Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2679: Ambush

Not long after, dust and smoke rose in the distance, and Delia ran back with the soldiers from Turang City. Next to them was the blood army of the Huangtian clan led by Pan Yuhang and Yao Ye.

Looking at his two big armies with a smile on his face, Lu Yang smiled, and when they approached, he raised the **** king of the Dzizhu clan and said, “The main **** of the Dzizhu clan is dead.”


More than 30,000 people including Pan Yuhang and Delia cheered wildly. Even the main **** died in Lu Yang’s hands. They no longer knew how to express their excitement.

Lu Yang looked at them with a smile, and when everyone calmed down, he looked at Delia and asked, “How is it? How did you gain from this battle?”

Delia respectfully knelt down in front of Lu Yang, tears streaming out of her eyes, and said: “Your Highness, my brother, my brother, died a terrible death~!”

Malderon said excitedly: “Boss, we want to seek revenge from the Dzizhu Clan. Brothers died too badly.”

The soldiers in Turang City knelt down in front of Lu Yang one after another, everyone shed tears, which made Lu Yang nodded in satisfaction.

If it is said that Delia came up to ask for the corpses of the powerful Dzizhu tribe, Lu Yang would never give them to them, it proves that Delia has not yet understood the true meaning of sacrifice.

It’s different now. Neither Delia nor Malderon showed a greedy and selfish expression. Instead, they shared the same hatred and wanted to avenge their brothers.

“The Dzi Beads will let you kill them, but before you act, Delia, are you interested in replacing your blood with those of the Dzi Beads?” Lu Yang asked softly.

“Me? Can I do it?” Delia asked in tears. She never thought about this matter, only thinking about revenge.

“I want to gain strength, but I don’t want to use the blood of my enemy.” Delia said through gritted teeth.

Lu Yang smiled. He knew that Delia had already fully understood the meaning of brothers, and said: “It is important to avenge your brothers, but what is more important is that you have the ability to protect those brothers who are alive. If the enemy is stronger than you , then you have to get his powerful things, so that you can better arm yourself and reduce the chance of your brother dying in battle, do you understand?”

Delia’s eyes were a little confused, but she soon became firm and said: “The blood of the Tianzhu tribe is indeed better than ours. The blood of the Dzizhu tribe is replaced by the blood of the Dzizhu tribe.”

Lu Yang nodded in satisfaction, put the body of the head of the Dzizhu Clan in front of Delia, and said, “It’s yours.”

“Give me the blood of the Lord God?” Delia was a little dazed, she didn’t expect Lu Yang to treat her so sincerely, this is the Lord God in Blood Purgatory, the corpse of a **** king in another world! .

If Lu Yang burned it with red flames, what kind of treasure would he get, but Lu Yang actually gave her this corpse, just to make her have a greater chance of being promoted to the rank of God King.

“Boss, Delia is willing to follow you all her life and protect your life with her life.” Delia knelt in front of Lu Yang with a devout look on her face.

Lu Yang smiled and said to Delia: “I know your heart, and I also believe in your loyalty, let’s start, I will help you.”

Delia nodded, got up and stood beside Lu Yang, and Maldron and others immediately cleared an open space.

Lu Yang took off the purple bead on the chest of the main **** of the Dzizhu clan and put it in the storage bag at his waist. It does not prevent Delia from obtaining the blood of the Dzizhu clan.

“Teleportation space, open~!” Lu Yang chanted a spell, opened a teleportation tunnel at random, and after removing the weapon, armor and magic weapon from the main **** of the Dzizhu clan, he threw the body into the teleportation tunnel.

Just arrived at the exit, in an instant, the body of the main **** of the Dzizhu tribe turned into endless dust, and the only bloodline that was not turned into ashes was caught by Lu Yang with magic.

Delia’s soul quickly flew out of her body and merged with the blood of the main **** of the Dzizhu clan. In less than half an hour, purple skin grew on the outside of Delia’s soul, and a splotch grew out of her back. With the purple wings that are as sharp as a sickle, the chest is gradually sunken inward, and a purple bead is gradually formed.

“The fusion is successful, the fusion is successful~!” Maldron and others shouted excitedly.

With a smile on the corner of Delia’s mouth, she landed beside Lu Yang, and said respectfully, “Thank you, boss.”

Lu Yang smiled and said: “Let’s kill the Dzizhu tribe, and replace every member of your tribe with the blood of the Dzizhu tribe.”

“Yeah.” Delia nodded vigorously, turned to look at Malderon and the others, and ordered loudly: “The whole army gather~!”

“Assemble the whole army~!” The remaining less than 5,000 Turang City fighters quickly assembled and formed an offensive formation.

Liu Ruohuai also returned to the team, leading more than 10,000 Huangtian warriors to prepare for battle.

Lu Yang said: “The more than 10,000 people of the Tianzhu tribe will come back again. The patriarch is the main **** rank, and he will not die easily. Even if they go crazy, they must come back. After all, we In theory, he cannot be killed.”

The rules of Blood Purgatory are similar to those of other worlds. If the patriarch gets hurt, the whole clan must do their best to rescue.

If the patriarch is not strong, the elders in the clan often directly elect a new patriarch after the patriarch is trapped.

But if the patriarch is unique in strength, like the patriarch of the Dzizhu clan, he just went crazy before, and the clansman of the Dzizhu clan must come back to rescue, otherwise, the patriarch of the Dzizhu clan will definitely be liquidated if he returns alive .

Delia, Liu Ruohuai and the others nodded their heads. They also recognized Lu Yang’s judgment. If it was them, they must come back and have a look. Hope.

Delia asked: “Boss, what are you going to do?”

