Reverend Insanity:

The strength of the scales, like a scale, is hovering quietly above Fang Yuan’s head.

Fang Yuan sat with his eyes closed, his body shrouded in the glory of the power of ten junks.

A long time.

Fang Yuan opened his eyes, the light slowly dissipated, and the power of the ten strengths was only half the original size.

“It can be used twice more.” Fang Yuan silently estimated.

The power of Shijun is exhaustion. After using this one, he has 70 strength. This kind of information can be justified when it is placed on the fourth-level power master.

But go all out and get squeezed into two turns. If you do n’t resolve the matter one day, there is no possibility of qualitative change in your spiritual practice. It can be said that within a short period of time, the combat effectiveness of the strength repair cannot be achieved.

Looked at the first air trick and then the second air trick in turn.

The destiny in the first emptiness is Chunqiu Cicada, who still disappears and sleeps.

Ninety percent of the crystal purple is really sparkling, reflecting the purple blur of the crystal wall at the top of the fifth turn.

The smoke above the sea is like a cloud in the shape of a wolf.

On the sea, the repaired bones of the war bones have been restored, and the snow willows like white willow leaves.

Five turns of clues, snorkeling like a squid, sometimes swallowing with the wolf’s head and fish belly, playing together.

On the bottom of the Zhenyuan Sea, there are a large number of wolverines, a lot of powerful crickets, and some wolf soul crickets.

At the same time, there are also the most important Star Gate 蛊, Pushing and Changing Cup 蛊, East Window 蛊, Funeral 蛊, and Ma Da Cheng 蛊 蛊.

As for the wolverine, the wolf Gu 蛊, the eagle yang 蛊, the wolf rushing 敛, and the concentrating 蛊 蛊 are pinned on the body.

As Fang Yuan went deeper into Beiyuan, his body has gradually adapted to Beiyuan’s environment. The repair of the first air trick in Beiyuan is already able to reach the intermediate stage of five turns.

It’s just that Fang Yuan has been concentrating his interest to suppress his own breath at the peak of four turns.

In the second air, there is another scene.

The crystal film on all sides illuminates Kongqiao with a translucent light.

Ninety percent of the real gold, the real yuan, and the waves are wavy.

After these days of practice. Fang Yuan’s second air trick also reached the peak of four turns from the original three-turn peak.

In the very center of Kongqiao, it is the three-turn all-out effort.

In addition, it is a three-turn force discouragement that can transform the beast power’s ghost image into a solid airflow. The more the body is injured, the stronger the four turns of coolies.

The four-turn rampage hits the cricket, the three-turn hoops, the veteran cricket. The four-turn effort and the three-turn self-reliance with healing effect.

As for the other King Kong’s angry eyes, point gold owl, Wuqi magpie, blood skull magpie, bone reunion magpie, yin and yang turn around maggot, etc., all of them are temporarily unavailable, so they all stay in the Fox Fairy Land.

Fang Yuan appeared in Beiyuan as soon as he came out of the Langya Blessed Land. First recognized by Kitahara. The cultivation of the four-turn peak is not subject to the slightest foreign suppression.

The repair of the second air trick can make such rapid progress, thanks to those relics purchased by Fang Yuan.

But due to the limitation of Xianyuan Stone, he can no longer buy amethyst relics. Therefore, in the next step, the cultivation of the second emptiness can only rely on Fang Yuan’s own strength and practice step by step.

“Four to five turns. It’s a qualitative change process, and the gap is huge. Tonight, we will directly modify the second emptiness to break through to the first level of five turns!” Fang Yuan saw that time was still sufficient, and simply continued to check. Sitting on the futon, decided to sprint the five-turn realm.

The cultivation of the second air trick has reached the peak of four revolutions, and the accumulation of knowledge has been sufficient. Qualifications can’t be higher than the first emptiness, but because of Langya Diling’s own refining. Therefore, the qualification is also 90%.

