Professor Li’s Married Life Chapter 21:

Li Cheng would not be really angry with Gu Qingci for some trivial matter, but because that girl is too bad-tempered, he had to put on a show, otherwise he might make him even worse.

At the moment, I am actually sorting out information in the study room. I went to the book store today and gained a lot.

The manuscript of Li Chengze’s novel was indeed well written, and the shopkeeper only had to read 10,000 words to see some tricks, and then invited him into the inner room for a detailed discussion.

There are not many libraries in Zhongshusi in the capital, and the scales vary. Li Cheng first inquired and compared them beforehand, and finally found a famous and large one.

Nowadays, any book store will sell some popular novels. There are many types, both well-written and ordinary.

Some well-known gentlemen usually write a novel, which is published and sold in many places at the same time. What’s more, each library has its own husband who cooperates privately, and only provides the manuscripts of his own family.

The level of retouching fee is directly related to whether the novel sells well and whether the author is famous or not.

The shopkeeper of the book shop didn’t know Li Chengze, so he naturally asked him if he had written a book before and what his pen name was. Li Cheng didn’t lie, saying that he was a newcomer and had never written a book.

The shopkeeper nodded and his eyes lit up. Looking at the content of the ten thousand characters, the story writing method is novel, the writing style is sophisticated, the framework is clear, it is very good, it doesn’t look like something written by a novice.

After listening to Li Chengze’s answer, he thought that this person was indeed talented.

The shopkeeper already had the intention of cooperating with Li Chengze, so he asked him how many words he had written in this book, and how long he planned to write in total. If the number of words was enough, he could print and distribute the first volume first, so It will be available for sale sooner.

But it turns out that in this era, there is no such concept and concept of serialized novels, and almost all the novels are sold and sold by bookstores after they are completed. The most used is the form mentioned by the shopkeeper. When the number of words reaches a certain number, or 100,000 or 150,000 words, the first volume can also be printed first.

Li Cheng almost ignored this question, pondered for a while, and was not in a hurry to answer the boss’s words. After a long while, he asked instead: “Is there a sales report for the shopkeeper?”

The shopkeeper was a little surprised what Li Cheng asked this question for, but he still answered in detail: “Of course there are. There are two kinds of mansion newspapers sold in Beijing and China. One is the morning newspaper, which is also called the Beijing newspaper. Generally, it writes some documents from the imperial court to inform the government and occasional major events in various state government offices; there is another kind of people’s newspaper, which is also a tabloid that people often say. This kind of newspaper usually writes some miscellaneous trivial rumors. , or gossip and folk rumors. However, the newspapers are always there, and they are controlled by the officials. Officials, scholars, and even Lord Houmen often read them. The tabloids are just small things. , It’s not worth mentioning that there are often things that exist today and will not exist tomorrow. But I don’t know why the young master asks this?”

Li Cheng already has a specific idea in his mind, and he only needs a cooperating person.

So he smiled loudly, and then said to the shopkeeper: “I may have a good idea here, I wonder if the shopkeeper would like to listen to it?”

The shopkeeper’s eyes flashed, he stared at Li Cheng for a few seconds, then smiled, “Listen carefully.”

When Xiao Er came over with another pot of hot tea, he stepped back, both of them looked serious.

The cooperation Li Cheng wants to seek is very simple.

Derived from the serial mode of novels, he wants to publish a weekly newspaper, which can also be said to be an interaction. The purpose of the daily newspaper is to successfully launch the mode of serial novels.

A novel model was born, and the business opportunities in it should not be underestimated. Businessmen will pursue profits, and if they want to make money, there is the possibility of cooperation.

Li Cheng said clearly what he wanted to express in a simple and incisive speech.

This newspaper uses the novel he is currently holding to test the waters, and adopts the mode of posting once a week, which is not only to promote the novel, but also to promote this newspaper.

The shopkeeper is a smart person, and Li Cheng peels off the skin of the benefits, and he can quickly discover the tender meat inside.

For example, if such a newspaper is really published, a newspaper can publish not only one novel, but three or four articles at the same time, and not only novels, but also other articles.

If you think about it further, you can bring out more.

There are even things that the shopkeeper can’t think of based on some restrictions, and Li Cheng can help him add them one by one.

I have to say, this is a huge temptation.

The shopkeeper has never heard of such a statement, no, it can be said that there is no such thing in the whole capital.

Since Li Chengze proposed this idea, the shopkeeper fell into contemplation. It is undeniable that the more he thought about the analysis, the brighter his eyes lit up.

