Death is the Beginning Chapter 12: No. 12

Chapter Twelve: Oberlis Colossus! Two

When Pei Jiao took the helicopter to face the world snake Yurmgunter, fierce battles were going on in the Resurrection Building, from the densely packed bunkers on the outermost perimeter, machine gun platforms, missile launchers, to the inner walls. Snipers, super-electromagnetic alloy weapons, etc. Although Rocky has the peak strength of the real devil, but the destruction along the way still consumes a lot of his time, and gradually, he gradually became irritable.

Especially after the emergence of the light curtain protective layer, the fallen people in the entire Easter Island area began to self-destruct. What did he do? He saw a strange triangle floating in his eyes. Immediately, there was the sound of a dragon whistling from the zenith, and then the huge black dragon rushed down, leading to a wave that enveloped the entire Easter Island. The protective layer of the light curtain, until then, the vibration of Rocky’s obsession stopped.

“That’s right, pigs from all over the world, have you solved the puzzle of Easter Island? Then… How many lives have you turned into batteries?!” Loki looked at the light above his head with a complicated expression. He then roared angrily and launched a more violent attack on the army soldiers below.

Although the nearly ten thousand defensive soldiers fought back frantically, they were unable to break through Rocky’s dark aura field at all, and being slightly rolled by his dark aura field, the iron would immediately roll over and collapse, and the other would immediately turn into meat paste. He is invincible at all, only those powerful missiles can barely stop him, but it is useless under the peak strength of the true demon level, these living people have no resistance at all.

Until five more fallen true demons came to the center of Easter Island together, they all released their aura fields. As a result, the defense area in the center of Easter Island was completely rotten, and these six people could no longer be stopped Breaking through into the building, I saw Rocky’s dark aura bursting forward, breaking a wide gap of more than ten meters in the outer wall of the building, and the six people got into the building immediately.

“Why are you the only ones? Is there another one?” Rocky kept asking as he rushed inward.

The other five people were silent for a while, and after a long time, one of the men said: “Avesky may be in charge of the Chinese soul organization…”

Luo Qi then asked: “Isn’t Gong Yeyu trapped in the Golden Kingdom? Didn’t those pigs plan to take this opportunity to kill him? Why did Awesky still die in the Chinese soul organization? Fortunately, I also gave him His dark aura, this idiot…”

The other five were silent again for a long time before Rocky continued to ask: “What about the other soul organizations? How much strength do they have left? Don’t mention those two people, you are only half-step true demons.” , it should be impossible to defeat them.”

People suddenly turned bitter, and the beautiful girl Ronis who fought against the German True Demon Novellon before said first: “Their strength is still well preserved, and there is basically no consumption within a few minutes.” It will come here.”

Qi sneered and said: “Let them come. My Loki’s Eye just opened their eyes for them, and it’s good to get rid of them. So as not to miss my big event in a short battle! Heh heh Yurmgunter will soon be able to break through the primary soul defense. Unless the world government has repaired the intermediate soul defense, how can it stop Yurmgunter? It is the three major demon kings of the Atlantis civilization Creation at the pinnacle. The world snake Yurmgunter…or the Osiris sky dragon. Unless the mid-level soul defense Oberlis giant soldier is activated. Otherwise, the entire island will be buried with him!”

This person is headed by Rocky. Relying on the gravity of his dark aura field. Constantly tearing up the floor of the building. Towards a lower position kept diving. Just start from the ground floor. The entire ground is actually entirely made of extremely thick super-electromagnetic alloy steel plates. Even with gravity overpressure. In addition, the natural weapons of the six people continued to bombard. Its dive speed is still very slow. The next level can only be passed every thirty seconds or so.

The six of them dived down to about ten floors. At a distance of about fifty meters from the ground. One of the youths suddenly asked: “Boss, why are you sure that the Oberlis giant soldier will be on this Easter Island? And why is the world snake Yurmgunter called the Osiris sky dragon?”

