Reverend Insanity: Section 109: Tree house hides wine bugs

Gu Yuemanshi regrets losing to newcomer Fang Yuan!

The news was soon publicized, setting off a small storm among the second-round puppet divisions.

The two main characters of the incident are familiar to everyone.

Manshi is a famous second-turned puppet division. Two years ago, he had escaped under Bai Ningbing’s men and could not be underestimated.

Fang Yuan is the first of this year. During the year-end assessment, many people saw him defeat Fang Zheng. Later, because he inherited his legacy, he became rich overnight, making everyone more jealous.

The gap between the two sides should be obvious, but the strong ones have been defeated by the weak Fang Yuan. This contrast is really shocking.

Many people inquired about what happened, and Fang Yuan became famous.

Every second Zhuanshi teachers are beginning to face this young junior newcomer.

“You didn’t say a word, you started. Young and young, easy to impulsive.”

“I have wealth in my hand, and the moon maggots are combined, which is considered to be small and capable.”

“This is a lunatic and behaves fiercely. It is said that after the ancient Yueman Stone lost, he lay in his bed for three days!”

People comment on Fang Yuan.

Although in the course of the battle with Wild Stone, he suddenly shot and seized the opportunity. First, he severely damaged Wild Stone and established a great advantage.

But victory is victory, and failure is defeat.

The results speak for themselves.

Maybe there are many people on the planet who focus on the process and not the result. But in this world, life is hard and hard, and it is full of deadly danger. Victory often means alive. To lose is to die and lose everything.

The idea that the winner is king and the loser is Kou has been strongly recognized by almost everyone.

Fang Yuan has won, no matter the process, this is the fact.

A newcomer has risen, stepping on the shoulders of Wild Stone. Formally stepped into the eyes of everyone.

The wild stone became a stepping stone, and its reputation was ruined once it was returned. He resigned as the team leader.

This is where the loser ends.

Loved ones sympathize with such losers, but they adore and recognize winners more. Winners stand for strength, and being strong means people’s lives are safer.

After this matter. Ancient Moon Frozen Ground also wisely stopped small movements.

The end of Guyue Manshi finally made the savvy uncle realize the reality. Fang Yuan’s growth made him helpless, resentful, and unwilling.

He knows that he can no longer reclaim this legacy. It doesn’t make sense to persist.

Using your own network and hiring other people to find Fang Yuan’s trouble is consuming Yuanshi. Fang Yuan, however, has a lot of money.

Once the stalemate continues, even if he has a large amount of Yuanshi savings, it will be him who eventually fails.

Because he lost the bamboo house, the wine shop, and the nine-leaf vital grass, it has become a passive water, and it is difficult to replenish it when Yuan Shi consumes it. Looking back at Fang Yuan. Although Yuan Shi is lacking, it is increasing.

More importantly, Guyue Frozen Earth found with frustration that such stalemate was of no benefit at all.

So when he heard the news that the wild stone had fled, he immediately stopped this useless move.

In fact. After the founder’s troubles were resolved by Fang Yuan, it already meant the failure of his ancient moon frozen ground.

In this way, Fang Yuan’s wine shop can operate as usual, which is a happy thing.

Another happy thing is the early arrival of the caravan.


Spring is bright, and the soft songs of spring come at a cheerful beat.

Spring blossoms. The grass warbler flies.

On Qingmao Mountain, when you look around, all are green. On some sunny hillsides, blossoming wild flowers form a colorful and gorgeous sea of ​​flowers.汩汩 Flowing streams of flowers bloom like flames, intertwined with the sun.

The newly born dragon pupae slowly grows from thin eggs to form a new swarm of insects, which starts to be active at night.

And in the daytime, the colorful parrots haunted in large groups, hovering in the air, and howling wailing.

Bodeze in Yangchun, all things are shining.

Under such a landscape, a caravan slowly entered Qingmao Mountain.

The black-skinned fat beetle crawls slowly, full of people and cargo.

The proud camel, with colorful feathers, is pulling a cart. The large mountain spider ignored the terrain, the wing snake twisted its body, meandering, and sometimes opened its wings and flew for a distance.

A precious brass toad, up to two and a half meters tall, covered with orange and yellow, is headed by Jia Fu, a four-turn master of the division.

After knowing that the caravan was stationed in the cottage, Fang Yuan sighed in his heart: “It has changed again. In the memory of previous lives, this caravan should have arrived in summer. According to the practice of previous years, it was also summer. The caravan arrived here. But now, it is two or three months in advance, and it arrives in the spring. And it is even larger. “

Fang Yuan’s rebirth has changed his current situation and also affected his surroundings, leading to changes in the future.

In fact, it is because he killed Jia Jinsheng.

After deceiving everyone, Jia Fu mistakenly believed that the death of Jia Jinsheng was a conspiracy of rival Jia Gui.

After Jia Fu returned to the family, he took a series of radical measures, which made the competition between their brothers more fierce.

