Death is the Beginning Chapter 11: No. 11

Since Jiao has made up his mind to stop the world snake Yurmgunter with all his strength, and the Falling Wings Group destroys the core of Nether, he is also a cruel person, so he immediately decided to go to the sky to stop the world snake, Otherwise, once it breaks the protective layer of the light curtain, with the power it showed just now, there may be only one person alive on the entire Easter Island!

This long-distance running only lasted tens of seconds. With Pei Jiao’s speed, he could be regarded as having enough strength to feed himself. He was only short of being “liberated” into a giant of thunder and lightning. Behind the building, there is an open flat land in front of you, full of various fighter jets and large aircraft, there are also more than a dozen missile launchers that are still emitting smoke, and many soldiers and soldiers are busy in the field. The whole scene is A fiery situation on the battlefield.

When Pei Jiao rushed forward, a large piece of thunder flashed under his feet, which could be seen from a very far away, so when he arrived, everyone on the battlefield was very nervous, until they saw that there was no one behind Pei Jiao. When the black wings appeared, these people finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then, except for a few people who went forward, the rest began to get busy with the unlaunched missile racks, placing the huge rockets and missiles properly, and preparing to launch them upon receiving orders. Then shoot at the black dragon.

Pei Jiao can’t control too much, he saw several officers walking towards him, he rushed to grab one of them, and said directly: “Arrange a helicopter for me, and notify your army immediately Command, stop firing missiles and any long-range weapons after I go, don’t create any danger for me, remember!”

These words were spoken quickly and urgently, the officers didn’t react for a while, they just looked at Pei Jiao in a daze He shouted loudly and said: “Get me a helicopter, I’m going to face the black dragon personally, and tell the people in the headquarters that I am Pei Jiao!” While speaking, he saw a helicopter on the parking platform in the distance The helicopter ran over without hesitation.

Until this moment, several officers reacted one by one, because in the emergency, one person immediately said to his shoulder: “There is an important matter to report in area 3, please contact the telephone line of the headquarters command post urgently!”

Pei Jiao on the other side doesn’t care about some explanations. He believes that the high-level military on the island must be clearly aware of the priorities. It is definitely impossible for the high-level army to be honest, but they have to bite the bullet and continue to launch missile attacks because of the terrifying power of this black dragon.

Looking at the size and breath of the dragon, no one would have guessed that once it breaks through the protective layer of the light curtain, everything on Easter Island will be destroyed immediately. I can bite the bullet and continue launching missiles, I just hope that it can be delayed for a while.

At this moment, Pei Jiao is asking to take a helicopter to fly to the sky to fight the black dragon. If an ordinary free soul comes to the army, it will be a fart, and he will be expelled directly without paying attention. The difference, first of all, is his identity. It can almost be said that besides Gong Yeyu, the second person in the current Chinese soul organization!

The second is its strength. After the uproar at the conference yesterday, it is impossible for the governments of various countries to be unaware of such a big matter. Comparing Pei Jiao’s strength, he was immediately raised to a very high level, thinking that he was alone Then he can defeat the combined force of the other two true demons, making him the second person in the world after Gong Yeyu.

Although the truth is not that simple. There is no mediocrity among true demons. Although Pei Jiao had the absolute upper hand in the conference battle. But in fact, it was he who caught the other two by surprise with his tolerant aura and special venue. In addition, there is a fake bull head, which is a real demon-level ghost Luezhen. That’s why he had the illusion of absolute advantage. But the real devil level is a person who can “liberate”. So when Pei Jiao had the absolute wind. That young true demon-level powerhouse would say something unconvinced and go to the empty arena to have a good fight. The reason is this. In addition to being a true demon peak like Gong Yeyu. Otherwise, the strength gap between the true demon level is not very big. And Pei Jiao is just slightly better.

However, the local officials of the governments of various countries do not know these internal reasons. So in their minds. Pei Jiao’s grades have been greatly separated from others. It is almost at the level of Gong Yeyu. And this is exactly the reason why Pei Jiao wanted to make a big fuss… If there is no such general trend. When he wants to use the Goddess of War’s special ability to form a special soul team in the future. I don’t know how much resistance and all kinds of filth there will be. Although he doesn’t intend to force the special soul he found into the team. But he doesn’t intend to let others pick the fruits of his hard work. After all, the world is actually very cruel. The so-called loyalty and morality. It’s just that the chips for betrayal are not enough. So instead of fighting with governments around the world when the time comes. soul organization. Or some kind of filth from a big family. It would be better to show his strength and strength from the very beginning. Dispel the greed of these people. It really doesn’t work… He won’t be stingy with force. Just like Gong Yeyu!

Exactly. When Pei Jiao told several officers his name. In this way, the weight will naturally be different. It’s like a beggar saying that the world stock market will collapse tomorrow. Explain to the President of the United States that the world stock market is going to crash tomorrow. The weight and effect are definitely different between the two.

