenzy, killing all of us. Weak World Levels have nowhere to hide, they can only gather in large numbers. Guarantee. “

“What? Kill a thousand World Level to get started disciple?” Skyfire Brightshore was surprised.

“This is too crazy.” Heart Lord Solewind frowned.

“The rules of this apprentice.” Ji Ning also shook his head.

It is difficult to kill a thousand World Level.

After all, even those World Level slaves who are trafficked are willing to be slaves because they see the hope of life! If Master is going to kill the slaves, the slaves will probably disregard all resistances. Resistance is also death. Failure to resist is also death. Like the slaves before Windsource Dao Lord‘s death, they called the Windsource Dao Lord, because they were not afraid anymore.

Even if the strength is very strong and you can kill more, you will inevitably encounter some twists and turns, maybe you worked hard to kill three or five hundred, and you will lose your life by overturning the boat in the gutter.

It’s really hard to kill a thousand …

Nine God Star, after all, is the first door of hundreds of territorys around it.” There is a man with a long beard next to him, which is quite scale armor World God say in succession, “Nine God Star, is divided into nine branches. The leader of each branch is It is Supreme Being on the edge of Daomerge. And the strongest of Nine God Star is the **** who ranks Church of Annihilation. “

Ji Ning They also know this information.

Church of Annihilation, unified Otherverse, extremely powerful. Church of Annihilation ’s ‘God General,’ is extremely revered.

Nine God Star is preparing to collect eighteen disciples this time.” scale armor World God say in succession, “until it is full! I heard that among the eighteen entry disciple, the top three in terms of strength will get the Archaeus Region order and be sent to the legendary Archaeus Region . “

Archaeus Region order?” Ji Ning each of them moved.

The Archaeus Region order is very precious. The idea of ​​almighty Hegemon passes through the cosmic channel, covering a huge territory. They have even used some conspiracy, and only a few have been collected in endless years.

“So the hundreds of territorys around were completely crazy. In order to get started with disciple, the legendary Archaeus Region order was added. Some other territory surpassed the peak of World Level, all came here one by one. We are weaker. The World God ca n’t escape. ”The bearded man shook his head.“ So the robberies are almost everywhere. I ’m afraid that this mad robbery will not end until Nine God Star has been filled with ten Eighth Disciple. ”

Ji Ning They understand why the strong ones are higher.

Because …

The weak are killed!

The rest are relatively strong, and even some came from other territory.

“If you let them know that five of us have a Archaeus Region order, I don’t know how many World Levels will besiege us. Maybe they all have Dao Lord to deal with us.” Skyfire Brightshore Chuanqun joked.

“Haha, so I can’t spread it.”

Ji Ning They also understand the reason, although they feel pressure, they are at ease.

“It seems that in the next hundred years or so, we will often encounter robbery.” Prince Greatjoy whispered, “You guys, don’t care, there is the powerful ‘Nine God Star, sect, if it leads to Supreme Being of Nine God Star, we are finished. “

“Well.” Ji Ning nodded.

Forgot to pull the recommendation ticket on Monday, Khan, now pulling the ticket, please spend a few seconds to cast a recommendation ticket ~~~~

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