The Desolate Era Chapter 19: Critical

Godfiend Witherspike has begun to act, and those who have received the news from the Inferno Gate are also excited! They are also waiting, waiting for Godfiend Witherspike to kill Fuxi and Tathagata.

Goldriver world.

Ji Ning The seven of them are resting in a beautiful place. Their team has the extremely fast ‘Kuafu’ and the amazing Ji Ning, but it has become the fastest among the four teams.

“Wait a day, I’ll sleep for a while.” Liu Wu lay on the grass with a smile.

“You lazy.” Xingtian shook his head.

“There are Kuafu and Darknorth, I’m afraid of What.Liu Wu is very leisurely.

Xingtian glanced at the Kuafu drinking there, and Ji Ning and Ji Ning not far away sitting on the rocks. At this time, they were sitting cross-legged, holding a gourd in one hand, and sometimes experimenting with some sword move in one hand. I saw Ji Ning‘s fingers changing , Careful induction can feel a chilling sword intent, Xingtian can not help but feel a burst of heart tremor.

“I am called the God of War, but this Ji Ning, Sword Technique Three-Realms is the first, and I feel that he is progressing very fast.” Xingtian secretly horrified, “It is really impossible to compare.”

Where does he know that the Primaltwin of Ji Ning is in Heaven Spying White Tower, and it ’s been half a year since the outside world, how can Sword Technique progress of Ji Ning be slow?

In fact, more than 70% of the time in Heaven Spying White Tower and Ji Ning is in comprehend the dao!

However, if you keep immersing yourself in comprehend the dao, the effect is not necessarily good. Ji Ning occasionally also includes study and understand Sword Technique, Divine Ability and so on. But even so, the progress of Sword Technique is still amazing.

“The nameless Sword Technique is indeed unfathomable.” Ji Ning sighed in his heart.

World God Northrest, stands at the peak in World God, mainly relying on the set of anonymous Sword Technique! Divine Sword Purple Light Jade was also acquired by him later.

That unnamed Sword Technique is unpredictable.

After World God Northrest study and understand, 98 types of Sword Technique were created, that is, 98 blocks of Sword Technique stone stele! Ji Ning now study and understand Sword Technique stone stele has no Shadowless ring, but every time you want to try study and understand

‘Unknown Sword Technique, all feel hard, very, very strenuous, Ji Ning understands that sword spirit of Divine Sword Purple Light Jade is right!

You must understand 98 types of Sword Technique · to be suitable for study and understand Unknown Sword Technique!

However, Ji Ning will occasionally go to study and understand study and understand, which is regarded as a transfer. In the past two thousand years, Ji Ning has also made some small gains. These small gains have greatly increased the Sword Technique powerful energy of Ji Ning.

Divine Sword Purple Light Jade is just a weapon.” Ji Ning secretly thought, “Compared with this, the ninety-eight swordsmanship stone stele and the unknown Sword Technique recorded on Green Jade Shrine are the most important gifts left to me by World God Northrest.”

Drink and drink occasionally, and sometimes practice swordsmanship.

The surrounding scenery is also very beautiful. There are some grasses around, but there is a shocking shattered space in the distance.

In the ruins of Primordial, there are some chaotic Spacetime, shattered space and weird Bloodsea. These are wonderful sights that are hard to see in Three-Realms, but they can be easily seen here. But even the aliens living in the ruins of Primordial did not dare to approach these dangers. if was involved, and those who were weaker would die in it.

“Not good.” Graceful Peacock suddenly shouted.

Brush brush brush … Everyone turned to look, including lying on the True God Luwu who seemed to be asleep, and got up instantly.

“What’s wrong?” Kuafu asked even more.

Graceful Peacock say in succession: “This Goldriver world is also a bit dangerous. The team led by Buddhist Ancestor Tathagata has now fallen into a dangerous place.”

“Oh.” Kuafu breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled, “With the strength of Buddhist Ancestor Tathagata, I believe he can handle it.”

Fengji Daofather also shakes the fan and smiles, “What kind of strength is Buddhist Ancestor Tathagata? The danger he encounters can easily easily be break. If he can’t get break, we won’t be able to go.”

Buddha said, it can be break, but it takes time.” Graceful Peacock also nodded, “Buddha is caught in a complex formations, if you want using force to overcome the principle, you can only slowly break ……… Now Fuxi also Led the team over and went to help Tathagata. “

“The Fuxi has also passed?” Empress Xi nodded.


Tathagata, that is the leader of Buddha Sect. He is best at defense, that is, he can support the siege of three or four leaders at the same time.

Fuxi is the first in Three-Realms formations. To break the battlefield, Fuxi is the most suitable.

“Let’s go too, and see what formations is.” Ji Ning smiled.

