VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1379: Save?


After ten minutes, Leihe lost his self-healing ability.

His HP will no longer be recovered in battle, and the armor on his body has also been damaged by Thunderstorm’s attack. The only good thing is that Thunderbolt can no longer use the Seagod Trident.

Because there is no way to seal the power of this powerful weapon, there is a time limit for forcible use. Even if the current thunderstorm has additional “assistance”, it still cannot last for too long, so the weapon has become an old weapon. The spear that God of War made for him.

As Leihe’s state began to decline significantly, Can Jue also began to increase his offensive pressure.

“Canjue, don’t be wary of guys who may come to attack you, just kill Leihe with all your strength and you can leave!” Thunderstorm.

“Okay, I don’t think it’s necessary.”

Can Jue is obviously looking for opportunities to attack continuously, he is obviously a strong player of the warrior class, but he is doing the attack mode that only thieves would do. It’s not pure, there is another important reason for wanting to fight in the way of a killer.

He was wary of someone coming to disrupt the situation, in order to avoid being entangled or controlled by Lei He when he was attacked unexpectedly, he was so vigilant.

A lot of the reasons for this were actually caused by the battle between Lan Feng and him.

The chains of sky fire bound him directly and forcibly, and then the firepower attack of the blade storm killed him in the simplest and rude way, which is still fresh in his memory.

The earth-type fetish’s ability to trap enemies is stronger than Lan Feng’s fire-type fetish, and he doesn’t have the power of a fetish like Thunderbolt, so he can’t forcefully break free from a large number of fetishes when his natural ability explodes bondage.

Thunderbolt opened a new status skill, and at the same time used a potion that increases strength without injury for a short period of time.

The same is true for Can Jue, even his potion comes from the warden, and the effect is better than that of Thunderstorm!

The strength of the two improved again, making it even more difficult for Leihe to resist.

However, Leihe’s face did not show the slightest solemnity and tension. On the contrary, as the battle continued, he began to feel a sense of relaxation. This should be the time he longed for the most.

Finally…you can no longer guard other countries.

He was already tired of the existence that caused harm to his country during the national war.

Almost, it’s time to exit.

Thunderbolt and Can Jue’s attack frequency increased. Although Leihe was still avoiding the attack as much as possible, no matter how he looked at it, he was already a bit powerless. He began to use recovery potions and crystals for a long time, and began to use additional means to restore his life, but with his defense ability declining, he could no longer successfully resist the attacks of two powerful SSS-level existences.

With millions of life points, the life bar, which was so strong that it once made Asian players desperate, began to gradually dry up.

The gods and the others also began to surround them. They would not attack at the last moment, but they would stop anyone who might support them.

Everyone is nervous.

All the players in Asia are nervous!

The gods are nervous!

Their commander-in-chief, the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, is nervous!

Even Thunderstorm and Leihe with excellent mentality.

The most critical moment.

The players in Huaxia can only watch all this helplessly, watching that the strong man who has established a stalwart image in their hearts is about to fall in front of them.

Perhaps at this moment, they really realized…

This person is not their hero.

This is them…

The “hero” who is forced to protect oneself, the hero of others…

The sudden heavy blow of Can Jue’s double axes!

Shooting Leihe directly into the ground, the cracked ground stirred up a lot of dust. They didn’t continue to attack immediately, because they all felt that Leihe’s HP was running low.

Probably…less than 5%.

The defense force has been weakened to a few days, and he himself has been injured.

What’s ridiculous is that Leihe’s shield didn’t have many scars, because he didn’t use the shield much to defend, and most of the injuries were his own body.

“There shouldn’t be a final burst skill, right? Do you have a strong long-range attack?” Can Jue asked proactively.

He was worried about this, so he didn’t follow up and continue to attack.

Leihe is definitely unwilling to resist too much in his heart, but if Leihe has a skill that erupts before he dies, then if he can’t violate the contract, he has to use whatever he says, so there must be a certain threat , as a killer, he didn’t dare to take risks.


Thunderstorm grinned, the spear in his hand was clenched like a javelin throwing, the violent thunder power was quickly infused and blessed, and a terrifying long-range single-target attack was brewing!

“Heh…thunderstorm, it’s useless.” Leihe said proactively.

Everyone was slightly taken aback, thinking that something unexpected would happen.

“Your such an obvious attack, I can completely resist it with a shield, not to mention completely resisting the damage, but it is still possible to reduce the damage value by more than 90%.” Leihe informed.

With such an obvious attack, it is impossible for him to release water.

