The Millennium After Dying Young Chapter 186: Mysterious magic weapon

“Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.”

“Sorry! Thephoneyoudialedcannotbeansweredatthemoment,pleasediallater.”


After Bai Wuchang’s phone call was broadcast, he waited for a long time, but finally, a multi-lingual voice prompt came. Xu Le was confused when he heard it. He listened to it several times before he realized it.

I have called the errand so many times, and this is the first time I have not answered the phone.

Called several times but failed to get through, so Xu Le had to call Hei Wuchang instead, but the result was still the same, no one answered.

It wasn’t until the connection with Yan Jun that Xu Le learned that they were busy at the moment.

“…Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are looking for information. Consultant Xu, are you okay?” After learning the purpose of Xu Le’s call, Yan Jun explained with a smile.

I don’t know if it’s a hallucination, but Xu Le felt that Yan Jun’s voice sounded like a junior high school student who just finished roaring every day in the military training, but didn’t have time to eat golden throat lozenges, especially hoarse.

Xu Le thought about it, and then told what happened to Nan Xiaoxi.

In normal times, he prefers to deal with front-line personnel like Bai Wuchang. But now Nan Xiaoxi’s life and death are uncertain, and it seems that even her body has been changed, so there is no time to worry about it!

“…If it’s really what you said, Consultant Xu, the matter will be a little tricky!” After listening to Xu Le’s narration, Yan Jun said in a deep voice, with an indescribably solemn tone.


“All kinds of signs indicate that it is basically certain that the mirror demon has returned. According to legend, none of the people captured by the mirror demon escaped…” Halfway through the speech, Yan Jun suddenly realized that Nan Xiaoxi’s identity was different. Shut up quickly.

But the words have already been spoken, unless Xu Le is deaf, how could he turn a deaf ear to them.

Sure enough, Xu Le’s expression changed immediately.

“You mean, she’s dead?”

The voice was icy, as if dug out of an ice cellar, through the microphone, Yan Jun felt a chill rising from the tailbone, and suddenly shivered.

Actually, Xu Le didn’t know what mood he was in at this moment. It is said that he was very clear that he had nothing to do with Nan Xiaoxi in essence, but when he heard the news that Nan Xiaoxi might die, his emotions were so different. He was out of control for a moment, so that even his voice changed slightly, which made him a little bit stunned.

“…don’t jump to conclusions so quickly, things are not as bad as we thought.”

Perhaps hearing the murderous intent in Xu Le’s words, Yan Jun on the other end of the phone couldn’t help wiping off a cold sweat, and quickly patched up: “Mirror Demons don’t kill people directly, but after a long time, it’s hard to say.”

“That thing came out to cause trouble tens of thousands of years ago. The underworld has records about it. To be honest, Xiaobai and the others are looking for information from the judge for this matter. I believe there will be a way to deal with it soon.” In order to appease Xu Le, Yan Jun revealed all the secrets.

After listening to Yan Jun’s speech, Xu Le realized that the underworld had already taken action, and he was immediately relieved.

Since the underworld has already met face-to-face, I believe that the mirror demon is not unsolvable.

According to calculations, it has only been a few hours since the first abnormal appearance appeared, and the reaction of the underworld is extremely fast.

Yan Jun thought for a while, and then said: “It’s just that it’s been too long since the last time that thing appeared, and the information is too messy, so it will take some time.”

“How long will it take?” Xu Le just let go of his heart, and suddenly brought it up again. The underworld is notoriously “efficient” in doing business, and he can’t sleep without asking.

“There will be results within three days at the latest!” Yan Jun promised, and then added: “It’s three days in the world.”

Xu Le breathed a sigh of relief, three days, but still acceptable.

Before hanging up the phone, Yan Jun specifically warned: “Consultant Xu, I know you really want to kill someone now, but no matter what, don’t take your anger out on Mirror Demon’s clone in the world. That clone is right, actually She is also Mrs. Xu, but not her real body, to be precise, she is Mrs. Xu in the mirror.”

“Furthermore, the mirror demon itself can’t gain a foothold in the world. It can only extend its tentacles to the world by constantly arresting people through its avatar, and then letting the avatar come to the world as a substitute. Vice versa, if you want to rescue the trapped mirror The people in the mirror must also need the mirror demon clone as a guide, once the clone is destroyed, it is equivalent to cutting off the passage to and from, and Mrs. Xu may never come back.”

