Death is the Beginning Chapter 3: : The power of thunder and lightning! (1)

Pei Jiao’s reaction was extremely quick. Once he felt the extreme danger, he immediately took advantage of the trend and jumped backwards. Thick and thin icicles emerged out of thin air, piercing straight from the ground to the top. If Pei Jiao was still standing on the original ground, then he would definitely be pierced by this icicle at this moment.

Although Pei Jiao is already a soul body, he still feels cold sweat all over his body at this moment. When he was leveling up a skeleton, Pei Jiao had roughly guessed that the use of this natural weapon was not just to pick up and slash and shoot at each other, but how is it different from ordinary living people? It’s just that he has been busy with various things these days, and has never carefully checked his natural weapons. It was only when he saw Ren Zhen’s attack at this moment that he realized something in his heart.

But he hasn’t thought about these things carefully, because since he kicked back, the sense of crisis has not decreased in the slightest, but has become more intense.

Everyone in the room on the other side sighed involuntarily, Yang Xuguang shook his head directly and said: “Sure enough, he is a rookie who has never fought before. Ten-capacity natural weapon, but he doesn’t even know what the limit of mastery is, and he hasn’t refined his own natural weapon, not to mention he hasn’t experienced life-and-death battles with ghosts. After all, it’s just a mortal mentality. Captain, it seems you You overestimated him.”

Gong Yeyu smiled, and was about to take out a cigarette from his arms, when he suddenly realized that he had only one cigarette left, so he withdrew his hand with a displeased face, and said at the same time: “I believe in my own eyesight , His actions in the North and South battlefields are quite calm. Such a person should not be a weak person, or he should have the potential to become a strong person… Just wait and see, many things can not be deduced and the result can be drawn .”

Yang Xuguang nodded, shook his head again, and still said: “The attribute of the cursed soul is ice, which is a kind of cold that can even hurt the soul, and as the activation time continues, the speed of the attacked It will be slower and slower, unless you take the initiative from the very beginning, or use the true devil’s aura to suppress and lock the opponent, otherwise once the song of Cursed Soul is played to the second movement, when it reaches the prelude to the Frozen Throne, then It’s all over.”

The situation in the arena is also changing at the moment. Pei Jiao also noticed that the temperature around him has begun to drop sharply. You must know that he is a soul body. Apart from pain, where can he still feel cold and warm? It is conceivable that the coldness is clearly an attack method, and it is an attack method aimed at the soul!

Pei Jiao’s attention was also concentrated at the same time. During the four months in the underworld, he developed this habit. Once he felt extremely dangerous, he would naturally focus his attention. It is because of his characteristics that he survived in such a dangerous situation in the underworld, and when he concentrated his mind, his mind seemed to be much clearer, and the answers to some questions naturally appeared in his mind middle.

(…That’s right, after Gong Yeyu put the Zilei Knife into his eyes, he could use his hands to send out lightning when he lit a cigarette, instead of burning standard energy to light a cigarette like other breakaways, Zilei Knife, Zilei Knife… There is only one Lei Zi! Could it be possible that the weapon can be stored in the body, so that the attributes carried by the natural weapon can be used naturally?)

When Pei Jiao was thinking about these questions, he kept jumping backwards, and his senses were really keen. Every time he jumped, he avoided the ice picks protruding from the ground. The corners of his clothes didn’t even touch the slightest bit, but the temperature in the arena was indeed getting lower and lower, and even a thin layer of hoarfrost appeared on the metal floor.

“… Yes, I really underestimated him. His spiritual sense is so high! With such a high spiritual sense, it is hard to imagine that he is a rookie who has not been baptized in battle.” Yang Xuguang looked at the battle in the field, His expression gradually became serious.

Pei Jiao in the arena was not only dodging non-stop, he also slammed the spear blade on his back on the way of dodging. Although this spear blade had not been carefully studied during these revenge and free time, it was He has taken all the standard energy given to him by the government and filled it up. Although he doesn’t know why the other party didn’t fill up the natural weapon completely, he is sure of one thing… Natural weapons have their own attributes, and this The attribute can be used by the person who holds it…in other words, his lightning power can be used!

(This battle is a battle to determine my future status. If I can win it cleanly, it will be of great benefit to my future status!)

Pei Jiao made up his mind, so he stopped dodging, but stood at the same spot with the blade in his hand, and the power of lightning in his body had been activated subtly, but within a few seconds, when the sense of crisis spread When he came, his feet were flashing with lightning, and he stepped down with a snap. Before the ice cone could rise up, it was already shattered by the force of lightning, and turned into ice fragments directly. Ren Zhen, who was quietly playing the violin not far away, jumped up directly. This frosty little girl looked at Pei Jiao in the distance in astonishment, and moved her feet from time to time. The electric current scalds me badly.

