This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 383: Find

5 hours later, Silithus.

The troops who came this time are almost all the remaining high-end combat power of the Storm Empire! All the priests, all the paladins, all the mages, all the royal cavalry!

Although half-undead have an absolute advantage, no one would be foolish enough to let them fight to the death. As long as half-undead are the main force, ordinary troops can also play a huge role! And based on time calculations, the demon here has been operating for 20 years, and it is still a demon that mainly uses undead magic. There must be a large number of undead troops. Otherwise, the big guy like the Winged Man Palace would not be able to hide it completely. After so many years of not being discovered, ordinary people who entered this desert must have been killed one by one!

Silithus, located at the northernmost tip of the Western Continent, is one of the very few life restricted areas in Aisha! Except for some small animals that have adapted to the desert climate, Zerg is the most able to thrive here! No, the troops have been attacked by passing Zerg after landing on the 6th! It further hindered the already extremely difficult march!

In the desert area, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers has been greatly affected. The royal cavalry cannot charge, and the tall horses cannot gallop on the desert at all! The special system of the mages is too weak, the warm sun and the stability are extremely high, so that they have lost half of their staff before they have contacted the battle, and it has dragged down the marching speed!

“It can’t go on like this!” Grauley was completely stupid when he encountered a war, “We only carry 2 days’ worth of fresh water, we must find the Winged Man Palace as soon as possible!”

“But how to find it? I don’t know if the Winged Man Hall is in the air or on the ground…” Instructor Wang is not optimistic.

“It must be on the ground!” Archie added, “If it is in the sky, it will be seen far away, and it is impossible to hide for more than 20 years! There is also the place where Abaddon summoned the leader and the duke, not in the Winged Man Palace! “

“Good news…at least half of the places we need to search…” The heat makes people irritable, and the Duke’s son Difan Ende spoke a little aggressively, which means that at least there is no need to search in the sky…

“Brother, according to this progress, we won’t be able to spend a few days! Silithus is too big!” Glaurie also worried

“It won’t take a few days, don’t worry! Did you see that sandstorm?” In the distance, a black line was running across the desert yesterday, running over everything on the road at an extremely fast speed! “Let’s look in reverse along the sandstorm!”

Since Stariki saw the place where the leader was summoned, it was in a sandstorm. And it was impossible for Abaddon to just find a place to land and summon the two of them. Therefore, it is easy to speculate that the location of the previous leader must be near the Yiren Palace.

According to the current wind calculation, the 5-hour sandstorm has also moved a lot of distance, so turn directly to the left and look for a calm place!

Facts have proved that Archie’s guess is right!

As you advance, more and more attacks are encountered on the road! Not only the Zerg wandering around, but also the Undead!

The sneak attack of the undead is really troublesome, every time they drill out of the sand to carry out a sneak attack! But that’s right, the raging sandstorm will definitely bury them… Huh? Wait… In this way, the Yiren Palace has been buried for so many years, right?

Archie looked with his probe and had the opportunity to further narrow the scope!

“Turn left 15!”

Soon, Archie locked the target! An area that is obviously raised, one section higher than the surrounding sand dunes!

In the desert, there is a large gap in the height of the sand dunes, but it is impossible to make such a difference. The entire area is more than 10 meters higher! Unless there is a large terrain difference below, or… there is a landing Wingman Palace as a base, the sand will easily accumulate!

You guessed it right again!

The undead attack wave after wave, it is endless! After that, almost every 100 yards forward, the troops need to carefully send out half-dead to lead the way!

Otherwise, there may be a large number of casualties before the treasure hall is found!

Fortunately, maybe the age of these undead summons is relatively long, the strength is not very good, and the quality is uneven.

Huh? Small animals? Didn’t it mean that the creatures needed to create undead are intelligent? Why does it seem like there is everything here? What skeleton gophers, skeleton lizards, skeleton snakes, etc., the wisdom of these creatures can also support summoning magic?

Archie thought of Xinshou Village, the first village chief who was killed by himself, seemed to be collecting all kinds of creatures…At that time, Archie thought it was for betrayal, but now it seems that he was doing research for the great demon Abaddon ! Study the creatures on the plane of Aisha, which ones can be used for them!

Since the opening of the server… the relationship has been hand in hand with the big devil, and it happened to accidentally destroy its research progress. After all, the warrior novice village has special slimes, snowmen and fire dragons!

In the midst of wandering in the sky, Archie was called back by Grauley’s burst of drinking.

“Cavalry line up!!! Charge!!!”

Less than 500 yards away from the strangely high small sand dune, undead appear in groups, and they are getting more and more high-end! No, hundreds of skeleton cavalry suddenly appeared neatly in front of them! Even its war horse is in the form of a skeleton!

“Mage remote support, blow them away!!”

Glaulie’s command is absolutely correct if it is dealing with ordinary troops. But this time it was the undead cavalry, and it was in an area with very unfavorable Letting the cavalry decide the outcome is definitely reckless behavior.

“The legal system stops attacking!!” Archie commanded beyond his authority, “The cavalry is back, stop chasing!!”

If you can catch up, you will be a ghost!

As mentioned in the previous article, the desert area greatly affected the cavalry’s swing, and it was impossible to improve it at all. However, if the cavalry lost speed, it was equivalent to losing the strongest weapon, and the lethality was greatly reduced.

On the other hand, the skeleton cavalry added a charge. After all, they had no flesh and blood. It is estimated that with the horses that also lost flesh and blood, the weight would be 30 kilograms, and they would not fall into the desert at all! Then they seem to know that even if they are fast enough, they can’t hedge against the heavily armed royal cavalry. Using the advantage of speed, they can easily pass through the defense line formed by the cavalry. Now they go deep into the hinterland and attack the French troops!

The fragile bodies of the legal system cannot bear even the charge of skeletons! Although there were dozens of half-undead in idle close combat who did their part to reach the front, but the number of people was too small, and there were still several gaps wide open!

“All water mages! Target, the open space in front of the skeleton cavalry, large water bombs, attack!!”

It’s not that there is no solution, what happens if the sand is mixed with water? Sticky! Muddy! Anyway, no matter what the weight is, they are no longer suitable for running. No, the fastest runners suddenly stepped on their hooves and sank deeply into the sand! The running rhythm was disrupted, and people were turned on their backs in an instant, and a large number of cavalrymen were brought down along the way!

“Is this all right?” Glorie said in admiration.

Archie ignored him and continued to shout: “Water magic continues, another wave of cavalry is coming up!”

It can be confirmed now… The Winged Man Palace must be ahead! The new wave of cavalry appeared from the summoning gate, indicating that Abaddon is here!

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