Usually, if you have these two conditions, you will have enough capital to sprint into the realm of five transfers.

Usually, after a few failures, they have sufficient experience and will be promoted successfully.

But in the field of experience, Fang Yuan has always been a strong point, and this relationship does not exist for him.

More importantly. The true elements of the first emptiness and the second emptiness can be shared with each other!

There aren’t two identical leaves in the world, and the same puppet masters have different true elements. If you do not use the flesh to reunite such tapeworms. The eunuchs instilled the true elements into each other, which would lead to the correction of heterogeneous true elements, and eventually the explosion of emptiness.

However, Fang Yuan owns both the first Kongqiao and the second Kongqiao. The true elements in the two empty tricks can be borrowed and borrowed one hundred percent, which are essentially the same.


Fang Yuan murmured in his heart. The crystal purple true element in the first emptiness rushed out and rushed into the second emptiness in the center of his chest.

The true element, which belongs to the peak of the Five Turns, hits the wall of the Four Turns, and it really has a strong effect.

At dawn, Fang Yuan successfully broke through to the first stage of the fifth turn.

Sprinting five turns this time can be said to be the easiest time in his history.

“Just because of using the true element in the first emptiness, now the second emptiness is also suppressed by the foreign.” Fang Yuan felt it, although now there is a lilac true yuan in the second emptiness. But the effect of the urge is still the same as the original real gold.

“But after more than half a month, the foreign suppression on the second Kongqiao will dissipate. After three months, the first Kongqiao will also be completely integrated into the environment of the North Plains, and will no longer be suppressed by foreign countries! , The battle of Wang Ting has come to an end … “

Fang Yuan exhaled a stale breath, stood up, and moved his muscles.

The nightly sleepless practice makes him feel slightly tired and exhausted.

He pushed open the door of the back room, and the two three-turn masters in front of the door immediately responded and saluted him.

One of them also told Fang Yuan a good news: “Master Wolf, our puppet master was lucky to capture a shark fin wolf in the wild. He is being held in a cage, and the patriarch will take care of it. , You can go to Yingzhong Camp and conquer it. “

The news brought Fang Yuan an unexpected surprise.

The shark fin wolf is a strange beast, which is equivalent to the combat power of a four-turned magpie division. Although Fang Yuan purchased a batch of strange beast wolves in Baohuang Tian, ​​it was not released because of unclear explanation.

If there is a shark fin wolf, guarding him. On the battlefield, Fang Yuan will undoubtedly be more secure.

After a while, Fang Yuan walked into the Yingzhong camp.

“See Tuba for Lord Wolf King.” A three-turned puppet master hurried out to greet him.

He is short and fat, with a fat face full of oil, and charmingly said, “Master, the Wolf King, the young has been waiting for a long time, this will lead you to pass.”

Under the leadership of Tubo. After a while, Fang Yuan and others saw the shark fin wolf across the wooden cage.

The shark fin wolf is as big as an elephant. At this moment it is lying in a cage, wrapped in tough leather armor like a crocodile.

On its back, there is a row of shark-like blue-black shark fins that extend from the head of the wolf to the tail of the wolf.

The light of the dawn. Shining on it, the shark fin wolf closed its eyes, and has lost consciousness due to the lethargy effect.

“Congratulations, shark fin wolf is the most defensive alien beast wolf. With this wolf guard, adults are even more powerful.”

“What’s even more rare. Shark fin wolves can not only fight on land, but also swim underwater, and they are more powerful!”

The two guards of the three-turned puppet division saw these shark-fin wolves and spoke in congratulations to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan smiled and looked at the shark fin wolf in front of him. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he casually asked, “Is this a strange beast wolf caught, sacrificed a lot of people?”

Tuba knew that he was asking himself, and immediately replied, “That’s it! At least two hundred people who sacrificed four three-passengers and two second-passengers died. If it weren’t for Wang and Fang, The patriarch provided timely support, and the shark-fin wolf ran away. “

Fang Yuan nodded, his eyes narrowed into a slit: “The body of this shark fin wolf is scarred. But in my opinion, it seems to have old wounds?”

