VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1161: Once and change

“What he wants to do is to use his cruel killing methods to forcibly distort your character, and deliberately make you feel the result of being unruly and willful.”

“Even the second time, he took the initiative to come over to test to see if what he did had any effect, but unfortunately, it didn’t achieve the effect he wanted. You were still unruly and unreasonable at the beginning, so Only then did he have his second killing.”

“You should also be a little thankful that Lulisi had joined you at that time, otherwise your level of self-blame would have increased.”

“Is he really for the cat?” Bing Meigui felt that the gap was a bit big.

“If you don’t believe me, ask the cat yourself, what was her personality like before, and what’s her personality like after that guy killed twice intentionally and purposefully.” Jing Jing Look at the flowers that made the ice rose suddenly ring something.

She once remembered that Hailang said to her: “Cats used to be very domineering, and sometimes they played tricks when doing tasks. Can you imagine a group of boys taking on a flower-picking task? It’s just picking flowers and weaving wreaths for them. An old woman sold it, and we were busy for a whole day, but in the end we only had a little experience, and there were no other rewards.”

“But after what happened to that guy, the cat has obviously changed, especially after getting the inheritance from the cat-human race, her eldest lady’s temper seems to have disappeared. I have to say, I have to thank that bastard, too. It can be regarded as doing a good thing indirectly.”

Indirectly… doing a good thing?

This is what Hailang told her back then. He already knew that the confused cat’s personality had improved, but he never thought that it was the result of Lan Feng’s deliberate effort. At that time, they all thought that Lan Feng was a villain, a bastard! He is a devil who only knows how to kill! But the news that he knew before undoubtedly does not reveal that he is a murderous executioner.

But actually…

The confused cat has indeed changed.

Now she is therefore standing in this snowy field, in this strictly speaking scene of the first encounter.

The killing situation that used to be like a nightmare to her has become completely different now. That person is no longer the executioner who killed them, but just thinks that this is an ordinary game, and then uses the game The effect of fear of death, as well as her own kind character, to forcibly change her inferior character.

Because of her unruly willfulness and excessive curiosity, she is likely to be buried one day in the future. She is just an ordinary little girl, and she is still a little girl with a beautiful appearance.

All of this is really incredible!

“Killing is actually a different kind of salvation.”

“There is no need to doubt the authenticity of this possibility, because he and the former have been doing this kind of thing a long time ago, and they have been doing that since the moment they left the Black Mandala Sword organization. And they have long been used to playing the role of such a bad guy, and they have already become proficient.”

“There are always bad guys in the world.”

The words of watching quietly once again shocked the confused cat!


When Lan Feng killed her for the first time, he made her feel like a complete villain. He just changed her according to the image of a villain! In fact, Lan Feng had said this sentence in his heart at the time. He didn’t say it directly because he was afraid that the confused cat would understand the meaning on his own. He just wanted her to think that he was a bad person.


“If you still doubt the authenticity of the facts I said, and think that I just made up reasons based on the original situation, you can think about the situations you met before and after that. The real bad guy.”

“For example, the ghoul is an incident.”

Looking quietly, I really know everything. I pointed out the third contact between the confused cat and Lan Feng. Although I have seen it at the auction of the guild building order before, but the real contact is indeed the first. Three times, and after that one time, the confused cat defined Lan Feng as a bad person.


“The ghoul incident?” Bing Meigui seemed to know a little bit.

“Yeah.” The confused cat nodded with a complicated expression: “That’s what I told you that time, a cat-human tribe was doing a mission, in fact, I met him that time, and that time In fact, he helped me complete the second mission, because he alone killed the level 120 Ghoul King and many nearly ten thousand ghouls all by himself, if I remember correctly. “

“At that time, he seemed to be injured because of trying his best, but I didn’t see him after the mission was completed, and I don’t know what kind of injury he was at that time.”

“That bastard.”

The confused cat cursed at the end, without any words of disgust or hatred. I don’t know why she said that last.

“The fetish was exhausted, and the body suffered serious internal injuries due to the overloaded fetish. He himself absorbed too much of the fetish, and then overloaded with power at that stage, in fact, it was almost the same as courting death. .” Quietly read the supplementary instructions.

“Yes, he seems to be such a guy.” The confused cat said in a depressed mood.

