The Last Apostle Chapter 91: Captive

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Lin Shenyin said:

“Since the detectors near us have malfunctioned, why don’t we go to detect it now, if possible, find some clothes worn by the enemies in the Iron Fortress, and at the same time, we can catch people alive and figure out what is happening now What is the situation in the Iron Fortress?”

Du Yuqi nodded and said:

“That’s right, there is one more thing, is there a sense of what Dhaka gave us?”

Before boarding the Iron Fortress, the ghost wolf Daka was already a little unable to maintain its own body shape. The body of the plane, a canine tooth fossil, was handed over to Du Yuqi and the others, saying that if there was a cursed object nearby, then this sacred object would definitely respond.

This canine tooth fossil was handed over to Xi. Faced with Du Yuqi’s question, Xi also shook his head. Du Yuqi thought for a while and said:

“Since this is the case, the space on this steel fortress is limited, which is not conducive to long-range combat, so you stay here, Duize, and Lin and I will go to check the surrounding environment and entrances and exits, and see if we can do it by the way. Get something forging identities, of course, the main goal is to find out the safe route to the interior of the steel base, whether you succeed or not, come back and gather in fifteen minutes.”

Lin naturally had no objection, so he split up with Du Yuqi to investigate and explore,

About a few minutes after being separated from his companions, Du Yuqi already felt a sense of monotony, because after the initial fresh feeling, he would immediately discover that the Iron Fortress is an out-and-out military The facilities inside are completely arranged according to the maximum reasonable space utilization, so the format and specifications of each room can be said to be exactly the same, and even the position of the potted plants placed in the room is exactly the same, as a dormitory. It’s a very standard room for two people, so visual fatigue quickly arises.

Fortunately, Du Yuqi’s memory and sense of direction are very good, and he can also grasp the approximate position of himself at this time, knowing that he is still a long way from the edge of the “safe zone” that is drawn every time, so he can rest assured and bold move on.

Suddenly, when Du Yuqi pressed the button of the electric door in front, he heard a faint voice. Swept away.

The voice can be clearly distinguished, it is coming from the next door, it is the two people complaining feebly:

“I’ve been spinning for a full twenty-one hours. During this period, I only slept for an hour. I even used toothpaste instead of eating. Everything I see now is a double image!”

The “toothpaste” they are talking about is not real toothpaste, but actually a kind of portable food that is rationed in the Iron Fortress. You need to drink water after eating compressed biscuits, and this nutrient is directly liquid Food, when squeezed out, looks similar to toothpaste. It can replenish water and nutrition, and there will be no problems such as chewing or indigestion. It can be done together with eating and drinking soup. Of course, the only disadvantage is that it is difficult to eat. eat.

The other person sneered with a hoarse voice:

“You should be grateful to the Holy Light now, at least you still have toothpaste. As for Trim, he should be being eaten by wild dogs right now. The moment the loyalty lock in his head exploded, it really made me feel sick. Caught off guard, have you ever felt the feeling of being sprayed with blood and brains on your face? I want to vomit when I see toothpaste now!”

After the other person was silent for a while, there was only a faint sound of metal impacting from the opposite side. It seemed that some parts were being disassembled, and suddenly there was a series of scolding voices:

“Oh! Shit, the three-phase **** is actually burnt, God, it is definitely not a wise decision for us to come here to repair, even the three-phase **** here is burnt. To illustrate a problem, the short-circuit current covers hundreds of rooms at least in an instant! Our workload is not four rooms, five rooms, and six rooms as imagined, but tenfold! As far as the current situation is concerned, we do not eat I probably work until tomorrow, and I can probably go back and give them a satisfactory answer.

The hoarse voice suddenly said:

“Hey, Jim, this may be an opportunity. We didn’t ask to come here, but were sent by Constantine, so if there is any problem at that time, there is enough reason to deal with it, and now The situation above the fortress is not safe. It looks very unlucky for us to come here, but it may not be a good thing! The gang of idiots who started the rebellion thought that the loyalty lock could control everything, but he didn’t know that the noose had been set It’s on his neck!”

After hearing this, Jim suddenly lifted his spirits and said:

“Did you hear something, Lear?”

