Death is the Beginning Chapter 1: : Solve supply (2)

Can’t get out?

Yes, no more going out!

According to Valkyrie, there is someone in her team who can devour and consume a lot of natural weapons obsession in exchange for checking certain things in the past, present, and future. She also knows a lot of secrets about the world government. The biggest secret among them is the matter of Nether’s Core and the Ring of Imprisonment, the Ring of Nibelungen. . Super fast update

The so-called Ring of Imprisonment, the Ring of the Nibelungen, actually refers to the energy controller, which is left over from the third era civilization excavated by the Atlantis civilization, which can imprison various energies Paired with Control, Nether Core, which outputs power, and Ring of Imprisonment, which controls power.

It is reasonable to say that the world government without the ring of imprisonment cannot completely control the core of Nether, but I don’t know what method they used to skip the lack of the ring of imprisonment , forcibly used the incomplete soul energy system to create a ‘betrayer’, that is, when Rocky was in absolute power, the old man of his own team suddenly gave him a knife, and he also had the same ability A way to completely seal off a fantasy land.

“After the Atlanta civilization explored the cracked space, it was horrified by the number and intensity of ghosts inside. Devil-level ghosts, dozens of devil-level peak-level ghosts, and even seven creatures that seem to exist with eternal energy are not powerful combat forces that the Atlantis civilization can resist, so the Atlantis civilization is capturing After capturing the three peak demon king-level ghosts, they planned to use the energy control ability of the sun **** winged dragon to completely seal the crack space with extremely terrifying energy, but this research encountered a bottleneck in the end. This bottleneck is The amount of energy is because according to the calculation of the Atlantis civilization, with the arrival of the critical point, the rift space will no longer be a subspace similar to fantasy land, but a main material world similar to the real world The existence of barriers between the two spaces will be equal. Here, energy can be used to block the cracked space, and the cracked space can also be opened with energy. The only difference is that the energy mastered by the Atlantis civilization The source is just a ghost at the peak level of the devil king, but there are seven creatures with eternal energy in the cracked space…”

People are walking in the fantasy land of Atlantis, which is full of sci-fi-style corridors. Valkyrie is walking in the middle of the team. She explains to everyone how the world government uses this fantasy land. blocked.

“The world government obtained the Nether Core and also found a substitute for the Ring of Imprisonment, so they can seal this fantasy land, unless someone among us can reach the peak strength of the Demon King level and break through that Otherwise, we will only be trapped in this fantasy land forever.” Valkyrie sneered when he said this, but said no more.

The rest of the people looked at each other strangely, but Yuchen said there: “Speaking of the ring of imprisonment, that is, the ring of Nibelungen I am wearing now, the reason why I can use the ring of a living person The identity entering this fantasy land is probably due to the effect of its energy control and conversion? It has transformed my living body into a spirit life body, is that so?”

Valkyrie looked at Yu with a little approval, and then said: “That’s right, you are still a living person, and you can’t consume standard energy to maintain life like our souls. You still need to eat If you don’t get food, otherwise you will die of starvation and thirst, which is no different from a living person.”

Yu Chen and others were taken aback suddenly, and someone remembered an important question. They are souls, even if this fantasy is blocked. But there are countless ghosts that can be hunted and killed here, and a large amount of standard energy is enough for this mere nine-person team to use. But what should Yu Chen do? She is alive and has food. Especially without water. It will definitely die for three days at most. Could it be that she really couldn’t escape the fate of death?

Ye Yu immediately yelled anxiously: “Mom! Go faster. Let’s find the exit of Fantasy. I want to see how powerful the blockade of the Nether Core is!”

Pei Jiao suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him. At the same time, he looked at Valkyrie and said: “Don’t panic. Since Valkyrie helped us enter alive with Yuchen. Then how could she not have a way to survive? Yes? Valkyrie.”

Valkyrie looked deeply at Pei Jiao. After a long time, she nodded and said: “Yes. That’s right. I do have a way to keep her alive. It’s very simple… Just eat obsessive food and obsessive drinks.”

“The ring of the Nibelungen originally possesses the ability to change. Fusion energy. Imprisonment energy. Even various magical functions to control energy. Obtained this ring in the Atlantis civilization. Transform it into a ring of imprisonment Afterwards, its effectiveness has become much more amazing. The world government’s soul plan must use this ring of imprisonment. Otherwise, they will not be able to complete the highest branch of the soul plan…the superman plan!”

