VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 786: Kill the army

At this moment, a figure in a green cloth robe suddenly appeared in front of the Solitary Army Castle, and after a few jumps, he came to Lan Feng’s side and stood on the rune plane he had prepared in advance.

Wan Beast King and Old Man Fang naturally noticed it.

“It’s ready.” The mechanical voice that Qing Gui used to use came.

“Well, this, you take care of it first.” Lan Feng handed over the sleeping little white cat.

“Yeah.” The green ghost saw the little white cat once.

Lan Feng turned around to leave, but the direction was the orc capital.

“Where are you going?” The Beast King asked vigilantly.

“Senior Wan Beast King, are you planning to meddle in the affairs of us juniors again?”

Lan Feng had already jumped to the ground, and when he turned around, he just gave the King of Beasts a sideways look. This way of responding was completely devoid of respect, and even showed his impatience.

“They’ve all been destroyed like that by Little Kunpeng, can you still push them?” The Beast King already showed an angry expression.

“Senior Wan Beast King, you have to be clear about one thing. Just now, it was the grievance between Kunpeng and Gu Jun, and it cannot be blamed on me personally. I don’t have any emotional fluctuations about them destroying my house.”

“And now, I want to settle the grievances between Xi Jian and Gu Jun. We come from another world, and we are in another world.”

“It’s an old enemy!”

The momentum and killing intent displayed by Lan Feng at this time, even the king of beasts was moved by it!

The King of Beasts even felt that there was a blood feud between Lan Feng and Gu Jun! It’s not his deterrence that can make Lan Feng give up.

“Old enemy? It’s true that there is discord between us, but we alone have never killed any of you Xijian?” Confession frowned in doubt.

At this moment, his berserker state has just disappeared, and he has regained his sanity. Of course, he knows what Lan Feng is going to do now.

At this moment, the heart of confession is very flustered: “Damn it, the resurrection points of Bilson and the others are set in the imperial capital. As long as Lan Feng sends people to guard a few larger resurrection points, there is no way they will be weak after resurrection. It’s an opponent, not to mention being weakened to level 90 by devouring!”

At this moment, Lan Feng finally turned around, raised his head slightly to look up at the confession in the dark night sky, his expression was full of disdain.

“So I’m sorry, you are not qualified to talk about the sword of hope with me, you who don’t understand the meaning of what we do, you will always be just a poor **** who only knows how to cry among the people abandoned by the world!”

Confession gritted his teeth and grinned.

“But I don’t blame you, after all…”

“Not many people know why we, Xijian, do so many idiotic things…”

Lan Feng started to say some inexplicable words again, but her cold tone never changed.

“In the end, no matter what I want to do, you don’t have the strength to stop me. Of course you can stop me, but if you want to change the target of the battle to me, you have to think carefully. In your current state.”

“I can kill you with just one hand!”

Lan Feng’s cold eyes with murderous intent and blue eyes emitting a slight chill are undoubtedly the strongest warning to confession.

The current confession, can only choose to fight with Yu, and then win to reduce losses. Otherwise, if he went to stop Lan Feng, he could only end up being killed, and he didn’t know how many people Lan Feng had called, so he couldn’t guarantee that they would escape the fate of being killed again after the resurrection.

“Lan Feng!” Repentance shouted angrily.

“Sooner or later, I will pay back this grudge! Remember, your Xi Jian, who is still alive, will always be a loser under the feet of our lone army!”

“This time we admit defeat and underestimate the enemy! But there will never be another time!”

“Next time! After the fifth turn, we will kill you until you are shackled in the mountains!”

The roar of repentance and anger, this is the most aggrieved time they have felt since the establishment of their solitary army! In reality, even if some members died, they had never felt such aggrieved before. Just a monster pushed them into this situation!

“You guys, there is no chance.” Lan Feng responded indifferently.

Turn around and head towards the orc capital.

Repentance was still furious, but he couldn’t understand Lan Feng’s words.

He thought Lan Feng’s “no chance” was a response from his arrogance, but the real meaning of this “no chance” was that he, who was about to reveal his identity, faced the revenge and pursuit of many enemies. Kill, there is no chance for them to be alone…

“By the way, Senior Ten Thousand Beast Kings, you wouldn’t send someone to protect and pity them, would you? After all, you who are so righteous, when you regretted their plan to kill me, you acquiesced, didn’t you?”

“Although I’m too ostentatious as a junior, don’t be too cheeky as a senior.”

When Lan Feng said this, he directly activated the Skyfire teleportation and went to the largest resurrection point in the orc capital.

