Death is the Beginning Chapter 4: No. 4

Called Zhang Heng…

Born in a certain hospital in Nanjing, there was no strange smell, no ganoderma lucidum, and no dragon falling from the sky. All in all, he was just an ordinary baby…

His parents are both businessmen. They are the group of people who resigned and went to sea at the beginning of the reform and opening up. After 1990, they have a net worth of several million. And appearance, and Zhang Heng grew up in such an environment. Although his parents were busy with business, they did not care enough for him, but Zhang Heng was born with an optimistic personality, cheerful and sunny, and he didn’t feel lonely. Yes, on the contrary, he grew up normally, and he can be regarded as an ordinary person with a normal mind.

However, there is one extremely bad shortcoming in his temperament, that is, he has no perseverance in doing things…

Zhang HengZhang Heng, the reason why his parents gave him this name is to make him have perseverance in doing things in the future, but who knows that things will go against his wish, maybe because of his optimist temperament, maybe because his character is originally cheerful Sunshine is free and easy, so he is not as persistent as those who are obsessed. They often do something for a short time, and when they encounter difficulties, they immediately let go. This is contrary to the original meaning of his name, but this is his The parents didn’t expect it.

However, Zhang Heng’s family has stepped into the wealthy class. In the 1990s, there were several million families. A person who has turned bad, with the caution of a small citizen, coupled with the vision and investment of a businessman, Zhang Heng’s family is getting richer and richer, so his lack of perseverance will not cause too much hindrance to him in the future. To read or to read, to get married or to get married, to inherit the family business or to inherit the family business, life seems to be a planned trajectory, he just needs to go all the way…

Until I met her…

It was a very casual encounter in the university, a gathering of many schools. Because of Zhang Heng’s warm and cheerful personality, he was quite popular in the university. In addition, he was born in a wealthy family, so he was a bit bold. Because of this kind of dinner, he usually acts as a host and planner to liaise with the venue and the school.

At that time, some freshmen who had just entered the school were contacted. As an “old man” who has been promoted to a sophomore, Zhang Heng is naturally very enthusiastic about such things. He contacted a buffet place early on. Thirty-eight yuan, it is not a luxury to have a dinner in this place, so Zhang Heng ran extremely happily and gathered dozens of juniors. nailed.

“I’m sorry, I’ll see what time it is later.”

This is a delicate girl. The content is not so good that it can only be described as ordinary. The long hair like black satin looks extremely dazzling, and the complexion is slightly dark and rough. It seems that it is often exposed to the sun and rain. No flour was applied to hook the eyebrows. Lipstick, perfume, etc. Although the body and clothing are simple. But it was washed clean. This is a girl like a green lotus out of water. Do not apply any dark pink color. clean. Refreshing and refreshing.

Although Zhang Heng has an optimistic personality. Gives a bold feeling and carefree look. But the mind is actually quite delicate. While seeing this girl. He immediately guessed the reason for the girl’s refusal…the thirty-eight yuan. for him. Or for most working-class people. They are all very small assets. Thirty-eight yuan for a meal is really not expensive. But for people like this girl. Thirty-eight yuan is probably her meal money for a week. Zhang Heng looked at the girl’s clean clothes. But it has been washed so that many places have faded. It seems that the clothes have been worn for a long time.

“But I have already paid for it. I should invite as many people as I want. I just paid for the number of people. This time, I was supposed to welcome you students to a dinner party. So naturally we invited you. Don’t you If we go to the place, the store will not refund our thirty-eight yuan. On the contrary, it is a waste. So you take a day off and don’t watch it. Go to eat and drink together. Take a good rest. You will be busy in college life in the future It’s time.” Zhang Heng chased after the girl. he said with a smile. in the heart. It has been decided to advance the money for this school girl.

The girl was really taken aback for a moment. It was also as Zhang Heng expected. Such a thrifty girl. The most is to see what wasted. Although Zhang Hengdi’s proposal was rejected just now. But after she was distressed for a moment. Sure enough, Zhang Heng agreed as expected. That night, we also decided to go to the dinner party together.

It seems that what happened after that has nothing to do with Zhang Heng. He can do such a step can be regarded as the utmost benevolence. But Zhang Heng seemed to think more in his heart. He is cheerful and sunny by nature. Free and easy. Under his seemingly frail face. He has a heroic spirit. It is also the most injustice in life. At this moment, although the girl has never had any injustice. But Zhang Heng thought more.

Judging from this girl’s disheveled face. Even eating and drinking on weekdays must be very frugal. This time at the buffet party. Although it is only thirty-eight yuan per person. But food and beverages. Big fish and big meat. Basically everything is there. Girls in other places may still restrain themselves. But since it is a buffet that has already paid for it. Then she will definitely eat and drink with a big appetite. There was nothing wrong with this. But ordinary young people in the city. There will be so much fat meat and fish. She was the only one eating fish there. It is inevitable that others will look at her strangely in the future…

So in this buffet, Zhang Heng was even more exaggerated than this girl. He let go of his arms and ate fish meat. After grilling, he swallowed large pieces of fat meat whole, and piece by piece. All eyes were attracted, while the girl was sitting in the corner watching Zhang Heng, while silently eating her food…

“…I feel that within ten years, I will definitely throw up when I see oily flowers.”

The next day, when Zhang Heng came out of the toilet rubbing his stomach, what surprised him was that the girl was standing by the playground holding a small cloth package. The girl walked up to him generously and handed him the small package at the same time.