Loki was silent for a moment. Then he said: “I was also in an adventure many years ago. Only then did I know these government secrets. At that time, they thought I was dead. Otherwise, I would have been obliterated by them long before I became a true devil… From me As far as the fans know, the Atlantis civilization also encountered the same ghosts as the earth. It’s just that the technology of the Atlantis civilization is thousands of times stronger than the current human civilization. They were not life on earth. They were refugees who migrated from a distant place to the earth. After encountering ghosts and ghosts, they tried their best to capture the three strongest devil-level peak ghosts at that time. They are the world The snake Yurmgunter. The ancestor of the giants, Ymir. The undead firebird, Fennis. And they named them according to the habit of naming their planets. They were called Osiris, the sky dragon, Oberlis, the giant soldier, and the sun god, the winged god. Dragon. Except for the Sky Dragon, which was not acquired by the government due to an accident. The Giant God Soldier and Winged Dragon are now in the hands of the government…”

Speaking of which. Rocky had a hideous look on his face. He sneered and said: “Thanks to the accident that year, I can see clearly the nature of these government pigs. They are all mercenary animals. In their eyes, life is nothing… But today is the end. Our long-cherished wish. Our hard work. Will be rewarded today!”

Although it is a talking time. But the falling speed of the six people did not slow down at all. on the contrary. Because of some kind of irritability that they can’t tell. Let them fall faster and faster. Not long. It dropped to a hundred meters underground. And at the same time. There were also two other bursts of aura above the head. Liberty and Pride respectively. It is the two true demon level powerhouses of the World Soul Organization.

The tight-fitting black girl named Ronis looked up at the top of her head with a complicated expression, and then continued to follow the five of them with natural weapons to clear the way as if nothing had happened. I saw it.

“Ronis…are you still thinking about Novellon? The man who wants to kill you…” Rocky asked calmly using the dark aura field.

Ronis froze for a moment, then shook her head, she said coldly: “Become a fallen

Represents a complete break with the past, we are between ghosts and souls; neither, we are the abandoned group, we are the forgotten…”

“Yes, we are the Forsaken, we have no friends, only partners, no relatives, only wars…” Rocky raised his head silently, looked at the top of his head, and then continued: “The former The fate of the past has been cut off, no matter who I face today, I will show no mercy!”

Just as the six of them broke through two floors, the two momentum fields became more and more urgent. At this time, the six of them were already at a place close to 150 meters underground, and the six of them planned to speed up and continue. Going down, when the super-electromagnetic alloy inlaid in this floor was pierced, a long spear stabbed straight out from the ground. It was too late to prevent a young man among the next fallen people from being pierced by the spear point from the stomach, and then Almost the whole person was pierced by this spear.


The young man was impaled by the spear, and before the people around him came to their senses, the spear immediately erupted with a violent current, and with a loud noise, the young man’s body was blown to pieces. Because he is also a true devil-level powerhouse, even if he is a half-step true devil forcibly promoted by certain methods, his obsession is extremely tenacious, and it is not easy to obliterate it at all, so he just shattered around, and he couldn’t do it for a while. Did not dissipate.

Locky looked at the long eyes and jumped, he didn’t kill immediately, he even stopped the other four people, but used the dark aura to gather the young man who was scattered, Then he completely opened up the pitch-black aura field under his body, covering the hall where the six people were in. After a few seconds at most, the floor in front of the six people suddenly exploded, and the seven people The huge armored man rushed out from below.

Sure enough, they are seven huge armors, all covered with shiny silver iron skin. They are all four or five meters high and short, and they carry a pointed knight spear that is at least nearly four meters long in their hands. It is a conical spear with an extremely sharp front end. It was a weapon used by cavalry sprints in the European Middle Ages.

As soon as the seven giant armored men emerged from the floor, they immediately launched their respective knight fields. In just an instant, they confronted Rocky’s dark aura field with a color visible to the naked eye, and made it even more impressive. People are surprised that the aura field of these seven armored men is not very strong, and it is also a true demon-level peak aura field with a color visible to the naked eye, but once it bursts out, it actually pushes away Rocky’s darkness The aura field, until the dark aura field was forced out of half of the hall, it was still oppressing away, as if to completely suppress the dark aura field.

