Death is the Beginning Chapter 6: 6

Living Island…

Of course it is not the Easter Island for sightseeing on the map, but the real Easter Island. Its size is about three times larger than the Easter Island for sightseeing. According to the information on Easter Island that I just obtained, the island is currently jointly managed by the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, and six countries. The entire island is divided into six territories, each of which builds military facilities and research facilities. .

According to the data, there is a huge ancient urban ruins under the entire Easter Island. Starting from Easter Island, the technology of that ancient relic city was continuously excavated. According to this data, even the super electromagnetic alloy is part of the technology excavated from this relic.

“In other words, the reason why Easter Island has that peculiar characteristic, which can completely materialize ghosts and souls, and no longer has the ability to be invisible and pass through real objects, is completely like a material thing, because Is it because of this ancient city ruins?” Pei Jiao looked at the information in his hand and murmured to the two people in front of him.

The two people in front of me are Yang Xuguang and Yu Chen. Fortunately, Yang Xuguang is one of the absolute candidates to go to Easter Island with his strength and identity, but Yu Chen has to follow him no matter what. And go, her and his excuses are also very perfect, since Easter Island was established as the last bastion and defense line of mankind, no matter how fierce the battle is there, at least inside the base must be extremely safe. The leader would not choose that place as the meeting place. In contrast, although there are nearly a thousand free souls in the Beijing soul organization, how much real combat power can they have? If the ghost materializes again, she will still be in danger, so it’s better to go to Easter Island with everyone.

To be honest, both Pei and Yang Xuguang felt a little dumbfounded at the time. This time at the 17th National Summit, the slightly stronger free souls felt that something was wrong. It was too late for others to hide, but this Yu Chen was desperately working Although both of them have the heart to refuse, but Yu Chen’s wisdom is indeed extraordinary, especially Pei Jiao, the reason why he can condense into an aura of tolerance can be said to be due to her great favor for such a request. It is really impossible to refuse, and secondly, it is because of Gong Yeyu’s relationship. Because Gong Yeyu’s heart is a domineering relationship, he often behaves like a fool. No one knows what he will do next. If he really Appeared at the summit of the seventeen countries, if he was annoyed by some problems, he might even kill all the leaders of the seventeen countries after a massacre, so Yu Chen’s going with him could be regarded as an insurance talisman.

So Chen also sat on the plane flying to Easter Island, and at this moment, the three of them were sitting in a small private room discussing the information about Easter Island that they got from Wang Zeheng when the plane arrived.

Although the existence of Easter Island is not a secret to the soul world, because the entrance to the fantasy land of the ruins of Atlantis is here, but the mystery of this Easter Island can be said to have always shrouded the entire soul world. Here, neither souls nor ghosts can pass through real objects, as if all rocks and substances are made of super-electromagnetic metals, and all souls and ghosts cannot be invisible, just like the name of the island, Easter Island, Even the souls and ghosts that had died a long time ago became ordinary life forms as if they were revived there.

This special property is the only place in the whole world, so although the existence of Easter Island is not a big secret, this special property is a mystery that no one can solve, at least even the leaders of the soul organizations of various countries Not sure either.

The information distributed to everyone shows that the ancient relics underground on Easter Island were discovered in 1992. The country where the discovery was first discovered was the United States. Afterwards, with the continuous excavation of ancient relics, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Italy and other countries joined in. As for the discovery of Easter Island’s special attributes for souls and ghosts, it was in 997 that the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China jointly managed Easter Island. , each allocated one-sixth of the territory for construction and research, and also excavated ancient ruins from their respective territories.

This information does not explain why Easter Island has such characteristics that seem to be specifically aimed at souls and ghosts. But judging from the underground ancient ruins mentioned in a few words in this information. The special properties of Easter Island are likely to be derived from its underground ancient ruins. That’s why Pei Jiao asked this question.

Yang Xuguang laughed at the side: “You haven’t been to the fantasy land of the Atlantis ruins. And you haven’t read the various materials of this fantasy land carefully? It’s in your imagination. That Atlantis What does the Landis ruins look like in fantasy? For example, the North-South battlefield is imagined as a battlefield. The Golden Kingdom is imagined as a jungle. Fengdu is imagined as a gloomy place like the underworld. In your impression, this Atlantis What about the fantasy land of the ruins?”

Pei Jiao was stunned for a moment and said, “I guess it’s a deep sea scene? It indicates the underwater place of the legendary Atlantis ruins? Some broken walls and pillars? And are the ghosts fish or human souls?”

Yang Xuguang shook his head and said: “You won’t believe it. This Atlantis ruins is a fantasy land. It is full of high-tech that humans can’t even imagine. For example, combat robots, reconnaissance robots, and some Robotic animals. Their attack methods are also extremely powerful laser guns or laser weapons. And the whole place is all made of metal

A future technology building. Twisted and bent. Make the inside look presentable. So the difficulty is at the level of thirty-two people. It is such a fantasy land.

