Death is the Beginning Chapter 13: No. 13

The battle on Easter Island was full of twists and turns. First, the fallen ones attacked. After the soul defense system was activated, hundreds of fallen people were almost completely wiped out. It seemed that the world government had gained an absolute advantage, but who knew that the world snake Yule Mugant attacked again, and the entire Easter Island was already at the point where it would be wiped out at any time. .

At this moment, the remaining powerhouses of the Fallen Group, including Rocky and others, have invaded to a depth of 150 meters underground on Easter Island. With the activation of Rocky’s “Dark Realm” skill, all the free people around him will be destroyed. Both the soul and the mass-produced true demon level were pulled into the dark space, but what happened next was unknown. When the “dark world” was shattered, thousands of ghosts of various kinds surged out from it, plus There are also three real devil-level ghosts…Of course, these are just expected things, but when a huge 100-meter demon **** appeared on the spot, things were really unexpected.

This demon **** is about a hundred meters tall, surrounded by darkness, with black smoke from his mouth, and black fire from his eyes. As soon as he emerged from the dark world, his body, which was constantly swelling, immediately burst The ceiling above his head hit his body straight into the room about 50 meters underground, his hands and feet opened and closed, and the whole building trembled violently like an earthquake, countless broken stones and pieces of metal fell from it, There were even a few unlucky free souls and dozens of ghosts who were smashed to pieces and disappeared immediately.

That’s not to mention, when the demon **** appeared, jet-black flames spewed out from its eyes non-stop. This kind of pitch-black flame burns everything, including stones, glass, cement blocks, and even super-electromagnetic metals. , In the room where the head of the demon **** was, there was a raging sea of ​​flames. A black line of fire about half a meter thick kept burning to the ground, during which all substances were melted and burned by it, although the rate of decline of this line of fire was not very fast , but nothing can stop its fall, so seeing that the line of fire is about to burn to a position of 200 meters underground.

Suddenly at this moment, at a place deeper than 200 meters underground, an exaggeratedly huge silver metal fist suddenly rose, not only easily breaking the black line of fire, but also protruding straight from the ground, smashing the entire The center line of the building was blown out, and then it slammed into the power of the 100-meter demon body fist transformed by Rocky, and the 100-meter demon punched the 100-meter demon into the sky. After that, the huge metal fist was like a A small hill stands in the center of the central building!

The power of this punch will send the 100-meter demon Rocky flying hundreds of meters into the air, and even beat Rocky’s demon body into curls like twists, but the demon body is also as if Like a huge black dragon in the sky, a large amount of black clouds and mist emerged from its body, covering its whole body. After a few seconds at most, when the clouds and mist cleared, the body of the 100-meter demon became intact again.

“Oberis Colossus Soldiers! The world politics can really activate the soul intermediate defense system! No wonder… No wonder they can still create traitors after losing the imprisonment ring, but how long can you open it? Five minutes Or ten minutes? Hey, you plan to destroy the world one step before the doomsday. I don’t mind helping you delay the Oberlis giant soldiers. Back then, several cities in the Atlantis civilization were destroyed by the berserk O’Brien. In the hands of the Burlis giant soldier, hahaha, are you going to try it too?”

Seeing the appearance of this big metal fist, not only did he not feel the slightest panic, but he flew up hundreds of meters in the sky… A pair of huge bone wings appeared behind the body of this demon god, and there was a black aura when he moved He continued to disperse, and he was just suspended in the hundreds of meters above the sky, laughing and shouting, his voice was rolling and rolling, and it was transmitted from hundreds of meters in the sky to a depth of 200 meters underground to the leaders of seventeen countries in the conference room. Everyone has heard this voice.

“Hmph, arrogance! With your half-toned Loki, how can you be an opponent of the Oberlis Giant Soldier? You must know that the Oberlis Giant Soldier we control can exert 100% of its original strength. But the Osiris sky dragon you resurrected can only exert 20% of its original strength at most, five minutes is enough!” Hearing this, the British Prime Minister said with a sneer, as if Na Luo Qi is right in front of him.

The remaining sixteen people were silent, looking at the three-dimensional image that appeared in front of them silently. It was the 100-meter demon form suspended in midair. Braving the pitch-black flames, although it was laughing wildly there, the 100-meter demon did not rush down to attack the giant metal fist standing in the center of the building, but kept talking in mid-air.

But Rocky didn’t move. It means that the giant soldier will not move. The whole building roared. The arm just kept moving. Not long. A huge head of about 100 meters protruded from the center of the building. It is also a silver-white shell. Pure robot-like appearance. It’s just that there is a bright and gorgeous light flashing in its eyes. It’s like a rainbow. Any color can be found in this eye ray.

There was a burst of bang. A large number of building areas collapsed. The giant finally climbed out of the entire central building. The huge body was finally fully revealed!