“Use it to boil water to drink, it can help digestion and treat diarrhea… Also, thank you yesterday.” The girl smiled at Zhang Heng.

Although this girl’s appearance is very ordinary, she can only be regarded as pretty at most, and Zhang Heng is not a beginner or something. In high school

I have dated two or three women, and I have also met women in college, but Zhenglai did not have the perseverance to show that much and then they broke up after dating for a period of time. However, he is young and rich, with a good personality and good looks. So all the girls I handed over are considered beauties. If you look at these young girls with a female mentality, they really don’t catch his eye.

But at this moment, the girl’s pure eyes and that smiling expression gave Zhang Heng an indescribable feeling of being knocked down by electricity. The package was forced into his hand, and then he came back to his senses when he walked away slowly. After opening the package, he saw that there were indeed many herbs inside…

“This eye… Perhaps, I have been waiting for the owner of these eyes since a long time ago…”

The next thing is Zhang Heng’s active pursuit, which is very inexplicable, as if only for that sweet smile, but the girl seems to be very hesitant and fearful, and keeps avoiding Zhang Heng’s pursuit, so that even with Everyone in her dormitory felt it was strange, and tried their best to encourage her to be with Zhang Heng, but this girl had an extremely tenacious heart, and forcibly avoided Zhang Heng’s ubiquitous care and pursuit. In the end, even He didn’t even want to talk to Zhang Heng anymore.

At this moment, Zhang Heng’s habit of giving up seems to have disappeared completely, and he doesn’t know if it’s because of his anger or something. In this way, the two of them were like enemies, chasing each other for two full years, until… the girl was diagnosed with cancer.

“No! Now that science is so advanced, cancer can definitely be cured. Just relax, I will definitely cure you!”

Zhang Heng walked in the ward and roared loudly. He was always free and easy, but at this moment he was unprecedentedly crazy. His expression seemed to tear people apart. In the past two years of pursuit, although he has never pursued a girl , but he became more and more familiar with this girl, and the initial hazy love in his heart became more and more profound. At this moment, when he first heard that the girl had cancer, he only felt pain in his heart, as if his whole soul was trembling. , it was the extreme pain that caused this madness.

The girl’s face was also pale at the moment, but she didn’t know whether it was because of her illness or because she was frightened, but her movements were still clean and clear, without any muddy smell, and she actually hugged Zhang Heng gently from behind. Then he murmured: “Stop it, don’t do this anymore, this is not like the usual you…”

“Although I don’t pretend to be flirtatious to you on weekdays, it’s your hard work, your persistence, and your gentleness. Want to escape from you? Because we can never be together, never…”

“I am a child from the mountains, just like the children in the impoverished mountainous areas we see from newspapers and textbooks, I am one of them, and the place where I came out is poorer than there… yes The folks raised money together to pay for my tuition. It was the folks who smiled and sent me out of the valley. It was the folks who didn’t know a single word that were waiting for me. How could I be nostalgic because of the prosperity of this city? I want to go back, I must go back, bring this knowledge back to the villagers, bring it back to the children, I want to go back to the mountain village to be a teacher, I want to teach them, I want more children to be like me The same goes out of the mountain, so, even if I like you in my heart, how can I stay with you? I… can’t…”

The girl cried in a low voice, although she was crying with her back to Zhang Heng, but Zhang Heng could imagine the girl’s desperate expression… She had never cried, no matter how difficult she was in the past two years, no matter how hard she was No matter how hard she endured, no matter how much Zhang Heng pestered her, she never cried. She was as strong as the little wild flowers on the mountain, which bloomed in the season when the cold wind was still there…

But now she is crying, crying so desperately…

“I have always persisted, whether it is the persistence of the prosperity of this city or the persistence of your pursuit, I have never given up, I have always worked hard willingly, and I have always wanted to go back to that mountain village, but this But my wish can no longer be fulfilled, everyone is waiting for me to go back, but I can never go back, Zhang Heng, I can’t go back…”

Zhang Heng stood silently, the clothes around his waist were already soaked with tears, penetrating into his skin, his flesh and blood, his soul…

Holding the young girl’s urn, Zhang Heng resolutely walked the same path as the young girl…to the mountain village where she was born and raised, regardless of his parents’ desperate opposition and their warning to sever the inheritance relationship. , became a primary school teacher in a poor mountain village, teaching the children in the mountain village where the girl lived and in another even poorer mountain village for more than five years.

Forget about giving persistence, forget about the prosperity of the city, remember the simplicity of this mountain village, forget about the beauty of beauty, and remember these dark smiling faces… Zhang Heng always remembers Touching the things in the clothes pocket on his chest, it was a photo, the only photo the girl took with him before she died. After knowing Zhang Heng’s decision, the girl smiled so happily and so touchingly, even though that At that time, her hair had fallen out, and she looked as thin as a skeleton, but that sweet smile made Zhang Heng seem to have returned to the moment when the playground handed him the herbs…

Bright and moving, as if this life is just waiting for the owner of these eyes…

It’s spring, the snow melted again, and even the small wooden bridge built by the villagers was broken. Zhang Heng could only cross the river with his children on his back. Let him and the child fall into the rushing stream at the same time. At that time, he only had time to push the child to the bank, but he himself was washed downstream by the stream…

“Wang Xuelian, the one I love… I will persist this time, and I will never give up this time, unless I die and when I meet you again, I will be able to laugh heartily and confidently, just like Like the smile when I was pursuing you before, so I have a clear conscience…”

“So, I will persist until I die…”

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