VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 885: Night view

Just as the low-key giant returned to the Emperor’s Guild and dealt with matters, Lan Feng’s solo match with the koala also ended.

The koala is no match for Lan Feng at all. His magic can’t hit Lan Feng directly, nor can he cause substantial damage to him. With the speed far inferior to Lan Feng’s, it only took several attempts to get close, and finally found the right opportunity to win in one fell swoop.

If it’s a fighter, like a thunderbolt, maybe it’s still a fight against Lan Feng. But the existence of magicians and the like is really not his opponent.

Lan Feng’s strong mobility and attack power are destined to give him great restraint against mages. As long as he dodges the attack with flexible skills, no mage can defeat him in the rest of the close-to-hand combat.

After all, in reality, there is training and practice in hand-to-hand combat, but there is no training and existence of magic.

The koala has only been exposed to magic in the game for a year, and it is impossible to block Lan Feng’s attack with magic. In other words, he has a chance to face thunderstorms and low-key giants, but Lan Feng’s ability to act is too terrifying, he is completely unstoppable.

Facing the melee class, the mage must fly a kite and use his skill advantage to fight. As long as he kills the opponent or beats the opponent to residual blood during the melee, it is considered a victory.

But on the other hand, if you can’t stop the attack of the melee profession, then basically you have to wait for death.

For melee combat, under the same level, mages cannot be opponents in melee combat.

What’s more, Blue Maple and Koala are not at the same level.

The koala also understood this, and he didn’t use too many means, and was defeated in a normal battle. Rather than wasting the hole cards on Lan Feng and it is basically impossible to win, it is better to keep them as a deterrent in the national war. He is a mage with excellent team fighting ability, so it is naturally better to do so.

As for the second group of competitions, the two teams in the team competition are from Huaxia, and it basically doesn’t matter who advances. Anyway, they will go to the finals with the team from the African region. Facing the African team whose hole cards have been exposed, Huaxia is somewhat confident, but it does not mean that it will definitely win.

As for the two-player competition, the battle between Lan Xue and Yemeng Qingcheng was still overwhelming.

Lan Xue is not a fool right now. With her fighting ability coupled with Yemeng Qingcheng, she is basically invincible before meeting Lan Feng and You. That is to say, only the combination of Confession and Mercy, which was favored before, has the ability to compete with them, and the rest of the teams are basically soy sauce-level existences.

And the last solo match…

For the first time, you abstained directly!

She did not give any explanation to abstain, but the reason given to Lan Feng was:

“If I fight with him, he must be the loser. You definitely don’t want to fight the singles match between me and you, so I’ll leave him to you.”

You are very confident.

And she also knows that with her serious attitude towards the battle, she will definitely do her best to face Yemeng Qingcheng, so the one who will lose in the end will definitely be Yemeng Qingcheng, she has this confidence.

And if it’s really her and Lan Feng in the finals, Lan Feng probably won’t even bother to fight.

The resurrection authority is in You’s hands, just go to her when you need it, anyway, it’s useless for her to keep it. As for other military powers, such as territories, Lan Feng didn’t care as much about those as the resurrection authority.

Anyway, as long as the resurrection authority is obtained, he will have no desire to fight at all.

You also knew this, so he didn’t fight well at all, so as not to let Lan Feng be lazy and succeed again.


For some things, it is better for Lan Feng to solve them by himself.

Just like that, the ninth round of competition ended hastily.

The final teams of the team competition are the African team and the Chinese team.

The final teams of the doubles competition are Lan Feng and You against Lan Xue and Yemeng Qingcheng.

The single-player matches that attracted the most attention were Lan Feng and Yemeng Qingcheng.

Obviously it’s the final stage, but it’s a pity that there are not many enthusiastic cheers from the audience. The whole competition feels…

Something seems to be missing.

Even the spectators watching the game in the ninth round felt shrouded in a haze. Their passionate shouts were not as intense as before.

Even after the game, there were very few requisitions of the ancient arena.

After watching the game, they basically chose to quietly exit the ancient arena and return to the city where they entered the ancient arena. I don’t know whether they will come back to watch the final finals, maybe they will.

But it feels like…

Even if there are no spectators in the ancient arena at that time, it probably won’t surprise people.

When it comes to the finals, it is also the last moment of the most tense preparations in the world!

All the guilds are staring at that time point. Only during the game or after the game is over, quietly watch and announce the start of the national war, then all their guilds who are deploying the front line will immediately push the defensive front forward, so as to Expand your own defense zone and defense strength.

Even those who are a little too aggressive may directly start to occupy the surrounding towns in order to consolidate their own defense and cause a substantial invasion of the opponent.

Time is a race against time, and no force will waste even a minute at such a time.

War is very sensitive to time, no one will let go of the time that may change the situation of the war, even in this game world, these things will not change. It is very likely that one minute of defense deployment may change the defense capability of an entire defense zone, and no one dares to be sloppy.

It must not be sloppy!

Because their actions are related to their own region and their own country’s screening quota for survival!