This is a metal giant with a height of about 800 meters. Stand up like a hill. And look at its extremely strong body. No one would suspect how powerful this metal giant is. And when this metal giant appeared. The 100-meter demon **** transformed by Rocky also immediately spread his wings and flew towards him. Don’t look at him

Amazing. But people who are familiar with the real combat power of this metal giant. It is definitely a close confrontation with it. Don’t say it’s him. Even the World Snake would never dare to fight Qi head-on. It can be said. The Oberlis Giant Soldier is currently known to be the strongest ghost in close combat. by contrast. Pei Jiao’s fake bull head is not even a fraction of a giant soldier.

Just as Rocky spread his wings and flew towards him. Suddenly, the metal giant suddenly opened his hand. Circles of gorgeous brilliance suddenly shot out from its huge palm. It’s like a circle of rainbows. It is funnel-shaped. Before Rocky could fly a hundred meters higher. This circle of brilliant brilliance has shrouded it in it. And then Rocky was horrified. He was actually flying backwards. No matter how he flapped his wings, the direction of his flight was strangely backwards. He was getting closer and closer to the Giant God Soldiers on the ground.

Just as Rocky was terrified out of his wits. When you want to yell for help from the World Snake Urmgunter. But he suddenly saw two bolts of lightning, one purple and one silver, rushing from extremely far away. The first ray of purple lightning was astonishingly fast and rushed to the front of the World Snake Yurmgunt in a blink of an eye. There was a bang. Immediately, boundless purple electricity appeared. At the same time, Rocky also saw the giant purple sword several meters in size… the purple thunder knife!

“Gong Yeyu! Impossible, why are you still alive? Isn’t the world government planning to get rid of you? Why are you still alive?!” Rocky roared in horror and fear, his voice rolling even It was still clearly audible tens of kilometers away, but the words were just roared, and the Colossus who was already very close to him punched out with a fist, and there was a loud bang, Rocky was within a hundred meters away. The huge Demon God’s body was immediately smashed to pieces. Half of his body, which was about twenty meters long, was still intact, but his lower body was completely shattered into dark red pieces of flesh and blood.

It is strange to say that Rocky’s body is actually in the form of real flesh and blood like the black dragon, but the flesh and blood of the black dragon can fall from the sky for a thousand meters, and it does not dissipate into standard energy until it reaches the ground. Rocky’s body had just splashed tens of meters away, and it immediately dissipated into standard energy

However, even though Rocky’s body was smashed by a punch, his eyes were still fixed on the sky, the purple thunder light that surrounded the black dragon’s continuous attack… The strongest man in the world, standing on that For the strongest peak man, Gong Yeyu!

After Yu and Pei Jiao got out of the cabin, Ye Yu’s body immediately shone with bright purple lightning. He stood in a void like this, as if he was not affected by the special environment of Easter Island. The people in the cabin didn’t show anything. The strange expression seemed as if they knew that Gong Yeyu would definitely not fall, but Pei Jiao’s next move made them feel surprised because Pei Jiao jumped out of the cabin without any hesitation, and at the same time, silver lightning flashed on his body. After a long time, an incomparably handsome eight-legged giant horse appeared under him. As soon as the eight-legged giant horse stepped on it, there were bursts of silver lightning immediately under its feet, and it also floated in the air. Constrained by gravity.

Yu Man looked at Pei Jiao and said: “I sensed you in my aura before, but the distance is too far to come over, and you can really float in the air… Okay! Let’s charge together!” When the voice fell, a The bright purple lightning belt flew straight out, flying thousands of meters away in the blink of an eye, and Pei Jiao also pulled the reins of the giant horse, and there was a bang, and the same silver lightning belt flew straight forward Go, although the speed is not as fast as Gong Yeyu, but it is also extremely fast.

Although Pei Jiao turned into the thunderbolt man before, he couldn’t control his body at all, but the feeling and way of the thunderbolt transformation still remained, but it was limited to the problem of strength, and now he can’t transform into that at all. A gun, a sword, and a hammer are three natural weapons with terrifying power. They can only transform this eight-legged giant horse that can fly in the void, but it is suitable for the current situation. He can also follow Gong Yeyu to attack that There is only a black dragon. Although he has no heroic spear blade, the power of thunder and lightning is still there. Presumably the condensed lightning ball is enough to cause some damage to the black dragon.

Ti Peijiao is still thinking about what he saw when he couldn’t control his body. Ye Yu, who rushed to the front, had already held back his energy and was full of fighting spirit. He was the first to rush out. More than ten kilometers away, facing the black dragon, he slashed straight at the black dragon. With the same purple light flashing, this knife slashed on the back of the black dragon.

“Spring thunderstorm kills!”

A bright purple thunder flashed up, and at the same time, there was a purple aura field floating around Gong Yeyu’s body. At this moment, Gong Yeyu was really like a god, with a domineering aura and awe-inspiring fighting spirit. The turbulent attack, even if he was facing a huge black dragon with a length of a thousand meters, even so, he did not have the slightest timidity or softness, on the contrary, it stimulated him to fight even more. After slashing away, he took advantage of the reverse thrust of the knife to stretch his whole body to a height of more than a hundred meters, and the four to five meter long purple thunder in his hand shone brightly, like a small purple sun, and he With such a bright light, he once again slashed down fiercely.