Lille laughed twice:

“In short, don’t ask too much, do you think Lord Agamemnon just ignores this matter? Dangerous, a large-scale short-circuit phenomenon here is an excellent excuse, maybe in a few hours, we can drink coffee comfortably in the command room again!”

Hearing this, Du Yuqi’s heart moved, and he immediately pressed the button next to it to let the mechanical door slide open slowly, but instead of going out, he jumped up suddenly, supporting the door next to him with both hands and feet. The angled wall successfully hid on the top of the doorway like a big spider.

Sure enough, when he saw that the mechanical door opened automatically, Jim, who was the closest, did not have the vigilance of a combatant, but thought about it with the thinking of a technician, and lamented:

“Oh, don’t do it. Could it be that the electronic module that opens and closes the door is also damaged during the short circuit?”

After saying this, Jim dropped what he was doing and walked over directly, but that Lear frowned, stretched out his hand and pressed the beeper on his waist, as long as he pressed If you press the red button, a call for help will be sent immediately.

However, nothing happened after Jim walked into the room, which immediately made Lear relax, and began to loosen his hands from his waist, and continued to work on the work in hand, but he buried his head in his work for a few minutes. Seconds later, I suddenly heard the sound of a dull heavy object falling. When I looked up, I saw Jim collapsed on the ground, and a stranger fell from the sky.

Frightened, Lille immediately reached out and patted the beeper on his waist, but the man who fell from above had already raised his fiery red epee at him, and flicked it lightly! Immediately, Lille felt a suffocating hot wind blowing towards his face, and there was a huge force in it, which immediately engulfed him and threw him to the side involuntarily, and hit him with a bang. on the wall next to it.

After Lille came back to his senses, he still wanted to press the pager, but he realized that the person had come in front of him at some point, and with a flash of sword light, he pressed the pager The arm flew up suddenly, and then fell to the floor next to it with a thud.

The man looked at Lear, smiled gently and said:

“You can try pressing with your left hand, maybe you can have a chance to send out a warning signal.”

Needless to say, the person who made the shot was Du Yuqi. He knocked Jim unconscious after he fell from mid-air. In front of him, Lear was completely like a mouse caught by a cat, unable to make any waves at all.

Lille is also a person who knows current affairs, looking at Du Yuqi who is staring at him with a wry smile and said:

“Don’t try it.”

Du Yuqi looked at the gurgling white motor oil coming out of his wound, narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

“Reform people?”

Lille nodded, and without further ado, Du Yuqi slashed down with his sword again, and Lilton screamed miserably. It was blood, Du Yuqi was slightly taken aback, shrugged regretfully and said:

“I’m sorry, I thought your left hand was also remodeled, so I cut it off once and for all to prevent you half-heartedly wanting to call the police, it’s okay, it’s just a matter of changing an extra arm anyway, I think you guys are pretty good with robotic hands Convenient.”

Lille’s forehead is already in pain and cold sweat is dripping can I speak? Du Yuqi took away the signal device on his waist, and then took away Jim’s signal device and woke him up by the way, and then separated the two for interrogation. It didn’t take long to get the first-hand information on the Iron Fortress. information, and then simply took the two of them back.


Not long after Du Yuqi returned, Lin also returned smoothly, but he did not capture two captives like Du Yuqi did, but he also succeeded in obtaining first-hand information. Confirmed:

“……Speaking of it this way, the situation on the Iron Fortress is very complicated at this time? The night messenger Kamoka and Yangzi used mutiny to seize the Iron Fortress. The extreme method of safety lock can control the whole ship. This high-pressure policy will have problems sooner or later.

“In addition, I questioned that Lear, and he said that at this time, the Iron Fortress had sneaked into the hands of the chief director Agamemnon. He also heard about this matter, but there is no specific evidence, but It is very likely.”

“There are third-party forces in the Iron Fortress, that is, the imperial army that sneaked into it. These guys number about 300 people, and they are constantly penetrating into the Steel Fortress. It is very difficult to deal with, thanks to They attract each other’s attention, so we can live so freely.”


After making the above analysis, I often also know the hatred between Du Yuqi and the clown, so I added a sentence:

“There is no news about the clown.”

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