This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 578: The king of a country

? By the way, why did Archie suddenly return to the mountain giant?

In fact, it’s easy to say… Anyone who is chased by a “Kunshan Dragon Brother” will have a temper, right? If there is a chance, of course I have to fight back… Just kidding…

The real reason is…With the acceleration of his thinking, Archie has locked the place where the two metal dragons may be held-the forging area of ​​the imperial capital…Isn’t it natural to think about it? In order to make better use of the abilities of the two giant dragons, they will definitely find ways to make them continuously produce weapons for the empire! Just making iron rods for mountain giants, isn’t it putting the cart before the horse? !

Moreover, the ability of the American server to withstand all-round alien invasion in a desperate situation should be directly related to the continuous production of high-quality weapons here!

Furthermore… Why is there a pond suddenly appearing in the center of the weapon forging area?

Consider it with the thinking of the game… How can we imprison the metal dragon?

Iron bars? With the control ability of the metal dragon…you can run out in seconds, right?

A basement? From the previous information, the metal dragon can be speculated that it is also a variant of the earth system… More precisely, it may be a variant of the fire and earth systems together, which is similar to the poison system of the Supreme. Those like rocks shouldn’t be able to be imprisoned for a long time, even after being treated with demon-hating walls! The dragon is no joke!

Thinking about it again… It seems that only the water system can restrain them…or is the ice system more effective?

Anyway, with Archie’s understanding of the game, there is no better way!

Besides, the size of the pond is not that big, but it is close to a pond of thousands of square meters. It seems more than enough to imprison two giant dragons, right? There is even a small canal leading to the outside of the city? It seems that in this way, the iron rod and iron ball transporting the mountain giant can also be easily solved…

After a rough search of other places, and did not find any more suspicious places, Archie felt that there was a probability of more than 80% that this was the pond, that’s right!

As for how deep the pond is and how to save the dragon, we need to go to the location to talk about it, but it is foreseeable that it will take a lot of time! At that time, it will be unavoidable to be treated by crowds, besieged, and besieged! With a rock dragon… Archie doesn’t have much confidence!

That’s why there was a move to bring the mountain giant back to Shun!

Of course, no one has noticed the abnormality at this moment, so let’s continue to pretend to hunt down the rock dragon… Hehehehe…

Inside the palace.


The eldest prince hurriedly rushed into the combat headquarters in the palace, and as expected, the hard-working king was watching the overall situation here, with a large number of staff coming in and out, and adjusting the messages on the sand table.

“What happened?”

The eldest prince is his carefully cultivated successor. He has never encountered any unexpected situation that cannot be resolved. Now he is definitely leading the troops on the front line, and he will not leave the troops to appear here!

“…” Looking around at the personnel in the war room, the eldest prince did not speak.

“Back down! Gentlemen, Lord Hart, you too!” The tacit understanding between the father and son was unexpectedly good, the king immediately understood what his son meant, and waved everyone away.

“You can say it!”

“Yes! Father, these adventurers cannot be trusted!”

“Oh? Is there any definite evidence?” When dealing with matters, the king of a country will naturally not only listen to someone’s words, even his only son.

“Yes! City Lord Hart is one of the witnesses! I don’t have time to go into details now, anyway, these adventurers are likely to rebel!”


“Father! My son will not joke about such a big event! You must act first! Otherwise, your life may be threatened!”

“…Don’t worry! Have you forgotten what I taught? The more critical the moment is, the more you have to think calmly and think hard!” The king is a king, and he remains unmoved, “Whether it is Who, be it the adventurers, my people, or those hidden demons, must have a purpose for what they do, but I can’t see a purpose that is not good for the emperor from the ‘gentlemen’! All our actions What we see and hear will deceive us, but other people’s intentions will not!”

“…I have been taught…Father…”

“Calm down now? Don’t worry about the battle outside for the time being! There are still two seniors from the Supernova team in the city, and they will take action when necessary!”

“I haven’t heard you mention it again…”

“Hehe, the first is to heal the injury, and not let too many people know about it, and the second is to deal with the current situation!”

The eldest prince admires his father more and more. He is average in force and means of governing the country, but he has no plans! Immediately relieved a lot, sorted out his thoughts, and explained what he saw, heard and analyzed.

“Well… your biggest suspicion is… the attack on Miami City and the rock dragon’s riot, right?”

“Not only that! Whether the rock dragon is dead or alive is also a question! I prefer it to be alive! So I speculate that everything is the game of adventurers! What kind of demons are all excuses! Using this excuse, Use Miami as a springboard to directly threaten the capital!”

“It’s still the same sentence, what’s the benefit of them doing this? What’s the purpose?” The king said calmly.

“Overthrow…your rule…and establish yourself as king…or establish a new king?”

“Stand upright as king? Adventurers want to rule our aborigines? Hahaha, even if this king is gone, let’s see if the common people agree, whether the generals and city lords agree or not! With their current combat power, can they A foothold? As for supporting the new king…why? The benefits, father and king, is it not enough for me to give them now? Rights, wealth… Do you think Xu Xinwang can give them the same trust?”

“…” Speaking of which, the first prince also felt a little unreasonable. His father is a rare wise king, and he is really confiding in the talented ‘gentlemen’. No matter how excessive the request is, as long as there is a reason , give support! Comparing your heart to yourself, if you are ‘gentlemen’… there is no reason to rebel!

“I’ll tell you one more thing!” The king smiled mysteriously, “Mr. who is active outside…in fact, it’s not just the one who followed Joshua! There are three others who each led a large army to suppress the invasion. Point! Now they are all on the way back, and they will arrive in less than an hour! If they want to rebel, why do you want to bring back the father’s troops?”

“Then… what if your father dies…”

“Gentlemen have also considered it, and have already said that, let Weifu arrange the two supernova seniors by his side! The two seniors are outside the door now!”


There are all indications seems that the adventurers have not rebelled, so what is the situation outside…

“Don’t be blinded by illusions. Since the situation is too complicated to sort out, you have to find the reason from the source that deviated from the plan!” The king’s eyes were wise and sharp.

“Source? Plan?”

“As far as my father knows, until the body of the rock dragon and the mountain giant are allowed to enter Miami City, everything is still in the plan of the ‘gentlemen’!”

“Father, what do you mean… what happened in the city… a demon?!”

“Be careful with Hart!” Satisfied nodded, the king increased his volume and shouted, “Open the door!”


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