“Sky Thunder!”

This blow once again flashed violent purple lightning, and this large piece of purple lightning was even more condensed and formed, turning into countless lightning blades flying around, splitting the body of the black dragon around the cut, golden Dragon’s blood spewed out like a small fountain.

These two slashes almost smashed the black

After two slashes on a body about 50 meters away, the black color grew huge. It is not a wooden man. Naturally, it is impossible to stop there and let others attack. Although it is inevitable that there will be partial reactions due to its huge body. It feels dull, but the aura field of this black giant dragon is absolutely impossible to be dull. Just after Gong Yeyu’s second slash, an extremely thick and pure black has emerged from the body of this black giant dragon, but this aura The field is fast, but Gong Yeyu’s speed is even faster. Before the black aura field can cover it, the purple lightning has already flashed into the air, far away from the envelope of the dark aura field.

“Hahaha, you idiot dragon! Do you think I don’t know the effect of your dark aura field? Gravity control, what’s the use of such a terrible effect if you can’t hit it? You idiot dragon! “

Ye Yuling stood in emptiness, and he stood there laughing and cursing non-stop. Although his demeanor looked extremely arrogant, this kind of arrogance was completely different from that of Rocky. A kind of heart of following one’s inclinations, not only does not make people feel annoying, but also has a kind of free and easy and cute.

The black dragon didn’t care about Gong Yeyu. He took advantage of the eruption of the dark aura of his body, and a cloud of black clouds floated to the damaged part of his body. It took only a few seconds before and after, and his body had already been repaired. Such a terrifying Even Gong Yeyu’s resilience was unheard of, and he immediately froze.

Taking advantage of such a gap, Pei Jiao has already rushed to this side and shouted as soon as he came over: “Gong Yeyu! Don’t get close to that black dragon, its dark aura can control gravity at least hundreds of times , you can’t stand it!”

Yu is still dead: Staring at the black dragon head not far below, he said without turning back: “Well, I know, I have heard about the ability and strength of this world snake from Varosti. The strongest can reach 10,000 times the gravity, and now at least it can reach hundreds or thousands of times the gravity, which is not something we can get close to… But this guy is too cunning? Once his body is broken, he will immediately release a dark aura field Come to defend, and remove the dark aura field after the body is repaired, who can beat such a guy to death?”

While speaking, the giant black dragon finally raised its huge head, and with a sudden inhalation, a black dragon’s breath sprayed towards the two of them, but luckily they were still some distance away from the black dragon. So when the dragon’s breath sprayed over, the two had already flashed out to the left and right, but they did not suffer the slightest damage.

After Pei Jiao flashed the dragon’s breath, he suddenly said: “Hey, Gong Yeyu, although this black dragon is really strong, it can almost be called a map weapon, but its flexibility is too poor. It can fly, and its speed is not too slow, so it has almost nothing to do with it. Although it can use the dark aura field to defend, and can quickly recover its body, it can almost be said to be an immortal existence, but this kind of flexibility is really It’s too bad, is there any other means of attack? For example, the dragon language magic that is said to be capable of all dragons…”

Yu heard the words for a moment, then laughed and said: “Hahaha, there is no way such an exaggerated thing will happen, but you can see clearly, the black dragon in front of you is obviously of Chinese blood, and those lizard dragons are there.” It’s comparable, don’t think I don’t read it, I have read a lot of fantasy novels, such as The Early Magic Apprentice, Ethereal Journey, Buddha Is the Way, Infinite Horror, The Beginning of Death, and so on. There are many more of you, but there has never been any mention of Chinese dragons using dragon language magic, if it is replaced by fairy art…”

As soon as Ye Yu’s voice fell, he saw the black dragon below screaming loudly, and the black clouds and mist around his body gradually condensed into a solid body, turning into dozens of huge symbols with flashing black lights. Strange and strange, it is not any kind of characters that Gong Yeyu and Pei Jiao And when the black light is flickering, these symbolic characters have their own unique attraction. Even the soul is attracted by it, it is very indescribable, and when arranged in a certain order, the space around the huge black dragon begins to distort and change, as if something is about to appear.

Pei Jiao and Gong Yeyu glanced at each other, and they almost said in unison: “You crow’s mouth!”

However, the immediate situation cannot be solved with a smile. As the space around the huge black dragon became distorted and blurred, Pei Jiao and the two of them felt that their bodies became extremely heavy at the same time, although they had not reached dozens of times of gravity. However, the body has at least ten times the gravity added to the body, not only the gravity, but when the two of them were added to the body by gravity and their speed slowed down, a crackling explosion suddenly came from the bullish space around the black dragon. There was a sound, but after a few seconds of idle time, several black lightning bolts had already shot out from the distorted space, striking towards Pei Jiao and Gong Yeyu.

Clouds spread rain, thunder bursts, the dragon in Chinese legends is the **** who can call the wind and rain, and transport thunder and lightning!

The first update broke out, and there will be two more later, the second update will be before 2 o’clock, and the second update will be before 3 o’clock

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