“Go and see.”

“Although we can’t help you, you can take a good look. It’s boring to wait here.”

Ji Ning The seven of them, True God Daofather, were extremely leisurely, and immediately drove up in the clouds and flew towards the place where they were trapped. !

The team led by Buddhist Ancestor Tathagata is trapped and no one takes it seriously!

Even the Major Powers of the Nuwa camp in the Hall of the Thousands of People did not care, and the Buddhist Ancestor Tathagata himself did not care! Because in the ruins of Primordial in the past twenty years, I have encountered many times of danger, such as being trapped in a certain situation for a short time, but also encountered many times, it will not be long before break can come out.

This time Tathagata was trapped. Even Tathagata said, “It’s just that formations is more complicated. When Fuxi comes, you can break fast.”

Because you have experienced so much, you are not used to it.

Ji Ning The seven of them True God Daofather are flying, very leisurely.

Graceful Peacock laughed: “Fuxi has arrived.”

“How long will it take Human Sovereign to break the line?” Kuafu asked.

Fuxi is still watching formations, um … although more complicated, Fuxi said, half an hour is enough to break the line.” Graceful Peacock smiled.

“Half an hour? We might as well fly slowly and wait for us to fly there, I’m afraid Human Sovereign and Buddha just came out of formations.” Fengji Daofather also laughed, “Faster, wait outside formations, and bored.” /

“Fly as usual,” Ji Ning said.

Graceful Peacock suddenly changed her complexion. As soon as her complexion changed, it aroused their attention from Ji Ning, Fengji, Kuafu, Empress Xi, Liu Wu, Xingtian.

“What’s wrong?” Ji Ning asked in a low voice.

“Some trouble.” Graceful Peacock frowned. “Not quite right.”

She also has two divine clones, which are in Buddha‘s team and Fuxi‘s team, so Buddha and Fuxi‘s everything they experienced, Graceful Peacock is very clear.

“Not good!” Graceful Peacock exclaimed, “formations changed a lot! Then there was another formations outside formations, which will completely cover the Fuxi team who is breaking the line … Three Major Power wearing gold armor have never seen Major Power. “

Major Power I have never seen? Isn’t it the Big Four Thearch?” Xingtian asked anxiously.

“No, it’s not the Big Four Thearch.” Graceful Peacock‘s face was even more ugly, say in succession, “Tathagata they were attacked, there were other alien Major Power appeared, and a large group of alien Daofather appeared, dozens of Daofather in the ruins of Primordial all appeared. Now, they are besieging Tathagata. Fuxi is now blocked … by the three gold armor aliens, the three gold armor aliens are very powerful, completely blocking the Fuxi. “

“Come on,” Kuafu yelled.

“I’m on my way, you go into my heavenly dwelling talisman.” Ji Ning shouted.


No hesitation.

As soon as Ji Ning waved his hand, the other six True God Daofather were immediately included in heavenly dwelling talisman, followed by Ji Ning and turned into Dao (together) black electric snake, fast rushed towards the place where Tathagata was trapped.

A team of Daoist Jade Cauldron, also at leisure, also got the news.

“What, almost all of the alien True God Daofather in the ruins of Primordial? Siege Tathagata? Human Sovereign was entangled, could not support?” Daoist Jade Cauldron also immediately understood the situation was bad.

“Yes.” The side of Graceful Peacock was anxious.

“Go.” Daoist Jade Cauldron yelled.

The seven Dao Sect Major Power immediately took a Primordial Chaos Qibao flying boat, and fast rushed to the trapped place of Tathagata.

The Ji Ning team and the Daoist Jade Cauldron team who got the news are eager to rush, but the real anxiety is in the Three-Realms hall of the peoples.

As soon as the news is received in the hall of the ancestral family, it immediately becomes ill-known.

“The True God Daofather in the ruins of Primordial suddenly appeared …… and three gold armor figures I have never seen can actually block Fuxi.” Daoist Three Purities yelled, “This Primordial ruin does indeed hide its power and hide more than we guess More terrible power. Houyi, Suiren, you two immediately led True God Daofather to rescue Fuxi and Tathagata. “


Houyi and Suiren nodded.

Suiren is the strongest in the Nuwa camp, and the strength of Houyi is even more unfathomable. The two immediately led a group of True God Daofather, full thirty-six position, and even fast left the Wanzu Hall.

Graceful Peacock, Houyi, Suiren, they arrived at the ruins of Primordial, or fly to rush. It will take some time for you to let Jade Cauldron, Kuafu, Darknorth support them as soon as possible to help Fuxi defeat the three gold armor aliens.” Daoist Three Purities commanded.

“Yes.” Graceful Peacock responded.


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