“Yes, yes. If it was n’t for the old wounds, it would be difficult for the Scout Division to escape from the birth day and rush back to report. It can be seen that the Lord Wolf King has been favored by the longevity day. When the war comes, he will suffer The injured shark fin wolf is brought to you by your adult. “Tubo flattered.

“Are you lucky …” Fang Yuan muttered, and the feeling of inconvenience in his heart grew stronger.

He can’t tell. Where did this inconvenience come from? It was just an inexplicable feeling of crisis.

He asked a few words and didn’t notice anything wrong.

The shark fin wolf is a strange beast, which is equivalent to the combat power of the four-turned puppet division. Because of old injuries. Therefore, he was delayed and captured.

It all makes sense.

The only unreasonable thing is the uneasiness in Fang Yuan’s heart.

But Fang Yuan takes this feeling very seriously.

This feeling didn’t exist when he had just crossed over from previous lives. It is a kind of intuition that he has accumulated from rich life experience after hundreds of years of ordeal and countless mortal experiences.

As the saying goes, people grow old. No matter how stupid a person is, he will eat too much and suffer too much. If he sees too much, he will naturally form the wisdom of existence.

In fact, not only humans, but ordinary beasts also have an intuition and sensitivity to the coming of danger.

Fang Yuan pulled out a four-turned wolf howl in the eyes of the surrounding guru.

“Here, you go and subdue this strange beast wolf.” To the surprise of others, Fang Yuan did not do it himself, but handed over the wolf howling to Tubo.

“Let the little ones use it?” Tubo wondered, “But the next repair is only three turns …”

“Less nonsense, use it quickly.” Fang Yuan sighed impatiently, forcibly tucked the wolf into Tubo.

Tubo is helpless, I do n’t know what weird temperament such a big man like Wolf King has, but due to Fang Yuan ’s power, he had to infuse Zhen Yuan.

He urged for a while, and when he was so tired and sweaty, he slowly urged the four-turned wolverine.

The wolverine becomes a strange light, and trembles on the shark fin wolf.

“Well …” A sigh of regret from the female sighed suddenly in everyone’s ears.

In a flash, Fang Yuan’s warning rose sharply, he didn’t even think about it, his body collapsed!

A sense of trembling swept through the soul of everyone present.

At almost the same moment, Tubo suddenly opened her mouth and made a terrible miserable death.

The two guards of the Three-Turnmen Division are inexplicably inexplicable. They have no idea how Tubo died. For a while, they followed Fang Yuan subconsciously and flew backward.

But immediately, one of them suddenly trembled, and his body was still in the air, so he had no breath.

“It’s a soul burst …” Fang Yuan flashed aura in his mind and blurted out.

“The Lord Wolf King really has extraordinary insight.” A woman’s soft whisper sounded in his ear, followed by a surging shadow.

The shadows are like swords, overlapping and overlapping, as if the black peacock suddenly turned on the screen, ruthless and sharp, wrapping Fang Yuan’s body.

Four turns-multiple sword shadows!

Ding Jing Dang.

Suddenly, the dense voices became one.

Multiple sword shadows cut on Fang Yuan’s body. As if the gold and iron collided, a dazzling spark broke out.

Fang Yuan’s skin has become a dark green color. If you look closely, there is a continuous pattern of turtle shells.

Five turns-Turtle, Jade, Wolf, and Hide!

“Female thief!” The other three-turned maggot division, seeing Fang Yuan being attacked, immediately yelled and changed direction. Come to help.

Sneak attack on Fang Yuan’s son-in-law, snorted coldly, but regardless of how much, the epee shadow became more violent.

At the same time, she opened her mouth and spit out a long threadworm.

Long bugs look like black lines. Ignoring the surrounding sword and film, he went straight to Fang Yuan’s ear.

