This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 320: Devil blood

When everyone calmed down, Archie continued: “So, our first priority is to find that group or that demon! Otherwise, even if we can fight the Supreme to death in the end, we will be picked up by this demon Cheap!”

“First of all, those who didn’t participate in the battle just now, show your self-proof and get upright.”

“Brother Selam, you mean…the devil may…”

“I’m just asking for peace of mind, it’s unlikely to get mixed up with us. Come on, don’t just sit around, just perform whatever you’re good at!” Having said that, Archie still let Grauley, Instructor Wang And the black-horned guard who has become an old black bull, “Your Highness the Dark Elf Princess doesn’t need it.”

Others were unable to show their unique skills, such as Eredar’s tea making, Love Peter’s super bouncing… What was more unexpected was Eredar’s mother, Starrich, who performed a beautiful round The beautiful dance, the uneven figure and the beautiful and mature face, coupled with the dim light in the room, made Archie’s saliva almost flow out.

‘Fortunately, my brother has strong willpower…’ The saliva has already flowed out, and Archie wiped it off quickly…Looking around with a guilty conscience…Okay! Everyone is drooling…Huh? No, other people’s behavior is considered normal, but Glorie is the eldest brother, Eredar is the daughter, why are they so obsessed? not good!

“Wake up!!!! Wake up!!!” Archie yelled. Fortunately, everyone was not in a deep state of fascination, so they were awakened directly, “Take it down, take down this demon!”

“Wait, wait!!!” Grauley ran forward to protect his younger sister, “A misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding! Stariki was originally a mind mage! She has awakened this kind of spirit since she was a child Rare talent, once dancing and singing, everyone will be hooked!”

“How are you sure she’s not a demon in disguise now?!” Archie still didn’t believe it.

“Simple, no matter how the devil changes, the blood will not change.” Grauley took the little girl’s hand, and gently made a small cut with the blade, and the bright red blood leaked out. You don’t need to be so troublesome, just do a blood test…”

“Don’t tell me!”

“After all, I still have a chance to watch Stariki dance…”

Thinking about it this way… just don’t say it!

Others are very self-conscious and have bloodletting… Of course, a few slimes are not needed…

“If it was a demon, the color of the blood would be like this, and it would be even darker.” Glaurie also cut open his hand to show that the blood that flowed out turned out to be lavender, which was extremely strange.

“You…” Archie always thought that Glaurie’s demon hunter form was a transformation skill, but he didn’t expect that he had become half-human, half-demon!

“Salem, you can rest assured that Glaurie is still the original Glaurie. Ever since I learned mind magic, I will occasionally apply soul guardian magic to those close to me, so as to prevent my mind from being corrupted by criminals. Invasion. Glaurie’s soul is still that little brother~”

Well…it’s impossible even if you think about it…if the king of a country and the actual military adviser are both demons, why do you need to play so many dramas with yourself? Where does it take a lot of hard work to bring the Most High down? Wouldn’t it be better if sneakiness ruled all the time?

“By the way, Your Excellency Salem, you haven’t said why you think there are demons at work!” Stariki asked, and the others kept nodding, expressing the same curiosity.

“It’s nothing… I just feel that in the battle just now, there are many things that are quite inconsistent…” After confirming that these are real people, Archie began to explain, “At first, I felt that something was wrong. It was the suicide of those winged humans. According to me I understand that the machine race, the Naga race, and the murloc race are all races that are not forced or lured. To put it bluntly, there is no benefit. Come!”

“But what we have seen? You are willing to give up your own life to save the Supreme! Don’t you think this is funny? Instructor Wang, you have been a bandit. If you want to rob a caravan, but you His subordinates will definitely die, so will they still be willing to rob? Now the Supreme One is this bandit. To put it bluntly, he came to this world to harvest and grab supplies. Is it necessary to exterminate the whole family?”

Staliki nodded affirmatively: “Your analysis is correct! I didn’t see the live action in Stormwind Fortress, but I also found it incredible when I received the battle report! Guess the Wingman was poisoned or drugged by the Supreme One And so on… After such an analysis, the possibility of being controlled by demons is even higher! Sorry to interrupt, Sir Selam, please continue.”

Archie doesn’t mind, it’s better to have someone analyze it together, I feel that IQ has been recognized…

“Then there is the magic circle of the poisonous dragon’s breath cannon. During the battle, I always thought that the elder Ruibo was imprisoned by tradition. But looking back, the Supreme One still hasn’t made a breakthrough! Otherwise, it wouldn’t need to run so many laps, just stand in the middle and draw the magic circle with its magic power. Provided the poisonous fog needed to draw the poison magic circle, and the drawing work was assisted by other people!”

“That’s the magic circle of the natal dragon’s breath! Even if it’s just to help draw, the magic power required to control such a huge area…and it must not be controlled remotely…no wonder!” Eredar said along the train of thought. Wu, “No wonder the mayor said that the devil is in Stormwind City!”

“Yes! And not far from the battlefield, hiding in a place where you can directly observe the battle situation! Otherwise, it would be impossible to intervene so skillfully!” Archie concluded.

“Where will it be… The prison is surrounded by an inland river, and there are squares on both sides of the river. There are people we can see right away… It can only be outside the circle… The main church of the Holy Light Church is to the north, and the business is to the south. The center leads directly to the city gate, the west is the mage area, just behind the place where our troops gathered just the east is the artisan area, and the back is the Stormwind Fortress…” The terrain of his hometown is still clear to Graulie Clear.

“Well…” Archie was thoughtful.

“Your Excellency Selem, please tell me the other things. These two points alone cannot confirm the presence of demons.” Stariki urged.

“Don’t worry,” Archie organized his words, “there are more doubts! Black Horn, if you are the Supreme One, how would you hit him if you were so seriously injured at the moment of your arrival?”

“Needless to say, after creating enough poisonous fog, maintaining the domain will directly kill the Quartet!”

“That’s right! But the Supreme One is being bombarded in vain in the fire shield! Although the domain is also taking effect, we still lost a lot of life points!” Archie was heartbroken, and Stormwind City Many mages are all arranged in the mage tower, preparing a lot of collective magic, in order to prevent the supreme one from running around with the poisonous mist! As a result, it was useless until the end of the recruitment.

“There is also the mysterious death of the leader in the death row! There are also those souls seen by Glauley! There are so many high-level rebellions! There is also the plague of the Supreme that can create undead…”

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