This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 600: John joins in

? The expressions of Archie and others are very good interpretations of what it means to be dumb.

It’s not that the person who needs to wait is too surprised to appear on the stage, but…the skydiving person…seems a bit wrong…

One parachute, two big men…a half-century white old man in white, and a strong black man in a black suit and sunglasses…tightly tied together with a parachute bag and a safety rope…

The above are all considered normal, the question is… why are you kissing? Still from the beginning to the end? ! ! ! It doesn’t matter if the audience below can bear it hard enough!

Finally, the parachute finally landed near the RV, and the two foreigners finally got out of the kissing state… Wait! The strong black man seems to have more to say? After throwing the parachute, you are still going to continue?

“Help! Wine Ning! Wine Ning!”

“…” Tang Chongyang’s head was full of black lines, “What is he calling?”

“Maybe I’m asking for help…Help!!! They’re all in artificial respiration!!!”

Everyone rushed to get the old man in white into the caravan. Fortunately, Tang Chongyang was rich and well-equipped with everything in the armored caravan, including a lot of first aid supplies and even an oxygen bottle. Finally woke up.

“Hee hee!”

Thank you? Well, the pronunciation is really standard!

“NO thank you!” Archie replied with a wave of his hand, and the strong man in black was almost full of question marks… What do you mean?

“Please speak your mother tongue…I’ll help you translate…” Mustard couldn’t stand it any longer.

“There is no need for translation… Thank you for your help… and thank you, Mr. Archie, for coming to pick us up…” After the old man recovered, he spoke fluent Chinese, which made people uncomfortable, and he could speak Chinese Foreigner, or foreigner? !

“You sent the text message? Who are you? Do you have a certificate of entry? Please show me your visa! Don’t try to trick me into helping you smuggle in!”

“…Mr. Archie is indeed as interesting as the rumors say…” The old man was not annoyed, and took out two documents from his clothes.

“Mustard… help me to read…” It’s all tadpole text, and the scumbag will feel dizzy after reading it!

“John Lawrence…I seem to have heard it somewhere…”

“Look at the visa first, do you have a stamp?”

“Some have been to Japan recently, but none from China…”

“It really is a stowaway! Dadong, throw them out of the car, let’s go… Hey? Dadong, what are you doing?”

I saw Dadong and the black-clothed burly man **** each other, clapping their hands and hooking their wrists with super tacit skills, and then hugging each other warmly… Chale, or are they acquaintances? !

“Boss, the same trainees of the Amazon Scouts Training Camp used to carry guns together. His Chinese name is Lao Hei, and his original name is so long that I can’t remember it, so I won’t say it! His Chinese is still taught by me. What about~”

“Teaching is good…” What else can I say? It seems that I have to bring it if I don’t have it?

“Don’t worry…with my identity…you can’t reach Huaxia through regular channels. And even if you are discovered, you will be recruited by Huaxia. Not only will you not be punished, you may even be rewarded… “

“John…Lawrence…” Mustard was still recalling, “Oh!! Couldn’t it be the one in the United States who made a major breakthrough in the study of ‘superhumans’?”

“Heh, I didn’t expect that there are still young people in China who know me… Ma’am, I’m very honored! But what I’m studying now is called ‘New Human Being’… Mr. Archie, it’s also an honor to see you with my own eyes, please be sure to join My research team!”

“Are you paid?”

“Salary? I can give it all to you! I still have 20 million in my overseas account.”

“Cut, 20 million? My brother has earned almost two 20 million in just a few months of playing games!”


“Deal! Please let me join, this is my salary card account…” Archie had no bottom line to sell himself. After seeing Tang Chongyang’s life, he felt that money… The more the better!

“By the way, I don’t know at all how I became a new human being. If you don’t get results, don’t try to cheat and not give me money!”

“Don’t worry! You just need to lie down and wait to be studied!”

“Oh, then I’m relieved…Huh?!!!”

I received it, so of course it’s time to go back.

Archie accepted the two of them so ‘sloppily’, in fact, he had already thought carefully about it.

Look at the clothes of the two of them… white research clothes and black suits, it doesn’t match skydiving at all! The clothes also look very messy to me, I guess I haven’t changed them for many days!

There is also skydiving. The old man needed help from others to get down, and he almost died because of too much excitement, altitude sickness, etc… Obviously, they had to work so desperately for a reason!

Of course, the most important thing is the text message… When I received someone, another mysterious message came…

‘He will definitely help you in the future! However, it mainly depends on you… Remember, don’t lose your human side! ’

It also has no beginning and no end, and it will be automatically deleted after three seconds of viewing… Judging from all signs, the other party seems to have been taking care of him…so let’s treat it like this for the time being, and there is nothing to lose anyway.

After returning to the ‘base’, another 6 hours quietly passed by. Fortunately, with the support of Tang Chongyang’s private jet, the journey was relatively easy, and it was nothing more than sleeping…John and…Dahei also need to cultivate In just a few words, it was revealed that the two of them had traveled long distances before reaching the Mohe area. Starting from Siberia, they ran through snow fields, crossed glaciers, sneaked into Japan, went black to Maozi area, and stole a plane. Parachuting into China outside the border…

Ghost knows how the two of them survived unharmed until now!

In short, after discussing and obtaining Tang Chongyang’s consent, the two also moved into the building. At the same time, in order to facilitate monitoring, they were also arranged on the 66th floor, and they were not allowed to go out, which is equivalent to house arrest.

However, John and Old Hei don’t mind, as they are limited in the ‘Super Computing Center’, and the living conditions here are even better! Especially John, said that he was very satisfied to be able to observe the ‘new human’ samples up close!

“Hey, old man! Can we talk now? Who gave you the coordinates?”

“I don’t know, the other party notified me by text message, and it was automatically deleted when I entered Huaxia just now.”

It seems that the routine is the same!

“Aren’t you afraid that the other party will harm you?”

“I’m afraid! But all the supplies on the route have been arranged in the text message. Anyway, we will definitely not be able to get out of Greater Siberia with our legs. Why not take a gamble? Besides, the other party did not lie to us all the way, vehicles and ships Wait, wait, we are all waiting at the fixed position. Besides, the other party also said that I will be satisfied with this journey when I arrive in Huaxia… Sure enough did not disappoint!” Entering the research state, he took out his notebook and asked, “I want to hear everything about what happened to me! Please satisfy my curiosity first… Excuse me, when did you realize that you have become a new human?”

“Others told me…” If no one mentions it, Archie probably doesn’t know what a ‘new human’ is until now. He just thinks that his brain has opened up and he has become a creature like a **** of learning…

“Hmmm… spontaneous and stable evolution? Write it down!” Swipe, a page of tadpole text appeared on the notebook in an instant, “Next question, do you think you are a ‘human being’ now?”

“…Old man! Don’t think that I won’t flatter you if you give me money! Isn’t it a human being or a dog?!”

“Hmmm… The common sense question has not changed… The side effect seems to be slightly violent… It needs to be verified… The next question…”

Archie: “…”


Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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