Sure enough. Up to a minute or so. Several crew members and those officers have already rushed from a distance

Come on. One of the officers said loudly: “Pei Jiao. They will carry you on your back. This is a flare gun. When you are about to get off the back of the black dragon, fire this flare into the sky. Then the helicopter will pick you up. Don’t worry. They They are all the best helicopter pilots in the army. Except for the black dragon, the helicopter itself will definitely not have any problems!”

Pei Jiao took the flare gun without any hassle. He didn’t say much. Just put the flare gun in the Youming ring. Then I asked the officer: “Have you contacted the other countries? How is the situation? Have they agreed not to continue firing rockets?”

Another officer next to him quickly replied: “I have contacted the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Russian garrison. They decided to stop launching missile attacks after hearing you said that you would go there in person, but France… can’t be contacted anymore, no I don’t know if they have any surviving troops, but the phone signal was interrupted, we have sent people to rush there immediately, and we must stop the French missile attack.”

Pei Jiao was silent for a while. The violent explosion just now was astonishingly powerful as a small nuclear explosion. Almost one-fifth of the entire Easter Island was caught in the explosion. There is some dust floating in the distance in this empty field, one can imagine how violent the explosion was, and that location is the French garrison… It seems that there are almost no people alive there.

Seeing that Pei Jiao stopped asking questions, the officers didn’t say anything more, they turned around and ran away to the distance. The crew members are indeed veterans who are proficient in operating helicopters, and they didn’t wait for Pei Jiao. The helicopter was launched as soon as the order was given. Not long after, the whole helicopter had risen from the ground and flew towards the top of the sky, where the light curtain was already violently turbulent, and there was even a trace of black aura coming from it. The light curtain invaded in turmoil and turned into a sieve-like shape with thousands of holes. Under the continuous breath of the black dragon, this layer of light curtain really can’t stand up.

This may be the second most absurd decision I’ve ever made…

Pei Jiao sat at the hatch of the helicopter, looking at the huge black dragon that was getting closer and closer to the sky. The feeling of imagination is becoming more and more obvious. In addition to this, there is also the dark willpower that is condensed as if it has substance. Even if there is no aura field spreading out, this willpower alone is more obvious than the weakening effect of the aura field. Not only Pei Jiao could feel it clearly, but the soldiers who were driving the helicopter also seemed a little irritable. Their biological instincts were telling them that the front was full of murderous intentions and dangers!

“Fly to its back, don’t land from the front, and avoid those black auras!” Pei Jiao estimated the distance between the helicopter and the huge black dragon, when the distance between the two was about three or four hundred meters , he immediately said to the soldier flying the helicopter.

The pilot of the helicopter, and the co-pilot next to him, the two of them can be pilots on this Easter Island. Their skills, experience, psychological quality, etc. are naturally the best choices. There was no turbulence of the helicopter, as if the helicopter had decided to fly straight before Pei Jiao opened his mouth, it directly passed the side of the black dragon and flew to its back. When the members were about to ask Pei Jiao why he landed, they saw Pei Jiao jump straight out from the hatch of the helicopter with a strong support. While still in mid-air, Pei Jiao had already begun to enter the “liberation” state. Surrounded by silver lightning, his body rapidly became bigger and bigger. Before jumping to the back of the black dragon, he had already turned into a ten-meter-tall lightning giant.

With a bang, Pei Jiao fell hard into the body of the black dragon… It really fell hard. Huge and incomparable pressure appeared on his body, as if his body suddenly became ten times or twenty times heavier, so when he fell to the surface of the black dragon’s body, the shock force when he landed already made him I was so uncomfortable that I was about to vomit blood.

That’s right, even those: the dark aura field can change the gravity, and this black dragon can definitely do it too. Speaking of which, the explosion fluctuations of those missiles before are bound by gravity, so it is possible to condense Get up and throw it to Easter Island, gravity, what a terrifying aura field ability…

As far as the current stage is concerned, almost all the auras that Pei Jiao visits are the auras formed by will, emotion, or some kind of concept. Only his inclusive aura and this dark aura belong to nature. Regardless of the range of will, his tolerant aura field, it has not yet reached the peak of the true demon level, and many functions have not yet emerged, but it is already very powerful, and this dark aura field is also terrifyingly strong. Needless to say, the weakening function of this gravity is a very terrifying ability… Think about it, the ultimate manifestation of power in the universe, the black hole, is actually the extreme expression of gravity in the final analysis. , although even the world snake itself cannot condense a black hole, and ten times the gravity alone is enough to be scary.

