Death is the Beginning Chapter 13: No. 13

The abilities of special souls are really strange, and all kinds of abilities are really just dozens of types of special abilities that have been counted by the world government. This is because the number of special souls is rare, otherwise they are special The types of abilities are likely to double several times. .

Easter Island is a military center. It can be said that 17 countries in the world, or those small and weak countries that are attached to these 17 countries, have used their most cutting-edge technology and weapons to arm this island. For Easter Island The peripheral reconnaissance has almost never been cut off, all of which are round-the-clock reconnaissance, let alone a yacht, I am afraid that a big fish will be clearly recorded by the intelligence department, and such a yacht appears in the Easter Island’s outskirts, and Easter Island’s intelligence department didn’t even know about it, which may also have something to do with the so-called “empty concealment” special ability.

And when the small team of nine people was hiding and coveting the battlefield, at this moment, at a place more than 170 meters underground from the central building of Easter Island, Yang Dingtian and the other four walked all the way in an indescribable embarrassment, because Starting from 170 meters underground, there are all kinds of automatic firearm defense facilities everywhere. There are many closed password doors. As long as the password is entered incorrectly three times, the entire corridor will immediately enter a state of alert. Countless types of firearms Emerged from the aisle, and all of them were unheard of technological weapons, such as Gauss weapons, laser weapons, laser weapons, sonic weapons, and many others. At first, the four of them were unprepared. In the end, except Ren and Zhang Heng who walked in the team At the end, Yang Dingtian and Yang Xuguang were beaten to pieces without being attacked for a while.

Thanks to Ren’s attack method is to summon icicles in a large area, which can quickly destroy all kinds of equipment in the entire corridor, otherwise it must be bad luck for the two of them to be caught in that terrorist attack, but Even so, after the two were rescued, they immediately fell into obsessive oscillations. Seeing the pain, I am afraid that they really wish they could die.

Zhang Heng was terrified by the side, as if he was the one who accepted the vibration and pain of obsession, until Ren patted him lightly, he woke up with a trembling, and then his face showed embarrassment look.

“Don’t be afraid that you will be like this in the future.” Ren glanced at Zhang Heng, and then said nonchalantly.

Zhang Heng immediately smiled wryly, and wanted to tell Ren that you seem to have the potential to be poisonous, but when he saw Ren holding the violin, he didn’t have the guts to say that. Regardless of his strength, it is absolutely fine to use an ice pick to violently hit his **** a few times at will, so he can only bear it silently and accept the comment of “you will do the same in the future”.

Zhang Heng and Ren also waited quietly beside them. When the obsession and turmoil of the two of them were over, the time had passed for nearly ten minutes, and the entire underground floor would shake from time to time, as if It was like a violent explosion. It must be that the five fallen true demons broke into the ground two hundred meters, but they were wrecking everywhere, or they were fighting with the last defense force, so the four who were not strong were safe. After they got down, they just quietly resumed their obsession vibration here, and there were no living people or ghosts to disturb them.

The next time the four of them acted again, they were much more careful this time. They searched for all kinds of defensive equipment in the aisle extremely carefully along the way, and the four of them are free souls, and they don’t treat these equipment like living people. There are almost no countermeasures other than destruction, such as using ice to destroy certain circuits, such as using electric current to break a passage, etc. Free souls have a lot more choices, and coded doors can block living people, while free souls You can directly use natural weapons to brute force, so as long as you are careful, you can’t stop the four from continuing to go deeper.

In this way, the four of them finally entered from the 170 meters underground to the 180 meters underground, and as soon as they entered this level, there were explosions and gunpowder smoke and various signs of destruction everywhere. Destroyed robotic devices are everywhere, and the remains of these robots come in various forms, including humanoids, beasts, and a large number of spider-shaped robots. It seems that this should also be obtained by the World Government from Asia. The technology in the Transit civilization is gone, and the world government obviously doesn’t trust the living people. They would rather use these robots to defend 180 meters underground than use any living people for defense. You can imagine the world The government has really destroyed the living people deeply.

In addition to the wreckage devices of these robots. Everyone also saw that many black sins and standard energy had not dissipated. And there are quite a few of them. Presumably, some ghosts descended into the 180-meter space through the big gap in the fracture.

“Okay. Farewell. God knows if the world government has any cards yet to play. Our goal is not these things. Find the extension computer earlier. We can learn more about the inside story earlier. Let’s go.

” Yang Xuguang looked at the other three people. These three people were obviously shocked by the robot wreckage in front of them. After all, this is the real world. Suddenly, many robots that only exist in science fiction movies appeared. No one will be indifferent. So he can only remind the three of them helplessly.

