The Desolate Era Chapter 27: Assassination

In the central arena.

The ban on large array enveloped that area. The Xiaolang in purple and the Boyan Fairy in red were far away.

“Hahaha, Boyan Fairy, if you think you can’t resist it, it’s better to admit it early.” Xiaolang smiled sickly. With his laughter, his skin began to turn red, as if there was magma under the skin. In the flow, his eyes became fiery.

He raised his hand slightly.


A blaze of flames began to appear around him, and each flame was **** and hot. At the same time, the area of ​​the central site seemed to become a world of flames in an instant. Although it was just a floating flame, it made the banned large array extremely hot, and the air began to distort.

“Hmm.” Boyan Fairy coldly snort, slammed, and saw a turquoise ribbon whistling out, this turquoise ribbon circled around, and instantly protected the tens of feet around Boyan Fairy. At the same time, it also makes the endless water mist diffuse, and the surrounding of Boyan Fairy is like a water world.

The temperature around Xiaolang is extremely high.

Boyan Fairy is surrounded by water mist.

Water and fire collided, snoring.

“Your charm technique is useless to me.” Xiaolang made a sharp voice, and the eyes that were as red as lava were crazy, “Taste my blood flame Earthfire!”

With the howling, Xiaolang suddenly opened his mouth.


As if the blood flowing out of the flames rolled out, it instantly covered the sky, and under the guidance of the flames floating around the originally, a huge formations was formed. I saw a huge grinding disc composed of blood flame Earthfire in mid-air. The grinding disc slowly rotated and brute force passed.

“Wowa lah ~~~” I saw the turquoise ribbon constantly swimming, the ribbon circled, the symbol marking on it lit up, sometimes it was impacted by the depression, and sometimes beat it again. These ribbons are extremely tough, they just resist the blood flame Earthfire.

Out of the field, Ji Ning and others also watched attentively, Kindwater Xiaolou even said: “Xiaolang‘s” Blood Flame Earthfire “has been upgraded to a product, and combining this” Blood Flame Mill “secret technique is even more powerful. Generally Primal Daoist can’t carry the brute force of this blood flame mill. “

Skyfarmer Quge on the side smiled and said: “Boyan Fairy is just to restrain him. Boyan Fairy‘s Skywater Luo Network Array is best known for its defense. It is really difficult to break this Skywater Network Array.” >

“The means of Boyan Fairy are relatively scarce.” Kindwater Xiaolou shook his head. “Boyan Fairy is generally used to protect the Skywater network, and then rely on the Divine Will charm technique … Boyan Fairy‘s charm technique has reached a very high level. But Xiaolang is a Maniac, it’s too difficult to want charm him. “

“In addition to the Divine Will charm technique, Boyan Fairy is also good at other Divine Will secret techniques. As long as Xiaolang is a hit, Boyan Fairy can immediately counterattack as an attack!” Skyfarmer Quge said.

Ji Ning listened curiously.

Divine Treasure Mountain‘s information is only a general introduction. How can Skyfarmer Quge and Kindwater Xiaolou know their respective friends clearly?

“You crazy woman, ah !!!” Xiaolang shouted, clutching his head.

But Boyan Fairy is sneer. The circle of ribbons around originally suddenly expands. At the same time, a drop of extremely heavy drops, each drop is like a mountain, directly hit Xiaolang!

“Yeah!” Xiaolang growled sharply, followed by the sudden growth of four other arms, and even two more skulls on his shoulders.

Three-Heads Six-Arms!

Xiaolang is holding a black shuttle in all six hands. With the sharp roar of Xiaolang, it carries the endless blood flame Earthfire, which turns into Dao (together) rainbow and kills Boyan Fairy. Each of the six black shuttles in the hand can cause the surrounding world to change color, and there is a strange feeling that the space is penetrated.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Xiaolang Three-Heads Six-Arms, crazy attack, he is forming a huge blood flame Earthfire grinding disc around him, continue brute force.