Lu Yang took out the purple bead of the patriarch of the Tianzhu tribe and said, “You are all hiding in the ground, hiding your breath. I am holding the bead and hiding in the valley. As long as I push this bead, it will emit a sky bead. They must be fooled by the aura of the Zhu tribe’s patriarch.”

Everyone nodded, feeling that this trick is feasible.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Lu Yang immediately led them to set up defenses inside the valley, while he hid in the depths of the valley and began to activate the purple beads.

Weak and unique energy radiates out from the valley, and even tens of kilometers away, one can feel this strange energy.

Not far from outside the valley, the remaining eleven high gods of the Dzizhu clan have returned with more than 10,000 clansmen.

“No matter what, we must save the patriarch. The patriarch is our father, our most respected and beloved person.” A high **** who seemed to be the oldest said with a swearing expression on his face. son.

“Father has raised us for so many years, and trained us to be high gods. We must save him, no matter what, we must save him.” said the second son Kansings.

“That’s right, even if you are seriously injured, you must be rescued.”

“For father, even if we sacrifice our lives, we must save them.”

The eleven sons are all expressing their loyalty, but they all know in their hearts that these words are meant for other people, and they couldn’t be more clear about their father, who is also the patriarch of the Blood Refining Dzi Bead Clan.

If their father was awake just now, in the case of serious injuries, he would definitely kill them to absorb energy to save his life.

They are not only eleven brothers, there were originally seventeen, except for the one who was killed by Lu Yang just now, the other five were all sucked to death by their father.

They also had many uncles, and there were many elders in the clan. Only a few died in battle, and most of them were sucked to death by their father.

Facing a father like this, how could they not run away just now, and now they came back just to see if their father was alive.

If they didn’t die, they all ran away, and their fathers couldn’t all be killed. If their fathers were dying, then they would be impolite. If their fathers were already dead, they had to recover the bodies .

In short, what they hope most is for their father to die quickly so that they can rise to the top. With this in mind, the eleven brothers looked at each other with murderous intent.

If the latter two situations really happened, they would have to think about whether to kill the brothers around them first, or to **** their father’s body first.

“Father’s breath.” The eldest son Doria’s eyes widened suddenly, and he sensed the weak energy of the main **** level coming from the valley.

“Hurry up and save father.” The second son, Kansins, rushed towards the valley without hesitation. They all understood this kind of breath, and it only looked like this when he was seriously injured and dying.


Six purple divine lights hit Kansings’ back at the same time. Fortunately, Kansings was always on guard and jumped sideways to avoid the blow.

“What do you mean?” Kansins asked angrily.

“What do you mean?” Doria looked at Kansings with a sneer, and said, “Second brother, let’s stop talking about it. We all know what the other party thinks, so let’s decide the outcome first.” Let’s go, otherwise, whoever goes first will die~!”

The other five people who released the purple light stood behind Doria, originally they belonged to Doria’s group.

Kansins waved his hand, and the other four brothers immediately gathered behind him. Originally, the two sides were six to six, but Lu Yang killed one, and the situation became like this, but they were all affected. Even if they are seriously injured, the difference in strength is not too big.

“Kill them, and the souls they get will belong to the other party, and I will reward each of them with a training resource from the warehouse.” Doria roared, leading his brothers and all the soldiers under him, towards Kan Sins and the others rushed over.

“Kill them all, I’ll give you two copies of the supplies in the warehouse.” Kansins roared, and charged back with his brothers.

The Tianzhu clan divided into two groups and fought outside the valley, which shocked Lu Yang and Liu Ruohuai again.

“Can the cannibalism of the same clan reach such a height? Even the clansmen are participating in the war? How much hatred do they have for each other.” Liu Ruohuai said speechlessly.

Delia said with a natural expression, “If it were us before the Eastern Expedition, we would recognize each other’s behavior. No one is worth our sacrifices. Instead of watching others become stronger, it is better for us to become stronger.”

Liu Ruohuai quietly crawled over, and said: “Boss, the Tianzhu clan has engaged in a murderous attack. Both sides intend to kill each other. Should we outflank them?”

Lu Yang said: “Be careful not to get too close, wait for me to send a signal.”

“Yes.” Liu Ruohuai nodded, and crawled back to the side of the team. With only one gesture, the rear personnel took over and passed the pass. The entire army quickly divided into three groups, and they walked around the wings and backs of the two warring parties of the Tianzhu clan.

Delia was a little worried and asked, “Will the enemy find out?”

Lu Yang said: “They use the blood of the Desolate Sky Clan, and they learn the secret art of hiding from the Ancient God Clan, so they won’t be discovered.”

Delia, Malderon and other soldiers from Turang City looked towards the direction of the battlefield. Even they couldn’t lock Liu Ruohuai and the others at this moment.

In fact, they are indeed integrated into the soil. The ancient gods learned the power of the earth, and the integration with the soil is just a basic spell.

“Boss, the three-sided siege has been completed, waiting for instructions.” Liu Ruohuai sent back the news through the Holy Light pick.

Lu Yang said: “” Liu Ruohuai replied.

Lu Yang continued to urge the purple beads in his hands, but the divine power he input gradually decreased, which made Doria, Kansins and others on the battlefield fight more fiercely.

“Brother, resolve the battle as soon as possible, father’s aura is getting weaker and weaker.” The third son Kai Ruien said loudly.

“I sense it.” Doria launched a more violent attack on Kansings.

Kansins also made a desperate move, fighting with Doria in close quarters. Within a distance of less than 1 meter, beams of purple light shot out from the purple beads on the chests of the two of them. Die on the spot.

The rest of the battles have also entered a stalemate, and the fighters on both sides below are fighting more fiercely.

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