Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level Chapter 804: God falls (7)

Wangyue was probably knocked out by a few words, and she started walking with the same hands and feet.

When he returned to his room, he still looked dazed and disbelieving.

Hua Wu is more like the owner of this place than him, and walked into the room calmly, “Do you want to live with me?”

Wild Moon shakes her head violently.

After shaking, he felt that something was wrong, so he nodded quickly.

I don’t think it’s wrong to finish clicking.

He immediately said, “Think.”

Why would he not want to…

He dreams of…

But to get what he wanted so easily, he was a little afraid that he was dreaming.

Hua Wu: “Then why are you so nervous, it’s not like we haven’t slept together before.”


But that’s different! !

Wang Yue didn’t dare to yell out these words.

“I…I’m going to tidy up the room.” Wanyue chose to escape temporarily.

The temple is shrouded in divine power, and the whole room is spotless, and there is actually nothing to clean up.

Wang Yue was just messing about in the room.

Hua Wu is leaning against the window, and outside is a garden, which is maintained by divine power. The garden is full of colorful flowers, which is pleasing to the eye.

Hua Wu looked at it for a while, and asked Wang Yue who was still wandering around the room, “Why didn’t you see anyone else in the temple?”

He is a main god, no matter what, he must have several divine envoys who serve him.

But since she came in, no one has seen her until now.

“I’m the only one here.” Lu Yue replied in a low voice, “Tomorrow I’ll arrange for some envoys to come over.”

She likes someone to help her arrange everything, so there are many envoys in Zhiyin Temple.

“No need, I will return to Zhiyin Temple tomorrow.”


Just one day…

One day is fine.

“You didn’t bring much of your things, did you? That’s good, so you don’t have to move them back.” Hua Wu’s voice drifted over slowly.

Wonderful Moon couldn’t make up her mind, “Do you… want me to go back with you too?”

“Otherwise?” Of course my children will be brought home.

Crackling fireworks started in Wanyue’s mind, and the joy in her eyes almost overflowed.

This kind of joy was maintained until the sky gradually darkened.

The land of the gods is also divided into the sun and the moon, but the gods will not be fine if they don’t sleep for a long time.

While Huawu was not paying attention, Lu Yue secretly went to take a bath, and put flower petals on her, making her whole body smell fragrant.

Wangyue didn’t dare to rush Huawu, so she could only lie down by herself, expecting and nervous.

Hua Wu hadn’t had the wine from the Land of God for a long time, so after drinking two more glasses, she turned around and found that Lu Yue had already laid down on the bed.

He changed into a pure white nightgown. The crossed neckline showed a lot of scenery, and his clasped hands showed his nervousness at this time.

No matter what Wangyue wears, she looks good.

But at this moment, he looks very much like the Son of God who is about to be sacrificed, which attracts people’s imagination and wants to leave various marks on him.


Hua Wu let out a breath and drank the last sip of wine in the glass.

Wangyue closed her eyes, she could hear the slight sound of the cup being put down over there, his already chaotic heartbeat became even more chaotic at that moment.

He heard the voice of Hua Wu approaching, and he felt a slight sinking feeling on his side, and a familiar aura enveloped him from above.

The warm breath spreads from far to near.

Wangyue clasped her hands even harder, causing her clothes to wrinkle slightly.

Just when Wangyue was thinking whether to open his eyes, the cool softness covered his lips, and the clear wine flowed into his mouth along the crack of his lips.

It is very light wine, but it is extremely spicy in the mouth, burning all the way from the throat to the stomach.

The sip of wine was fed over very slowly, and every time he swallowed, he felt his body warm up again.

The heat rising in his body scorched him so much that his soul trembled.

Waking up the next day, Lu Yue’s head still hurt a little, he sat on the bed with his crumpled clothes on, letting the skylight outside the window shroud him.

On the shoulders that were not covered by the clothes, there was an ambiguous mark.

Wang Yue covered her face with her hands, regretful and sad.


Wang Yue suspects that Hua Wu deliberately fed him that sip of wine.

She clearly knows that she can’t drink such a strong drink…

But Wanyue has no evidence, and dare not confront Huawu.

So at this time, I can only hug myself and regret here.

“Get up.”

Wangyue peeked out a pair of eyes from the crook of her arms, looking at Hua Wu, who was dressed formally, her long silver-white hair fell down to her waist, her pale golden dress covered her ankles, and she was full of divine light.

Wild Moon was a little lost in thought.

Why is she so beautiful…

Hua Wu sat on the side of the bed, took Wang Yue’s face out of his arms, kissed the corner of his lips, and smoothed his messy hair: “Did you sleep well?”

Wild Moon: “What do you think?”

Hua Wu: “I slept well.”

Wild Moon: “…”

Hua Wu ignored the resentment in Lu Yue’s eyes, “Okay, get up quickly.”

Wild Moon: “…”

The Temple of Knowledge.

Feeling the return of his master, the divine light shrouded around the Temple of Zhiyin dissipated automatically, revealing its original appearance.

The Temple of Zhiyin is not located on a mountain like most temples.

It is suspended in the void, attracting water from the sky to form a waterfall, and the flowing water from the sky gathers under the temple to form a lake, reflecting a double image of a temple.

So when viewed from below, the Temple of Knowing Causes is opposite to each other.

If you enter the Temple of Knowing Cause without the invitation of the master, you will be trapped in the false one.

“It feels like coming home…”

Hua Wu looked at the familiar plants and trees, and sighed.

Wangyue also thinks it’s good to go home.

Lingguang Temple is just a gift from Huawu to him, it is not his home.

Nothing has changed here, Hua Wu didn’t even bother to look at it, but just looked at Wan Yue seriously: “Now we have a very important matter.”

Wild Moon: “What’s the matter?”

Hua Wu looked serious: “My envoys are gone, so we have to recruit people first.”

Wild Moon: “…”

The envoys went to other places after the Temple of Zhiyin was closed, and there were no envoys in the Temple of Zhiyin at this time.

So the first thing Hua Wu does is to ask Wang Yue to recruit people.

If she had known that she would be back so soon, she would not have dismissed those envoys.

Hua Wu reflects on her impulse.

“She can’t even go to this **** place~IndoMTL.com~…” The Lord God of Destruction wrote bad luck on his face, “She is not the Lord God anymore, why should we wait for her to be interviewed!!”

“Then go up.” Sui Yu twirled her braids with her fingertips, and said sarcastically, “It’s still broken, God’s land, how many places like her can you find?”

Can anyone draw Tianshui?

The main **** of destruction: “…”

Isn’t that just not going up?

The Lord God of Light Jiguang looked at the two temples in the sky, and said softly: “Although she is not the Lord God now, she still masters the law.”

This is doomed since she was born, and no one can change it. Unless she falls, the next God of Law comes to the world.

——Looking at flowers in the fog——

There should not be many chapters, hehehe! ! !

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