Gundam Seed: Final Destination Chapter 658: : Your mission is over


The ear-piercing siren stimulated the thinking that was about to stagnate.

When Aslan looked up, in the cold and indifferent sight, a green-painted MA appeared in sight holding two huge fiery red pliers.

The Chaos Gundam in ma form held up the ma-xm434 beam fighting claw and rushed towards the Savior Gundam.

In the rear, the black-painted prototype Savior Gundam also raised its beam rifle and fired a beam at this moment.


The beam saber’s unique light jumps in front of the Savior Gundam.

The beam attack, which came first, collided with the two beam sabers and dissipated in midair.


Yin Detong shrunk suddenly, looking in disbelief at the savior Gundam holding knives in both hands in front of him.

This guy can do it anyway.

The things that made him unbelievable did not stop.

In his eyes that gradually changed from astonishment to disbelief.

Savior Gundam slowly turned around when Chaos Gundam approached, and the beam saber was also dancing at the same moment.

Blinding, sparks from the beam saber tearing PS armor are reflected in his child hole.


The next second, with Sting’s terrified roar from the cockpit, Chaos Gundam was torn apart by the beam saber and fell towards the deep sea below.

The extreme pressure from the direction of the Savior Gundam even made him forget to pursue.

I can only watch helplessly as the savior Gundam flies towards the sea level, where there is a broken body that has just climbed out of the water.

The bright red strike was not hit by the beam of light in the cockpit.

Although the engine and limbs suffered varying degrees of damage, it did not threaten the cockpit.


Just as Cagalli floated to the surface, a piercing alarm suddenly came from behind.

When I turned my head, the abyss was as high as breaking through the water.


Ouer roared loudly, and swung the beam spear in his hand towards the cockpit of Yanhong Assault.



However, almost at the same time, a smear of red and the light of the beam saber appeared in sight at the same time.


In the next second, the beam spear was cut off by the beam saber.


As the body trembled, the Abyss Gundam that had just rushed out of the water was knocked back by the Savior Gundam.

Cagali was shocked by the scene in front of her.

However, in the next second, that terrifying guy suddenly turned around and came in front of him.



Cagali’s scream was interrupted by this familiar tone.


Cagali asked subconsciously, and it was only at this time that she remembered that the machine in front of her was the one that took her away from the Orb wedding scene.

“This is not where you should be!”

After Aslan finished speaking, he drove the Savior Gundam and flew towards the Archangel with the Bright Red Strike.

God knows how scared Aslan was when Yanhong fell into the sea.

The feeling that the blood was frozen made him feel lingering.

If Cagalli really died here——

Aslan really didn’t know what he was going to do.

Luckily, Cagalli is fine.

“But I—”

“Shut up!”

Cagali wanted to say something, but was forcibly interrupted by Aslan’s scolding.


However, just because Aslan wants to leave does not mean that others are willing to let him go.

As the siren sounded, Yin De, who was relieved, drove the Savior Gundam to kill him at a high speed. At the same time, the Abyss Gundam rushed out of the sea again.

“You are looking for—”

“Do you think I don’t exist?”

Ouer was just about to say something, when a shrill siren and a tone from the proximity frequency band suddenly sounded in the cockpit.

“Your mission is over!”

In Auer’s astonished and puzzled eyes, a machine that seemed to be smeared with blood appeared in his sight.

The ship-cutting knife held high is like the sickle of death, which makes people’s heart beat.


Suddenly, Orr even heard the sound of the ship-cutter knife dancing to tear the air.

“Heh, what a scary guy—”


The Zhanjian knife fell from the head of the Abyss Gundam and fell straight into the sea.

The Abyss Gundam that just emerged sank into the sea again, and this time he probably won’t be able to climb up.

The sea water rolled and exploded, and the water column rose into the sky.

The trial model Destiny Gundam glanced at Aslan’s direction, turned around and flew towards the Minerva.

With the help of Aslan, the crisis on the Archangel has been resolved.

Marlene Straw’s Fire Tiger 2000 has been chopped off by Covenant Gundam.

The Fire Tiger 2000 of Michal and Lika Zita is also covered with bruises and bruises.


Fubuki Shenyi raised his hand and pushed Ray Za Barel away, and turned his head to look in the direction where Abyss Gundam lost its signal.

Preya looked around and pondered for a moment as he watched the situation on the battlefield.

Then reached out and connected to the communication of the bridge.

It’s time to retreat, his purpose is to weaken Orb’s military power to achieve a certain balance.

Instead of simply weakening the power of the Atlantic Federation.

It will be a little difficult to deal with it if you continue to fight.


‘Do not invade other countries, do not allow other countries to invade, and do not intervene in other countries’ disputes – I, Obu, take this as my national belief, and I have always adhered to it in the changing and turbulent situation, precisely because it is the foundation of Aubu’s founding and founding of the country , and inspire the central idea of ​​solidarity and cooperation among the whole people.

Today, even in this case, I still think it is true.

The Earth Army forces our country to join this camp by force, but we cannot surrender after all.

If we surrender at this moment, then, in the foreseeable future, we will definitely follow their instructions, regard their enemies as enemies, fight according to their orders, and become a puppet country without freedom——’

“You seem to care about this country?”

Matisse’s voice sounded faintly behind him.

At some point, Matisse came behind the girl, and calmly stared at the image on the electronic screen with his arms crossed.

Niya Mathis turned around and looked at her sister. After a slight silence, Niya Mathis shook her head without saying a word.

“Go and rest, the successive battles are very tiring, you can take a good rest in the next period of time.”

When Matisse saw this, he didn’t ask too much. He just smiled and reached out to touch Niya Matisse’s head.

“Well, sister, take care of your body.”

Nia Mathis had a smile on his face, and after he finished speaking, he turned around and floated towards his room with a little force on his legs.

Matisse just stood there and quietly watched Nia Matisse leave.

As Niya’s back gradually faded away, Matisse’s expression gradually changed from easy-going and warm to cold and indifferent.

“The infectious power of the Orb Lion is really terrifying——”

Muttering, Mathis reached out and turned off the screen.

Niya Matisse is not actually her sister, but a soldier that Matisse traded for.

Fleur Alstad blocked the battle of Orb at the beginning, but it still did not change the result of the fall of his regime.

The Atlantic Federation successfully took over Orb.

In the subsequent battle damage statistics, many wounded who were not evacuated were rescued.

Including Niya Matisse at the port, no, she should be called – Mayo At least that’s what she is called on the file.

On the file, Mayo Asuka is a missing person who was evacuated from Orb.

During the treatment, Mayo Asuka woke up, but lost all his memory.

At that time, the Atlantic Federation lacked high-end combat capabilities.

As the adjuster of amnesiacs, Mayo Asuka is undoubtedly the best soldier supplementary member, and a large part of adjusters like her have been absorbed into the Atlantic Federation’s troops.

In the subsequent tests, Mayo Asuka showed a strong fighting talent.

And it has a very high adaptability in the following gene pairing experiments.

Mayou Asuka has also been transferred to the Phantom Pain Troop so far for training, and her strength is also growing rapidly.


After memory cleaning, Mayo Asuka turned into Nia Mathis, and Mathis was always by his side.

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