Pei Jiao was stunned when he heard it. Although he has only been to two fantasy lands, one is the North and South Battlefields, and the other is Dudu, but these two fantasy lands have appeared in legends or history. The same is true for fantasy lands, but this Atlantis ruins is a bit weird. Why is it a high-tech fantasy land?

“This is simply impossible. The fantasy land is a fantasy world formed by gathering the fantasies and thoughts of all living beings. In other words, it must be something that all living beings think may exist or may appear, then the fantasy land will exist. But how could such a high-tech fantasy land appear? Although people can imagine the future of human technology, it is impossible to form the unanimous thoughts of all beings, it is incredible, it is simply too incredible.” Pei Jiao said Looking through the picture in the information booklet, I found the reasons for the fantasy existence of Easter Island and the ruins of Atlantis, but this information book looks quite thick, but there is no mention of Easter Island and Asia at all. The reason for the fantasy formation of the ruins of Transis, as they discussed before, is still a mystery.

Yu Chen suddenly said beside him: “Speaking of ancient ruins, I think of the 2012 doomsday prophecy about the Mayans that has been circulated on the Internet recently. It is said that our world is the fifth civilization. Civilizations perish one after another, and they all perish at the end of the world at the turn of civilizations. The fantasy place at the entrance of Easter Island is called Atlantis Ruins, and there also happens to be an ancient ruins under Easter Island. Could it be that this ruins is Is the Atlantis of the Quaternary Civilization civilized?”

Mayan civilization, this is a medieval civilization that once ruled the American continent for a while, but it is strange that this civilization disappeared completely long after the white people arrived in the Americas, and even its bloodline descendants disappeared. I can’t find any legends that they were wiped out by the germs brought by the Caucasians, but human beings are a wonderful individual, and no virus can wipe out the human race, even in the real world The most terrifying D in the novel, or the Ebola virus, very few people can produce antibodies and thus become immune, unless it is a large-scale and powerful virus weapon in a short period of time, so a race is completely wiped out by the virus. It is impossible for such a thing to happen, but a civilized race such as the Mayan civilization disappeared completely hundreds of years ago without a trace.

However, although they have disappeared, their civilization can still be found in some relics and records left by them, and their calendars and legends are the most important records. The accuracy of the Mayan civilization’s calendar , is even more accurate than the Gregorian calendar used by humans today, and the time recorded by the Mayan calendar is to end on February 21, 2012, and this time… happens to be the time when the soul organization scientist recorded the critical point of electromagnetic waves. The time period of arrival, on that day, two different civilizations recorded the same time point at the same time! !

In the myth of the Mayan civilization, they believe that the earth has had a history of four civilizations, which they call the solar period, each civilization was destroyed in the end of this civilization, and then a new one was rebuilt from the ruins A new world and civilization is coming, and the current civilization of mankind is the fifth solar period, and the fourth solar period civilization before that is the famous legendary civilization… Atlantis!

Looking at the information in hand, Pei Jiao listened to Yu Chen’s myths and legends of the Mayan civilization. After a while, he said: “I have begun to believe in the myths and legends of the Mayans, even us souls and ghosts. They have already appeared, and there are many fantasy places, and now there are also the Atlantis ruins of the Quaternary Civilization. Maybe these myths and legends are true, but I don’t know how many secrets there are inside. and true.”

Yang Xuguang suddenly frowned and said, “Speaking of which, I have also done some research on the myths and legends of the Mayan civilization. After studying this vanished civilization, have you noticed? The information they summarized for the pre-Quaternary civilization?”

Pei and Yu Chen were stunned for a moment, and then they suddenly realized at the same time, they were both staring at Yang Xuguang.

Yang Xuguang did not hesitate, he said directly: “The fourth civilization is the Atlantis civilization. In the myths and legends of the Mayans, it was mentioned that the Atlantis civilization was a civilization that was good at using light, also known as its civilization. For the civilization of light, light, haven’t you thought of anything?”

Pei Jiao’s heart moved, and he immediately said: “Electricity? Energy? Light energy? Is the Atlantean civilization a civilization that is good at using high technology and laser energy?”

Yang Xuguang immediately nodded and said: “Yes, the fantasy land of Atlantis is full of robots and their driving energy? It’s either electrical energy or other energy, but it can’t escape the category of technology? And their attack methods are all laser guns and laser weapons. If this fantasy land is really about the world before the Atlantis civilization, what do you think? Maybe there really is Atlantis Sri Lanka civilization, and this civilization is a technological civilization with extremely advanced technology! And the super electromagnetic metal is a kind of technological means specially obtained by human beings through the relics of this civilization to target ghosts!”