Before Rocky had time to speak, the four of them were already shocked. At the same time, they burst out their half-toned dark aura field, and they also merged into Rocky’s aura field together. Until then, the dark aura Only then did the field stop backing up, finally confronting this inexplicable aura field.

“Leader! Who are these seven people! There are actually seven real demon-level powerhouses in the government? And how could their aura be so strong? They obviously didn’t feel any pressure or will, and it was obviously not true. Why is the aura of the peak of the devil level so powerful? It can actually overwhelm the dark aura of the leader?” one of the middle-aged men asked anxiously.

Qi squinted his eyes and looked at the seven armored men in front of him. He sneered and said, “This is the soul plan I mentioned to you. The government’s progress is so fast that even this plan has been secretly implemented, and judging by the strength of these seven true demons, I’m afraid they are about to complete this plan… Don’t you feel it? Their aura field is completely There is no will, it is just a pure aura field, and do you think there is a soul in this armor? No, this is just a machine. Except for the core processor, everything is made of mechanical technology. There is no so-called thinking at all. And consciousness, and the aura field is exactly the same piece of white paper, so no matter how many such machines are true demons, their aura fields can be fused together, and the seven aura fields added up can naturally fight against my dark aura It’s already here… and it’s not just that.

Luo was not in a hurry to attack the seven armored men. Instead, he turned his eyes to the top of his head. Then, two middle-aged Caucasian men appeared in the hall.

As soon as the two of them appeared, they put on a posture of attacking immediately, but when they saw the scene clearly, they were completely shocked, because except for Rocky and other degenerates they expected In addition to those, there were seven other armored men in the field, and they were all true demon-level powerhouses. There are two recognized true demon-level powerhouses, and one of them is a true demon-level rookie who has just advanced. There are billions of people in the world, and there are millions of people who die every day, but only four. It’s just a magic class!

Leaving aside the fallen ones, as long as ordinary souls fall, their strength will increase significantly in a short period of time. This is already common sense, but what about the seven armored true demons? And looking at the confrontation between him and the fallen group, it is obvious that he should be someone from the government, but why don’t they know that the government has seven hidden real demon-level powerhouses?

Because the scene was too weird, the two didn’t dare to attack immediately after they came in. At the same time, people jumped down from the broken ceiling one after another. In just a few minutes, behind the two people There were more than 300 free souls standing there, more than 100 of them belonged to the Chinese soul organization, and the rest belonged to various countries. When they entered, they were shocked by the situation on the scene, except for some people whispering Other than asking questions, the rest of the people watched all this solemnly.

The scene was cold for a few minutes, and the young man with a free aura finally couldn’t help shouting loudly: “Rocky! Do you know what good deeds you did? I didn’t kill you the first time, so you should be caught The tail is right, but this time there is a big attack, my team… my team still has seven people alive! Damn, why don’t you die?”

Rocky has long silver hair, and many people at the scene have never recognized him

There was a substantial dark aura coming out of him, so I knew he was the leader of the fallen group, but when the young man roared, he covered his face and laughed loudly, After laughing for a few seconds, he said coldly: “Only your souls are human, so our souls are not human? You said that there are still seven people left in your team? What about my team? Puppy, are you that green onion? What right do you have to yell at me? When I became a real devil, you didn’t know where I was breastfeeding, so are you qualified to speak here?”

The young man was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he became furious. The free aura around him surged rapidly. He looked like he was about to fight Rocky immediately, but he didn’t want Novell who was standing next to him to give him a hand. Pulling him, Novi still wore the blue glove with both hands, he stared at Rocky and said: “Rocky, you are not showing off your old qualifications here, if it is not for your brother’s face, say To tell you the truth, you were not on the stage at the beginning… Leaving aside these things for now, our free souls and you fallen ones are naturally irreconcilable. This time the battle must be endless, but if we change the battlefield, I don’t know what you plan to do, why are you attacking this building? Building, but with us here, your goal will definitely not be achieved, so you might as well fight in another place, if you defeat us, we will naturally not be able to stop you from doing anything, what do you think?”