When Valkyrie said this. She shut up. Instead, he looked at Pei Jiao with a slightly expectant gaze.

Pei Jiao was slightly taken aback, because he was walking parallel to Valkyrie, so when Valkyrie looked at him with such anticipation, he could see clearly, it is undeniable that Valkyrie It’s really beautiful, beautiful, so beautiful that it feels so transcendent. If it appeared in a real city, it would definitely cause a traffic jam in the city. But shaken, he was not fascinated by this look, but felt the feeling of nostalgia and familiarity in the deepest part of his soul, with a hint of kindness.

“Superman Project…Superman Project?” Pei Jiao was lost for a moment, and he immediately realized what Valkyrie said. He quickly looked at Yang Dingtian and the other four and said, “What you mentioned before, When I checked the information underground, I saw the so-called Superman plan, which is the strengthening plan of the leaders of the seventeen countries and their families. Is this the case? The result?”

Before, Yang Dingtian and the other four briefly explained what they saw underground in the central building, all kinds of inhumane experiments, and the existence of the soul pool, the Nether Core, and other secrets. Among them, the branch of the soul plan, Project Superman was also among the content they looked at.

Yang Dingtian and the others froze for a moment, and Zhang Heng replied anxiously: “The result? All the experimental subjects exploded and died. After death, even the soul did not appear, and they completely disappeared. Well, just after those researchers injected a luminescent liquid into their bodies, it exploded within a dozen seconds at most.”

Pei Jiao quickly looked at Valkyrie and said, “Could it be that the luminous liquid they injected is the obsession after melting? I thought before that the so-called Superman Project meant to use high-tech means to cultivate superhuman-like Such a person with high physical fitness, but according to you, this superman project belongs to the advanced branch of the soul project… Could it be that it allows living people to have the same ability as the soul? You can rely on obsession to strengthen yourself!? “

Valkyrie nodded and said: “Yes, that’s what the Ring of Nibelungen represents. I think you’ve seen the fusion between Rocky and the World Snake projection before? The three peak demon kings Ghosts, they

When you catch it, your own spiritual imprint has been erased, so the combat power is greatly reduced compared to the devil-level peak ghost, especially some special moves can no longer be used. The previous move to retreat must be Luo The combination of Qi and him can only be used by relying on Rocky’s consciousness control, but how can the combination be so simple? Leaving aside the strength gap between the two, each soul and ghost have completely different obsessions. If Rocky forcibly wants to fuse with the World Snake, the only result is to be swallowed by it and become the body of the World Snake. It’s nothing more than nutrition, so Rocky has to rely on the Nibelungen Ring… This is the pinnacle of alchemy that changes energy, fuses energy, confines energy, and even controls energy! “Speaking of this, Erkiri’s eyes flashed that palpitating frenzy again.

Yang Xuguang next to him said: “In other words, as long as you wear this ring, Yu Chen will be like our free soul, except that he doesn’t have the standard energy, but he can eat obsessive food, and he won’t be like those people in the video Is it exploding?”

Valkyrie said affirmatively: “That’s exactly the case and this is the real ring of imprisonment, the Ring of Nibelungen, which is completely different from those substitutes. It is a 100% safe creation. In fact, hear The spirit pool building you mentioned… I think this is what the world government built to replace the Ring of Nibelungen. If the negative effects of energy cannot be eliminated, then the best way is to generate the same type of energy to carry out Offset, without the Ring of Nibelungen, the world government can still activate the intermediate soul defense system, activate the Oberlis giant soldiers and create ‘betrayers’, and this is probably the reason.”

Speaking of Lingchi, and the “betrayer”, except for Valkyrie, the expressions of the rest of the people are a little strange. After all, these things are too appalling and inhumane. As far as the outside world knows, the only end for the leaders of seventeen countries is to completely collapse, and it may even cause more serious social problems, such as a large number of free souls rebelling, riots among the people, and even terrorist attacks. After all, this is equivalent to The behavior of completely trampling on life, unless it is those high-level officials who directly benefit and their families, no one can accept such a thing.