But it’s okay. Those ghosts and robots seem to be fighting each other. There is no danger around here either. Those ghosts and robots didn’t know where they went. So the four were not attacked in any way. Just follow the map and keep moving toward your destination. I don’t know if today is considered a four-person place

. Although I saw a lot of robot wreckage and ghosts and some crimes along the way. But the four of them didn’t touch any moving objects. It has not been blocked by any attack. Until the four of them entered the landlord’s control room on this floor. It was unexpectedly peaceful all the way.

When the four found the extension. For a moment, it seemed that he still couldn’t believe it. How could it be so easy to achieve the goal? Isn’t there any super powerful robot guarding here?

No matter what, the extension was finally found. After Yang Xuguang told the other three people to guard him, he immediately sat in front of the extension and started typing on the keyboard. Anyway, the other three couldn’t understand him. What was he doing, so he stood casually behind him, carefully guarding the surroundings, paying attention to the ghosts and robots that might be hidden. In the entire empty main control room, only the crackling sound of Yang Xuguang’s typing on the keyboard was left. up.

After a long time, when the three of them were a little impatient, Yang Xuguang suddenly laughed sinisterly. He didn’t know if he broke through the firewall or someone else saw him digging in his arms for a while, He took out a small floppy disk, and then saw him input the floppy disk into the extension computer. Immediately, the huge computer screen, which was originally all black and white, changed some of the various command letters. One by one floated on the screen.

“Hey, I really can’t break through this quantum state firewall, but now there are five fallen true demons wreaking havoc, the host has to control so many robots to fight, it’s too easy to handle without so many host resources Oh, hey, I tried the fourth generation of my Frog Burning Incense, and this is a super new computer virus that I have only made for a few months.” Yang Xuguang was there laughing nonstop, following his laughter, in the The big screen was densely packed and slowly began to change, turning into frogs, and as soon as these frogs appeared, they held a handful of Buddhist incense in both hands, and they kept burning incense and prostrating like people.

At the same time, at a depth of two hundred meters below, a hundred shiny robots are fighting five fallen with black wings. These hundred shiny robots are not made of metal at all. The composition is all made of transparent crystals, and there are flickering energy rays bursting out of the body between movements. The energy rays emitted from the body are somewhat like natural weapons, and even the five fallen people who are half-step true demons dare not fight hard. You can only rely on the agility of your wings to fight with these hundred crystal robots, but after all, the real demon is the real demon. There are already more than ten broken crystal robots in the field, as long as they are given enough time, the hundred crystal robots It will definitely be settled by them.

But at this moment, the bodies of the more than a hundred robots suddenly shone brightly, and the five of them were so frightened that these robots were going to make a big move, but who knew that when the light of the robots’ bodies gradually dimmed, their Puffs of blue smoke came out, and then all of them were paralyzed on the ground, motionless, but the five of them looked at each other inexplicably, not knowing what was going on in front of them at all.

“Could it be that there is something wrong with the core of resistance?” A young man among the five asked strangely.

The other four people didn’t know how to answer, and it was Ronis who came back to his senses first, and said loudly: “No matter how many, these spar robots are really powerful. I heard the leader mention it before, but I didn’t expect to be able to specifically restrain the true demon level. Any weakening and gravity are useless to them, but now it’s all right. After getting rid of these spar robots, the next step is the main control room. Be careful everyone, God knows if there are any defenses in it .

Obviously the leader of the five was Ronis. When she spoke, the other four responded loudly, and then the five spread their wings at the same time, and hurriedly flew towards the innermost end, and appeared in front of them. In front of them is a huge crystal gate. The translucent crystal gate looks very antique, and you can vaguely see bursts of golden light from inside. The five people looked at each other again, each took out a natural weapon, and a A black aura continued to permeate from the weapons that were born that day. When the weapons of the five people were covered with black aura, they struck the huge spar gate with their weapons at the same time, but the spar gate was beyond their expectation. Fragile, they all turned into spar fragments under one blow, and they finally saw what was inside the door.

It was a huge golden light ball with a diameter of about 300 meters. Through the golden light, one could vaguely see that it was an egg-like oval object. , and that dazzling golden light radiates from this giant egg.

The surroundings of this egg are filled with countless various instruments, and there are also many lines connected to this giant egg. The golden light flows along the lines to those unnamed instruments. , the whole room looked golden, as if it was in the future science fiction movie.

The five of them were shocked by the gigantic egg in front of them, and it took them a long time to gather their minds. Ronis shook her head and said, “I didn’t expect this Nether’s core to be so huge. I thought it would be so huge. It is as big as a diamond, or a larger rock block, who knows that it is hundreds of meters in diameter…”

The other four people were also shocked, but their willpower was far beyond ordinary people after all, and they quickly regained their minds. A middle-aged man said in a deep voice: “This is the core of the soul plan, it’s gone Nether’s core, let’s not talk about soul plan or soul plan, Ronis, what should we do now? Destroy this Nether’s core immediately?”