Rocky laughed wildly again, and after he laughed, he roared ferociously: “Don’t mention my brother! You made excuses not to go there, so you don’t even know what happened there And what qualifications do you have to invite me to fight? A true demon with broken heart, who was the strongest in the world at the time, is now just a lost dog. You are just a running dog. What qualifications do you have to invite me? Fighting? Do you think I stopped here because I was afraid of the seven mass-produced true demons? I just plan to catch all of you flies! Lest I mess up my big business in a while!”

“Mass production of true demons?” Many people present couldn’t help chanting this word, and they all looked at the seven armored true demons.

Rocky didn’t give them any time to react, but roared loudly in a strange language.

“The Eye of the Hidden Weapon Base!”

While the voice roared: Come, a strange triangular symbol emerged from Rocky’s eyes. The triangle symbol, even the soul will be pulled into it.

The people present are the most elite combat forces of the spiritual organizations of various countries, and the strength and obsession of those who can survive the self-destruction of the fallen are self-evident, but when this triangle symbol emerges, the presence Unexpectedly, no one could see the trick. Everyone looked at the triangular symbols with horror and told them that it was very dangerous…even fatal!

“Dark Realm!”

Locky roared again, with him as the center, a piece of darkness quickly swept away. This darkness is different from the dark aura field of Rocky. The color of ink came, but the darkness seemed to be a void, as if there was nothing left, the speed was extremely fast, and almost everyone felt that they were trapped in this darkness in the moment before their eyes, and when they came back to their senses, When I came here, I was in a very strange world, and the surroundings were all dark and empty, as if in the deep space of the universe, but there was only chaos around, without any stars.

Rocky and everyone stood in vain in this dark chaos, and even the seven armored men were taken in, but what is strange is that the armored men who had not moved at all before entered The space immediately went berserk, and they each raised their knight spears and rushed towards Rocky and the others, without any of the calm confrontation before.

“Come on, your order is to defend the space below 150 meters below the basement? As long as you don’t enter, you won’t attack outsiders, but here is the dark world, which isolates all your senses, so I thought it was already After leaving the space below 150 meters, they will naturally attack me…” Rocky laughed wildly there, and before the seven armored men rushed to him, he saw a man floating beside him. The strange triangle in front spun rapidly, and immediately, a group of pitch-black clouds about several cubic meters appeared between Rocky and the seven armored men.


The first armored man flew upside down and stretched out two dark blue gloves from the dark cloud. When all the free souls were screaming loudly, they saw Novi Loll, this German true devil man appeared in the dark cloud, but the most important thing is that Novell is standing in front of the team of free souls, how could he appear again under the attention of everyone? What about him?

“Novi Tyrone! The former strongest in the world! Look at how weak you are This is the figure of you left in my memory. At that time, you were really like a hurricane. Normally, even my brother is not your opponent… At that time, you were worthy of being called the Holy Envoy of the Blue Fist, but as for you now… you are just a piece of trash.” Rocky still had that insane expression, He laughed and shouted like crazy.

As his voice sounded, Novellon, who appeared from the dark clouds, seemed to have heard some order. The blue light of his gloves shone fiercely, and this blue light quickly enveloped In an instant, he seemed to be an envoy covered in blue holy light, and the blue light reflected him in an incomparably sacred way.

Then I saw this Novellon waving his hands, the speed was too fast to be seen by the naked eye, as if it had turned into many afterimages, and circles of blue light formed a tornado shape and would rush towards him The six armored men who came all pulled towards him. In an instant, it was as if dozens of him were bombarding the six armored men, sweeping and bombarding them, as if a hurricane had hit them!

“Extreme Hurricane Punch!”

Papapapa, amidst the bombardment of countless fists, the shell of one of the armored men shattered, and a large piece of the mechanical body exploded. …

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