In order to strive for better caravan results, when the snow has not been completely resolved this year, the brothers of the Jia family scrambled to set off and led the caravans to start business on all sides.

The patriarch Gu Yuebo met Jia Fu.

Two four-turned puppet masters, each head of the two sides.

“Brother Guyue, don’t hesitate?” Jia Fu’s face was filled with laughter, full of enthusiasm, but a long scar was added to his face.

“Hahaha, brother Jia Fu, it’s quite early this year.” Gu Yuebo looked at the scar on Jia Fu’s face, his heart moved, but he didn’t ask questions.

“Whether early birds get worms. This time I brought a lot of precious goods. I believe that the noble ancient moon clan will have a lot of needs.” In order to win the results, Jia Fu tried his best.

“Oh, this is good news.” Gu Yuebo’s eyes flashed. Then he said, “It just so happened that the day after tomorrow was the opening ceremony of my tribe, and I invited Brother Jia to observe the ceremony.”

“Haha, it is a great honor to be able to witness the prosperity of the ancient Yue tribe.” Jia Fu immediately held his fist and said sincerely.

Being able to invite others to watch the opening ceremony of this tribe is really treating this outsider as a VIP. Jia Fu took this invitation. Feel the sincerity of the ancient Yue clan.

“Actually, there is one more thing.” Jia Fu stopped talking.

“If your guest is far away, I have nothing to say. My tribe must do its best,” said Gu Yue.

Jia Fu sighed: “Well, it’s still Jia Jinsheng’s business. This time I brought a few scouts from the clan, hoping to investigate. I can open the door of convenience.”

Gu Yuebo suddenly showed a clear look.

It seems that the death of Jia Jinsheng has put Jia Fu into an awkward passive position in the competition of home ownership. I heard that after returning to the family, Jia Fu and Jia Gui had an argument in public and a fierce battle broke out. The scar on his face was most likely the mark of that fierce battle.

No wonder he ran over in the beginning of the spring. It can be seen that Jia Fu was carrying a lot of pressure on his shoulders.

Fang Yuan wandered among the tent shops.

This year’s caravan is bigger than any previous year. Not only did tents increase, but squatters also appeared.

Squatter is a thing unique to large caravans, often a large caravan. There are two or three squatters. Jia Fu’s caravan size can only be considered at most medium, but he has a squatter.

This squatter house is a big tree.

It is eighteen meters high and is truly a giant tree. The roots of the tree are stout, and the roots are entangled like dragons and snakes. A small part is exposed on the ground, and the rest is deeply rooted.

The bottom trunk is ten meters in diameter. Decreasing upwards, but the magnitude of the decrease is not obvious. The brown trunk is not densely integrated, but has three layers of space in the trunk.

The trunk surface. Windows also opened. Sunlight and fresh air pass through the windows and into the three levels of the trunk.

Big branches are thin and sparse, and the branches and leaves appear sparse. Only the canopy is covered, the green is green, and the leaves are lush. The spring breeze blows, the leaves shake, and there is a slight rustle.

This is the most common type of housing estate.

Three turns of grass and wood hoe, called Sanxingdong.

I was planted by a logistical division, and Irrigation became real. The three levels of space in the trunk are three rooms arranged one above the other. Defense is by no means comparable to tents.

In a stretch of tent, a tall giant tree stands in it, just like a tower, which means to stand out from the crowd.

At the bottom of the giant tree, two spacious portals are purposely opened for people to enter.

Fang Yuan followed the flow of people and walked into the giant tree.

The three-story space in the tree house has been transformed into a shop layout. In various counters, various ascaris were placed.

These counters are all wood and are part of the entire giant tree. It has green branches and leaves. Sanxingdongshu can be grown according to the wishes of the master.

In addition to these counters, there are round stools and benches for customers to rest.

A three-turn logistician, I don’t know where in this giant tree, always manipulating and monitoring.

Once someone snatched the tapeworms on the counter, he manipulated the giant tree to grow, and immediately closed the door at the bottom of the trunk, creating a secret room in an instant. Countless branches will grow madly and form dense attacks. At the same time, the puppet divisions stationed in the tree house will also participate in the battle.

Tree houses are much safer than tents, so the goods they sell are even more valuable.

Fang Yuan just arrived on the first floor. First, he saw a wine counter on a separate counter in the center.

There are already a lot of puppet masters around this wine bug, commenting on their feet, or giving out their admiration.

Fang Yuan glanced around, and many more precious tapeworms were placed on other counters.

There are jade skin crickets, whirlwind crickets, scar stone crickets and so on.

These maggots can be combined with Moonlight maggots to form higher numbers of maggots.

Jia Fu is not fully aware of these secret recipes, but after so many years of business, experience has been accumulated, and I know which tapeworms the Guyue family has more demand for.

“Jia Fuxing is not aimed at the ancient Yuezhai family, so it can be seen that this time he really did his best, and it seems that he was stimulated after going back.” Fang Yuan saw this, his heart moved.

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