This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 545: The devil’s audition

Well, if you want to quickly climb up from the grassroots, Archie can’t think of any other way except to do everything you can to solve the tasks with high difficulty coefficients. However, because of the harsh living environment in the demon world, everything is lacking. Lack of tasks that seem extremely painful…

“Okay, okay, there are many other colleagues here, and there are few people waiting, let’s kill them!”

“Uncle is the best~~”

No way, although ordinary zombies are not very difficult, but this value is too much, killing one by one will take at least two more days!

And if you want to kill in groups, there are other NPCs nearby who have also accepted the task and come to clear the field, it is too easy to reveal their true strength!

So I can only keep going deeper and wait until there is no ‘audience’ before performing real techniques!

“Speaking of uncle, why don’t we accept the task of ‘Fighting the Zombie King’?”

“The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them…”

“Oh… I see…”

It’s all helpless!

If you really take on the most difficult tasks, you will be able to improve quickly, but you will also receive more attention! My biggest goal is to get the coordinates of other guardians’ suppression, there is no need to really push Xiao Huang to the center of power! The IQ of the night demon king was so high, he really climbed to a high position and was summoned by him, I was really worried that Xiao Huang would be seen through…

A day later.

After 24 hours of fierce fighting, I didn’t know how many times I vomited in the brush, and finally… the task of 10,000 zombies was successfully completed…

Liang Shi dragged his exhausted body back to Night Demon City…

“Really superb efficiency! As expected of a necromancer!” The task receiver was very satisfied, “I wonder if the master is free to help solve the next problem?”

“Of course! Go ahead.”

Archie kicked Xiao Huang’s heel, indicating to accept it! Oh, by the way, it is reasonable to say that Archie is not eligible to enter and exit Night Demon City when he is a skeleton soldier, but necromancers are not included. After all, there is no undead baby by his side, so the name is not worthy of the name…

“The bat demons in the north of the city are flooding again, please help clean it up, just kill 10,000 of them!”



Five days later…

“Uncle, I can’t do it anymore… I really can’t do it…”

“… soon, soon…”

Liang Shi yelled weakly, killed the three-legged demon sheep in front of him, and then turned to the other stupidly…

These five days have been a nightmare! In other words… As expected of the demon world, even the missions are at the level of demons!

Even if Archie is more patient and kills 10,000 mobs every day for five consecutive days, he will almost collapse! The difficulty is not in the mobs at all, searching for mobs is even more difficult than killing them!

Just like the three-legged demon sheep, living on the cliffs, traveling is much more difficult than killing monsters!

But the good thing is that the hard work day and night has yielded a lot! It can be seen from Xiao Huang’s ‘flying’ official position! Captain – Centurion – Thousand Commander – Demon Camp Instructor…

Every time you complete a mission, you can basically be promoted once.

In terms of results, we are getting closer to our goal!

In the past few days, apart from killing monsters without thinking, Liangshi has not done nothing, and he has also inquired about the information that should be inquired. For example, if you want to know the coordinates of the guardian…it’s not as difficult as you imagined, so mysterious!

When the Guardian was suppressed back then, it wasn’t the night devil king who dispatched alone. The old members of a large number of troops knew the location! If you are lucky, just ask the right person, and you can get a full set of coordinates casually! After all, it’s not a secret that can’t be told.

But this does not mean that there is no need for official positions. There were demons who participated in the past, and those who survived by chance were generally not weak. In addition, they can survive in the demon world until now, and all of them are high-ranking officials! If you want to get close to them, you have to become their direct subordinates!

According to Archie’s calculation, it is enough to complete 2-3 more rounds of tasks of this difficulty…

It’s just that there’s one thing that Archie can’t figure out… Except that he encountered many NPC colleagues in the first round of killing zombies, why did he seldom meet his fellow NPCs after that? ?

Obviously as long as you persevere, it seems that it is not difficult to get promoted and make a fortune, right? !

But soon… Archie will know why…

“Master! Your efficiency is really amazing. It seems that you have a deep understanding of how to clean up the ‘debris’!”

“Thank you! What about the next task?” Xiao Huang’s face was expressionless, or maybe he was already numb…

“It would be great if everyone in Night Devil City had such a high awareness of the master… For the next mission, please go to this coordinate, master. Similarly, the mission can be completed after cleaning up 10,000 ‘residues’. “

“Okay.” As for the residue, why the coordinates are so close to Night Devil City, Archie and Xiao Huang don’t care anymore…

The two historians don’t know, but this time the mission is a little different. When they wandered to the coordinate point, there were no mobs in front of them, only a small building similar to an interstellar gate! !


There was a small team in front of the ‘Star Gate’, about a dozen demons, either restless or gearing up.

As a big-eyed demon with the appearance of an operator activates the ‘Stars’ – the wormhole held by Archie, the demons in the queue rushed into it howling, and disappeared instantly.

“Next!” The big eyeball seemed to be used to seeing it, and urged after closing the wormhole.

‘Uncle… I’m afraid…’

‘Don’t panic! We are not doing this task! withdraw! ’

Ghost knows where this wormhole is going, only fools go in! No, you can probably guess where to go… various servers… this **** is clearly projecting troops to invade the plane! The intrusions of major servers from several to dozens of times a day are initiated from here, right? !

Archie’s head is so big that he wants to slap himself a few times! Damn it, after staying up all night for a few days, I didn’t expect to dig a hole for myself to bury? ! Why didn’t you choose the mission, but actually chose the mission of “invader audition”? !

Obviously, the previous mission of ‘Starting at 10,000’ was completely a rehearsal for the massive number of minions in the server! Select masters who can quickly clean up the ‘little soldiers’ as the main force of the invasion!

And Xiao Huang, a 60+ overlord-level necromancer on the bright side, happened to meet the requirements perfectly, and also perfectly completed the audition task, so he was assigned to the “Death Squad” immediately!

Archie can be sure that there is more than one wormhole responsible for projecting troops, and there must be a larger one responsible for projecting tens of thousands of troops! And this is only responsible for sending top experts!

“The guy who is playing with the bone stick over there, don’t be dazed, come and line up!” A 3-meter-tall goat horned monster holding a heavy hammer shouted, “Since you are, please do a good job for the Night Demon! The work of the king! If you are a deserter, you should weigh it yourself!”

As he spoke, he pursed his lips, motioning to see the small dirt **** not far away… rub it! Where is the dirt slope? It’s clearly a pile of corpses, okay? ! ! Let’s look at her level…hehe…a world class of 70…for the warlord, the night demon king is really willing to spend money!

No wonder more than half of the guys in the queue are cowering, looking like they have nothing to love… It turns out… they were all tricked by the ‘audition’…

Of course, if Archie really wants to escape, he can still take Xiao Huang away, at worst, just open a wormhole.

But in this way, all the plans will be ruined, and the hard work of several days will be in vain!

What’s more, why rush to open a wormhole, anyway, there are coordinates of the demon world, let’s see the situation at the other end!

However, after looking at it, I can see something big…


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