The Desolate Era Chapter 30: Apprenticeship

Ji Ning and Xiamang Zishan both walked towards the main hall.

In the main hall of Skylight Palace at this moment, nine Pure Yang True Immortal and nearly a thousand Celestial Immortal looked at these two young people. The first three places have been fixed, two are Woodpass Adept and Blackstone Adept. Now there is only one last candidate …

“Who will win between them?” Lu Dongbing whispered softly.

Emperor Xia and others are silent.

After a while, Chiji Zhen Jun slowly said: “The two have the same strength, and both are very good at Close range fight. In the end of this battle, I am afraid that the divine power consumption of one of them will be conceded.

“Hmm.” Lu Dongbing nodded slightly.

Zi Shan grasp a bigger point.” Emperor Xia said.

Yu Wei looked at Ji Ning silently. She was very clear that Ji Ning wanted to take the opportunity to take the pay respects to join Daofather door to the sky. She expected Ji Ning to succeed, but also hoped that Ji Ning would be safe.

Ji Ning, be careful.” Yu Wei looked at him.

“It’s only first step to enter the top three.” Ninelotus sitting behind Patriarch Dongyan, she also silently hoped at this moment, “Ji Ning, I hope you can succeed.”

Although she broke up, in her heart Ji Ning will always be that peerless genius, she does not want to see Ji Ning lonely failure.

Master.” Little Qing looked up at the scene in the huge water curtain in the sky.

Ning’er …” Whitewater Hound was even more disturbed.

Senior Apprentice-Brother, you must win!” cried Mu Northson.

On clouds and clouds, ban inside large array.

Ji Ning and Xiamang Zishan look away from each other, and they both seem to be standing calmly. But behind this calm is the surging belief must win! Both of them are eager to enter the top three, and to enter the top three must defeat their immediate opponent.

The two of them are a young man in purple clothing, and a juvenile skin.

The temperament is also completely different. The youth in purple clothes has a natural domineering spirit and the noble spirit cultivated by naturally in imperial clan.

Ji Ning, because of the past and present encounters, is like the simplest alien boy, but because of the influence of the previous world and the peaceful world, he is not humble.

“We met again.” Xiamang Zishan‘s voice was vigorous, “Last time you lost to me, you will still lose this time.”

“I have only been practicing for more than thirty years.” Ji Ning said indifferently, “It has been more than ten years since it became Zifu Disciple. It has reached such an Realm in more than ten years, and countless killings in one year in Brightmoon Diagram of the Mountains and Rivers It is enough to withstand the hardships of the previous ten years. It has been half a year since you and me last battle … In half a year, my strength is far beyond your imagination.

Xiamang Zishan pupils shrink.


The short years of Ji Ning practice are indeed alarming.

“You have made progress in the past six months, and so have I.” Xiamang Zishan‘s natural pride made him laugh out loud, “There is no way to be dissatisfied if you can use any means.”

“Come on.” Ji Ning looked at Xiamang Zishan calmly.

This calmness is even more insane!

Xiamang Zishan flashed his body and turned into a giant twenty feet tall. He also gave birth to Three-Heads Six-Arms.

Ji Ning is also the same, turned into a giant of 18 feet, also Three-Heads Six-Arms!

On ‘Heavenly Transformation’, Ji Ning is indeed less than study and understand for hundreds of years of practice like Xiamang Zishan. However, in the early stage of ‘Heavenly Transformation’, the increase in strength is actually much lower than other Divine Ability. For example, Divine Ability such as ‘Ten-Thousands Poison Sting‘ is better than Heavenly Transformation in the early days.

But Heavenly Transformation arrived at later stage, especially after Empyrean God, then it was really terrible.

As for now?

When Ji Ning performed the second turn Starseizing Hand, Heavenly Transformation Divine Ability did not increase his hand strength simply in the slightest.

“Eat me!” Xiamang Zishan growled, insane.

Three black iron bars swept across the sky at the same time, and directly struck Ji Ning with an unrivalled momentum.

Stick, this is the First Stage weapon.

You must have great strength to play the advantage of sticks. Sticks and swords are not as flexible as they are. Compared with sticks and spears … Spears are also long weapons, and they have sharp spear tips! In terms of penetrability, the stick is worse than the spear.

But sticks have a huge advantage.

It ’s all you can do! In Three-Realms, especially some Empyrean God known for their strength, there are many long sticks! The power of a stick can pierce the sky. Smash … it can smash the earth!

Two people with the same strength, Realm, Divine Ability.

With a stick, naturally is more powerful than a sword. This is a special feature of the weapon category. Choose the best weapon that suits you. Obviously Xiamang Zishan is the most suitable for sticks.

“Boom ~~~”

The sticks split and the world changed color.

Ji Ning is holding a six-handed fairy sword. Although it is not suitable to use the meet force with force immortal sword, Ji Ning has to try it against Divine Ability and directly meet force with force to resist!

Three sticks torrent!

Six dazzling sword lights!

It collided directly, and for a while, it shook around. powerful energy was terrible. Under meet force with force, the two are comparable!

“It’s almost the same.” Ji Ning was startled. “Last time I was at an absolute disadvantage, and I broke through again and again. But this Xiamang Zishan also broke through a bit. It seems hopeless that the direct collision will win. And my Starseizing HandDivine Ability consumes divine power very surprisingly, simply cannot last forever! “

Ji Ning is aware of its weaknesses.

I am strong on Dao of the Sword, but on ordinary, I only have two.