If you lose, your own people can only survive less. Under this cruel screening mechanism, only fewer people can have the right to survive.

They can only go for victory!

Into the night.

Time flies, the short days of winter pass quickly, and the icy night falls again.

Chang’an City at night is still very lively, brightly lit, harmonious and peaceful, it seems that it has not been affected by the atmosphere before the war. The streets are still full of pedestrians, the night market is still so lively, and all the shops are operating as usual.

There is nothing wrong with this.

Chang’an City, a landmark building – the ninety-nine-story Tongtian Pavilion.

This is a wooden loft standing in the center of Chang’an City. Only in this game world can such a tall wooden loft be built. It was originally one of the famous tourist attractions in Chang’an City. With many players coming.

It’s just that it has been closed more than a week ago, and players are prohibited from playing.

Not only here, but many scenic spots in other places have been closed.

Because it is unnecessary, soon these things will not be necessary to be shown to the players, and they will not have that time to play. These things can only be enjoyed in a comfortable environment, obviously.

Soon players will no longer be eligible for this.

It is no longer possible to enjoy a comfortable environment. Every player in the future must work hard for his own ranking. Especially the players beyond 100 million, they must do their best to climb the rankings, otherwise the only thing waiting for them is to be eliminated.

And even players with less than 100 million players can’t sit back and relax because of the national war.

During the national war, if the region you are in loses, it is basically the same as ceding land and paying compensation, except that the quota for survival is cut off. Even if there are less than 100 million players, if the places in their region are robbed, then it is very likely that they are part of the plunder.

Within 100 million players, players with low rankings may still be eliminated.

On the ninety-ninth floor of the Tongtian Pavilion, the dim lights above are still on, but there are no tourist players anymore. Some only occasionally come up to manage NPCs, not enough, except for the NPCs who patrol at night, there will be no other NPCs coming at this time.

On the attic at the moment, there is a player wearing a windbreaker, lying on the glazed tiles, looking at the dark sky above his head, wondering what he is thinking.

“It’s so bad, I ran out to enjoy the night view by myself, but I didn’t even bring your gentle and virtuous wife out, leaving her alone in the empty room to endure loneliness.” Came a quietly watching voice.

Among the light of the short-distance teleportation magic, a beautiful figure stepped out of it lightly.

“How long are you going to play with this couple’s address this time?” Lan Feng asked.

“As long as you don’t look for other women, I may keep playing. Of course, if you are looking for me, then you don’t have to play, just come to the real thing.” Jing Jing smiled and said.

“Just say some strange things, it’s not that you don’t know my situation, how could you find another partner.” Lan Feng sat up.

“Then you are still so close to You.” Jing Jing looked at her mouth slightly and said.

“It’s just to participate in the competition for fun, nothing else.” Lan Feng said.

“Anyway, I don’t care, I’m jealous, I have a little emotion, and I’m very angry, I can’t coax that kind of well.” Jingjing said coquettishly.

“I’m not going to coax you.” Lan Feng said indifferently.

“Okay, now I’m sad, very sad.” Jing Jing looked at her and suddenly looked pitiful.

“Really, I can’t stand you.” Lan Feng helped his forehead helplessly.

“Come and sit down.” Lan Feng motioned for a seat beside her.

I put a cloak there to cushion it, and I made glazed tiles.

“Hee hee.”

Looking quietly, he smiled, and sat down directly without politeness.

“Shouldn’t the next step be to put your arms around my shoulders and enjoy the night view together?” Jing Jing looked sitting next to Lan Feng and blinked.

“Are you still thinking about me saying romantic love words?” Lan Feng asked coldly.

“Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it.” Jing Jing smiled.

“I really can’t stand you, the original atmosphere was completely destroyed by you.” Lan Feng shook his head speechlessly.

Looking quietly, he is used to her like this. At least her state means that nothing serious happened.

What Lan Feng is most afraid of is quietly looking serious.

Because at that time, there is nothing to be happy about…

So looking at this quietly, it might not be comforting Lan Feng’s mood at the moment. She also knows now that Lan Feng’s heart is not as calm as it looks indifferent on the surface.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t come to this kind of place alone.

“The lonely atmosphere has been destroyed, but it can still create a romantic atmosphere.” Quietly looked at the smiling face, and couldn’t tell if it was sincere or a joke.

“Then sit with me for a while.”

Lan Feng surprisingly didn’t resist this time.

“Looking at this beautiful night scene, thinking that it may be the smoke of war in the near future, I feel very sad.”

Looking quietly, the tone became lighter, looking at the beautiful night view of Chang’an in front of him, this height is enough to overlook Chang’an City.

“Don’t talk, just sit here for a while.” Lan Feng didn’t want to hear this.

“Then… I will lean on your shoulder.”

“Up to you.”

Looking quietly, she smiled slightly, and leaned against her lightly.

Perhaps, the only way to calm Lan Feng’s restlessness caused by the sensitive word “war” is to quietly watch such a gentle way of handling it.

The only pity is that such an ambiguous and warm posture does not exist for enjoying the beautiful night view.

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