Yang Xuguang, a sunny young man in the other room, immediately slapped his forehead. He looked back at Gong Yeyu in shock and said, “His natural weapon attribute is electricity? And he has mastered the knack of using natural weapons so quickly. ? Oh my god, why didn’t he refine the natural weapons into his body? This is not obvious!”

Gong Yeyu next to him laughed and said: “When I gave him a cigarette earlier, I saw electricity in his fingers. It wasn’t long before he got the natural weapon. It is conceivable that he is the kind A particularly sensitive person, just like that girl in the United States… There is no such person in a million, and he is a high-level escaper, so… Do you think he is still a burden?”

While the two were talking, the situation in the venue had already begun to change. Originally, Ren Zhen used her natural weapon, the cursed soul, to play the tune, and the surrounding temperature began to drop continuously. distance, then the drop in temperature will reduce the speed of the opponent at the same time, and there are ice cones constantly rising, the opponent can only run for his life, but this is a metal ground, which is not comparable to the rocky ground in the external environment, Pei As soon as Jiao used the power of lightning, the current was directly transmitted along the metal ground, and the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides were completely reversed.

“Admit defeat.” Pei Jiao said with a smile while holding the spear blade and stopped attacking.

In the distance, Ren Zhen still had an inexplicably surprised expression, but when Pei Jiao said this, her expression immediately turned livid. Her face was originally icy, but at this moment it was even more so. With murderous aura, she jumped up violently, the blue light of the violin in her hand flashed, and a gust of cold air burst out from her hand, wrapping the ground she was standing on, and then she closed her eyes unexpectedly, just Gu Zi pulled up the strings.

The sound of the zither is elegant and melodious, like an aria in the quiet night. He rushed forward, and there was a flash of lightning under his feet, which immediately increased his speed by more than ten times. The distance of tens of meters was only in the blink of an eye. In the next second, he had already rushed in front of Ren Zhen, but seeing such a soft The weak girl was playing the violin there, and it was impossible for him to slash directly with the blade of a gun, so he just grabbed Ren Zhen’s violin casually.

But just as he stretched out his hand halfway, the sense of danger was unprecedentedly intense, as if as long as he continued to stretch out his hand, no, he should continue to stay here, he would face terrible things. It could be…death!

It was too late to say it, but it was too soon, just when Pei Jiao felt the extreme danger, the originally elegant nocturne-like sound of the qin suddenly changed drastically, and the tone instantly rose, as if a woman was screaming in the middle of the night. The voice was so piercing that it made one want to go crazy. At this moment, around Ren Zhen as the center, circles of blue light burst out, and the closest one was naturally Pei Jiao’s outstretched arm. With a crisp sound, this arm was frozen tightly, as if wearing a pair of ice and rock gloves. Not only that, the extreme cold was freezing along his arm to his body, and the cold air circled In an instant, half of his arm was completely frozen.

Pei Jiao’s reaction can’t be described as unpleasant. At this moment, he is using the power of lightning, and his reaction speed is several times faster than that of ordinary people. When the extreme cold spreads upwards along his arms, He has already retreated quickly, but the cold air is spreading up and down three-dimensionally, not only freezing his arms, but also freezing the ground under his feet, so when When Pei Jiao hurriedly retreated, his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

“Death!” Ren Zhen’s murderous voice came out from the icy In an instant, the originally sharp and whistling sound of the piano changed again, and it turned into a deep and terrifying sound, as if It was like the howl of pain coming from the Nine Nether Yellow Springs. God knows why this little violin made so many tones, and with the deep and terrifying tones, several ice picks that were as thick as an adult’s arm unexpectedly fell on the girl. The side gradually emerged, just like this volleyed towards Pei Jiao and stabbed down.

No matter how fast Pei Jiao’s reaction was, he still couldn’t avoid these ice picks. At this moment, he was still lying on the ground, and could only watch helplessly as the ice picks got closer and closer to his forehead, as if death was within an inch. One inch approaching him, this feeling between life and death is really indescribable, people who have never experienced it will never be able to imagine, just like those rumors, when a person is close to death, the memories of a lifetime will be in the moment before death. Instant playback…

Although the experience of a person’s life is only the most impressive in memory, decades of experience are compressed in a moment, what kind of situation is this in a moment! It’s like personal time is completely disconnected from the time of the outside world, it’s unimaginable, it’s hard to say, but at this moment, when the ice pick is only a few inches away from him, he really feels that he has entered this state !

The speed of the ice pick became slower and slower, until it seemed to stop in the void in the end. Not only did the ice pick stop, but Ren Zhen’s movement of pulling the violin also stopped. No, not only that, but also Pei Jiao. It seemed that the whole world became quiet, the deep and terrifying sound of the piano disappeared, the sound of the ice cracking and freezing stopped, and even the sound of thunder and lightning crackling under his feet also stopped…

Except for Pei Jiao’s consciousness… the whole world seems to have come to a standstill at this moment!

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