Xu Le said “hmm” to show that he understood, and he didn’t take this Xibei product at first because of cautious consideration. For people and things that he doesn’t understand, he can always leave a way out as much as possible. Thinking about it now, it’s really witty.

I just don’t understand a little bit.

“Based on Yan Jun’s familiarity with the mirror demon, what other information do we need?” Xu Le asked.

“Consultant Xu didn’t know something. What I asked them to look for was a magic weapon to restrain the mirror demon. According to legend, this object and the mirror demon interact with each other and restrain each other since ancient times. With it, whether we are Rescuing Mrs. Xu, or wanting to kill the mirror demon, will get twice the result with half the effort.”

Hearing this, Xu Le seemed to be lacking in interest, as long as he was given a chance to keep the mirror demon back and forth, magical artifacts and so on, he was not interested at all.

Yan Jun paused, and continued: “It’s a pity that the magic weapon has been lost for an unknown amount of time with the fall of a master. If you want to find it again, I’m afraid it will be as hard as climbing the sky! If you can find it , the mirror demon will definitely stay away, and will not dare to come out to make trouble in a hundred years!”

Xu Le was startled now, how terrifying is this magic weapon that can scare such an ancient evil like Mirror Demon from coming out?

But Yan Jun didn’t say what magic weapon it was, so Xu Le didn’t talk too much about it. He wasn’t particularly curious. Before hanging up the phone, Yan Jun said that he would come to visit Nan Xiaoxi in person tomorrow, and by the way, erase the memory of this Xibei guy, so as not to disturb the mirror demon himself, Xu Le agreed.

Putting away the communicator, Xu Le looked at “Nan Xiaoxi” on the bed, lifted the quilt expressionlessly and got in.

I thought I could sleep peacefully regardless of the other party’s identity, but after getting into the bed, I thought of a naked young woman lying beside me, coupled with the occasional physical touch, the smooth touch came back from the body surface…

Mood will be affected to some extent.

I have nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, that is, when the sun in the world rose from the east, on the underworld side, Black and White Wuchang, who had been busy for a long time, lay down in front of a pile of materials higher than the mountains, wanting to cry but not crying. It can be seen from the face and the embarrassing clothes that he is really exhausted.

The judge is slightly better than them, but not much better. At this time, he was panting, while encouraging Black and White Wuchang: “Come on, the task will be completed soon!”

Heiheiwuchang looked at the pile of documents in front of him, rolled his eyes wildly, and burst into tears.

In fact, with their status and status, it is absolutely impossible to do coolies. But the information here involves the secrets of the underworld, and the little ghosts are not allowed to set foot, so they can only do it for them. You can’t ask Yan Jun to do it yourself!

“Your Majesty, I think it’s time to introduce the human 9S management system. See how clean his office is. What kind of mess are we in here?” Hei Wuchang complained tearfully while working, he was really tired broken.

Bai Wuchang nodded repeatedly in agreement, and by the way, like shaking a towel, he threw his dusty tongue over his shoulder and hung it up.

The judge, who was complaining a second ago, seemed to change into a ghost when he heard this: “Bold! Are you questioning Yan Jun’s management ability?”

As soon as the words fell, the judge quickly stood up under the stunned gaze of Black and White Wuchang, crossed his hips, and glared at the two of them: “The way of the world can work in the underworld? Only in the wise and powerful Yan Jun Under the leadership of the leader, our underworld will be prosperous and prosperous, and we will forge the foundation of eternal life…” Spit was flying, talking endlessly, and at first glance, it seemed that there was no less speculation on the back.

Black and white Wuchang looked constipated, and finally waited for the judge to take a breath before Bai Wuchang quickly interrupted: “My lord! My lord, wake up! Lord Yan is not here!”

“Ah? Oh! Ahaha… I’m used to it.” The judge was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he rubbed his hands again and again, and sat down calmly, with no shame on his face, looking black and white Impermanence was shocked.

Obviously taking pictures of an embarrassing horse, but not feeling ashamed at all after being exposed, this kind of shamelessness is really admirable!

“Then what… What is the magic weapon that Lord Yan asked us to find?” I don’t know if it was to cover up the embarrassment, the judge coughed dryly, and asked with twinkling eyes.

Looking at the serious judge, Bai Wuchang groaned in his heart. With his thick skin, he might never be able to be a judge!

In comparison, Hei Wuchang didn’t have so many thoughts. Hearing the judge’s question, he thought about it seriously, and said for a while: “I remember Yan Jun seemed to say that…”

“A coffin?”

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