Mutated Tao Chapter 229: Source (adding more meat buns for the leader to run)

“Brother Li? What’s the matter with you?” When the cautious Gouwa saw Li Huowang put the thing in his mouth and began to chew, his heart skipped a beat.

“It’s broken, Brother Li has fallen ill again.”

Li Huowang didn’t pay attention to what he thought at all, he savored the taste of this thin layer of skin carefully. The more he chewed, the more excited his face became. “This taste is unmistakable, this is the skin of Hei Tai Sui! My hysteria is cured!”

Although the skin was completely dry, Li Huowang, who had seen it once, knew that after Hei Taisui died, he would turn into a puddle of water, leaving only this layer of skin.

Why did this thing become like this? It’s all because of dehydration after the death of Hei Taisui,

I don’t have any clue now, saying that I can find a solution to Xinsu is completely idiotic, and the hope is very slim.

Hei Tai Sui can help him to isolate himself from hallucinations, even if it is only temporarily, it can also be of great use!

“Steamed buns! Where did you find this thing?” Li Huowang turned to the steamed buns and asked.

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo” the earth dog with drooping ears tilted his head left and right at his master, obviously not understanding.

Li Huowang directly put Hei Taisui’s skin in front of its nose, “Smell! Go and find this thing!”

“Wow!!” This time Mantou seemed to understand Li Huowang’s consciousness, sniffed at the black leather, turned around and ran towards the grass next to him.

“Put the ox cart here first with Sun Baolu! We won’t leave! We’ll wait until we find Hei Taisui!” After finishing speaking, Li Huowang hurriedly chased after him, leaning on his crutches.

Although he didn’t know what Li Huowang was going to do, the others still followed. With his current appearance, he was really afraid that he was falling ill again.

Mantou ran so far that Li Huowang’s armpit started to ooze blood from the friction with the crutch.

“Da da da” intensive horse hooves sounded, Li Huowang turned his head to look, and found that it was Sun Baolu, who was chasing after him on horseback with some Qingqiu people.

“Brother Li! What are you looking for? Get on the horse! I’ll take you there!”

Li Huowang put his foot on the saddle, turned directly onto the horse, and pointed at the steamed bun still running wildly in the distance, “follow it!”

Ma obviously walked much faster than Li Huowang, and finally he would not be thrown farther and farther by the steamed bun.

The sun gradually hung in the sky, and the air became scorching hot.

“So far? Where did Mantou find Hei Taisui?”

Thinking, Li Huowang touched the long sword behind him with his hand. Hei Taisui may have been dangerous to his past self, but it is completely useless to his present self.

Right now, you shouldn’t think about whether Hei Taisui will threaten you, but you should think about how you can capture Hei Taisui alive, how to imprison it, and eat its meat bit by bit steadily.

Just as Li Huowang was pondering these questions, the steamed buns that were running wildly in the distance suddenly disappeared.

When the horse followed, Li Huowang realized that the steamed bun hadn’t disappeared, but ran to a low-lying place in the grass.

There is an irregular round hole on the left side of the low-lying place, which looks like a rabbit hole often seen on the grassland.

It’s just that the hole doesn’t look like it was dug by a rabbit, because it’s too big, at least one foot wide.

Li Huowang got off his horse and came to the side of Mantou who was circling, and saw the traces on the ground, the traces of Hei Taisui.

The scattered black skin has been blown away by the wind in Qingqiu, leaving only a little debris, but the traces of black water on the ground have not disappeared.

Li Huowang knew this black water, it was the black water sprayed from the body of Hei Taisui before he died. At this time, any grass that was glued to the ground by the black water had died.

The traces of the black water extended from the round hole. Li Huowang could judge the situation of the black Tai Sui from the situation at the scene.

It should have lived in the hole before, but it seemed to have been fatally wounded, so it crawled out with the last bit of strength, and finally died outside.

Immediately after its death, the skin it left behind was picked up by Mantou and brought to him.

“Well, I hope there will not be only one Hei Tai Sui in this hole.” After Li Huowang said in his heart, he walked slowly towards the dark round hole with vigilance.

“Wait!!” Sun Baolu, who was riding a horse, rushed up directly, stopped his horse in front of the cave entrance, and blocked Li Huowang’s way.

Frightened, he jumped off the horse, grabbed Li Huowang and rushed outside. “Brother Li! You can’t go! You really can’t go!”

Sun Baolu’s face was covered with cold sweat at this moment, he seemed to be very afraid of the round hole, he didn’t even want to look at it.

“Have you been here?” As long as Li Huowang is not blind, he can see his fear towards the entrance of the cave.

“Brother Li! I beg you! Really hurry up! This place is really dangerous!!”

Sun Baolu almost knelt on the ground and begged Li Huowang, but he remained unmoved.

“Are you kidding? It’s hard to find clues about Hei Taisui. How could he let him escape?”

“Bao Lu, calm down, this place is safe now, no one can hurt you.” Under Li Huowang’s comfort, Sun Baolu gradually calmed down.

Li Huowang asked Gao Zhijian beside him for a water hyacinth, and handed it to Baolu. “Take a sip, your lips are so dry and peeling.”

After seeing Sun Baolu gulping down all the water in the gourd, Li Huowang said to him again: “Do you know anything about this place? What’s in it? I need to find something inside. Maybe your news can help you Help me a lot.”

“Brother Li, you really can’t go there! There are no evil spirits in Qingqiu, but it’s not because those evil spirits disappeared for no reason, but because they are all hidden, and they are all hidden under the grass! That’s where they belong. Old nest!!”

Looking at Sun Baolu’s trembling fingers pointing directly at the entrance of the cave, Li Huowang lowered his head and looked towards the lush green grass underground.

So, the entire vibrant green hill is full of evil spirits? Li Huowang felt inexplicably cold.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he realized that it was reasonable in this crazy world, otherwise Hei Tai Sui would not have appeared here for no reason.

“No more? That’s all? Do your people know anything else?”

“Senior Brother Li, you really don’t want to go! No one else knows what’s inside! Qingqiu’s Khan even ordered that no one is allowed to talk about the things in this cave. Some of the things in you, you just Just saying its name and thinking of its appearance in your mind will bring evil things!”

Hearing what Sun Baolu said, Li Huowang pondered for a while and then said again: “Okay, I understand.”

After that, he leaned on crutches and walked towards the hole behind the horse.

“Senior brother Li! I have told you so clearly! Why are you still going in! You will really die!” Sun Baolu jumped there anxiously.

Li Huowang looked at him, recalling the hallucinations he experienced this morning, he is really eager now, Hei Taisui who can isolate the hallucinations.

“I have dealt with many evil spirits myself, and I am no longer the young one in the past. I may not have no chance of winning when I encounter evil spirits.”

Even Hei Taisui was killed, of course Li Huowang knew the danger, but when he thought of Hei Taisui, he felt that the risk was worth taking.

He really didn’t want to have that kind of entanglement again. Li Huowang actually didn’t have confidence in himself, and was afraid that after experiencing hallucinations a few more times, he would fall into it again.

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