This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 296: A teleportation array beyond imagination

After figuring out the key part, Archie became more and more anxious. Now that the advent is in progress, he must rush to Stormwind City as soon as possible to see if he can stop or delay the progress of the Supreme One, otherwise he will really come to Aisha in full condition , who else in the world can stop it?

Although Archie said that at that point, the master of the system will definitely arrange to clean up the shit, but the players in the entire China region will suffer a lot! Especially Archie himself, who has a big family and a great career, and has done so many things to offend the Supreme, it is estimated that he will be washed again…

“Love Peter, organize the fleet and prepare to advance to Stormwind City at full speed!” Without delay, Archie immediately commanded.

Huh? Wait… It seems that I didn’t analyze it just now… Why did you transfer the elite from Stormwind City? Plane teleportation cannot be disturbed… Even if it can be disturbed, it still needs the perverted strength of the All Souls Society… What’s the use of a group of ant-like soldiers?

Could it be that… Xiaobing can also break the so-called super teleportation array? very possible!

Analysis again, since no one knows about the teleportation array near Black Dragon Island, why didn’t the Supreme One come there? Under the big seabed, it is estimated that even if it is detected due to space interference, it is very difficult to locate on the vast seabed. How can it be delayed for 12 hours, why is it so dangerous?

Therefore, there is a reason why you must descend in Stormwind City!

“Xin Paoer, I remember you mentioned that the Supreme One was determined to descend from the Eastern Continent before the war started, right?” Archie asked.

“That’s right…Mayor, you have a good memory. At that time, because of our third army’s serious loss of strength, the Supreme One was hesitating between the Eastern Continent and the Western Continent. In the end, because of the addition of the mechanical Naga, there were also supplies. The establishment of the point, so that the plan can continue to be implemented, is finally finalized…”

Enough information!

This shows that there is a so-called super-plane teleportation array in the east and west continents! And this teleportation array is easy to be damaged! Then according to the principle that the larger the teleportation volume and the higher the strength, the area of ​​the teleportation array needs to be increased accordingly, and the area occupied should be huge! At least a few grades bigger than Birdman’s Tiangong!

However, such a large teleportation array must be very conspicuous if you want to build it, especially after it is running, the magic circle will glow, but it has not been discovered so far, which means that it is in the blind corner of the eyes, and it is even in the blind corner of the mind!

“Both continents are… very large… easy to destroy… and fixed in Stormwind City and Thunder Bluff… in the moat? No… the moat is built along the city, and it is not a regular circle… Besides, there is no moat in Thunder Bluff…wait a minute! Round?”

Archie’s thoughts instantly returned to the time when he entered the All Souls’ Association…the first legendary mission in his life…At that time, he analyzed to Eva that Stormwind City and Thunder Bluff would be the targets of the siege, because they were in the middle of the three major dungeons… …The current situation is basically following the script… None of the above is the point! The point is the equilateral triangle I drew along the three copies on the map at that time… What if it was replaced by a circle?

Thinking about these dungeons… either floating in the sky, or digging tunnels underground… Could it be that… you guys are digging magic circles? ! ! !

“Damn it! It’s close to ten!”

Think about the similarity between the sea grottoes and the Naga Tide… It seems that there is a long passage followed by a circular hall, then the passage, and then the hall, and so on… Then at the final boss , and there are signs of continued digging! Now that so much time has passed, will it have been dug into a circle? And every boss hall, can’t it just be used to engrave complex magic lines? And…it just so happens that the two continents have three copies that are so similar…

As for the Birdman Tiangong floating in the sky, it is also constantly moving! From the looks of it now, it is estimated that it is depicting and perfecting the entire magic circle in the air!

That’s right! When the plane magic circle in the teleportation hall of Lanhai Town is activated, doesn’t the energy also flow from the top crystal through the magic lines on the wall to the floor? It’s not about being cool at all! It is basically a three-dimensional magic circle! ! !

“Professor Yang, borrow a pen!” Archie took out the copied military map and spread it out, and began to study it.

“The mayor… this is?!” Xin Paoer also took out the original map to confirm again and again…

“I copied it before entering the island.”

The original commander looked up to the sky for a long time… I don’t complain about my defeat! It has been calculated everywhere!

‘Sin Paol’s loyalty increased by 5. ’

Archie didn’t pay any attention to the good news of the system, and was discussing with the few people around while drawing.

First mark a few copies, then draw a circle centered on Stormwind City, and ask Love Peter: “What is the scale of this map? Run at my speed… about 10 minutes, starting from this point , how far can you go along the line?”

The pirate leader has been drifting on the sea all year round, and he is naturally very skilled at reading maps. He just made a little estimate, and took a pen to draw a section on the circle.

Well… this paragraph is almost the size of the copy! The inside of the dungeon cannot be destroyed, of course, but the dungeon cannot be expanded for no reason, so the rest of the dungeon is basically a hole dug on the world map!

“Help me see, except for these two sections, where is the lowest terrain?”

“…” Love Peter looked at Archie speechlessly, as if looking at a mentally handicapped person.

After thinking about it for a while, Archie realized that he asked a stupid question… When Stormwind City faces the sea, the lowest terrain is of course in the sea!

Excellent! According to the fact that the sea grotto cellar will only reveal the dungeon intersection during low the magic circle in the sea is not on the seabed, nor will it dig deep! After all, the magic circle does not require complete flatness, but generally it should not deviate too much.

“Spark, can you build an excavator in a short time, the kind that can dig a hole tens of meters in a few hours.”

“Mayor, this is embarrassing me! Even if you have the technology, you don’t have the materials, and if you have the materials, you don’t have the time! That kind of machine can’t be built at any time!” Spark shook his head, and suggested, “You If you want to dig a hole, you can ask Big Yelu, he is now an expert in this field!”

Wait…who? Brother Rhubarb?

Damn it, it seems that I haven’t contacted this old brother for a long time, and I almost forgot to say… But when did you become an expert in excavation? Has Lan Xiang graduated from advanced studies? Oh…that’s right, it seems that Slime Town is building houses and walls. The stone materials are all mined from the Rock Wolf God Mountain by Rhubarb. Anyone who digs for such a long time will have some experience…

“By the way, there is also the giant turtle lord, he is also a good hand!”


“There are other slimes responsible for construction, which seem to be good…”

Damn, isn’t it just that there are more people and more strength! Okay, I can’t afford to build an excavator, let’s play with the human head office!

“Love Peter, take half of the boat to Black Dragon Island and bring everyone over! Don’t forget that there are still a group of water slimes!” The village chief has taken care of it.

“The other half of the boat will go to Slime Town with me to pick up people!”

“Professor Yang, Spark, you work hard, go to Nanhai Town to find Rafflesson, and then you do this… this…”

“Okay, you understand? Let’s go! Let’s meet outside the Storm Harbor!”

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