“Get away.” Boyan Fairy is trying her best to perform the Divine Will secret technique. She is good at the three major Divine Will secret techniques, including charm, weird sneak attacks, and aggressive attacks. She has cultivated to a very high level with all her strengths. With the powerful and secretive reincarnation of Immortal Divine Soul, she has indeed made a name for herself.

But if the enemy can resist her secrets, her chances of victory will be small.

“Boom.” Carrying the blood flame Earthfire grinding disc, Three-Heads Six-Arms‘s Xiaolang is insanely crazy, it just broke the layer of that green ribbon.

“I concede.” Dao (together)‘s unwilling voice sounded.

“Hahaha …”

Xiaolang just stopped, took back the blood flame Earthfire, and also put away Three-Heads Six-Arms Divine Ability, Zhang Kuang smiled, his whole body still exuding hot high temperature, “Boyan Fairy, I said you would lose, just you Divine Will Hahaha, I want to shake my Divine Soul, I just dream. “

The ban on large array was also revoked. Boyan Fairy flew back to his seat with a cold face, too lazy to look at Xiaolang.

Ji Ning, can you come to learn?” Xiaolang looks proud to Ji Ning.

“No need,” Ji Ning said indifferently.

“Huh.” Xiaolang flew directly back to his seat, apparently very happy. The general lunatic with a distorted character, Dao Heart is equally determined and terrible. Xiaolang is such a twisted lunatic. He is not a mad man who will not bow his head when facing death. Although he offended a lot of people, he still left me.

But he also knows that no one can offend, for example, he never hits Kindwater Xiaolou.

Shuiyun Tower, on the long stretch of road leading to the huge pavilion where Ji Ning is located, there is a bald old man who has changed his appearance, Fu Yun Immortal.

Ji Ning!” Fu Yun Immortal walked in the empty corridor, no more thoughts in her heart.

There is only one thought kills Ji Ning!

Before seeing Ji Ning, he led a group of gold armor embargoes to Shuiyun Tower. Fu Yun Immortal understood that he had no other opportunities. Ji Ning is in King Yan’s Estate, he is impossible to assassinate. When Ji Ning took the ship flight, he led a large group of gold armor embargoes, and he still had no chance.

Now Ji Ning should drink with others for fun. At this time, general servants will go to another place.

This is the only chance for Fu Yun Immortal.

Although there must be strong players in Shuiyun Tower, it is also formation prohibition, but for Fu Yun Immortal, this is already the last and best opportunity. If hesitates again and waits for Ji Ning to return to King Yan’s Estate and stay one day without going out, then his Fu Yun Immortal will lose his spirit because of the backlash of Heavenly Dao Oath.

“Last chance.”

Ji Ning, either you die, or I die.” Fu Yun Immortal walked on the suspended road and headed directly to the main entrance of the towering tower.

There are two Wanxiang Adept guarding at the main entrance. It is forbidden to disturb others.

“Huh?” One of the janitors said immediately, “What?”

The sound insulation of the pavilion of Shuiyun Tower is very good. The outside sound cannot be heard by the simply in the pavilion. Ji Ning They are still eating, drinking, talking and laughing without any vigilance.

“I’m here to see Kindwater young master.” Fu Yun Immortal said, the voice was still ringing, and the two Wanxiang Adept guards felt that Divine Soul was dizzy.

In a flash of Divine Soul!

Fu Yun Immortal arrived at the front door in a flash and pushed directly in.


The main door opens directly.

“Haha, Boyan Fairy is not what I said about you. Your weakness is too obvious. If your Divine Will mysticism is useless, you will almost lose.” Xiaolang who just won is very proud, “and Ji Ning, Ji Ning, You ’ve only been practicing for more than 30 years, and I do n’t think you ’re going to embarrass yourself at Immortal Fate General Assembly, but you ’re going to practice for another 300 years. ”

“Enough.” Kindwater Xiaolou said.