Leaving behind the angry face of confession and the black-faced Beast King, even old man Fang and the others didn’t know what to say for a while. What else can they say? Are you saying that Lan Feng is brave? How dare you go against the ten thousand beast king who has not even reached the fifth rank?

“Those who are still alive, go to the imperial capital to save people!” Repentance ordered immediately.

The castle has a small teleportation array to go to the orc capital, which is why they dare to set the resurrection point in the capital, because unless they are wiped out, they can go to the orc capital to save people at any time.

But this time, it was really almost wiped out, and there were only a few S-class members and a hidden SS snake-human clan member left.

“Hey, we can’t help you with hatred in another world. We can only hope that Lan Feng won’t do too much. Well, you all take a short break and follow what I just said Go.” The prophet’s old voice came slowly.

“However, I will change it a little at the end. If you can win if you repent, I will help you increase your level as compensation. I can’t help you too much because of the rules of the main **** of the system. As for Xiao Kunpeng, you really need it.” This battle.”

“Thank you Grandpa Prophet.” Yu said obediently, he should be the one who respects the Prophet the most among the people present.

“Yeah.” Confession nodded absently.

He can’t shirk this battle anymore. If he shirks Lan Feng, he can use his own reasons to take the lead in solving him. The green ghost is still watching here, and Lan Feng can come back at any time.

So he can only choose to fight, at least he can survive if he wins Yu, and he can upgrade a few levels as compensation.

If he doesn’t fight, he really can’t beat Lan Feng.

Repentance sighed in his heart: “Oh, I hope Bilson and the others can survive one or two, fortunately, the system has certain protection measures for death and resurrection. The city is resurrected.”

“Let’s win this **** bird first. Although my level of strength is the same as mine, can my combat ability be inferior to a monster created by a bunch of data?”

Confession was thinking so lightly while preparing for the battle with Yu.

The resurrection of the dead.

The setting of the resurrection point is fixed, but the player can apply for the permission of the resurrection point at any resurrection point in advance. And once this resurrection point is known by other people, and after killing the player again at the resurrection point, you can choose the rest of the resurrection point by yourself.

This is to protect players from death and resurrection, and prevent big forces from bullying small groups or individuals. This game still pays more attention to personal abilities, and does not want strong players to be accidentally targeted and die.

However, there is a limit to choosing other resurrection points after death and resurrection, that is, you cannot choose resurrection points below the city level.

Villages, towns, third-level cities, second-level cities, and first-level cities, among them, the resurrection points at the village and town levels do not support free selection as secondary resurrection points.

Because the player’s strength has long exceeded the resurrection ability of village and town-level resurrection points, those resurrection points are set for novice players, and players after the fourth turn cannot be resurrected in such small places. Unless the player applies for binding in advance, let the resurrection point accumulate and store the resurrection energy needed by the player in advance.

So, a small place can’t revive a fourth-rank player, let alone a high-level S-rank player or above.

The resources of the Beastman Empire are scarce. Apart from the Beastman Empire, there is only one first-level main city, and there are only twelve second-level main cities, and a total of ninety-one third-level main cities under its banner.

One hundred resurrection points for the first-level main city, fifty resurrection points for the second-level main city, and ten resurrection points for the third-level main city. There are a total of 1,710 points that can be provided to show mercy to their resurrection.

Have mercy on them, can they really be resurrected safely?


Only Lan Feng can predict.

And the prediction he gave is – at least killing pity for a few months and not being able to fight normally, at most…

Kill him out of the game! ! !

At this moment, Lan Feng has reached the largest resurrection point in the orc capital.

“Edward, your biggest mistake today is to rush to achieve the best stop loss after quitting Beastmaster Berserk and recovering your sanity. If you are really driven to anger and fight me, hold me back and let If I’m distracted, you can still keep your mercy.”


“You are wrong. From the beginning, you were wrong because you underestimated the enemy because you don’t understand the holy monster. The holy monster is not as weak as you think. And I am not what I seem…’ Weak power’.”

“Even if the resurrection of mercy is weak, it cannot be killed unless it is an S-level existence.”


“Xun, Qianying…”

“Are you in place?”

From Lan Feng’s left hand, the familiar sky fire slowly extended out, gradually condensing into the shape of a long sword. Then the sky fire dissipated, and a 150-level epic long sword tempered by him appeared in his hand. This is a powerful weapon that his Chihiro clone obtained only two days ago.

Today, it can be regarded as the consecration of this powerful weapon, the Blood Sacrifice.

Exactly, the name of this sword is…

Kill the army.

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