This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 439: Counterattack plan

Seeing that everyone finally paid attention to it, Archie stopped attacking and eased the dignified atmosphere: “Don’t worry too much now, the temporary plane teleportation array is crudely made after all, and it is still useful in the plane. Okay, it’s not that simple to cross planes, Aisha is safe for the time being…”

“No!” Elder Ruibo interrupted, “Aisha’s next crisis is coming!”

“In the past few months, there have been reports of corpses of unknown powerful creatures appearing every few days! We have also investigated, because the corpses are all incomplete, and we can only preliminarily judge them as creatures from the demon world and He II… …I thought it was a fish that ‘smuggled’ over in the previous war…you put it this way…it seems that the teleportation technology of the second generation is indeed advancing by leaps and bounds! There are also demons!”

“They’re experimenting!”

“…” It’s Archie’s turn to hurt, this…much faster than I expected!

The technology of interplanetary teleportation will become popular sooner or later, shouldn’t it be at this point in time! It stands to reason that the servers in several other regions should keep up with the progress, after completing the main line similar to the Huaxia server!

Because at that time, the overall strength of the server will be infinitely close, and after entering the second world’s national war server, all aspects are relatively balanced, and the strength of the players has also increased to the point where they can control the world and protect their own planes!

But at this point in time… do npcs want to slaughter players? Or… is it another foreign force playing tricks?

Probably not! During this period of time, the Huaxia server is in the upgrade stage, and the other party can’t do tricks even if they want to! The time lapse speed is different from other planes… Maybe the second world without players will also be upgraded! The problem is, after this teleportation technology becomes popular, unlike the “Soul Cannon” which is aimed at the Huaxia server, npcs will not only attack one plane! At that time, all servers will be invaded by high-end npcs… including the side of foreign forces!

Is it 1000 damage to the enemy and 1500 damage? It is obvious that Huaxia’s combat effectiveness will be far higher than that of any other party! Under the same circumstances, the loss of other servers will be much greater!

“Are there any surviving cases?” Archie asked.

“Not yet! But… from what you said… the integrity of those corpses is increasing!”

“!!!” I can’t control who behind the scenes has promoted the progress of the game, the meeting immediately entered the next agenda – what should Aisha do next!

“Our current strength is definitely beyond the expectations of the outside world. How about spreading the defense? Each person is responsible for an area!” The knife demon suggested.

“The key lies in the first-hand control of intelligence! Expand the army! Build more sentry towers!” Grauley stood up and said.

“No!” Stariki objected, “The location of the teleportation is uncertain, and it is difficult for us to grasp their movements! No amount of troops can control the entire plane of Aisha! Especially the ocean area! I think it is still effective to establish The inspection mechanism of the Dragon Clan and the Wing Clan is around the clock, and if there is any abnormality, immediately contact the headquarters and arrange the nearest personnel to go, so that the utilization of resources is the highest, and most areas can be taken care of!”

“What Ma’am said is feasible!” Elder Ruibo nodded in agreement.

Then everyone started a big discussion based on this, and constantly improved the plan…

Although he knew that the result would be like this, Archie was still very disappointed… These guys have high combat effectiveness, and they also have management and research personnel with outstanding intelligence… Why are there no courageous people? A bunch of world-class bosses know home? Shame on you?

“Stop!” Archie interrupted loudly, “This method has some effect, but… it can’t avoid Aisha’s next disaster, right?”

“Why don’t we take the initiative to attack the Second World and the Demon Realm?”


Archie’s loud rhetorical question made everyone gasp in shock.

“We… attack the Second Emperor?!!” Elder Ruibo repeated this unthinkable thing.

“That’s right! The second generation is not full of masters everywhere! With our strength, it is absolutely feasible to kill a world! Even the supreme one can dominate one side, our current strength is better than the supreme one in full state Strong?”

“And at the beginning we didn’t have to work hard, the territory of the Supreme One… oh, even the territories of the winged people, the Naga, and the machine race can be easily integrated as our first stronghold!! Then break the surface with a point, Then slowly expand the scope of control, and open up a territory in the second world that we Aisha people have the final say on!”

“This… this… can it work?”

“Why not? Winged King Frey, you have lived in the Second World for generations, so you should have a lot of information there?” Archie asked.

“Of course, the general distribution of the territory and the super creatures that should be careful are recorded by our family! After all, our family has been living in the Winged Man Hall and roaming in all places of the Second World. When it comes to information, no one can compare with me. There are many clans! But because they live in the sky all year round, they don’t know much about the specific information on the ground.”

“Enough is enough!” Archie looked around again, “Look, we have information, footholds, and masters. What do we need?”

“What about Aisha? What about the demon world?” Elder Ruibo asked.

“Elder! Don’t always think about defense. Aisha is always worried about by others. It’s not because there are too many supplies and weak strength. Everyone wants to get a share! As long as we are Deterrence, who would dare to die in Aisha? As for the demon world, that’s not a problem! Didn’t Grauley also go there? The place where he killed countless low-level demons is just right for us to gain a firm foothold!” Archie Give the elder another reassurance, “Besides…it’s not like we can’t come back after we go~~ Even if we come back, our strength will still be suppressed once, but with me here, can’t we become world-class at any time?”

“…” The conference hall, which was originally chattering, could hear needles drop for a while, and they were all thinking about the feasibility.

Archie was a little moved when he saw it, so he continued to work hard.

“There is another advantage of going to the second world! You may not know… There are several low-level planes like Aisha! So if those greedy guys find that Aisha is fast and tough, they may change their goals I won’t come to die!”

The so-called Taoist friends are immortal…

“Similarly, this is why we have to go out first! If the situation is opened by other planes first, Aisha will enter the situation of being invaded infinitely!”

“…” Continue to be silent…

“Let’s talk about the risks again, the Supreme One, how strong can our wave of people be in the Second World?”

“Between the third rate and the second rate.”

“Hey, it’s not that bad, is it? There are so many scary guys in the Second World?”

“Of course! Do you think the second world is a low-level plane? It can be said that the second world is the hub of all planes except the demon world! A battleground for military strategists! Just our giant dragon clan is about the same strength as me in the heyday There are hundreds of them, and there are not a few who crush me, I advise you to be honest…”

“Everyone, have you heard it? The hub of the plane, the battleground for military strategists!!! What are you waiting for!!!” Archie interrupted directly, shouting!

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