Businessman, as long as you let him see the benefits in it, you will not worry about him not coming to cooperate.

The shopkeeper was actually moved, but he didn’t rush to agree. After all, there are still many details that need to be pondered.

Li Cheng is not surprised, a cautious and intelligent person is more suitable for cooperation than a reckless fool.

Therefore, the two met after three days, and the shopkeeper would give Li Chengze an answer at that time.

Li Cheng knew it in his heart, and from the shopkeeper’s attitude, he could tell that the matter had already been more than half done.

It was a very pleasant conversation.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that his end would be smooth, and that little wife would be uneasy.

Such a little effort can make things happen.

But Li Chengze’s entire time and thoughts are currently occupied by writing novels and running a newspaper, so he didn’t ask Gu Qingci much.

Originally, Li Cheng planned to coax Gu Qingci with a few words and let her be born in peace, but he really doesn’t have much free time in the future.

However, Gu Qingci didn’t wink at all, so he came to get angry at him, obviously he didn’t have enough lessons and forgot to show up.

Li Cheng simply took the opportunity to air her out.

The space in the carriage was used by him to think about how to make money through cooperation, but Gu Qingci was too young to see through Li Chengze, so he was terrified by his calm and serious appearance all the way without saying a word feeling terrible.

As soon as Gu Qingci got home, he ran to the room to cry and didn’t dare to bother him. Li Cheng took advantage of the situation and went back to the room to deal with the matter. He made a memorandum on paper, and followed up with each other.

After writing a paragraph, I put down the brush in my hand, only to realize that I was a little hungry.

Just as I was about to ask Yuan Bao to get some food over here, by such a coincidence, I heard the boy shouting from under the window: “Master, the young mistress is here.”

As soon as the conversation was over, Gu Qingci lifted the curtain and stepped in the door by herself.

Followed by Gu Yu Xiaoman, the two maids carried a large plate of hot food, carefully placing it on the kang table.

Li Cheng was a little surprised.

Gu Qingci was still depressed, and waved her hand to get the girl to leave. There were only the two of them left in the room. She thought about what Nanny Zhang said just now, and finally opened her mouth. A good table of noodles came, I thought that my husband must be hungry since he hadn’t eaten at noon, so I invited him to eat some.”

Of course there is nothing wrong with having a meal, Li Cheng raised his eyebrows, then sat down with his robe lifted.

Just for a moment, I remembered what happened just now.

Gu Qingci didn’t ask the person involved, let alone the girl Yuchuan, what was going on outside.

But when they left the store, the shopkeeper of Yuzhenxuan asked the shopkeeper to chase them out again, gave them a gift, and bluntly emphasized that it was to “make amends” for Miss Gu.

Knowing that Li Cheng is someone of Gu Qingci’s, but taking the opportunity to tell him about it, it’s a bit meaningful.

Could it be that they want to make the two of them have conflicts and create rifts?

Li Cheng secretly shook his head amusedly, thinking that this idea was ridiculous.

Knocking on the table subconsciously, thinking.

A click, the sound of rhythmic knuckle knocking made Gu Qingci a little restless.

She glanced at the dishes on the table, and couldn’t help asking: “Don’t you like these?”

Li Cheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled lowly, and said, “No, let’s eat.” In good conscience, the dishes made in Gu Qingci’s small kitchen are much more delicious than those in the east courtyard.

Li Cheng was really hungry, and he ate two bowls of rice in a row.

Li Cheng can’t fail to see Gu Qingci’s careful thinking. He taught him a hard lesson last time. He probably still has shadows in his heart. He was scared, so he was afraid of angering him.

In today’s incident, Gu Qingci took the initiative to lay a step down for herself, which is considered soft.

Li Cheng, on the other hand, planned to take this opportunity to deal with the matter together, so as not to come back again or procrastinate for a few days, which would be annoying.

He squeezed Gu Qingci’s wrist and led her to the inner room, making her sit down.

Before asking the question, he took out the red jade pomegranate hairpin that Yuzhenxuan gave him, waved it in front of Gu Qingci’s eyes, and said, “Do you know what this is?”

Gu Qingci bit her lip.

Li Cheng sneered, pinching her fate and raised his face, “You know, the shopkeeper of Yuzhenxuan gave it to you, and made you an apology. Tell me, little girl, how is the shop ‘negligent’? You, you have to let the buddy Baba chase us to our heels and give this thing.”

Gu Qingci blushed.

Li Cheng was unmoved, and his tone was light: “I’m not bullying you, just tell me what happened this morning.”

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