This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 452: The first wave of server opening

It’s not over yet! There are even more explosive ones!

The opening of the national war system… nonsense, the opening of the national war uniform is not for everyone to play cross-border large-scale chats and make friends! Of course it has to be fun to fight! The more people the merrier!

Not to mention, the brain is well versed in this!

The South American server is open…

Indian server is open…

Central Asian server is open…

Central South Asia server is open…

African server is open…

Six large districts have been added at once! ! Simply super generous!

If the above-mentioned people can still understand, the next one is a bit incomprehensible…

‘Player Tang Chongyang, Mustard Milk Tea, Dajiangdong Qunar, Wang Bajian, XXX, YYY successfully killed the guardian of the rice service——Samael, hereby reward the world reputation of 3000, level 2, and a piece of random purple equipment. ’

‘The demon world has detected the news that the guardian of the rice service has been killed, and will intensify the attack on the rice service. The high-intensity invasion war starts and lasts for 1 week. ’

‘The news that the Huaxia server killed the guardian of the rice server spread all over the world, and the combat effectiveness of all invaders dropped by 50%. All NPCs and players in Huaxia server get BUFF and are proud of it: Combat power increased by 15%, experience increased by 10%, and loot drop rate increased by 5%. lasts for 1 week. ’

‘The damage of all NPCs and players in the Huaxia server in the national war is increased by 2%, and the NPC’s momentum is increased by 1. Permanent. ’

What the hell? By the way, has the server opened for 1 minute? Oh my god! Obviously cheating! ! ! !

But… well done!

As a player of the Huaxia server, they are all beneficiaries…a week of increased combat power plus experience rewards and increased drop rates…it couldn’t be more enjoyable! Hurry up and level up first, you can’t waste the hard-won super BUFF…

But… Julong Group’s headquarters and major branches are still being complained about ‘blasting’… There is no way, the news of the national war is announced by the whole world, and foreign players can see it clearly! Especially the players in the United States, the most powerful guy who I have never seen before on the next-door Huaxia server suddenly died, so how can I let it go! ! ! !

Thus, a vigorous complaint action began… Some demanded that cheaters be punished, some demanded that the server be reverted, and some organized demonstrations… Anyway, it was very jubilant, and some even clamored to launch a war if they did not revert… On the Internet Well…you can’t see your face when you brag, so you can brag as much as you want…

Julong Group also thinks this is too unbelievable, and they attach great importance to communicating with the brain… They are also aggrieved, saying that they are the owners of the game, and they have to please their own “machines” even to check the data. Whether you are willing to cooperate or not depends on your mood… There is almost no one…

Of course, no matter how aggrieved I am, I can’t compare to the boy Jimmy in the detention room of the Alaska Supercomputing Center…

“Quickly tell me! What did you do?” A big man in a suit with sunglasses asked blankly, “If you refuse to confess, you will face charges of treason. You can’t get out of prison!”

“SIR! I’ve said everything I need to say! If you don’t believe me, what can I do?” Boy Jimmy was no longer as arrogant as before, and begged for mercy with a sad face.

“Hmph, you still want to quibble, don’t you! Tell me, have you taken refuge in Huaxia? Or… are you originally a spy of Huaxia? Are your parents smuggling illegally? In this way, two moths can be driven away!” The man in black continued to threaten.

“Don’t!!!! I said I said it!!! But I have already said it!!!”

“Then say it again!” The man in black whispered into the headset, “Compared with the recording, if there is even a slight deviation from the previous one, immediately arrest this guy’s parents!”

“…” Boy Jimmy’s pressure can be imagined. In fact, until now he still can’t believe the experience just now… Like sleepwalking, he slowly repeated, “The time to go online is stuck after the Huaxia server has been updated. At that moment… After all, the second generation is also updating, and I can’t go online…Because I have been requesting to connect, so theoretically it only took less than 1 second…”

“After going online, according to the original plan, I will return to Mifu, assist other team members to get the main story done, and push the plot to the second world…But unexpectedly, the moment I opened my eyes…Zhi Gaoling and Xia Before the line… completely changed!”

The man in black interrupted: “High Ridge? I don’t understand the things in the game. Please introduce the changes in High Ridge in detail!”

“Okay…” After thinking about it, Jimmy went on to say, “In the past, the highest mountain was the residence of the most powerful dragon. Living… However, the dragon has never had high requirements for the residence, and only built a hall that can accommodate the body. But this time…if the map shows that I am still far away…it has completely changed…”

“Turned into a city? You mentioned this before, please describe it in detail!”

“Because I entered the battle as soon as I went online, and was besieged by countless people… I didn’t have a chance to see too much… The general situation is that there is a wall about 5 meters high along the mountain, and the wall is very thick. It is full of ballistas, and a large number of Naga clans are stationed… These Naga types… have never been seen before! It seems that they have all been transformed by the mechanical clan! They all have two powerful artillery! It feels combat effectiveness Even higher than the elite of the mechanical clan!”

“Continue talking! Describe the situation in the city first! The personnel will mention it later!” However, the man in black still certified that he recorded the term Mechanical Naga.

“Because I have been being attacked all the time, I can’t actually see many buildings due to the magic light effect! But one thing is very strange… There are three magic towers in this city!”

“Wait! I know the magic tower, it seems that there are all in the main city, why is it strange that there are three?”

“It’s a waste of resources! The magic tower must have a large number of mages to replenish the magic power before it can be used! And it can only release a few spells engraved in advance! In general cities, defensive magic is the main purpose! After all, the main purpose of the magic tower that cannot move is to Protecting the rubbed his head, obviously recalling something bad, “But these three… are all offensive in nature! The attributes are still based on the Holy Light system and the Natural system that are extremely restrained! “

“Also, the magic tower…it’s unreasonable to react so fast! Because the magic power charged into the magic tower will naturally dissipate! Usually, it will be temporarily charged and activated when there is an emergency!”

“And these three… all launched powerful attack magic on me at the first time!”

The man in black held up his sunglasses: “You mean, they are fighting? Someone is attacking the city? You just hit the muzzle of the gun?”

“No!” When talking about the game, Jimmy’s flustered mood finally calmed down, “It feels like…they are waiting for me! All the arrangements may be aimed at me!”

“How is it possible? Didn’t it mean that the brain cannot be monitored? How did they know where you are offline? I” the man in black retorted, “We have used so many supercomputers, but we only got some scattered Info!”

“It’s possible, maybe I’m blocking other people, I just happened to be laying down the gun!” Jimmy saw that the man in black had been moved, and his brain was fully open, analyzing his speculation, “Those ballistas on the city wall … are all facing the interior of Highmountain! Have you ever seen the muzzle of a defense weapon aimed at the interior?”

“Basically consistent, very good, it seems that we have established a preliminary trust between us,” the man in black smiled, “Let’s talk about the people who fought, who attacked you? Why are you defeated so badly?” Simply?! Your account is world-class! By the way, what happened to those other players?”

“…Those few just happened to be teleported here! The main one is the NPC…”

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