This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 504: 0 Ghost Night Walk

Archie and Wright are carrying out the final steps in full swing, while the generals outside keep cheering each other up, preparing to resist the onslaught of the demons!

“Do you understand? 5 minutes, you only need to persist for 5 minutes!!! No need to kill the enemy, just hold on!!!”


Leverson took advantage of the gap and gave orders to the mechanical clans under him!

The ones who need to be at the forefront in the future will be their group of guys who are not afraid of death and are the most resistant!

I saw hundreds of spider-shaped machines the size of tanks spread out their bodies, and walked to the front as if they were dead. Then six blades and sharp claws were inserted into the ground, and the thick shield was unfolded, ready to meet the impact at any time!

“Hehe, what a lovely idea…” The demon, who had recovered his full strength, taunted, and before he could finish his sentence, the person was already speeding up in violation of the laws of physics, almost unable to keep up with his eyes! Then the dagger in his hand, which was like a two-handed sword, swiped a few times, instantly knocking down a group of mechanical spidermen who were waiting in full battle!

Obviously, I can’t bear it! ! !

Unbearable, everyone is mentally prepared, but it is still unacceptable to be pierced through this face-to-face! It means that as long as the devil wants to kill whoever he wants to kill, he can kill whoever he wants?

It is true!

75 world-class BOSS is not a joke, the strength of the physical body alone is beyond the imagination, this demon has such a huge body, but the acceleration is faster than common sense! As expected of an assassin-type BOSS!

“Fronnett! Let’s go!”

“Okay! Don’t hold back!”

Even the mechanical clan with outstanding combat power can’t do it, and then only the strongest fighters in Slime City will take action!

Nearly two hundred and a half undead led by the duke and the leader came out and surrounded them!

At the same time, a group of Knights of the Round Table, don’t be intimidated, finally regained their senses and joined the battle group with a strong spirit! Although I know that based on their fighting power… today is basically a bad day, but… what can I do? Protecting the plane is their bounden duty!

Elder Haiwu also became ruthless. After the huge dragon body landed, the earth spells were fully activated, he wrapped himself in a thick circle with rocks, and then slammed into the demon!

“A group of ants! It’s a waste of time to fight with you!” The demon walked around casually, avoiding everyone’s melee attacks, and the long-range damage is just a display for the demon with an invisible body!

Fortunately, assassin-type demons don’t seem to have large-scale group attack skills, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to ‘siege’ them!

Without group skills, it doesn’t mean that demons will be passive! The extreme speed broke out again, and the two huge daggers swiped, and the besieged people were more or less hacked a few times! The blood volume plummeted! ! !

The good thing is that there are no weak players who dare to step forward now, and the last ones are those leader-level half-undead, so they won’t be killed by chopping vegetables and dogs.

“Giant Peak Cage!” Elder Haiwu still has a lot of combat experience. In order to limit the speed of the demon, he took advantage of the time when he stood still and summoned a circle of rock walls to surround the battlefield with a radius of 50 meters. In this environment, its huge size is not convenient for use, so it can only take off and wait in the hollow above.

“Embrace of Shadows, Barrier of Holy Light!!!” The Duke looked at the people around him, and it seemed that he was the only one who was a pure meat shield warrior, so he could only bite the bullet! Of course, all the big moves are handed in before going up! The strongest strengthening skills of the light and dark systems erupt at the same time, one grants incomparable attack power, and the other grants short-term invincibility!

The other melee fighters also seized the opportunity and rushed up a few steps behind in a semi-encircled manner.

“Small skills!” Ignoring the beatings of the crowd, the demon raised his head and looked past the body of the earth dragon, and shouted loudly, “Trash, isn’t it alright?!”

“Supreme existence, please forgive me, it’s over…” Shi Beizi was forcibly controlled, what is he doing manipulating the throne…

In the next second, under the despairing eyes of everyone, all demons invaded…

“Audience friends, what did I see?!! Demon invasion event?!!!”

“The European server seems to be difficult!!! It’s just whether our selam has a chance to withdraw, it is not a good choice to fight hard at this time!!!”

Huaxia’s game pioneer host shouted anxiously.

Indeed, following Shi Beizi’s operation, a large number of demons of various departments dropped down from the center of the throne like dumplings! ! !

Skeletons, zombies, beholders, goat horns, stitched beasts, liches, void conglomerates, and so on and so on, the names are dazzling!

Not only that, but there are also big bosses who have reached the boundary of the plane, and they are extremely difficult to deal with at a glance! For example, a beholder with a head diameter of more than 3 meters landed near the ground at the fastest speed, then stopped suddenly and floated… It’s nothing, beholders all float and move, it’s their talent… The problem is, Then the other monsters in the free fall seemed to ignore gravity and landed at a speed that would not cause fall damage! !

Everyone was still wondering why the portal was opened so high, and most of them wouldn’t die if they fell down? Well… I’m ignorant…

“Machine gunners, shoot at the ones that haven’t landed above!” Lefflerson commanded the troops immediately! These demons are not the shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the past. Even the most common skeleton soldiers are elites at level 60, so they are not so easy to deal with. “Artillery team, cover the strike! Rhubarb, take my brothers to resist!! Engineer, just now Can the mechanical spider be saved? Repair it as fast as it can and come back to build a defense line!!!”

Most of the machines who were just shot flying and cut into pieces are fine. Thanks to the racial characteristics, there is no problem with their heads. As long as they change their bodies, they can continue to fight for 300 rounds. The engineers in the rear are busy repairing~ Rhubarb led a group of mechanical Naga to withstand the gap created by the demon BOSS just now! But after all, they are all made of flesh and blood, not as professional as these mechanical spiders, so I don’t know how long they can last! After all, what they were facing… was a bunch of perverts!

“Oh~~~ the taste of fresh flesh and blood!” The large shat horned monster, which was extremely obvious just after landing, was carrying a heavy hammer over 4 meters, showing an intoxicated expression.

“Big guy, don’t kill them all, save some cuties for me to train and train~~~ oh oh oh oh oh~~~” A succubus with a hot figure and wearing extremely cheap fabrics appeared on the goat’s horns at some point On his shoulders, Excitement waved his whip.

“The void will clean up the filth!” Beside the two bosses, a strange blue vortex appeared, spinning in circles, spraying out unknown substances, gradually forming a void monster completely composed of elements ! That size is a bit bigger than the shat’s horn monster!

“I’m hungry, can I have dinner?” The ground cracked, and a ghoul poked its head out to ask!

Including the beholders who are still responding to the descending troops, there are five 60 overlords in total!

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