The moment the Kindwater Xiaolou opened, the main door was already open.

“Huh?” Kindwater Xiaolou, Skyfarmer Quge, Ji Ning, and others couldn’t turn their heads to look at it, because the pavilion they were banqueting was so tall that some food, wine, servants, and dancers all walked from other channels, It was silent. It’s rare to push the door directly.


The Fu Yun Immortal that entered the door has already moved to the front of the Ji Ning. At the same time, the Dao (together) long bone bone needle appeared in his hand. This Dao (together) long bone bone needle directly flew out and pierced the Ji Ning!

The surrounding world freezes instantly!

A strong death gas permeated, this long bone bone needle pierced Ji Ning with endless and terrible powerful energy.

“Bone bone destroying immortal needles!” Kindwater Xiaolou, Skyfarmer Quge, Ji Ning, Boyan Fairy and the proud Xiaolang, all of them have changed greatly.

This moment.

They are all trembling, they all know the horror of ‘Bone Bone Killer Immortal Needles’, and they also saw that this Bone Bitter Killer Immortal is flying towards Ji Ning!

“It must be Youngflame Clan sent a dead man, and it is still a Loose Immortal dead man. Only Earth Immortal Loose Immortal can trigger this bone bone destroyer.” Kindwater Xiaolou crushed a Dao-seal for the first time, and the clear water flowing light immediately appeared on his body , “As soon as the Bone Bone Kills the Needle, even if Ji Ning is Fiendgod Body Refining, I am afraid that even his Divine Soul will be destroyed, let alone Fiendgod Body Refining.”

“It’s dead, it’s dead. It’s a boneless needle. For Loose Immortal, it’s all finishing move. Some Loose Immortal have to die. Only some powerful Loose Immortal can block it, but it can also be injured. This Ji Ning is dead It’s settled. “Xiaolang was gloating, but he also guessed that it was a dead man sent by Youngflame Clan.

At this moment, the Kindwater Xiaolou, Skyfarmer Quge, Boyan Fairy, and Xiaolang all understand that Ji Ning is probably over.

As for the gold armor embargoes that were carried before Ji Ning, they were also shocked: “Protect young master.” However, their fifty and gold armor guards will form a road soldier large array to rescue Ji Ning. It also takes a little time.


How fast does the Bone Despair Needle fly? simply does not give time to others.

No one can save Ji Ning, everything can only depend on Ji Ning itself!

“It’s Youngflame Clan.” Ji Ning understood instantly, and immediately expanded Divine Ability.

I saw that Ji Ning‘s body suddenly rose and became extremely tall and burly. At the same time, there was a thunderbolt flowing on his body, like a giant King Kong. At the same time, he also grew four other arms and another on his shoulders. Two heads.

Three-Heads Six-Arms!

Ji Ning has three Darknorth Sword and three Heaven Rank flying swords in six hands. These are some of the best talisman left over from Immortal Juhua, and some of his loot.

“Water Fire Lotus!” With the help of Youngflame Nong‘s treasures, Ji Ning‘s Earthfire and Dire-Ice have reached the second grade.

A huge water fire lotus surrounds this Three-Heads Six-Arms demon.

Starseizing Hand!”

The terrible powerful energy broke out in all six hands of Ji Ning!

“The domain of Grand Dao!”

The Three-Heads Six-Arms and Ji Ning holding the six-handed giant Great Immortal sword, the whole body is thunderous, powerful, surrounded by lotus flowers, and the entire hall is instantly caught in the world of sword energy. The flow of Jianqi shuttle and Ji Ning has a dazzling golden sword light on the surface of the six-handed sword, which is the spirit of gold that has shown its essence.

“Block.” Three-Heads Six-Arms‘s Ji Ning, the six-handed fairy sword at the same time resisted that white bone destroying needle!

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to recommend it as a registered member of Piaotian Literature. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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