Like Xiamang Zishan ‘Thunderbolt Grand Dao‘ is slightly weaker than your Dao of the Sword, but the ordinary channel is a master of four! With the continuous integration in the past six months, his stick method has also become more powerful energy.

My Divine Ability is stronger, which makes up for the weakness.

Yes, Divine Ability is great, and divine power is consumed even more … On lasting killing, I am afraid that I will run out of divine power first.

“I am Sword Immortal, why bother with him meet force with force.” Ji Ning swordsmanship changed.

originally is still six dazzling sword lights that go straight and change instantly. Ji Ning‘s sword lights are like a continuous stream of water, constantly pounding on Xiamang Zishan again and again. Xiamang Zishan is still his style. His sticking methods are wide open, sometimes slashing, sometimes swatting, and sometimes jabbing.

Ji Ning swordsmanship is like water, endless, Xiamang Zishan‘s stick method returns without success, but Ji Ning did not leave Dao (together) scars on Xiamang Zishan.

“There is no chance at all. It seems that I have to use that immature swordsmanship.” Ji Ning thought secretly.


Ji Ning‘s swordplay has changed again.

Before Ji Ning‘s six-handed fairy swords … Some fairy swords were raging like fire, and also contained the sharpness of Dao of the Sword! Some fairy swords are lingering in the water, affecting the other side to entangle the other side again and again! Some fairy swords are uncertain, fast and fast!

Ji Ning is displayed at the same time, which is a heavy burden on Mindlord (mind).

This way of fighting is an idea of ​​Ji Ning after watching ‘Daoist Sloppy Combat Wave Secret Technique’, which is a four-handed defense and two-handed offense. Later, a superimposed cycle was formed … Although Ji Ning didn’t understand it, Daoist Sloppy‘s fighting style also touched him.

“Sword can be a spear, but it is not as strong as a spear. It can be a sword, but not as fierce as a sword. It can be a stick, but not as heavy as a stick … The sword has double-edged swords, which is extremely flexible. The fighting style is diverse. After the release of Three-Heads Six-Arms Divine Ability, if the six arms exhibit different styles … it may affect each other and reduce their strength, but it may also be like Daoist Sloppy, but they will greatly increase each other’s strength. “

Ji Ning was constantly deduced in my mind.

He had been silent before watching the war, and was also distracted, because he had practiced “Small Five Element Sword Record” in the Black and White Academy, including some of the joint means of Five Elements. After careful consideration of Ji Ning, he already had a prototype. At this moment, it is unfolding.

“Bully ~~~”

Some sword lights are like water, some sword lights are like fire, and some are uncertain.

Ji Ning The whole person is incomparable, advancing and retreating from time to time, the sword technique is also changeable, and a lot of sword lights are roaring. The different sword lights that Ji Ning fought for a while … it seemed to be a piece of music, sometimes soft, sometimes exuberant, sometimes flowing, sometimes erupting violently …

Water, fire, wind, space, and ‘Dao of the Sword‘.

Every insights is integrated into Dao of the Sword. Everything comes along handily. Ji Ning has a wonderful feeling, as if many swordsmanships cooperate with each other and complement each other. Everything is naturally. However, you do n’t need to deliberately think about what should happen to simply. Swordsmanship. Everything follows this wonderful feeling.

Don’t break this feeling, and follow it all!


“It’s beautiful.”

“The swordsmanship can be so beautiful!” Nearly thousands of Celestial Immortal Patriarch in the main hall of Skylight Palace watched with joy and joy. The different swordsmanships exhibited by Ji Ning Three-Heads Six-Arms are just like a beautiful ink painting with ink splashes But it has a breathtaking beauty.

At this moment, the figure of Ji Ning is like the wind, the six-handed fairy sword is misty, and the essence of the sword technique is fully exhibited.

Swords are extremely complicated.

The basic sword style is divided into thirteen types, which are more complicated than sticks, guns, knives and the like. This is complicated … If it is really Expert, it seems that there are too many materials, and you can make the most delicious. If it is a weak hand, it is too complicated to do anything.

“Genius!” Skylight Palace main hall Lu Dongbing could not help but marvel, “Such a crucial battle, entered such a deep level. If I look right, he is now thinking Realm, everything is free. …… The swordsmanship that he exhibited under this Realm, naturally played supernormally. And he will keep in mind that after this war, his Haw, Realm and swordsmanship will be great. Increase. “

“It is indeed a rare genius in Dao of the Sword.” The trend is so great that Pusa cannot help but “I am Buddha Sect willing to accept such geniuses.”

“He only realized two of his other words. But the height of Dao of the Sword is the absolute first Sword Immortal in Immortal Fate General Assembly.” Lu Dongbing couldn’t help but said, “He is indeed a born Sword Immortal, and his talent in Dao of the Sword is incredible. Xiamang … This Ji Ning, if you do n’t accept it, how about I accept him as disciple? “

“Donghua, are you tickling too?”

Buddha Sect is itchy, so I can’t feel it?” Lu Dongbing is looking at Emperor Xia.

Emperor Xia shook his head: “This time, the first six of Immortal Fate General Assembly must be selected by many Senior Apprentice-Brother buddies of my Master subordinate! If this Ji Ning is not selected, how about letting Lu Dongbing be your master?”

“Fart, wouldn’t you choose such a born peerless Sword Immortal embryo?” Lu Dongbing immediately shook his head.

(To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and faster!)

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