She is no longer the girl who didn’t know Lan Feng at all. Judging from what she knows about Lan Feng now, he is indeed an idiot who can do such stupid things. Or, in fact, he has always been an idiot, doing those thankless things all the time.

“Do you believe what I said? If you don’t believe it, do you still remember why I deliberately arranged for you to fight against him during the tournament?” Jing Jingwang suddenly asked.

Anyone can tell that Jingjingkan deliberately arranged that battle, because before that, she would definitely lose in the match between her and Lei He without Jingjingkan’s interference.

“Why?” Bing Meigui was more anxious than the confused cat at the moment.

“In order to confirm my conjecture, to bring things between you to an end without knowing the truth, and at the same time for my arrival today.” Things come after planning.

“Do you still remember the last conversation he had with you at the end of your match? That conversation you also found inexplicable. I can’t remember that I can also transfer the fighting video of the martial arts tournament for you. There is no limit to this.” things.” Jing Jing continued to ask.

“Conversation?” The confused cat froze for a moment.

Now she seems to be a little slow to react because of the stimulation given to her by the continuous news.

That conversation…

She remembers, at that time:

“Are you an idiot too, or do you want to be killed by me again?” Lan Feng asked lightly.

“But you clearly…” the confused cat.

“Killed you twice?” Lan Feng interrupted her.

“There is no need to continue.” Lan Feng began to speak inexplicable words again.

“No need?” The confused cat became even more confused.

“Just treat me as nothing more than three times, and I’m too lazy to kill you for the third time.” Lan Feng said.

“It’s not…necessary.” The confused cat murmured.

Why do you say it is not necessary? She also understands now.

“It seems that you have already remembered it yourself. The reason why he told you that it was unnecessary at the beginning is that your inferior character has disappeared, and you are no longer the one who would cause trouble everywhere because of being unruly and willful.” girl.”

“Even if you become stronger and stronger than before, you will achieve higher achievements in this game. Even according to the screening statement of the game, you who have such high achievements may not be able to do so in the future. There will be nothing to worry about.”

“So, at that time, he already realized that there was no need to continue killing you.”

“You have completed the transformation, even better than he expected!”

Jingjing saw that the confused cat understood, but took the initiative to emphasize it again, deliberately strengthening this understanding in her heart.

Also deliberately strengthened, she felt a huge gap in Lan Feng’s image in her heart!

Because this sense of psychological gap will be what Jing Jingwan wants, an element that makes the confused cat increase her affection for Lan Feng, and she is deliberately strengthening it.

“Think about what you were before, and see where you are now.”

“In the past, you were only lucky enough to get the race selection of the cat-human race, and because of your strong game talent, you could get a good game experience in the early stages of the game. Even because of your petite and cute appearance , Attracting male suitors, like stars holding the moon, doesn’t it feel good?”

“But does this feeling last until after the game is over? After that, can you still gather such a group of people around you? Maybe at the destination, you will still become a lonely girl, even you Your own character and appearance will eventually bring you misfortune, unless you are lucky enough to find a good home.”

“Combined with the situation of this game world, what will happen if you maintain your previous state?”

Looking quietly and questioning.

“Looking back now, everyone around you is now your friend, and you are already a very strong player in the game. Although you have begun to be unable to control the power you have now because of your lack of combat skills, but The height you gain in the game is still far beyond the existence of many people.”

“And what you had before, you can still have now, and your suitors will only be more than before, because there are still many weak people who want to attach themselves to the strong.”

“Especially your current personality, you ask yourself do you like the willful and savage self in the past, or do you like the current self that no one will secretly think you are a trouble because of your personality?

Look quietly and continue to question.

“I…” The confused cat wanted to say something, but couldn’t.

She already knew the answer, if she had to choose, she would definitely choose the latter.

Even she knows that these changes are essential, not forced requirements or short-term pretense, she is also aware of her own changes, or even metamorphosis.

“Finally, let me tell you some good news, that is, there was only one destination in the original plan for the real purpose of the game, but because of You and the others’ inexplicable entry, there are actually two destinations.”

“And you have been chosen by them to be the person they want. I won’t say which of the two destinations is good and which is bad, but for you, maybe following her is indeed a better choice.” Good choice, as for the specific reason, I can’t tell you, it involves a deeper secret.”

“That is to say, the ordinary destiny you should have has also been changed.”

“Your future… can be expected.”

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