Fang Yuan was expressionless and looked coldly like an iceberg. He suddenly extended his right hand and slammed on the three-turned puppet guard who came to support him.

“Master Wolf King!” The three-turned prince was very surprised. He came to protect Fang Yuan, but never thought of it. Fang Yuan actually caught him.

While he was dismayed, Fang Yuan grabbed him to the right of his body, blocking Fang Yuan and the shark fin wolf.

Almost at the same time, three turns of the master twitched, his body twitched, his eyes turned white, and his mouth foamed!

The silk worms took this opportunity to get into Fang Yuan’s ears.

Fang Yuan grunted. Release the three-turned puppeteer, and point his fists at the black screen-like sword.

The son-in-law was aware of the huge strength of this blow, and laughed a little, but did not fight hard. He suddenly put up multiple swords and shadows, turned his body into a dark shadow, and hurriedly exited twenty steps away.

The dark shadow fell into the shadow of the tent. Turned into a woman again.

This woman is petite and exquisite. She is dressed in black and has a black gauze on her face. Only a pair of narrow phoenix eyes are exposed.

She exudes a dim, sullen breath. Adding a ghost-like magic to her beauty, it will be deeply rooted and unforgettable.

“The younger generation has no shadow sword edge Si Xuan, and has met Lord Wolf King.” The woman’s opponent was a little polite. She was in the enemy camp and surrounded by enemies, but she was calm and calm.

Fang Yuan snorted coldly and bluntly asked, “What kind of **** did you just plant for me?”

Bian Sixuan chuckled: “It was a weird maggot that was accidentally found in a ruin somewhere during an adventure of the junior. Once launched, it penetrated into the ear of the human and penetrated into the brain. As long as the person thinks a little hastily, This worm will grow rapidly until it bursts its head. So the younger generation is named “Bao Nao.”

Fang Yuan’s face sank.

Bian Sixuan made another ceremony, and his tone was full of true admiration: “The predecessors could perceive the elusive traps carefully designed by the Oriental Prince, and even avoided most of the power of soul explosion. The younger generation admired it so much. It is also a great honor for the younger generation to gain the life of the younger end.

As soon as the voice fell, she turned into a dark shadow, projecting quickly from the shadows of buildings everywhere.

“I’m a Shadow Swordsman!”

“Damn, stop her.”

A large number of puppeteers who heard the sound came roaring and intensive attacks hit the shadows everywhere, but the dark shadow of Bian Sixuan had long disappeared.

She is gone, or is she still here? For a while, everyone dared not be sure immediately.

“Become a step behind, please Lord Wolf King forgive me!”

“Master Wolf King, do you have nothing to do?”

The people who were extremely worried soon surrounded Fang Yuantuan.

Although Fang Yuan was not harmed, the fur was shaved off by the sword shadow a lot, which made him look embarrassed.

“What can I do? A group of incompetent wastes are touched by the other party and they don’t know about it! They are all rolled out for me!” Fang Yuanqi roared desperately, but his heart was ecstatic.

I didn’t want to be assassinated, but I sent a clue to the inheritance of Thieves Demon to me!

Brain brain?

Do you think I can’t cover it?

Hum, junior junior …

In Fang Yuan’s five hundred years of memory, this shadow swordsman Bian Sixuan is also an important figure.

She is one of Ma Hongyun’s wives. It is precisely because of this “brainstorm” in her hands that Ma Hongyun has successfully acquired the inheritance of Pirate Devil.

It’s just what the heritage is and how it goes. Ma Hongyun has been avoiding it, so Fang Yuan is not clear.

I only know how to properly turn on this “Brain Brain”.

“Ma Hongyun avoided talking, and we can see the great harvest of this heritage. It should be afraid of telling the truth and causing others to be stunned.” Fang Yuan was full of anger on his face, but his heart was calm. Analyzing. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m. To read.)

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