“It’s okay, it has a penetrating effect.” Thunderbolt smiled and didn’t care at all.

“Aren’t you hiding?” Can Jue was a little puzzled.

Similarly, such an obvious attack needs serious defense, so there should be an option to escape and dodge, otherwise it can be counted as Leihe’s death.

“Hiding? The three powerful elemental mages have surrounded this area. Even if I run away, I will be caught by the wood spirit.” Leihe said with a light smile lying on the rubble.

Obviously there are many hideous wounds on his body, and blood is flowing from his head, but he doesn’t look like he should be injured at all.

“That’s the general.” Thunderbolt smiled.

Throw out the spear in your hand!

A terrifying thunder light attacked the weak Leihe just like that!

Anyone can feel this huge attack, and it definitely has the ability to kill the current Leihe!


An accident happened!

Absolute barrier! Full defense!

A skill that everyone is familiar with completely resisted the attack of Thunderstorm in full!


They all showed shocked expressions!

Wanli Wuyun looked at the absolute barrier in disbelief!

Thunderstorm and the others were even more vigilant, and even retreated hundreds of meters subconsciously!

The gods and the others were also shocked, and subconsciously retreated a certain distance!

Terrible deterrent effect!

There are three people who can use this skill, but the one who can fully withstand the thunderstorm charge attack without any pressure is definitely only the real owner of this skill – Lan Feng!

“What do you mean!” Thunderstorm asked angrily directly!

He is annoyed!

He is afraid that Lan Feng’s strength is true, but it doesn’t mean that Lan Feng can play with him at will!

Lan Feng himself said before that he would not care about Lei He’s life or death!

“‘Yu’, are you planning to break your promise?” Can Jue also looked ugly.

Above Leihe, who was deeply trapped in the cracked earth and rubble, the ripples of space rippled, and Lan Feng forcibly used the teleportation ability to teleport to the very center of the battlefield. He could still teleport at this distance easily. Yes, even with a person.

“Don’t be so excited, I didn’t say to protect him.” Lan Feng responded lightly.

He is still wearing ordinary clothes, and he also wears goblin glasses that suppress his strength.

In the case of suppressing his own strength and the problem of his attire, he feels that his current strength is not even as good as some SS-level existences. The power fluctuations emitted are too weak. If it is not confirmed that it is Lan Feng himself, they will probably suspect that someone is pretending.

“That’s right, the two uncles shouldn’t be so excited, you see that everyone else is so calm, right?” Ying said with a smile.

Calm down?

That’s because they are far away, and they are a little calmer when the safe distance is completely sufficient.

“What about the explanation?” Thunderstorm asked.

“It’s very simple, I just don’t want him to die.” Lan Feng’s words were contradictory.

Thunderstorm and Can Jue frowned at the same time.

The same goes for Wanli Wuyun, he doesn’t think that Lan Feng is really here to help, maybe it’s for other reasons.

The gods and the others also had doubts, so they kept watching, and at the same time, the three of them slowly gathered together, followed by Lan Feng’s possible surprise attack.

“Maybe it’s simple and you may misunderstand. The general meaning is that his current state can already be regarded as a death situation. He can be sentenced to be out of the game almost in the same way as pets and contract partners, that is, Withdrawing from the national war is counted as ‘killed’.” Lan Feng explained.

When pets and contract partners are seriously injured to a certain extent, or when they encounter a situation that can completely kill them, they will be judged as “dead in battle” and permanently withdraw from the battlefield of the national war.

Because pets and contract partners only have one life, this is a protection mechanism.

However, it has not been used on players yet.

“So that’s what it means…” Lei He chuckled, as if he understood.

There was a little helplessness and sigh in his eyes, but that look disappeared soon.

“Although there is no such rule in the national war, the system that wants to be flexible should allow such an operation. Anyway, under the witness of so many people, it is impossible to violate it.” Lan Feng also signaled the system to appear on its own initiative.

Just then.

The system notification sound appeared over the battlefield!

System prompt: “Player Leihe has been fatally threatened, and there is no possibility of rescue. He has been judged as a ‘dead in battle’ and will permanently withdraw from the battlefield of the national war. He is not allowed to return or indirectly interfere with every move of the national war in any way. !Even the player Lan Feng cannot order him to do anything related to the national war!”

The system was announced directly.

“It’s really cooperative.” Lan Feng was also a little surprised.

“Hmph! That’s all because of the special care you have received. We are number one.” Thunderstorm snorted coldly.

Lan Feng’s current ranking is still as stable as Mount Tai.


Lan Feng did not deny this point.

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