Ronis nodded affirmatively with a fierce gleam in his eyes: “That’s right, the purpose of the leader’s trip is this Nether Core, and he must destroy it no matter what. People, ghosts or ghosts, isn’t Taido? He is the victim of this soul plan. The leader said that the “betrayer” who was converted in the soul plan, even he himself didn’t know that he was such a thing, or Keeping one’s own consciousness and thinking is just without the memory of this transformation. Once controlled by instructions, he can change into that appearance at any time and kill his closest people. I think if Taido becomes that appearance If he still has memory, he will definitely cry non-stop, and actually hurt the leader who has been kind to him… Do it!”

The rest of the people raised their natural weapons with a fierce look in their eyes, and waves of black aura surged out. Until this moment, they were no longer stingy with anything, and they all planned to destroy it with one blow. The power of the five half-step true demons who dropped the Nether Core combined to strike together is as powerful as Gong Yeyu’s blow!

But at this moment, there was a burst of light distortion in front of the Nether Core, and when the light stabilized, seven three-dimensional images appeared in front of the five people, and these seventeen three-dimensional images were exactly The seventeen heads of state in the conference room.

“Stop fallen ones, do you know what you are doing? You are destroying the last hope of mankind!” one of the seventeen leaders said loudly.

The five people looked at the three-dimensional images of these seventeen people, and they all sneered. The middle-aged man laughed loudly and said, “The last hope? I’m afraid it’s the last hope of you powerful and rich people? People all over the world, whether they are living people or souls, have all become the materials for your soul plan, so that you so-called ‘elites’, ‘successful people’, and ‘rich people’ can survive, is that so?”

The seventeen people did not show any signs of timidity or panic. Leader, they can be described as the dirty of the dirty, the dirty of the dirty, naturally it is impossible to be embarrassed by this little question, but another person asked with great interest: “Oh? Then what do you think? What kind of future is suitable for this world? Maybe the soul plan can save the lives of the group of people you mentioned, but doesn’t it also preserve the seeds of human civilization? Do you hope that when the end comes, people all over the world Human beings are destroyed together, is that the right way?”

The middle-aged man was furious, and when he was about to continue arguing with this man, Ronis stopped him with a wave of his hand and said, “Don’t argue with them, after all, in their eyes, we are nothing more than It’s just a chess piece that can be discarded at any time, or a slightly useful material. In their eyes, there is no so-called life, that’s all. We directly destroyed the Nether Core, and then went out to find the leader and left. After all, the leader has to fight Oberlis giant soldier is definitely not good, we can’t hold him back.

The other four people nodded and ignored the seventeen people in the three-dimensional image. The golden light layer outside the giant egg was immediately blocked by the golden light layer, and then the golden flame suddenly appeared, burning the black breath completely, and the five people hit the giant egg with all their strength. The golden light layer on the body surface has not been broken!

Not only that, when golden flames emanated from the body of the dome, a terrifyingly powerful pressure filled the entire huge room. In an instant, they were crushed by this huge pressure and fell to the ground, and the other four people were also obviously under great pressure. They couldn’t even fly their wings, and fell straight to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

“Stupid, I saw that you have all reached the level of real demons. In the spirit of cherishing talents, it can be regarded as gathering strength for the doomsday. I wanted to persuade you, but who knew that you were so stubborn~’s so stupid… Rocky told you? At the beginning, the Atlantis civilization captured three demon king-level peak ghosts and converted them. In addition to the Osiris sky dragon obtained by Rocky, there are also In addition to the Oberlis giant soldiers in the defense headquarters, where is the third devil-level peak ghost?”

Stereoscopic image, the President of the United States shook his head and sighed, and then he looked at Wuren with eyes like looking at a dead person: “The third devil-level peak ghost, the sun **** winged dragon, its original form is exactly this Nether’s core, it is also the strongest existence among the three ghosts!”

As soon as the words fell, the golden flames on the surface of the giant egg condensed violently, turning into a golden firebird more than 30 meters long. Its feathers were covered with golden flames. It looked like a peacock, but it was gorgeous and beautiful. Many times… This is exactly the legendary creature, the phoenix!

At the same time, at the place where Yang Dingtian and the others were 180 meters above the ground, they were staring dumbfounded at everything displayed on the computer screen. In the soul organization, the source of a large amount of standard energy, the answer is actually…

The first is more words, Christmas Eve alone today, the state is very good, try to pay back the debts owed a few days ago, there will be more later! ! To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to the chapter for more, support the author, support!

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