Pei Jiao weighed about one hundred and ten catties. After he materialized within the scope of Easter Island, his soul was bound by gravity. At this moment, he felt as if he weighed two to three thousand catties. body surface, he was immediately bent knees, almost

If you were an ordinary person who fell down on your knees, once you touch the black dragon, you will become flesh, even those metal creations. Thirty times the gravity is enough to make the solid tanks and planes collapse inward!

“Fake bull head! Come out!”

Pei Jiao quickly aroused his aura of inclusiveness, and he didn’t dare to spread it out, but condensed around his body to form a mixed ball shape. A bull’s head about 1 meter away appeared beside him.

Tolerance’s momentum field has the effect of dispersing and melting other momentum fields. Even under the influence of the black dragon’s demon king-level momentum field, it can actually melt most of the influence. Under the protection of the aura field, he finally stood up straight. At this moment, his whole body only weighed about five or six hundred catties, and he was only restrained by five or six times the force of gravity.

Terrible! It is worthy of the real devil-level strength, and according to Varosti, the snake in this world is still at the peak of the devil-level and said to attack it. I am afraid that any strength that is not a real devil-level power will be directly crushed by its own gravity just by approaching it. Died… It’s scary, my aura field is exhausted, I can only last for two minutes at most, it seems that I can only…

Since Pei Jiao chose the body of the black dragon to attack, he has already gambled his life. As long as he can save the Nether Core, with the combined strength of him and Gong Yeyu, even if it is robbery and murder, he must be able to get the power from the World Government. It was brought over there, so he could gamble with his life, so what is there to be reluctant about?

“Pseudo-tau… in twenty seconds!”

Pei Jiao roared loudly, and after giving this order, he ran towards the dragon’s head, forcibly running against the five or six times the gravity, the speed was really too fast, but fortunately he still had thunder Accelerating with the power of the dragon, 20 seconds is enough for him to run four to five hundred meters. At that time, it is estimated that he will also reach the reverse scale of the dragon’s jaw. At that time, it was the time when the fake bull’s head exploded, and the black dragon was distracted. When he is trying to restore his body… he is going to make a big move!

As for the self-destruction of the false bull head, although the giant axe itself will not be broken, all the standard energy inside will be consumed, and it will no longer be able to condense into the form of the fake bull head, and then it will fall straight down from the midair When it reaches the ground, God knows where the giant axe will fall, maybe in the sea, maybe in an open space on Easter Island, or picked up by a living person, or picked up by a soul. At that time, Pei Jiao The possibility of recovering the giant axe is very, very small… Maybe this devil-level natural weapon will be lost forever.

But if you dare to bet your life, what’s the point of adding another giant axe?

Pei Jiao can be regarded as the next one, anyway, I even risked my life, so what are the things outside of me? If you die, you will be done. If you are lucky enough to survive and defeat the black dragon, then even if you lose the giant axe, it will be worth it, as long as you can get the Nether core…

“6, 5, 6, 5…,”

Pei Jiao counted down the time silently in his heart, and when he counted to zero, the aura of tolerance on his body suddenly shrank into his body, and he simultaneously ignited his obsession and aura of tolerance. After condensing the will to tolerate and stepping into the strength of a true demon, it is the first time to simultaneously burn one’s own obsession and aura field to perform a double “liberation”, also known as a deep “liberation”!

In an instant, a silver-white liquid current in the form of plasma erupted from Pei Jiao’s body, wrapping him like a mercury robot. It is made of silvery-white liquid plasma, not only his body has grown bigger, but his shape has also changed. The first thing to condense is his face, which was originally a very young face, but now it is made of silvery-white liquid plasma. It formed a long beard, and then emerged a majestic face with only one eye and left eye. It looked like a very strong man in his forties, and the rest of the silver-white liquid plasma flowed towards Pei Jiao at this moment. The gigantic Heroic Blade in his hand wrapped and deformed it, but in just a split second, the blade turned into a huge silver-white spear engraved with runes.

The runes on the top of this spear look a little similar to English, but they are a little different. The flowing silver light seems to reflect these strange letters: Gngnr…

At this moment, Pei Jiao still noticed these things, and all his attention was fixed on the giant black dragon approaching in front of him. Following an extremely violent explosion wave coming from behind him, the huge dragon head turned around angrily. , just raised his head slightly, at this moment, Pei Jiao saw a large piece of purple scales on the lower jaw of the dragon head, which was completely different in color from the dark scales of the black dragon, and he didn’t even care about thinking about anything else. Lifting the weapon in his hand, he stabbed fiercely at the purple scale.

In an instant, the heroic blade that had turned into a silver-white spear seemed to have turned into a shooting star piercing the darkness, piercing fiercely from the purple scale area of ​​the black dragon’s jaw. The golden blood covered Pei Jiao…

There is only one chapter today. I went to the company in the past two days. I have some small personal matters. It is not serious. It has been resolved. It will explode tomorrow as usual, and it will explode the day after tomorrow. These two days are single updates, sorry.

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