VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 794: Stand for mercy

Hulu Capital, the resurrection point in the south of the city.

Bilson has been resurrected at this moment, and the first time he was resurrected, he took out his spare staff and hurriedly chanted a spell.

But due to the decline in his own strength, although he has the original strength level, the equipment can barely be used, but the singing speed has obviously decreased a lot, and it is not as smooth as normal.

Pity the strange magic runes circulating around, the huge magic power spread to the surroundings, a unique aura belonging to the orc race spread, and the strange power belonging to the shaman became more and more intense! All the power began to gather together gradually, gathering on the top of his head and gradually forming a monster-like silhouette.

This is him and the totem of repentance, the legendary beast **** believed by the orcs!

However, this beast **** totem is not complete, not to mention the vague outline, and it is not as tall and majestic as imagined.

The totem is still just a phantom of power, and there is no way to fully concretize it. Without repentance and his own power, it is completely insufficient. There is no way to summon the totem that he originally had when he was more than one hundred and ten levels of.

This phantom totem, under normal circumstances, is enough for Mercy to get rid of most people’s pursuit and escape.

But unfortunately, Lan Feng has already arrived!

“Bilson, are you still thinking of running away?” Lan Feng’s voice came.

Pity’s pupils shrink sharply!

There was a sudden panic in my heart: “How could he come so fast? This small town should not be worth arranging eyeliner, and I have only been resurrected for less than ten seconds, how did he lock me!?”

In the dark, Lan Feng’s Thousand Shadow clone has left.

You can’t guess how Lan Feng found him now, and you don’t have time to think about it. Now you have to find a way to escape!

“What to do, what to do! The totem has already been summoned. Once the totem dies, it cannot be summoned again within 24 hours. If I am killed again this time, I can only rely on my own ability to escape!”

“But if this guy finds me again, how can I escape in this state!?”

Pity is really panicking now, the indifference he faced with Lan Feng’s kill just now has completely disappeared, and using the totem to escape is his most effective means! And he deliberately chose a remote town of the orcs, a small town that was even deserted than Azeria.

It is reasonable to say that the highest-level wild monsters in such a small town only have dozens of levels, and the boss level will not exceed a hundred. In a small town without any available resources, there are no players coming here. It should not be possible to have eyeliner. .

Pity can’t figure it out, and she doesn’t have time to think about it.

Now, there is a long-lost panic in his heart. Even if the solitary army encounters any danger in reality, he has never experienced such a panic.

Because he felt it!

Lan Feng wants to drive him to death!

Although I don’t know what method Lan Feng used to remotely lock him, but it is definitely using something that has been hidden all the time. Once these things are used, they will definitely kill him completely!

He is very clear that such an existence like them will never use any hole cards and concealment methods lightly!

“Are you standing here, do you want to fight me to the death?” Lan Feng flew over from a distance, and a large snowflake stirred up when it landed.

Staying in front of pity, he glanced at the incomplete totem with disdain.

“What on earth do you want?” Mercy is like a frightened beast at the moment.

“It’s very simple, kill you, and then destroy the lone army.” Lan Feng’s left-handed army-killing sword pointed at pity, and his indifferent words revealed a firm and cold killing intent!

Pity is horrified!

Destroy the lone army! ?

How to destroy? Repeated kills again and again! ?

In the past, he didn’t believe that there was any existence that could kill all of them repeatedly in this game, and even thought it was a fantasy, but now he began to believe it!

Because of Yu’s devouring power, and because of Lan Feng’s strength, it is accompanied by strange abilities!

“Our lone army clearly has no direct enmity with you Xijian, why are you so determined to kill us?” Lian asked in a panic.

He doesn’t even have time to think too much now, nor does he have enough calm emotions to think!

“Bilson, did the comfortable environment of the game make you forget something? Have you forgotten that existence like us…”

“There is no reason to kill someone.”

“And our Xijian chooses the target, when is it based on hatred!?”

Lan Feng quickly attacked, and a flash came directly behind Bilson!

Bilson’s pupils shrank sharply, and he instinctively used flash to dodge! And then quickly react to order the totem attack! Even in a state of panic, his fighting instinct still exists. This is the fighting instinct that they have evolved through years of **** slaughter alone!

“Beast God Totem! Stop him!”

Lan Feng collided fiercely with the beast **** totem summoned by Bilson at the first time. Even if the beast **** totem is a phantom, its combat power is still at the top level of SS. Do direct crushing.

Although Mercy’s level has dropped severely, even to the level of the third rank, he is still doing his best to launch attacks and assist the Beast God Totem. He is struggling with all his might!

“Bilson, you must die today! No one can save you!”

“The Beast King can’t, and the Beast God Shaman can’t either!”

“This game does not require the existence of a lone army!”

