Princess Sets Poison Again Chapter 746: Meet

Chapter 746 Meet

In the flying dust, two handsome horses were galloping forward one after the other.

The people on the city wall couldn’t see the appearance of the people who came, they could only vaguely see that they were two men.

Hu Bake didn’t leave either, so Zhuo Qingyun had no choice but to support him and walked back.

Without waiting for Hubak to ask questions, the general guarding the city yelled at the visitor, “Who is the visitor?”

Because of worrying about the epidemic situation in Lanchi, Lan Mingyu ran for thousands of miles day and night in the past two days, and finally saw the gate of Lanchi.

Hearing the general’s question, Xing Yuan immediately said, “My young master is a blue genius doctor. He heard that there is an epidemic here, so he came here to save people.”

Xing Yuan’s words shocked everyone instantly.

The soldiers defending the city immediately became excited.

“Is the person coming here the genius doctor Lan?”

“Is it true or not?”

“Is the blue genius doctor really here? Then we are saved.”

The general was also stunned, he stared blankly at Lan Mingyu and Xingyuan, his mind was filled with the arrival of the genius doctor Lan.

Hu Bake was also stunned for a moment, just as he was about to lean over to see if it was Lan Mingyu, the people around him shot out like arrows.

Lan Mingyu was riding on the horse, waiting for the general to speak, but saw a person flying down from the city wall.

Xingyuan saw the person coming straight at Lan Mingyu, so he immediately flew forward, trying to stop the person, but was slapped away by the person.

Xing Yuan frowned, immediately stabilized his body, and wanted to fly over again, but saw that the man had already held Lan Mingyu in his arms.

Lan Mingyu stared blankly at Zhuo Qingyun, never expecting to see him here.

Zhuo Qingyun also stared at Lan Mingyu infatuatedly. At this moment, she forgot that he was about to get married, forgot that he shouldn’t see him, and forgot how her grandmother looked forward to him. Everything that he had been desperately insisting on all this time fell apart in an instant the moment he saw him.

“Why are you here?”

“Why are you here?”

The two looked at each other for a long time before speaking at the same time.

The atmosphere was a little ambiguous for a moment, and Lan Mingyu’s handsome face flushed slightly, and he turned his eyes away.

Zhuo Qingyun finally realized what she had just done. The person in his arms was something he had been thinking about day and night these days. How much he wanted to hold him like this all the time, but he couldn’t, he couldn’t make him hate her anymore He’s sick, he can’t bear the second look and words in his eyes and words.

Mentally let go of him, Zhuo Qingyun flew off the horse without saying a word.

The moment he let go, Lan Mingyu’s heart was suffocated, and she suddenly felt a little bored.

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun let go of Lan Mingyu, Xingyuan didn’t go forward again. Zhuo Qingyun knew Xingyuan and knew that the relationship between the two was very close, so he only looked at his nose and his heart. Standing silently behind the two of them.

The two of them didn’t speak any more, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

Hubak on the city wall came back to his senses, and immediately looked at the attendants beside him and said, “Quick, help me down.”

The attendants immediately stepped forward to support Hubak.

The general finally came back to his senses, ran to Hubak and said excitedly, “Is the city lord really the genius doctor Lan?”

Huba Ke nodded excitedly, “Yes, he is Doctor Lan.”

“Great, the genius doctor Lan really came, we are all saved.”

“We are saved.”

The soldiers on the city wall immediately cheered excitedly.

Hubak also burst into tears.

He finally waited until the hope buried in the darkness.

Listening to the cheers on the city wall, Lan Mingyu felt shy, he should have come earlier, so that they could see hope earlier.

Soon, the closed city gate opened, and the attendants and the general helped Hubac out together.

Lan Mingyu got off the horse directly, and cupped her hands at Hu Bake, “Master Hu.”

Hu Bake immediately bowed and saluted, “Thank you, Doctor Lan, for your kindness.”

Lan Mingyu smiled gently and said, “Bai Lier asked me to come. She went to Chishui and found me because she had no other skills. If you want to thank her, thank her.”

Xing Yuan raised his eyebrows in surprise when he heard the words.

He was ungrateful and gave all the credit to his wife.

Lan Mingyu is not from Yunjing Continent. Sooner or later, he will go back to Killing God. It is useless for him to want this kind of love. White Fox is different. He knows that she will use these people sooner or later, so he puts all the credit on her .

Hu Bake didn’t expect Lan Mingyu to say that. After being stunned for a moment, he bowed again and said, “Bai Xianzi and Lan Miracle Doctor are righteous people. There are two people who are concerned about Chi Shui and me, Lan Chi. The blessing of the people.”

White Li’er went to Chishui to rescue the disaster, and he was still thinking about the people of Lanchi, so he would naturally appreciate her kindness, and Lan Mingyu traveled thousands of miles to come to Lanchi in person, so naturally he would not forget his gratitude.

Lan Mingyu looked up and saw Hu Bake’s dark face, frowned and said, “Your face is not very good, don’t you also…”

Huba Ke nodded dejectedly and said, “Yes, I also got the epidemic.”

Lan Mingyu frowned solemnly and said, “Stretch out your hand.”

Hu Bake looked at Lan Mingyu nervously, wondering, “I have the epidemic…”

He knew that he wanted to feel his pulse, but he had an epidemic, what would happen if he was infected.

Lan Mingyu completely ignored Hu Bake, grabbed his hand, and began to feel his pulse.

The chaotic pulse made Lan Mingyu frowned unconsciously.

“How is it?” Zhuo Qingyun walked over and asked.

Lan Mingyu looked up at Hu Bake and said, “The pulse is very chaotic, so I can’t see anything at the moment?”

He had watched the epidemic a lot before, but this pulse was different from the previous ones, and he really couldn’t tell anything at the moment.

Zhuo Qingyun frowned and looked at Hu Bake, and became a little dignified.

“How is the situation in the city now?” Lan Mingyu let go of Hubak and asked.

Hubak’s eyes flashed with sorrow, and he said sadly, “The epidemic is quite serious. Most of the people in the city have been infected by the disease, and many people have died.”

Lan Mingyu solemnly said with grief and indignation, “The city lord will take me to the city to have a look.”

“The epidemic in the city is serious, and the genius doctor must be prepared.” Hubak frowned and reminded.

He shouldn’t have let them take risks, but now that the situation is special, he can only be cheeky and let them in.

Lan Mingyu waved his hands casually and said, “It’s okay, even if I can’t get rid of the epidemic, I can still protect myself.”

If he didn’t even have this ability, he wouldn’t have come to this epidemic area.

After hearing this, Hubac said in peace of mind, “Genius doctor please.”

Several people entered the city together, and the attendants and award leaders supported Hubac to walk ahead.

Lan Mingyu and Xing Yuan followed behind, while Zhuo Qingyun was one step behind them.

The soldiers behind them also brought in their horses and carriages.

Zhuo Qingyun stared at Lan Mingyu for a moment, her cold heart seemed to have received a heat source, and it burned up.

Feeling the hot eyes following behind her, Lan Mingyu’s heart beats unconsciously.

He didn’t expect to meet him here, if he had known earlier…

If I had known, maybe he would still come.

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