This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 309: Dragon’s Domain

The bad feeling comes from the movement of the Most High, it is too small!

Evidently being bombarded by hundreds of artillery fires, why didn’t they react at all, and still stayed where they were? At the beginning, it could be explained that the severe injury was unbearably painful, and he hadn’t recovered yet, but later, the wound was obviously sealed, and the assembled army had been discovered!

Even if the two hind legs are missing a section, there is nothing wrong with the forelimbs! It is absolutely possible to forcibly climb out of the attack circle, and it is also possible to use the rolling in pain before… To take a step back, it is really because of physical reasons that I cannot move, so the magic attack head office? Don’t the majestic supreme beings have some long-distance attack methods? Archie couldn’t believe it! And the magic has been checked, there are still about 1/3, it is definitely not a problem of magic power, the big deal is to use the dragon’s bottom pressure method, dragon breath is also fine!

But there is nothing! At the last moment when the smoke was thick, I saw the Supreme One close his eyes and rest… There is a ghost! There must be ghosts!

“Black Horn, Elder Ruibo, how much do you know about Corusun’s skills?” Archie could only ask for help from the two who are also dragons.

Black Horn said that he didn’t know, he only knew that it was a poisonous dragon… nonsense!

Fortunately, Ruibo is old and knows a thing or two.

“The poisonous dragon has not been born a few times in history, and it is almost difficult to find a spouse to give birth to offspring. I only know some rumors,” the Elf Dragon boss recalled, “It is said that the poisonous dragon has magical power because of its attributes, but They can’t release magic! But this doesn’t mean that the poisonous dragon’s combat power is low, but it’s unexpectedly powerful, and it ranks among the top among the dragons! It’s not that their poison is so fierce that the dragon can’t bear it, but that they are born with Possess skills in a similar field!”

“A similar field? Not a real field?” Archie has heard of this type of skill for the second time, and he has also learned two pseudo-field skills – black prison absorption and black prison recovery, and is fortunate enough to experience one The feeling of being invincible and invincible, knowing how abnormal the field is, almost impossible to defeat without the same countermeasures once the skills are released!

“It seems that Senator Selem has some understanding of the domain! The passive skill of the poisonous dragon is not much different from the real domain. As Horn also introduced just now, the poisonous dragon can produce poisonous mist even when breathing, so death is always around Zone! For a certain range of poisonous mist, the poisonous dragon can control its expansion or contraction. When the concentration of the poisonous mist is strong enough to a certain extent, it will form an effect similar to the field, making the poisonous dragon almost immortal inside, not only Immune to most attacks, and will restore vitality very quickly!”

Isn’t that similar to recovery from a black prison? It is also in a place where dark energy is particularly concentrated, and life will be restored passively! But the Supreme One is obviously much more convenient, after all, it has its own poisonous gas generation function… Wait! Now that the fire shield is so tightly wrapped… isn’t the concentration of poisonous mist inside very high? No, no, the reason for burning the fire oil is to eliminate poisons. The fire inside has never stopped, so there shouldn’t be much poisonous fog left… No wonder! The thick smoke billowing in the fire shield clearly had a tinge of green!

No! The inside has been burnt to this appearance, how can he still breathe? How to produce poisonous fog? Could it be… Archie looked at the fragments of the prison blown out by the giant turtle lord, the green blood on it had been mostly evaporated by the hot stones!

“This blood… is not purified, but gasified?” Archie exclaimed.

“Of course, is the mayor kid joking? You just want to purify the dragon’s blood!” Professor Yang sneered after hearing this. She knows a lot about dragon’s blood and knows it best.

Anyway, it is now certain that the Supreme One is not waiting to die inside, but is secretly recovering! The situation was immediately reversed, and Archie began to be in a dilemma… Continue to use long-range power to bombard? Who knows whether it is the faster you fight or the faster the opponent recovers, don’t end up with a dragon full of blood, it will make things worse!

Or remove the fire shield and let the poisonous blood spread?

No! Isn’t that creating an opportunity for the opponent to slaughter the city?

But it seems that the Supreme One can break the fire shield and slaughter the city at any time! Do you want to withdraw first? Do you want?

Archie’s entanglement didn’t last long, so don’t withdraw! The effect of the fire shield is obvious to all. It is very effective against poisonous fog and poisonous blood. Even if it cannot be completely purified, it can also limit its dispersion! Moreover, the Supreme One has been crippled like this, and he doesn’t know magic, and is crippled again, so he can’t believe where else he can go! At worst, everyone takes turns bombing in three shifts. It can’t cause much damage, and it can’t let him sleep! After ten days and half a month, I don’t believe you can still hold on! Yes, fatigue tactics! Don’t rush to deal with masters!

As soon as the decision was made, another tragic change occurred on the field that caught people off guard! Originally, there was no fighting spirit in the sky, and the Winged Human Race, whose five leaders were all dead, suddenly rushed towards the poisonous circle of the Supreme One like moths to the flame!

“Stop them, everyone is fully fired, you must stop them!” The elf dragon Ruibo roared, his group attack magic has been thrown out, forming a large blockade above the fire cover, and the falling Kill all the birds! Then more NPCs reacted and joined the fire blockade, killing most of the Winged Men.

“What’s wrong with the Winged Human Race? Are they crazy together?” Black Horn couldn’t understand, even if the Winged Human Race broke through the line of fire, they would eventually rush into the poison circle…and die even worse!

“It’s crazy! They want to use flesh and blood to restore the body of the Supreme!” Ruibo gritted his teeth, “This is the most invincible part of the poisonous dragon, and it is also the reason why it is almost immortal! The organisms dissolved by the poison can also be used to regenerate the body! Any fatal injury can be fully recovered as long as there is still energy!”

Qile, do you have nano-restoration technology? Then how to fight? As long as there is a dead person, it is equivalent to giving you supplements, regardless of enemy or friend!

“Brother Black Horn, can you resist this poison!” Archie asked hastily.

“I can only hold on for a while. The strength gap between me and the supreme Corusun is too great. If the level is the same, the body of the black dragon can resist for a long time!”

“One moment is enough! Dai Ziling, apply healing magic to Black Horn, don’t stop!” Archie ordered solemnly, “Brother depends on you, drag it out of the circle!”

“No problem!”

Knowing that the matter is of great importance, Black Horn immediately plundered it at low altitude!

“Glaulie, let the mage tower prepare a second fire shield!” Since the Supreme One has determined that the position will not go away, then just move it away and continue to cover it with another fire shield!

“No, there are no more fire mages!”

I’m so sorry, so I’m still playing P, or everyone will split up early and break up!

“A fire shield of that level is enough for me!” Elder Ruibo volunteered!

Worthy of being a faerie dragon known for mastering multi-system magical abilities, it’s a hang! Human race needs the fire magic of the whole city to maintain the fire shield, just a single dragon! It just so happens that Black Horn has desperately dragged the Supreme out of the poison circle!

Sure enough, the Supreme One’s blood volume has recovered to 35%! And the short section where the back was cut off has grown out!

Fortunately, it was discovered early, the wings have not yet recovered, and it is still only a walking lizard! It’s okay, change to the fire shield and continue to fight, let’s see how long you can last!

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