The collision between Lan Feng and the Beast God Totem caused the surrounding houses to be destroyed. Fortunately, this is the building around the resurrection point. Generally, there will be no NPCs living in the building where the fierce battle may take place. It is precisely because of this that the battle between them did not immediately attract NPC guards.

“Boom!” The beast **** totem was knocked into the air, smashing into a low building!

Lan Feng immediately pursued Lian Mi, and the strong murderous aura emanating from the Army Killing Sword caused chills in Li Mi’s heart.

Beast spirit protection!

Pity propped up the magic of the defensive shield and forcibly resisted Lan Feng’s attack, making his army-killing sword unable to cut down for the time being!

“Lan Feng, do you want to stay with us alone? We will send the news that you are the remnant of Xijian, and you will not be at peace!” Lianxi took this opportunity to warn anxiously.

“Who cares!”

Lan Feng’s sword shattered the defense of the beast spirit’s shelter!

When he swung his sword again and was about to attack again, the Beast God Totem had already rushed to the rescue, and the attack also greeted Lan Feng!

“Get out!”

Tianyan critical strike! cut!

The powerful burst of power once again knocked back the approaching Beast God Totem, and at the same time knocked out a little bit of its unique HP again!

Leap in the air!

Continue to pursue mercy!

“You lunatic! You people in Xijian are all lunatics!” Lian cursed angrily.

Pity has already used the animalization ability that is common to the orcs to fly off the ground at this moment. He is different from all the members of the lone army. He is one of the small groups of the orcs, the Crane, even if the level has dropped to 89. , but the original rank allows him to still use his wings to fly.

Lan Feng also immediately started to walk against the wind, chasing towards the pity that flew off the ground!

When it took off, it even jumped up with a powerful force, increasing the take-off speed, the snowflakes on the ground were almost blown away by the force of this powerful force, and the stone slabs were also shattered into large pieces! As a result, Lan Feng quickly caught up with Mercy!

“You can’t escape!”

Snap shadow clone!

Four instant shadow clones appeared in two directions behind Lian Mi, as well as above and directly below his head, completely blocking his escape route! Lan Feng will not give him any chance, what he wants is to kill Mercy as soon as possible!

Before the king of beasts, kill him more times before the beast **** shaman comes to the rescue!

Advanced Defense Scroll – Guardian of the Tides!

The Beast God Totem returns to defense!

Pity activated the scroll and quickly ordered the Beast God Totem to fly up to protect him. He knew that he must not die now!

The instant shadow clone did not launch an attack. The moment the tidal guardian appeared, Lan Feng prohibited the instant shadow clone from attacking. He didn’t want to waste the instant shadow clone that could only burst into a full attack once! For such things as breaking the defensive scroll, it would be good if he was here!

The sword swings!

Lightning combos!

Shadow cut!

Instant burst of attack, in the blink of an eye, the tidal guardian, which has such a strong defense against physical attacks, will be crushed! The water splash exploded, revealing the pity of not wanting to die! In his hands, the other two magic scrolls have already been opened in advance!

Advanced Defense Magic Scroll——Guardian from the dust!

Advanced self-explosive scroll – metal frenzy!

“Go to hell!” Mercy roared!

The terrible metallic force erupted, forming dense and sharp metal bombarding everything around, including Mercy herself! If it wasn’t for the dust protection that he opened first, I’m afraid he would have died immediately due to this violent and sharp metal self-explosion attack!

All the teleported avatars launch a flash to escape!

Just when the metal frenzy attack was over, and Lianxi breathed a sigh of relief, a cold light pierced the guardian of the dust and hit his head directly!

! ! !

Pity’s pupils shrink sharply!

Under the strong instinct and desire to survive, he quickly turned his head slightly, so that the blade of the Army Killing Sword cut through his cheek!

Lan Feng didn’t dodge at all just now! Instead, against the absolute barrier, forcibly blocked the self-destruct attack! It’s not a single-target or persistent high-level attack scroll, his absolute barrier can easily block it! And when the guardian of the dust was weakened by the self-detonation attack of the metal frenzy, he pierced Mercy’s head with a sword!

“Bang!” The Beast God Totem hit Lan Feng and sent him flying!

A blue light flashed away, and the ground fire defended against the attack of the beast **** totem when Lan Feng was attacked, which was also what Lan Feng had prepared for. When he was about to attack Mercy, he knew that at such a short distance, the Beast God Totem would definitely attack him too!

Lan Feng did two consecutive backflips in the air, and finally stopped his figure with the help of the volley leap, stepped on the rune plane of the volley leap, and waved the army-killing sword a few times casually, staring at him coldly. Seeing the pity around the beast **** totem.

“I see how many scrolls you have.”

Snap shadow clone, attack!

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