This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 621: Angel who quit smoking

30 seconds really passed by in the blink of an eye, there is no way to stack BUFF…but…

‘You swallowed the judgment of the sanctuary and received 5000 (resistance to 46000) damage for 10 seconds. ’

There are only a few thousand blood in total! One shot cut Archie’s life by 1/4! That’s why Archie doesn’t want to swallow the boss attack! It seems that the defense calculation method inside the body is different from that outside the body, and it doesn’t matter to the attack that is far weaker than one’s own opponent, and the fluctuation of dozens of ups and downs is irrelevant. But facing an opponent of comparable strength… It’s just courting death!

Fortunately, the BUFF is refreshed again, and you can still deal with it for another 30 seconds to think about countermeasures!

“…Professor, we seem to… kill the wrong…”

“Isn’t it like that! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ that time, what should we do!!! Do you want to retreat now? When the older brother dies, who should we use as a meat shield?! “

…Obviously, according to Professor Yang’s urination, he must first care about his own life…

“I think so, we can’t blame us!” Spark put on the facts and reasoned, “Didn’t the city lord enjoy killing chickens and ducks just now, how do we know that the last few can’t be killed…”

“God’s will, it’s all God’s will! God wants to kill the city lord…” Wright nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Fortunately, several slimes have already circled behind Quan Angel, and Archie is too far away to hear their whispers, otherwise he would be **** off before being beaten to death by the BOSS! But in the end Wright’s sigh was so loud that he was still heard!

“God stick!” Archie was not polite, and he shouldn’t be polite to a bitch, “Don’t be silly, give me a shot!!!”

“Huh?” Wright couldn’t understand.

“Let’s use it!!! Let’s use any holy light attack magic!!!”



“Ah!!! Sanctuary Trial!!!!!!”

“Ah!!!! Don’t make big moves as soon as you come up!!!!!!”

It’s really not bad for Wright this time…Who are Wright, BOSS, and Archie? Archie was ambiguous again, and Wright thought there was some plan to implement, such as pretending to target Archie, sending big gifts to the boss’s ass…

In short, after Archie turned on the general attack mode and swallowed another ‘Holy Light Cannon’, the BUFF was finally refreshed again, and the blood volume was reduced again…

‘Forget it… blood volume is not a problem! ’ Archie consoled himself.

Indeed, on this land, as long as you don’t die on the spot, your blood volume is really dispensable. Anyway, it will recover very quickly on its own. On the contrary, the hidden attribute of ‘physical strength’ is worth paying attention to.

Fortunately, since the resistance went up, it was only after a full fight that he recovered a tube of blood. Judging from his slightly perverted physical strength now, the problem is not very big! After Wright cooperated once, he immediately knew his work assignment, and now he was paddling with peace of mind to refresh the machine in front of BUFF, relying on the remaining physical strength, no matter what, he could consume the empty mana of the boss, and it was already 2% less, close to 100% Is it still far?

‘Huh? 2%??’

Archie rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had been playing the game for too long, but he didn’t see it… What about the agreed 2%? Why is it full of blue again? ! ! ! !

During this period, the mana pumping never stopped!

During this period, I have never heard of the skills of BOSS!

During this period, with the help of Zhongshi, the BOSS also used dozens of healing spells!

Then what happened during this period! Ya can return to full blue! ! ! !

Won’t the blue-drawing routine work? ? ! ! !

Don’t believe that evil! ! !

Actually, it has nothing to do with whether you believe in evil or not… Facing the stubborn, milky, and thick-skinned Quan Angel, Archie really has no other good way, except to continue the original plan to draw mana, What else can I do? What’s more, in the magic circle, you can also regenerate blood on your own… As for exhausting your physical strength… Hehe, don’t think about it… You know how to milk yourself, so it doesn’t consume much at all.

But…the situation seems to be different…

Then, after drawing mana for several hours in a row, and with the output help of Zhongshi, Angel Quan’s mana was consumed by nearly half, and there was no way to recover…

What happened to the 2% mana just now? Archie can’t tear it apart.

“A powerful heresy… believers, servants of the gods, I need help! Stand up and purify the heresy!”

It’s been so long since the boring confrontation, finally something changed! BOSS released the first different skills!

Call? Oh no… it’s resurrection! Or group resurrection!

The few small bosses that were killed just now are collectively cheating!

“Brother, I…”

“You pussy!!!” Archie hurriedly stopped Rhubarb who wanted to fight against the monsters. One is okay, but let me fight against the 6 strengthened bosses, and there will definitely be accidents! You still have to rely on yourself.

Archie is also unambiguous, and rewards a few shots of shadow magic at a very fast speed. After establishing the initial hatred with damage, continue…to draw mana…

No food! If you don’t draw mana, relying on the speed of returning to mana from Quan Angel, it will be a waste of time to work in a while!

Of course, there is no need to worry about the damage. The dual casting ability allows Archie to free up half of his ability to spit and shoot arrows. The existence of Zhongshi is not in vain! Among them, Professor Yang and Spark also belonged to the output with excellent group attack ability. Under the cover of the overwhelming group attack magic after Akila’s concentration, the blood volume of the 6 small bosses could not be maintained by the ‘magic circle’. Although it was slow, But also a steady decline! It’s just a waste of more than ten minutes, and the 6 small bosses fell again one after another. If Wright, the holy light boss, had the same attributes and couldn’t deal high damage, the speed could be faster!

‘By the way… Why doesn’t Angel Quan give milk to the younger brothers? ’ As a nanny, is she worthy of that pair of big tits?

‘But it’s normal… If you can revive the little brother and give him milk, then this boss will hit you with a P…’

Archie is no longer entangled, just think that the skills set by the master of the system are like this…but soon…you will know why…

Looking at a certain big **** with blue volume becoming 100% again… Archie wants to cry but has no tears…

Finally, I have figured out the mechanism of Ya’s return to blue!

Ah’s ‘recovery circle’ is a level stronger than ordinary ones!

The guy who dies within the range can not only strengthen his attributes but also add ‘energy’ to you! ! ! The legendary ** Dafa! ! ! ! The previous 2% mana was also due to the fact that the remaining chickens and ducks were killed by Zhongshi!

Archie stopped the ‘blue’ ** thread in his hand… and drew a P! According to this setting, as long as the amount of mana is low to a certain level, whether the little brother makes a move, whether to fight or not is a big problem!

Why don’t you fight… Archie’s own physical strength is also a problem, he keeps losing his blood volume, and then he is ‘**’, and he will definitely be **** before the boss; fight…it’s useless to return the blue to the boss!

Could it be possible to resort to the long-rumored kite technique to engage in guerrilla warfare again?

No, no, no…not to mention whether the kite will be exhausted for a few hours…the mana-absorbing skill cannot move and cast spells! How will the mana of the boss be consumed? Do you use damage piles? ! Is it piled up to death? It’s already done so long ago! Still waiting until now?

‘…’Huh? Wait…

‘Injury…heap death…let me think twice…’

. Miaoshuwu

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