Yu Chen also stood up excitedly, and the little woman also hurriedly said: “I understand, maybe the Earth’s No. 1

The civilization of Atlantis also encountered the problem of electromagnetic criticality. There are many fantasy lands, as well as souls and ghosts, but the technology of this civilization is much higher than that of human beings. You can use material to harm ghosts, and even created this Easter Island-like city to turn ghosts into material life forms, so as to kill Xu. This is the fourth era of Atlantis civilization in Mayan legends It is the reason of the civilization of light! Lasers, electric energy, and the application of various energy sources are indeed the civilization of light! “

Yang Xuguang smiled and said: “There is also the third era civilization, the Muria civilization. In the myths and legends of the Mayans, this civilization is a civilization that is good at using the huge energy of plant germination. Can we think that this civilization Is it a civilization similar to Druids or Summoners in European legends? What about a supernatural special civilization that uses biological energy, especially plant energy, as an attack method? Of course, there can be other explanations for the idea of ​​a plant sprouting , such as using plants to create something like a new method, such as alchemy…”

Both Pei Jiao and Yu Chen frowned, but they nodded involuntarily after a while, and Pei Jiao said directly: “It is indeed possible, think about it, those fortunes in Chinese myths and legends Dibao, such as vermilion fruit that has been around for thousands of years, and ginseng that has been around for ten thousand years, although it is impossible for these things to appear in our world, another civilization may be able to use certain methods to create these plants that contain huge energy. After eating it, maybe it can really be reborn as in the myths and legends, and become a superman-like existence. This is very possible. After all, in addition to Mayan myths, there are many myths, both ancient and modern. It also mentioned the information about the wealth of heaven and earth, it is said that after eating it, you can become a fairy or a god, maybe it refers to this third era civilization.”

Yang Xuguang couldn’t help but feel complacent. After all, he came up with this information and guessed it. He immediately said: “There is also the Second Age civilization, the Mesopotamian civilization. This is the diet in Mayan mythology. Civilization, fact, I can guess such a situation, the Second Epoch civilization, that is, the Mesopotamian civilization really mastered the methods and technologies of making those treasures, and even refining a large number of elixir, but because of For some reason, it may even be the electromagnetic critical point… and they were destroyed, but their civilization was not completely destroyed, and some people who inherited their civilization escaped the doomsday, thus forming the Muria civilization of the third era , but because of faults in civilization, many methods of cultivating treasures with great power and effects have been lost, so they turned into a civilization that controls plant variation, so it is very likely that the Second Age Civilization and the Tertiary Age Civilizations are handed down in one continuous line, it’s just that one is stronger and the other is weaker.”

Pei Jiao thought for a moment, then nodded, and said at the same time, “What about the first civilization? What about the first civilization mentioned in Mayan mythology?”

Yang Xuguang quickly said: “That civilization is called the Gendaya civilization, and it is the strongest civilization in several solar periods. It is said that people in this civilization have a third eye, and this eye has many Great power, such as prediction, such as lethality, such as healing, etc. At the same time, the people there are all reincarnated from gods. It is said that when women in this civilization want to have children, they contact the gods of the sky until there are gods who want to reincarnate Then the woman will be pregnant, and the child born will be the reincarnation of God, does it sound familiar? Does the third eye sound like a special ability of a special soul? For example, prediction, such as lethality , such as treatment, and when a woman wants to have a child, the reincarnation of the god…isn’t the **** very similar to the soul?”

Pei Jiao smiled wryly and said: “The more Taoist you are, the more you believe in Mayan mythology, especially when comparing Mayan mythology with the information we know, the pre-Ancient Fourth Age civilization is actually It’s as if it’s real, no, it’s very likely that it’s real, in comparison, our Fifth Epoch civilization is really weak…”

At this time Yu Chenran murmured beside him: “I am curious, since the pre-Ancient Quaternary civilization was so powerful…how did they become extinct? Others Let’s not talk about civilization for the time being. First, the civilization of the Second Epoch is so powerful, even if there are a lot of ghosts, they should not be able to defeat them? Then how did they become extinct? Could it be that they didn’t even have time to retreat in outer space? Or… “

“The First Epoch Civilization did not disappear, but found another way to advance civilization. After all, their abilities sound so much like souls or ghosts. Could it be that the lives of the First Epoch Civilization have all changed their forms and become Have you lost a soul or a ghost? If so… Maybe this is the reason for the end of civilization…”

“It is a spiritual life transformed from the civilization of the first era. Are they going to destroy the civilization of other eras?”

“What about the remains of the second and third era civilizations? Just like Atlantis is technology, what about their civilization model? Cultivation? Alchemy? Summoning? Magic? Bioenergy? What about the remains of their civilization? ?”

The world view I created is one chain after another, one clue after another, absolutely rigorous and precise, hehe, this is something I am a little proud of, everyone read it slowly, the beginning of death is definitely a book that cannot be lost It’s a super-good-looking and huge work for infinite horror, and everyone is looking forward to it slowly.

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