This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 465: Preparing to go to the devil world

‘Legendary mission~~ It’s a little bit interesting! ’

If you let ordinary players know Archie’s emotions, you will be so angry that you want to hack him to death! How can this make ordinary players feel so embarrassed that even epic missions are rare in half a lifetime? !

Of course, Archie’s emotion is also correct, who called Ya Xinshou Village has already started to approve the completion of epic tasks…

“We understand the situation, but what should we do?” Continue to collect information.

“The rest will need to be done by yourselves… My physical body is arranged here, and there is no soul clone, so I can’t provide more information… Sorry…”

“Hey, I don’t have a specific location, how do you tell us to find it!” Eredar was still yelling at the other party.

Archie signaled him not to get excited, since he found the right place, the right person, clues and so on, can it be far away? One important thing to confirm first!

“Aisi, what are your plans for the future?” Unlike the half-dead, she is a pure undead! He didn’t go through the resurrection technique, but relied on his own powerful soul magic to lock the soul back into the body.

“The sky is big and the earth is big, is there still a place for me? Even that bad guy Ruibo… Forget it, please ask Mr. Selam to arrange it…”

Huh? Go on! The amount of information is a bit large! ! !

Looks like someone mentioned it before, in a lower plane like Aisha, the Dragon Clan will arrange the weaker ones to ‘rule’ and multiply by the way… Could it be that Aisa and Ruibo are… a pair?

It is possible to say! ! Both ends are faerie dragons! ! Very good! !

“It’s more difficult… You can’t integrate into the original society in your current state… But my Slime City is inclusive, and any race can live freely there, as long as you don’t violate the laws and regulations. Why don’t you hang out with me from now on!” Hehehe, you can abduct a beautiful NPC again!


As soon as Archie finished speaking, Ai Meimei turned around angrily…

Hey? What kind of flying vinegar is this? Brother, can a slime spark sparks with a human-shaped undead dragon who has lived for tens of thousands of years?

“I’ll trouble Mr. Selem from now on!” Aisi didn’t care at all, and bowed slightly to express her agreement.

“However, you can’t go back to Slime City for the time being!” “Do you still remember where the original Castlevania is?”

“I don’t remember…”

“Then if you enter Castlevania with your body, can you just move?”

“The most in Castlevania are demons and undead in different shapes, there should be no problem.”

“Very good!” In this way, the clue is not broken!

In the story Aisi told before, there were two teleportation accidents! Relying on Guardian Eva’s ability to confront the demon king head-on, it’s hard to justify!

And the first time it was lost to the demon world, the second time it did not return to Aisha, and it was lost to the second world… A fool would not believe that there are no demons doing things…

To sum up, if you want to find Eva’s coordinates, going to that Castlevania will be the fastest way! To be more precise, it is to find all the connection points with the Second World from its teleportation array, and after screening, there will definitely be something to gain!

Okay, the key now is how to get to Castlevania… It’s not a big problem!

“Eredar, it’s your turn to work!” Archie ordered bluntly.

“Okay, now you think of me?” Having said that, Ai Meimei stepped forward quickly, “What do you need to do?”

“Tear down the floor!”

The so-called tearing down the floor is nothing more than studying Abaddon’s ‘telephone’!

Ya communicate with the demon world through here, communicate with Samael of the second world, communicate with the younger brothers of all parties, and communicate with the whole world anyway!

Although people cannot be teleported across planes, communication can also be understood as the transmission of voices, and the coordinates on the opposite side will definitely be left behind!

‘Hey… If you didn’t break up Abaddon’s soul, why bother…’ If you don’t break it up, you can’t fix it! A good man doesn’t dwell on the past!

“How is it? Is there still a way to start it?” It’s been an hour, and it still hasn’t been done! Archie was a little worried, this was the only clue he could come up with now!

“Don’t bother me! Let’s play!” Ai Meimei, who entered the research state, couldn’t bear to be disturbed at all, and finally muttered…’A magic power storage array that I have never seen before… so the magic power works like this… …the transmission of the sound…what an exquisite shot! ! ’

Other minutes passed.

Archie squatted on the side and played with stones for another 10 minutes… By the way, he studied Aisi’s skirt standing on the side for 10 minutes…

“I see!!!”

“Huh?” Archie yelled guiltyly, and finally realized, “Found it?!”

“Not yet! How did it start now!” Eredar excitedly said, “Come on, first fill the magic circle with energy from the light system!”

“Where to add?”

“Whatever, stand in the middle!”


“Add dark energy to the three points I marked!”

“Huh? Oh, good!” It turned out to be very simple! It’s all left over from my brother’s play. When I brushed the dungeon before, I just threw the shadow fragments into these three points to win easily!

It’s just a magic circle for communication, and the energy required is really small. With his current strength, Archie can replenish it in a few clicks, and the system prompts appear in time!

‘You have activated the plane communication array, please select the communication node. ’

‘Existing link nodes: Silithus, Castlevania Night Demon Fortress, Highmountain, Duke’s Mansion, Stormwind City, Glory City…’

A lot… ah ah ah!

No wonder Ya Neng Quan Ai Xia has the ability to communicate globally!

Well, anyway, everyone is dead, so I won’t complain! Let’s talk about the work in front of us!

There is no need to filter, it must be the Daredevil Fortress!

“’ve written down the coordinates of the night devil’s fortress!” Ai Meimei is reliable as soon as she arrives at work, and she locks the location without needing to be reminded!

“OK, go!”

“Where are you going?”

“Of course it’s Silithus!”

If you want to go to the demon world, of course you can’t rely on this communication circle, and of course you can’t rely on ordinary plane teleportation circles!

Who’s teleportation array will be completely open, and only a few credible targets are allowed to pass through! It’s not a cheap item like a temporary teleportation array that anyone can use!

So the only thing that might be the same is the throne in the Winged Man Hall occupied by Silithus Abaddon!

Find Francis, the leader guarding Silithus, and Archie explained the reason.

“Since Your Excellency Selam wants to go on an expedition to the Demon Realm…you have to think long-term…”

“Don’t panic, leader, it’s just a preliminary investigation, it’s okay! The specifics need to see if you can pass the verification of the Night Demon Fortress!”

Hey, verify a p. After entering the location, it can be directly marked to be sent! Sure enough, there is still a leg! But… why did it show that Silithus blocked the teleportation from Night Demon Fortress? !

“Okay, everything here belongs to Sir Selam, you can decide for yourself, but you must pay attention to safety! The city of Selam can exist and protect so many creatures of all colors to live freely, it all depends on you in it Coordinate with other organizations. So please remember, Your Excellency, your life is not just about you!”

“Okay!” Sure enough, with a high position and authority, comes a great responsibility! But don’t panic, it’s a trivial matter to do reconnaissance behind enemy lines!

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