She knows so many things… and the timing of her appearance this time is too coincidental, and she can get the Ring of Nibelungen in one blow, timing, judgment, strength, intelligence, etc. Things are really indispensable, this woman is so mysterious and terrifying…

Pei Jiao took a deep look at Erjili, no matter how much kindness and familiarity he had with this peerless beauty in his heart, his reason still told him to be careful of this woman in front of him, at least to be wary of her, Pei Jiao secretly decided in his heart After setting such a tone, he said to the others with a wry smile: “Okay, Yu Chen can eat obsessive food and obsessive drinks, so the key question now is…how much obsessive food do we carry? It can’t be Infinite? I still have hundreds of obsessive food and drinks left here, but what about after eating?”

The child next to Valkyrie said timidly: “Yes, I’m sorry…Mr. Pei Jiao, and everyone, I am a special soul obsessed with food fusion…”

Yu Li laughed out of joy, and at the same time, he was going to habitually reach out to pat the little **** the shoulder, but the little girl was so frightened that she hid directly behind Valkyrie, only showing a tearful face He looked at Gong Yeyu, but it made Gong Yeyu raise his hand in embarrassment for a while, until Yu Chen grabbed his ear, and then let him put down his hand and smiled awkwardly.

Valkyrie patted the little girl’s hair, and then said: “Sorry, she often hears about your battles and pasts predicted by Reinhardt. You also have some fear.”

Yu’s embarrassment was even worse, but his personality was careless, and he didn’t care about these things. This fantasy land will last for a long time. In addition to Yu Chen’s need for a lot of obsessive food, we also need to store excess standard energy. In addition, does anyone present have a topographic map of this fantasy land? I basically know nothing about this fantasy land .”

Who knew that when this came out, everyone except Yang Dingtian and Zhang Heng looked at him with strange eyes, but they looked at him inexplicably, and he asked strangely: “What’s the matter?” ? Did I say something wrong?”

Yang Xuguang smiled and said: “Yes, although your strength has grown extremely fast, after all, your understanding of the soul world is insufficient, and you haven’t read the information of this fantasy land carefully? This fantasy land is full of this kind of super science fiction. In addition to the style of passage, the small hall that connects all the passages is the kind of small hall we entered before. Generally, a small hall under 100 square meters is a safe area. Ghosts usually do not appear there, and can be used as a resting place. Ghosts and monsters may appear in the halls and halls with an average square meter, but the number of halls with a size of one hundred square meters is rare. The difficulty of the fantasy land is so great.”

“Besides these, the Atlantis ruins fantasy land has another difference from other fantasy lands, that is, this fantasy land cannot draw a topographic map, except that each passage is almost identical , another most important feature is randomness, whether it is the small hall of the entrance or the hall of the exit, as long as a soul steps into these halls, the people in the hall will be transferred to the unknown hall after 30 seconds At least according to the situation that has been explored so far, this fantasy land has at least thousands of small halls and dozens of halls, and it is down, front, back, left and right, and the direction between these halls is completely unclear, so it is also It is impossible to find the specific topographic map of this fantasy land.”

Pei Jiao was didn’t expect that in this fantasy land, apart from the environment like a sci-fi world, the ghosts are robots, and even the terrain is a sci-fi teleportation? Too weird?

“It’s not just that.” Yang Xuguang suddenly laughed mysteriously and said, “We know from the database of the central building of Easter Island that the world government has secretly lined up free souls who are directly controlled by them several times. Team, enter this fantasy land, because according to the data, the terrain of the ruins of Atlantis under Easter Island is almost exactly the same as that in this fantasy land, and even the ruins of Easter Island have unearthed similar Due to the mechanical ghost-like wreckage in the fantasy land, the world government tried several times to solve the mystery of this fantasy, but it was completely futile, and even lost a lot of free souls, so in desperation they could only declare failure, and also confirmed this. Perhaps the fantasy land is just a little weird, and there is no secret in it.”


Suddenly, Valkyrie’s crisp voice sounded, everyone looked at her subconsciously, even the little girl standing behind her looked at her in surprise, and she said slowly: “…a big secret is hidden in this fantasy land.”

Phew, the second update, I’m going to bed~~~ Friends who have monthly tickets, don’t be stingy, it’s the last two days, vote for me. To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to the chapter for more, support the author, support!

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